- published: 14 Aug 2012
- views: 4931
Mimamsa (IAST: Mīmāṃsā) is a Sanskrit word that means "reflection" or "critical investigation". It is also the name of one of six orthodox (astika) schools of Hinduism. The school is known for its philosophical theories on the nature of dharma, based on hermeneutics of the Vedas. The school was influential and foundational to the vedāntic schools of Hinduism, with the difference that the Mīmāṃsā school (also known as Pūrva-Mīmāṃsā or Karma-Mīmāṃsā) developed and emphasized karma-kāṇḍa (study of ritual actions, early four Vedas), while the Vedānta schools (also known as Uttara-Mīmāṃsā) developed and emphasized jñana-kāṇḍa (study of knowledge and spirituality, later parts of Vedas, like the Upaniṣads).
Mīmāṃsā has several sub-schools, each defined by its epistemology. The Prābhākara sub-school (from Prabhākara Miśra) considered five epistemically reliable means to gaining knowledge - Pratyakṣa (perception), Anumāna (inference), Upamāna (comparison and analogy), Arthāpatti (postulation, derivation from circumstances), and Śabda (word, testimony of past or present reliable experts). The Bhāṭṭa sub-school (from Kumārila Bhaṭṭa) added a sixth to its canon of reliable epistemology - Anupalabdhi (non-perception, negative/cognitive proof).
Mod-09 Lec-38 The Mimamsa Philosophy - I
Mimamsa (INDCUL)
Relevance of mimamsa in information processing by Dr. Amba Kulkarni
Mimamsa Critique of Pollock's History Theory - Dr S. Tilak
Sri Mani Dravid Sastrigal's talk on Jagat according to Purva Mimamsa
Six Classical Indian Philosophies - Overview
Vadjraghanta (Mimamsa scale) - Gypsy Girl
Arthāpatti: The Mīmāṃsā-Nyāya Debate
Mimamsa and Ahistoricism - Prof. K S Kannan
Indian Philosophy by Dr. Satya Sundar Sethy, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
Subject:INDIAN CULTURE Paper:--Indian Religion and Philosophy Principal investigator:- P. Bhaskar Reddy
Development of Indian thought up to modern times - 2 day National seminar - Relevance of Mimamsa in Inforation Processing by Dr. Amba Kulkarni 10 September 2016 Venue - Conference Hall Seshadripuram College, Bangalore Documented by Shaale Live www.shaale.com DISCLAIMER Shaale Live is a professional livestreaming / recording service & does not claim or hold any copyrights to the content produced. All rights rest with the producer or the organizer of the event or the artistes / the people involved (whichever is applicable) as per their mutual understanding / agreement. This video has been posted upon the request / approval of the producer. If you have any objection to the content, please do write to us at live@shaale.com
Professor Sheldon Pollock asserts that by declaring the Vedas ‘authorless’ and ‘timeless,’ the Purva Mimamsa thinkers deprived Indic intellectual, literary, and ritual texts of the sense of time and temporality. He calls this process ‘Vedicization,’ and holds it responsible for absence of history in ancient India (Pollock 1989). This paper disputes Prof. Pollock’s assertion by arguing that ‘history,’ as it is understood in the West, is subsumed in the broader, inclusive category of itihāsa (deemed to be the ‘fifth Veda’) in India, which acts as a storehouse of the past for what must be remembered, i.e., values (purusharthas) that guide fulfillment of the four ends of life (dharma, artha, kama, and moksha). The status of itihasa as the ‘fifth Veda’ is next discussed with reference to the Ma...
6. Dr. Mani Dravid is acclaimed as an authority in Vedanta and Mimamsa not only by great scholars but even by the Shankaracharyas of Kanchi , Shringeri Mutts and also many other Pontiffs of other sampradaya. He is much in demand and has been participating in many Vaakyartha sadas, Pandita Parishad etc. Even at a young age he received the prestigious Bhadarayana Sanmaana from the President of India. He has also edited and published many books on Vedanta and Mimamsa. Presently he is working at the Madras Sanskrit College as Associate Professor of Mimamsa. We offer our sincere thanks to Professor Mani Dravid for readily accepting to participate in this seminar.
The module will provide an exploration of the concept of reality of the following six Indian philosophies: •Orientation to Sad Darshana (six philosophies): Why study Sad Darshana? An exploration and discussion of the historical context and relevance to the broader Hindu tradition. •Karma Mimamsa philosophy of elevation through performance of duty. •Vedanta 1: epistemology and historical context of Shankara’s non-dualism; ontology and soteriology: a consideration of key philosophical and theological concepts. •Vedanta 2: epistemology and historical context of Ramanuja’s qualified non-dualism; ontology and soteriology: a consideration of key philosophical and theological concepts. •Vedanta 3: epistemology and historical context of Madhva’s dualism; ontology and soteriology: a consideration ...
Vadjraghanta (Mimamsa scale) - Gypsy Girl Импровизация "Цыганочка". Олег Вещий.
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