Turns out George R. R. Martin (kinda) revealed the truth about Jon Snow back in 2002

Edit Mashable 07 Jul 2016
R. Martin himself was basically confirming that thing back in 2002 ... R ... Obviously he doesn't explicitly give anything away in that highlighted answer, but the bit about mothers and birth is heavy foreshadowing for the Tower of Joy scene with Lyanna ... ....

Young children with attention problems less likely to graduate

Edit Atlanta Journal 07 Jul 2016
A new Duke University study suggests problems paying attention in school in early childhood can foreshadow academic challenges later, including graduating from high school. Such students are 40 percent less likely to graduate, according to the study ... (AJC File) ... ....

Philando Castile did what his mother told him to do around police. A cop shot ...

Edit Vox 07 Jul 2016
Philando Castile’s mother says her slain son was given the same lecture so many black people in America hear at one point in their lives ... "That was something we always discussed ... She recalled the conversation between her son and daughter earlier, which ended up eerily foreshadowing Castile’s fate that evening ... ....

drug prices

Edit Times Union 07 Jul 2016
Trenton, N.J. The latest study of medicine prices finds U.S. insurers' spending on expensive prescription drugs nearly quadrupled from 2003 through 2014, when the number of such prescriptions filled tripled ... Meanwhile, the number of prescriptions for specialty drugs rose from 0.6 percent of prescriptions filled in 2003 to 1.8 percent in 2014 ... "This may be a foreshadowing for what's next," she said ... ....

Jonah Goldberg commentary: Gingrich could strengthen ticket, explain gaffes

Edit The Columbus Dispatch 07 Jul 2016
Load up on popcorn. The Republican ticket may be poised to go to 11. According to numerous reports, Donald Trump is considering Newt Gingrich as his running mate. And as traffic-baiters like to say on the Internet. You won't believe what happens next!. But first I should come clean. I like Gingrich. My wife worked for him for several years ... Over roughly the same period, I have to say, Gingrich foreshadowed Trumpism ... It gets better....

Mike Pence is So Unpopular That Even Hoosier Republicans Want Him Out as Governor (Indiana Democratic Party)

Edit Public Technologies 07 Jul 2016
(Source. Indiana Democratic Party). CNN . 'Indiana GOP to Trump. Take Mike Pence, please' ... Mike Pence ... It's clear Mike Pence never truly wanted to be governor, and Hoosiers across the board are fed up and want him gone.' ... CNN ... […] ... […] ... Pence's response, including allowing the debacle to overshadow his rollout of a state-crafted Medicaid expansion, foreshadowed the crippling fight he would face on 'religious freedom' just a few months later....

Game of Thrones: which fan theories have been debunked and which still have juice?

Edit Digital Spy 07 Jul 2016
Now that season six has come to a close, we've gone back through the various theories we've covered while the show was on air to see which ones have been confirmed, totally debunked, or are still possible ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... (SOBS.) 6 ... 7 ... STILL POSSIBLE There were plenty of foreshadowing moments in the finale that our theory of Jon Snow being stabbed in the back (figuratively or literally) by Sansa will come true eventually....

Indiana GOP to Trump: Take Mike Pence, please

Edit CNN 07 Jul 2016
Washington (CNN)The prospect of Donald Trump tapping Indiana Gov. Mike Pence to serve as his running mate has both national Republicans and local party members salivating -- but for different reasons ... READ ... Read More ... "Gov ... "Gov ... Pence's response, including allowing the debacle to overshadow his rollout of a state-crafted Medicaid expansion, foreshadowed the crippling fight he would face on "religious freedom" just a few months later ... ....

Texts From Jim Carrey Foreshadow Girlfriend's Suicide

Edit Opposing Views 06 Jul 2016
Text messages from acclaimed comedian and actor Jim Carrey foreshadowed his former girlfriend’s suicide. On the third anniversary of her father’s death in September 2015, Cathriona White fatally overdosed on prescription drugs at her home, as reported by TMZ. According to a toxicology report, a variety of prescription pills were found in her system, such as propranolol, oxycodone, oxymorphone, and zolpidem ... ....

Lake tragedy: Accused mother Akon Guode set to make bail bid

Edit Sydney Morning Herald 06 Jul 2016
A Melbourne mother who allegedly murdered three of her children by driving into a lake is expected to make a bid for bail ... Ms Guode's pre-trial hearing was adjourned on Wednesday, because a witness is overseas. Advertisement. Her barrister Julian McMahon foreshadowed a bail application when the matter returns to the Melbourne Magistrates Court in a couple of weeks ... The hearing is due to resume on July 19. AAP. ....

Barbarian At The Gate: Kohl's (KSS)

Edit The Street 06 Jul 2016
Trade-Ideas LLC identified Kohl's ( KSS) as a "barbarian at the gate" (strong stocks crossing above resistance with today's range greater than 200%) candidate. In addition to specific proprietary factors, Trade-Ideas identified Kohl's as such a stock due to the following factors. ... KSS has traded 2.2 million shares today ... This large range foreshadows a possible continuation as the stock moves higher. EXCLUSIVE OFFER ... More details on KSS. ... ....

E! News Exclusive: Ciara and Russell Wilson Step Out for Their Rehearsal Dinner in England (E! Entertainment Television LLC)

Edit Public Technologies 06 Jul 2016
(Source. E! Entertainment Television LLC). Must credit E! News and link back to. http.//www.eonline.com/news/777899/ciara-and-russell-wilson-step-out-for... Wilson and Ciara walked up the cobblestone walkway to the Titantic Hotel with shutterbugs snapping photos of the pair, almost like a foreshadow for when the moment comes that these two walk down the aisle as husband and wife ... (noodl. 34414931) ....

UNDYING MESSAGE Bloomfield: Elie Wiesel's undying message: Don't just memorialize. Act.

Edit Richmond Times Dispatch 06 Jul 2016
By Sara J. Bloomfield. In 1973, five years before President Jimmy Carter would appoint Elie Wiesel to chair a commission to determine how the United States should memorialize the Holocaust, Wiesel was already a prominent author and thinker ... No one could have predicted that 20 years later we would be together at the opening of the U.S ... But something happened in Sydney that perhaps foreshadowed our common destiny ... Action was required ... ....