- published: 05 Oct 2015
- views: 1706
The Sunshine Mine is located between the cities of Kellogg and Wallace in northern Idaho. It has been one of the world's largest and most profitable silver mines, having produced over 360 million ounces of silver since 2001.
A 2007 Canadian report by Behre Dolbear & Company estimated measured and indicated resources of 31.51 million ounces of silver in 1.43 million tons at 21.8 ounces of silver per ton and inferred resources of 231.5 million ounces of silver in 2.28 million tons at 101.6 ounces of silver per ton. The Behre Dolbear report is considered historic in nature and illustrates the resource potential of the Sunshine Mine.
The Sunshine Mine property had its beginning in 1884. In September of that year two brothers by the names of True and Dennis Blake filed claim on a series of ore deposits in the Big Creek mining district in Shoshone County, Idaho. The Blake Brothers, as they are frequently collectively referred to were natives of Maine. In the fall of 1876, for reasons unspecified in extant sources, the Blake Brothers began their westward migration. They lived and worked in Chicago for some time before continuing west and settling in Washington Territory. According to court records the Blake Brothers were living in Snohomish County, Washington Territory by October 1878. The Blakes didn't remain in Washington Territory for long however. Sometime after November 1879 the brothers relocated to the eastern part of the territory, settling in the then small city of Spokane Falls. By early 1880 the Blakes had again relocated to the Coeur d'Alene Valley in Idaho where they homesteaded at the mouth of a stream named Big Creek; located midway between the present cities of Kellogg and Wallace. Here the Blakes farmed for several years, until, in September 1884, they happened to located ore deposits up Big Creek Canyon from their homestead.
Mine, mines, or miners may refer to:
Sunlight is a portion of the electromagnetic radiation given off by the Sun, in particular infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light. On Earth, sunlight is filtered through Earth's atmosphere, and is obvious as daylight when the Sun is above the horizon. When the direct solar radiation is not blocked by clouds, it is experienced as sunshine, a combination of bright light and radiant heat. When it is blocked by the clouds or reflects off other objects, it is experienced as diffused light. The World Meteorological Organization uses the term "sunshine duration" to mean the cumulative time during which an area receives direct irradiance from the Sun of at least 120 watts per square meter.
The ultraviolet radiation in sunlight has both positive and negative health effects, as it is both a principal source of vitamin D3 and a mutagen.
Researchers may record sunlight using a sunshine recorder, pyranometer, or pyrheliometer.
Sunlight takes about 8.3 minutes to reach Earth from the surface of the Sun. A photon starting at the centre of the Sun and changing direction every time it encounters a charged particle would take between 10,000 and 170,000 years to get to the surface.
Coeur d'Alene may refer to a people and related place names in the northwestern United States:
You Are My Sunshine
Silver Valley native Nick Rounds killed in Sunshine Mine accident
Sunshine Mine shuts down
The Coeur d'Alene Mines and the Little Sunshine Mine, 1930
Sunshine Mine Fire Disaster Idaho November 1972 MSHA
Sunshine Mining Disaster
Sunshine Mine - Airzona - 2016
North Idaho miner recalls disaster at Sunshine Mine
Families mark Sunshine Mine disaster anniversary
One miner killed in incident at Sunshine Mine
http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/works/coversheet1836.html You Are My Sunshine" tells the story of the Sunshine Mine Disaster of 1972, which cost the lives of 91 miners. The story is told through the eyes of 27 people who lived through it. The video explores what happened, what went wrong, and what were the lessons learned.
It's a tough way to make a living and Monday night hard rock mining has claimed another life in Idaho's Silver Valley. KXLY4's Jeff Humphrey reports.
Less than one year after the Sunshine Mine re-opened, the owners announced they are stopping production and putting dozens out of work. KXLY4's Annie Bishop reports.
The Coeur d'Alene Mines and the Little Sunshine Mine, 1930. Aerial views of the Coeur d'Alene Mining District were shot by Marsh from the open window of an airplane. A scene of some of the miners is entitled "Sourdoughs." Included is footage of the Tamarack and Custer mines at Dorn, and the Dayrock, Morning, Bunker Hill, and Little Sunshine mines. Preserved through a grant from the National Film Preservation Foundation, 2007. Preservation copying by Triage Archival Restoration Services, Los Angeles, CA
The Sunshine Mine near Kellogg, ID, was the nation's premier silver producer for many years. In 1972, the mine was nearly 6,000 feet deep, contained hundreds of miles of worked-out areas, and employed nearly 500 people. Because of its depth and the type of host rock for the silver (unburnable quartzite), the general thinking of the day was that fires in mines such as the Sunshine were impossible, because "hard-rock mines don't burn." What wasn't really considered was that timber supports, foam insulation, and mining equipment do burn and that the carbon monoxide gas produced by burning is far more deadly than fire itself. Thus, no one was prepared when, on May 2, 1972, a fire of unknown origin broke out below the 3100 level of the mine. Before long, 173 miners on the day shift were trappe...
Website: https://www.goldrushexpeditions.com/ Mining Claims for Sale: http://goldrushexpeditions.com/fb-mining-claims-for-sale/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GoldRushExpedinc/ On a recent trip out to Arizona, Corey and Jess came across the Sunshine claim, which is a combination placer/lode claim with several adits and shafts, as well as a large wash that appears to be hiding some great placer gold. The main adit is enormous and sports a massive gold bearing vein, as well as large guano deposits from the bats that call the cavernous adit home.
Families in North Idaho are getting ready to mark the 38th anniversary of the Sunshine Mine Disaster. KXLY4's Tania Dall has more.
The Mining Safety and Health Administration confirms one person was killed Monday in an incident at the Sunshine Mine in Kellogg, Idaho. KXLY4's Aaron Luna reports.
Checking out the abandoned mines, mills, ghost town, and camps along Burke Canyon Road. The seven mile stretch of road from Wallace to Burke is filled with mining history that goes back to 1884. Located in THE SILVER VALLEY in North Idaho, the district has produced more Silver, Lead, and Zinc than almost any other place in the world. I admit I am not very good at making videos but I love to share the history of my home with those who are interested. I will also be the first to tell you the music on this video is less than 'toe-tapping' but it is copy free so I use what I can. Part 2 will be out shortly. Some of the historic information is based on a pamphlet written by Robert Shore. Thank you to HISTORIC WALLACE PRESERVATION SOCIETY for allowing me use of the historic photos and the many s...
I GOT U I Got U is OUT NOW. Get it from iTunes: http://po.st/IGotU UK & North America Tour on sale: http://dukedumont.com/live/ Blasé Boys Club, Pt. 1 Pre-order: http://po.st/BBCPT1 Ocean Drive Out Now: http://smarturl.it/BBCPT1 Subscribe to Duke Dumont's YouTube Channel: http://smarturl.it/DukeDumontYoutube Spotify: http://smarturl.it/DukeDumontSpotify Spotify Playlist: http://smarturl.it/DDSpotifyPlaylist http://www.facebook.com/dukedumont http://www.twitter.com/dukedumont http://www.instagram.com/dukedumont https://soundcloud.com/dukedumont http://www.facebook.com/onmyjaxjones
On Monday, October 22, at about 11 pm, Omega Morgan moved a cylindrical water treatment module bound for Sunshine Oilsands bitumen extraction/production operations near Fort McMurray, Alberta, through Lewiston, Idaho. Manufactured in the Portland, Oregon, area, the 236-foot-long, half-million-pound piece of equipment was barged up the Columbia and Snake Rivers to the Port of Wilma near Clarkston, Washington. Dedicated Wild Idaho Rising Tide (WIRT, http://wildidahorisingtide.org/) activists confronted this first and longest tar sands megaload to cross Idaho and Montana via the Highway 12 wild and scenic river corridor, through the largest wildlands complex in the lower 48 states, and up the Blackfoot River valley and Rocky Mountain Front. Just a few miles into its historic 1000-mile-plus...
In remarks at the National Geographic Society, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell laid out a vision for actions the nation can take to build upon America’s rich conservation legacy, and pass on healthy public lands and waters to the next generation. http://www.doi.gov/parksforall
Learn about South Dakota's flag and those that came before it. Blog: http://www.insearchofsapience.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WanderlustExploration Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/wanderlustwisdom Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/wanderlustwisdm Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/insearchofsapience
Похудение отзывы. Как убрать живот и сбросить лишнее. Эндоморф диета. В этом видео показан реальный опыт сушки Эндоморфа по конституции, или человека, генетически склонного к набору лишнего веса на кето диете. Толстяк от природы на сушке. Первая часть видео - знакомство, замеры веса, общий внешний вид. Через недели 2 сделаем новое видео, где опять же посмотрим на вес и изменения внешности на кето диете (кетогенной безуглеводки) + усиленных тренировках с железом. Реальная история трансформации тела Эндоморфа по соматотипу и телосложению. Похудение отзывы. Как убрать живот и сбросить лишнее. Эндоморф диета: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgFBQlQjBSI Devon Palombo Either Febuary Steadfast Resolute Lactose Marketed Bragging Lobsterliner Dozens Nope Cirrhosis Copyright Implications Accessori...
This is a song I composed almost 3 years ago! I am going to include it to the new EP we are going to release with my friend John!! If you liked it please share it with your friends and spread it :-) There is also link for a FREE DOWNLOAD of the song!!! Dowlnoad the song here: http://www55.zippyshare.com/v/3545339/file.html My band's facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Blindfold/274120355942666?ref=hl My facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/nick.mavromatis.39 Recording, programming, sound design, mixing and mastering by Nick Mavromatis. All the instruments have been recorded or programmed by me! Lyrics : Verse: You said you want me to forever yours Now your omens say otherwise And now you jaded of my mistakes You leave me in the pain And I know I'm not perfect But I try my...
Join us at the Cave and Basin National Historic Site. We are in the town of Banff, Alberta within the Canadian Rocky Mountains. This site is a natural thermal mineral springs around which Canada's first national park, Banff National Park, was established.
Silver Valley remembers Sunshine Mine Fire Disaster 44 years later
Not mine
It's "Video Friday"! Roy and Jane Frazee sing "Thet's When I'll Make My Sunshine Mine" from the film 'The Gay Ranchero'.
The Mining Safety and Health Administration confirms one person was killed Monday in an incident at the Sunshine Mine in Kellogg, Idaho. KXLY4's Aaron Luna reports.
This video is part of the Udacity course "Advanced Android App Development". Watch the full course at https://www.udacity.com/course/ud855
http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/works/coversheet1836.html You Are My Sunshine" tells the story of the Sunshine Mine Disaster of 1972, which cost the lives of 91 miners. The story is told through the eyes of 27 people who lived through it. The video explores what happened, what went wrong, and what were the lessons learned.
Best Of Deorro 2014 [Mixed By DJ Vick] Tracklist: 0:00 ► Dirty South & Thomas Gold - Alive (Deorro Bootleg) 1:24 ► Deorro - Lose It (Original Mix) 3:08 ► Deorro & Adrian Delgado - All I Need Is Your Love 5:30 ► Deorro - For President 9:11 ► Deorro feat. Erick Gold - Stand A Chance 13:24 ► Deorro & Duvoh - Black w/ 15:00 ► Deorro - Yee (Intro Edit) 18:10 ► Chuckie & Junxterjack - Make Some Noise (Deorro Remix) [CR2 RECORDS] BUY: http://www.beatport.com/track/make-some-noise-deorro-remix/3995748 19:25 ► Deorro - Hands Up 23:10 ► Christina Aguliera - Bobblehead (Ton!c Bootleg) 24:25 ► Duvoh & DyCy - I Want You Mine (Deorro Electro Remix) 25:40 ► Deorro & ZooFunktion - Goodbye 27:57 ► Deorro & Tommie Sunshine - Super Hot Fire 29:35 ► Alvaro - Welcome To The Jungle (Deorro Bootleg) 31:31 ► Du...
Free Download & Tracklist Free Download : http://bit.ly/deep004 Contact/Booking : http://carettarecords.com/ Official Web: http://emresanchez.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/djemresanchez Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/emresanchez Twitter : http://twitter.com/djemresanchez Instagram : http://instagram.com/djemresanchez Tracklist by Emre Sanchez 2. Bill Withers - Ain't No Sunshine (Deepend ft Charles Sax Bootleg) 3. Finnebassen - If You Only Knew (Balcazar And Sordo Remix) 4. KANT-Feelings (Original Mix) 5. Pascal Junior -The Boy Is Mine (Original Mix) 6. L. Lopez & Ballesteros-Magic Key (Original Mix) 7. Africanism, Olivia de Lanzac-Chocolate feat. Kawele Multimanwa (Ben Delay Dub Remix) 8. Nick Kech feat. Madilyn Bailey-The Moment (Bootleg Edit) 9. Laura veirs- july fl...
1 Our Day 2 Which Way Home 3 Junkie 4 Us 5 Shelter 6 I Can't Wait to Meet You 7 Sunshine 8 So Is Mine 9 Things That You Are 10 The One You Love 11 Still Be Loving You Link to buy: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/lightyears/id1051206500 ℗ 2015 Peace Pourage Records @morgannasciment
Listen to the Top 10 songs of LR Eswari from the Telugu Classics. Tracks: 00:21 Bhale Bhale Mogaadivoy 05:13 Le Le Naa Rajaa 09:25 Hello My Dear 13:18 Neevu Choode Choopulo 16:48 Theesko CoCacola 20:59 Masaka Masaka 25:02 Are Emiti Lokam 28:55 Koppu Choodu 32:31 Nandamaya Garuda 36:35 Gandara Ganda Song Details: Song : Bhale Bhale Mogaadivoy Film : Maro Charithra Singer: LR Eswari Mood: Love Music: KV Mahadevan Lyrics: Athreya Cast: Kamal Hassan, Saritha, Madhavi, Sarath Babu Music: MS Viswanathan Lyrics: Athreya Director: K Balachander Producer: Rama Arangannal Release: 9 May 1978 Song : Le Le Naa Rajaa Film : Prema Nagar Singer: Ghantasala, LR Eswari Mood: Happy Cast: ANR, Vanisree Music: K. V. Mahadevan Lyrics: Aathreya Director: K. S. Prakash Rao Producer: D. Ramanaidu Relea...
CD1 Mixed By Slipmatt & Billy Bunter (Back2Back) HHWND! 00:00 Scott Brown - Now Is The Time 03:54 Hixxy & Sharkey - Toytown 06:23 DJ Paul - Rainbow In The Sky 10:21 Billy "Daniel" Bunter & JDS - Come Alive 14:21 Q-Tex - Power Of Love 17:24 Dougal & Eruption - Party Time 21:01 Sy & Demo - Devotion 25:27 SMD - SMD#1 (Slipmatts 96 Remix) 28:39 Doctor Who - Love Of My Life 31:37 Billy "Daniel" Bunter & DZyne Feat. Gem - Ride Like The Wind 35:14 Triple J - Follow The Sun 38:15 Slipmatt & Eruption - Sunshine 43:29 GBT Inc Feat Alison Wade - Better Day 47:14 Bang The Future - Body Slam 52:15 DJ Demo - You're Mine 57:01 Hopscotch - Streamtrain 01:00:20 Force & Styles - Pretty Green Eyes 01:04:32 Bang! - Shooting Star 01:08:24 Slipmatt - After Dark 01:12:06 Force & Styles - Hear...
Here's the sunshine man
Here's the sunshine man
Here's the sunshine man
I'm the sunshine man
You've got a problem, I've got a plan
When you need a helping hand
Call on the sunshine man
My job is making people happy
And I work real hard at my trade
I got the whole world for my workshop
No time for sittin' in the shade
I'm the sunshine man
I'll put the happy back in your laughter
Repair the twinkle in your eyes
You'll find that I give real good service
And all I charge is a smile
I'm the sunshine man
If you'll follow my philosophy
Put your worries and troubles down
It won't take any more effort to smile
Than it does to frown
I'm the sunshine man
Listen to me now
I'm the sunshine man
Yeah, call on sunshine man now
I'm becomin' call on sunshine man
Here I am call on sunshine man