- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 37703
2032 (MMXXXII) will be a leap year starting on Thursday (dominical letter DC) of the Gregorian calendar, the 2032nd year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 32nd year of the 3rd millennium, the 32nd year of the 21st century, and the 3rd year of the 2030s decade.
2032 LeftOvers Part 1 of 4
Nibiru 2032 - The end of the World HD XD
挑戰新聞軍事精華版--2032年小行星將撞地球? 俄國擬出手相救
The 5th Dimension & Golden Age in 2032
大・喜・利 2032回
Black Female President in 2032
2012-2032 transition to the golden age - Diana Cooper, UK
Godspell Cast of 2032
2032: The Future We Want
Diana Cooper on the new paradigm, angels, 2012-2032 and the transition to the golden age.
Scott Stevens and Chris Grenier lay down some commentary for the leftover footage from ThirtyTwo's 20th Anniversary Team movie "2032". www.ThirtyTwo.com Pick up 2032 here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/2032-the-thirtytwo-movie/id1042094820
21 12 2032 nivirus trailer HD LOOOL future of earth in 21 dic 2032 maybe I will make a video that includes the films "2012" and san andreas. this time in full hd. sound :Lux Aeterna By Clint Mansell
電影中行星撞地球的情節可能真實上演。俄羅斯專家指出,小行星「阿波菲斯」(Apophis)可能在2032年衝撞地球,俄方擬發射太空器阻擋,永除後患。據估計它一旦衝撞地球,威力直逼6萬5000顆廣島原子彈。 阿波菲斯2004年被發現,科學家隨後估算它在2029年首次靠近地球時,兩星體的軌道交錯,阿波菲斯撞上地球機率高達1/37。然而近來數據不斷修改,美國航太總署(National Aeronautics and Space Administration,NASA)科學家最近估算,到2029年它離地球最近的點至少2.94萬公里,不太可能相撞,但2036年的相撞機率為1/25萬。 俄方掌握的數據,顯然迥異於美方。俄國聯邦太空總署首長帕米諾夫(Anatoly Perminov)前天引述俄國學者指出,阿波菲斯愈來愈靠近地球,「它可能在2032年撞上地球。人類面臨存亡關鍵時刻,我們必須斥資數億美元,打造防撞系統,而非坐以待斃,任由成千上萬人死亡。」帕米諾夫表示,俄國已研擬防撞計劃,阿波菲斯一旦進入危及地球的範圍,俄國將發射太空器,先行摧毀阿波菲斯。 但帕米諾夫不願透露計劃細節。科學家提過不少偏移行星策略,包括發射可繞行行星的探測器,逐漸將朝地球飛來的小行星帶離軌道;或以太空器撞離常軌;如電影《世界末日》(Armageddon)、《彗星撞地球》(Deep Impact),動用核武炸毀行星。但帕米諾夫強調,俄國不會啟用核武,但「可能打造特製防撞太空器。」 阿波菲斯小行星長、寬約270公尺及350公尺,體積相當於一百層的大樓,若撞上地球將形成面積約一個法國大的沙漠。美國天文學家普雷特認為帕米諾夫錯誤解讀了數據,但地球被撞的可能也應受更多關注,「若俄羅斯登高一呼,其他國家(印度、中國及日本)響應,NASA才會被動重視。」 1.發射太空器將小行星撞離常軌。 2.發射探測器升空,讓它繞行朝地...
In this show Diana Cooper discusses Birthing a New Civilization and takes stock of where humanity stands in its evolutionary development looking at the current transition towards 2032. This fascinating forecast highlights the new spiritual energies entering the planet and bringing shifts to economic, political, and climatic arenas. Further predictions are offered for individual countries and include a time frame for this massive transition, anticipated to last until the Earth moves fully into the fifth-dimensional frequency in 2032. From what to expect to how to prepare, this exciting exploration serves as guidance for the next 20 years, allowing readers to attune themselves to the spiritual forces on the horizon and prepare themselves to ascend into the 5th dimension. Diana Cooper is the...
The year is 2032. I am the president. The world? It's perfect. SUBSCRIBE for more SKETCH COMEDY videos! THANKS BEN http://www.twitter.com/bentumin THANKS TIM for EDITING http://www.youtube.com/drinksbeat http://www.twitter.com/darkenglow FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/AkilahObviously Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/akilahh Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/smoothiefreak Snap: @kiwirabbitfru
www.dianacooper.com To watch more of my video interviews, visit http://www.JuicyLivingTour.com Donate now to support the Juicy Living Tour at http://juicylivingtour.com/support-the-juicy-tour/donate-now/ Stay tuned on the Juicy Living Tour and where it is right now in the world from Lilou's facebook fan page at http://facebook.com/liloumacewebtv COPYRIGHT © 2012 LILOU PRODUCTIONS, LLC
Introducing the Godspell cast of 2032! For one night only, up-and-coming Broadway stars joined the cast of Godspell on Broadway for a medley that's not to be missed! Starring: Gaten Matarazzo as Jesus, Danny Ward as John the Baptist/Judas, Montana Byrne as Anna Maria, Grace Capeless as Celisse, Zoe Considine as Morgan, Jon Viktor Corpuz as Telly, Alec Gallazzi as George, Rebecca Goldfarb as Lindsay, Analise Scarpaci as Uzo, Evan Smolin as Nick, and Holly Block as the swing. For more information visit www.Godspell.com.
United Nations, New York, Jun 2012 - As part of "The Future We Want" campaign, UN DPI, together with UNDP China, produced a public-service short film entitled "2032: The Future We Want". In the film, 232 ordinary Chinese citizens were invited to answer the same question in front of the camera: "What do you want the world to be like in twenty years?" Voice of everyday Chinese people -- from students to ethnic minorities, from rural villages to urban cities, and from the disabled to migrant workers -- were pieced together to create a powerful message that captures and records their inspiring visions for the future. http://www.un.org/zh/sustainablefuture/2032.shtml
http://www.dianacooper.com/ Diana has written books about angels, Archangels, unicorns, all elementals including fairies and Ascended Masters. Her Spirit guide Kumeka, who has given her information about the orbs, Atlantis, the Spiritual Laws, ascension and enlightenment. Visit our website for more info on past and upcoming shows/guests: www.themooreshow.co.uk Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for new DAILY shows: www.youtube.com/user/themooreshowofficial Like us on Facebook for Daily updates on the show: www.facebook.com/TheMooreShow Follow us on twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/TheMooreShow PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW WEEKLY SHOWS Our shows include subjects that include How To, Alternative Medicine & Health, Ancient World, Artwork, Comics & Multimedia, Creatures, Myths & Lege...
Steve Kelley - RE/MAX Results 3 beds 3 baths For more information: http://results.net/homes-for-sale/MN/Lino_Lakes/55038/2032_Red_Oak_Lane/198_253122230009/ Published on: November 8, 2016
Listing Site: Property Site: http://tour.circlepix.com/home/NPM2YZ/2032-Glendale-Drive-Garland-TX-13490102Cute & cozy home with a big fenced in backyard - you can make your own located in an established neighborhood with beautiful trees. Refer all questions & offers to Co-Agent Vanessa. Please see private remarks.Bedrooms: 2Bathrooms: 1 BathroomSquare Feet: 1017Price: $125,000MLS ID: 13490102For more information about this property, please contact Edith Leon Kelly at 972-800-1733 or edithleon@kw.com. You can also text 3985032 to 67299.COMPANY SOCIAL MEDIA: ------------------------------------------ http://www.kellerwilliams.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Keller-Williams-Lake-Cities-574899392659564/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnN6gTcOEMlXPOjkC6Qu3bg REALTOR SOCIAL M...
Lori Stewart - RE/MAX Alliance Group 3 beds 2 baths For more information: http://www.remax.com/realestatehomesforsale/2032-chynn-ave-North-Port-FL-34286-gid200001505872.html Published on: November 7, 2016
Легенда о несбывшемся грядущем -- первая полуторачасовая электронная опера владивостокского композитора Виктора Аргонова. Аранжировки выполнены в стилях техно-поп, электро/синти-поп, позднего диско, new age, "космической" электроники. Будучи неклассическим произведением, опера включает в себя не только вокальные арии и диалоги персонажей, но и речевые и инструментальные номера. Сюжет выполнен в жанре альтернативной истории и переносит слушателя в СССР 2032 года. Опера затрагивает проблемы искусственного интеллекта, автоматизации производства, марксистской идеологии, проблемы современной физики, соотношения утопии и практики, соотношения технического прогресса, человеческих ценностей, политики и идеологии. 0:00 - Увертюра 5:26 - Пролог 7:31 - Пленум 10:02 - В звёздном вихре времён 13:49...
En astronomie, un astéroïde se définit comme un corps rocheux provenant du Système solaire. Outre de la roche, sa composition présente également des métaux et de la glace. Si ces objets sont relativement petits par rapport aux planètes, ils peuvent toutefois avoir une envergure de plusieurs centaines de kilomètres. De ce fait, les astéroïdes font l’objet d’une surveillance accrue, d’autant plus lorsque leur orbite se hasarde dangereusement à croiser celui de la Terre. Les corps présentant un risque de collision sont appelés géocroiseurs et sont suivis à l’aide de systèmes automatisés. Et cette précaution n’est pas négligeable. En effet, notre planète présente un passé plutôt houleux en terme d’événements dramatiques. De nombreux astéroïdes ont autrefois percuté sa surface, provoquant des c...
Originally aired December 27, 1995. A reactor accident sends SeaQuest back in time to an alternate 1962, where the Cuban Missile Crisis turned to nuclear war. The only chance to put things right again is to travel further back in time and prevent the first shots from being fired.
For Beyond 50's "Spirituality" talks, listen to an interview with Diana Cooper from England. She will talk about climatic shifts globally that includes a time frame for the massive transition that is anticipated to last until Earth moves into the fifth dimensional frequency in 2032. She'll help you to attune yourself to the spiritual forces that are coming into the planet. According to her, we are on the brink of the most exciting time for the planet and the most important opportunity for spiritual growth there has ever been. Millions of people will be "waking up" over the next five to ten years. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit www.Beyond50Radio.com and sign up for our Exclusive Updates. *Produc...
The ThirtyTwo team celebrated its 20-year milestone by traveling all over the world and filming everywhere from snowy urban spots to the backcountry. Featuring JP Walker, Jeremy Jones (Big Mtn), Scott Stevens, Chris Grenier, Joe Sexton, Chris Bradshaw, Frank April, Dylan Thompson, Brandon Hobush, Spencer Schubert, Toni Kerkela, Benny Urban, Dylan Alito, Johnny O Connor, Jordan Small, Kas Lemmens, Dylan Gamache and friends.
This week’s show talks about the technology that is dominating transportation today and into the near future, and does it with a macro view in language we can all understand. Joining John McElroy on his panel discussing Connectivity, Mobility and Autonomy are: Richard Wallace from the Center for Automotive Research; Lindsay Brooke, Society of Automotive Engineers; and Sam Abuelsamid, Navigant Research. Get more video everyday at http://autoline.tv
Khmer Angkor: https://www.youtube.com/user/SuperSinsisamuth Khmer Music: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Yy9P3RYEN0RosQxDtjvyQ Bopha Angkor: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHtp_7vqrwuV81g7CX9ajBg KHMER Record: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB61bq-3vUDnoytWCtf4vVw Khmer music, Khmer popular song collection [2032] Subscribe if you want more Khmer karaoke song collection. 01. 00:01 Chhleat chhleat by Touch Sunnich 02. 03:34 Bong la or doy thngai by Touch Sunnich 03. 07:28 Ey kor dol thnak noeng chas by Meng Keo Pichenda 04. 10:57 Kromom chang ban phdey by Meas Saran / Hem Sovann 05. 14:43 Komlos chas by Eang Sithol 06. 18:03 Nom min thom cheang neal by Him Sivorn 07. 22:09 Keng sobin sos by Hou Lavy 08. 25:11 Me may kor srey by Song Sis / Samphet 09. 28:45 Neak na kor ban b...
Take me to your leaders...
Let the song man spin it it began at the beginning
Twas a sweet green planet
Nothing on it, nothing to it
Nothing in it, nothing to do
With the planet as we know it
It's a planet coming to ya but ya
Don't know if its there
Maybe its here, maybe there
Check it underneath the Milky Way
Right beside the southern cross
I don't think so!
Why just cant see it but it aint going away
If you dance and sing and everything will
Clarify, fructify,multiply, fact finding it
Will never satisfy
Not the bing bang, not the big bong
But the planet called GONG its a singin' and a ringin
This is where I'm coming from
This is where that we belong
This is where it all began Hu-man
They coming out of an intention
Which I hesitate to mention
Maybe out of space is just a parallel dimesnion
They coming down from a planet
So far, so near
That's where it all began
That music you hear
It happened to remind me
Of a long long story
Bout a visit from the stars
From some old Babas
Professor Paradox and the Octave Doctors
Time Doctors on space guitars
Those wise avatars from a distant star
They have watched us
Take us to your leaders!
We assume the position of possession of power
We chop out the life
We live by the knife
Cut out the memory
That everybody's family
One great family
Of consciouss humanity
The time will come
When the Star Men arrive
In 2032 they'll be looking at you
They're coming down to Earth
And it's been so long
So very very long ago
When they last dared to
Come down here
And show us what we need to know
How to survive without killing the planet man
We need to know
How to survive without killing the planet