- published: 03 Feb 2017
- views: 138
Maa or MAA may refer to:
Vaiko Eplik (born 1 August 1981) is an independent Estonian pop-composer, producer, singer and multi-instrumentalist.
Vaiko Eplik was born in Rapla, Estonia, into a music-loving family. Eplik studied music at the Tallinn Music School, specialising in pop-jazz singing and also studied the guitar, which he now teaches. The British Council nominated Eplik for the International Young Music Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2008 in the following words: "Vaiko is a highly creative and engaging individual who is clearly passionate about music. He is obviously a highly influential figure in the Estonian industry. The judges appreciate his integrity and his thought-through artistic approach. He has defined his own business model that reflects his aspirations and expectations and that allows him to quietly champion a different approach."
He has been part of several collectives: Claire's Birthday, Ruffus and Koer. In 2006, Eplik started his solo project under the name Eliit. He has released eight albums, regularly reaching the top of Estonian album charts. In 2014, he released two albums in close sequence, "Nõgesed" ("Nettles") and "Nelgid" ("Carnations"). He has emphasised his aspiration to "earn enough money to get by, and keep being intelligent and free to be creative with music." Eplik is a principled independent artist, producing his music at home and releasing it under his independent record label. He has commented on it in the following words:"Home-made music has no rival... From now on to in about five years time, record companies will be bankrupt."
Say Goodbye may refer to:
Don't Say Goodbye may refer to:
ELIIS KRISTJANKROON – Vaiko Eplik / Vaiko Eplik „Hüvasti, Maa” Solistica 2017
Hüvasti Timo.
Vennaskond - Kopenhaagen
Se Voglio - 37 Zecchino d'Oro 1994
Mess - Küsi Eneselt
Kollane koer - Aeternum Carmen
Kollane Allveelaev - Rendime Saarele Sauna
Sandra Nurmsalu - Rändajad (live @ Elu24)
Kallis ma pean minema
Ära löö last - Noizmakaz, Kozy, G-Enka, Stupid F...
Sad Goodbye - ehk iga lõpp on millegi uue algus!
Kättesaamatu - Mr. Tim, Erki, Nytt & Ansu
Vanad Teksad Ja Kitarr - Vanilla Ninja
Lenna Mohammed Al-ali
Uku Kuut & Vaiko Eplik - Don't Say Goodbye
Marta Lotta Kukk / "I don`t wanna miss a thing" Diane Warren
Wismari Poisid - Kollane Koer sõnadega
Noizmakaz - Eluparoodia - Eesti Räp/Hip-Hop
Vaiko Eplik - Kibe ja Kuum
dont põe
Treasure every moment what You have and treasure it MORE and remember time waits for no one... You will always stay in my heart, in that special warm place! I miss you every second.
Vennaskond - Kopenhaagen (Trubetsky) Usk. Lootus. Armastus. (1993) ---------------------------- I do not own or resell this content you are viewing/listening. For entertainment purposes only. All the copyrights belong to their respective owners. ---------------------------- Kui ma lahkun udus hallis, jää siis hüvasti, mu kallis, sa! Jää hüvasti, mu Kopenhaagen! Jää hüvasti, mu Kopenhaagen! Lehed kollased on puudel. Üritan sind veelkord suudelda. Jää hüvasti, mu Kopenhaagen! Jää hüvasti, mu Kopenhaagen! Läheb laev ja nutt on kurgus. Sõbrad ootavad mind Turkus ning... Jää hüvasti, mu Kopenhaagen! Jää hüvasti, mu Kopenhaagen! Seisad, värvitud on huuled. Viivad üle mere tuuled mind Jää hüvasti, mu Kopenhaagen! Jää hüvasti, mu Kopenhaagen! Idakaar on koiduverel. Käes on hommik Lääne...
Liisi Koikson - Estonia (Sõit pilvelaeval) I apologise but the videos from 37 and 38 are with lag (between audio an video) I don't know what happened since the DVD is fine, it was on the conversion. If anyone has any idea of a good converter (from DVD to WMV or AVI) please tell me and I'll convert again (and that doesn't put watermarkers!). Enjoy!
From the album 'Küsi Eneselt'. ('Ask Yourself') A superb track that makes use of woodwinds, a choir, harpsichord, organ and electronical instruments to bring this prog-epic to another level entirely. Mess was a groundbreaking Estonian space/progressive rock ensemble active in 1974-76, led by Sven Grünberg, who later went on to be an electronic/ambient composer. Probably the first progressive rock group in the Soviet Union. One of it's defining characteristics was the use of synthesizers made by Härmo Härm. This recording was released in 1996, when Sven Grünberg finally collected the remaining recordings of the bands work. The audio quality is not the best in comparison to today's standards, but the music is genius. More info on the band: http://home.uninet.ee/~mel/estprog/proge/mess....
Sõnad: tead, kallis rendime saare peal sauna ja siis keskele flora ja fauna me heidame turjale paunad ning leiame lootsiku roost ja aidaa paunad paati ja kaome kauaks siit painavalt maalt et endile haarata armastussaart. ma ei aima mis ilm sellel saare peal on ja see saun kas veel ka leili peab kas söödavaid taimi või seeni seal on kes küll teab kuid meil on ikka hea taevas kaar ja huulil naer kandku paat ja aer las sõuda käed on koos, mis muud veel nõuda, arm on nii suur tead, kallis rendime saare peal sauna ja siis keskele flora ja fauna me heidame turjale paunad ning leiame lootsiku roost ja aidaa paunad paati ja kaome kauaks siit painavalt maalt et endile haarata armastussaart. mis juhtub kui leek mille süütas me kirg pole jääv ja jahtub lembeleil ei...
18.02.2014 Sandra Nurmsalu - vocal Pille Piir - piano Oliver Rõõmus - percussion For entertaining purposes only. I don't own this video!
Väga õpetlik lugu ;D This song is about home violance towards kids. Ära löö last = Dont hit a child. Esitaja: Noizmakaz, Kozy, Reket, G-Enka, Põhjamaade Hirm, Stupid F, Chalice, Scabere Lugu: Ära löö last Nautige, kommenteeriga ja liituge kanaliga ;) Enjoy, comment and join the channel ;D
DON'T STOP, MOVE ON! Kui armastate kedagi, aga Te ei saa Temaga mingil põhjusel koos olla või Te ei suuda Teda unustada, siis mõelge, et Iga Lõpp On Millegi Uue Algus & Keerake oma elu uus lehekülg.. Minge edasi, ärge peatuge! Ükskõik kui raske see ka poleks, minge edasi oma eluga!
I DO NOT own this song. Lihtsalt ehh on mu elus tähtsal kohal.
I don't own anything. Just enjoy the music :) Lyrics: Tulede valgel uinuv linn Saadab mind teele taas Hüvasti ütled siis ja lehvitad kaugelt veel Ma pole su beib, ei mannekeen Ja arvan, et sa vist tead Neid lootusi petma pean Kuid vaba on siis mu hing Ei karda äikest ja vastutuult Nendega vaid koos õpin elama Pole midagi uut siin päikese all Kuula mind veelkord Liiga ohtlik on mu tee Anna nüüd andeks, et põgenen Jätan kõik ja riskin veel Elu pole vaid mäng ega disneyland Võõrad linnad, võõrad teed Tuttavaks said, et minna veel Vanad teksad ja kitarr Nad on mul kõik, mida vajan nüüd Päiksest põlenud näol mu naeru näeb Suitsune öölokaal, tundamatud võõrad näod See elu just haarab mind Siin on glamuur kui kassikuld Kus igaüks on kui staar Ja unistus, mis neid seob Nii meeletult veider näi...
Don't Say Goodbye by Uku Kuut & Vaiko Eplik from the album Don't Say Goodbye/Grand Hotel Bruxelles Released 2015-12-24 on Mortimer Snerd Records Listen/download this album on your preferred music service: Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/album/5YavguDxuz6Cbj9puHDhfb Apple Music / iTunes: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/album/1069339254 Deezer: http://deezer.com/album/12046968 Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=Uku+Kuut+%26+Vaiko+Eplik+Don%27t+Say+Goodbye%2FGrand+Hotel+Bruxelles&c;=music © ℗
Solistica 2017 10.-12.kl Eripreemia - Siirus! Juhendaja Toomas Voll.
Ühel ööl puhus tuul väikse popsutare ees mille sees lamas mees oma koiku ees ja tundis et otsa saama hakkab elutee ainus sõber kes tal oli ,oli peni hea toetas mehepeale enda kollaka pea tänas viimast korda meest kes oli talle isa eest ja kui mehe eluküünal viimaks otsa sai tegi peni talle keelega veel viimase pai jooksis väljas kus kuut ja ulgus seal päeva kuus ja kui käes oli seitsmes päev siis külarahvas tõstis tema vastu oma vägivaldse käe peni konutas puuri sees ja ootas püssimeest Sa põgene eest peni kollane mööda teed väljas keel saba tolmune Sa põgene eest peni kollane mööda teed väljas keel saba tolmune Ja tuligi siis püssimees kes maani täis taarus ringi ja vahepeal selili käis peni lõppu tajus nüüd ja üsna vaikseks jäi aga abikäe ulatas siis ...
Worth wider recognition - estonian indie- and folk rock artist Vaiko Eplik
dont põe
Treasure every moment what You have and treasure it MORE and remember time waits for no one... You will always stay in my heart, in that special warm place! I miss you every second.
Vennaskond - Kopenhaagen (Trubetsky) Usk. Lootus. Armastus. (1993) ---------------------------- I do not own or resell this content you are viewing/listening. For entertainment purposes only. All the copyrights belong to their respective owners. ---------------------------- Kui ma lahkun udus hallis, jää siis hüvasti, mu kallis, sa! Jää hüvasti, mu Kopenhaagen! Jää hüvasti, mu Kopenhaagen! Lehed kollased on puudel. Üritan sind veelkord suudelda. Jää hüvasti, mu Kopenhaagen! Jää hüvasti, mu Kopenhaagen! Läheb laev ja nutt on kurgus. Sõbrad ootavad mind Turkus ning... Jää hüvasti, mu Kopenhaagen! Jää hüvasti, mu Kopenhaagen! Seisad, värvitud on huuled. Viivad üle mere tuuled mind Jää hüvasti, mu Kopenhaagen! Jää hüvasti, mu Kopenhaagen! Idakaar on koiduverel. Käes on hommik Lääne...
Liisi Koikson - Estonia (Sõit pilvelaeval) I apologise but the videos from 37 and 38 are with lag (between audio an video) I don't know what happened since the DVD is fine, it was on the conversion. If anyone has any idea of a good converter (from DVD to WMV or AVI) please tell me and I'll convert again (and that doesn't put watermarkers!). Enjoy!
From the album 'Küsi Eneselt'. ('Ask Yourself') A superb track that makes use of woodwinds, a choir, harpsichord, organ and electronical instruments to bring this prog-epic to another level entirely. Mess was a groundbreaking Estonian space/progressive rock ensemble active in 1974-76, led by Sven Grünberg, who later went on to be an electronic/ambient composer. Probably the first progressive rock group in the Soviet Union. One of it's defining characteristics was the use of synthesizers made by Härmo Härm. This recording was released in 1996, when Sven Grünberg finally collected the remaining recordings of the bands work. The audio quality is not the best in comparison to today's standards, but the music is genius. More info on the band: http://home.uninet.ee/~mel/estprog/proge/mess....
Sõnad: tead, kallis rendime saare peal sauna ja siis keskele flora ja fauna me heidame turjale paunad ning leiame lootsiku roost ja aidaa paunad paati ja kaome kauaks siit painavalt maalt et endile haarata armastussaart. ma ei aima mis ilm sellel saare peal on ja see saun kas veel ka leili peab kas söödavaid taimi või seeni seal on kes küll teab kuid meil on ikka hea taevas kaar ja huulil naer kandku paat ja aer las sõuda käed on koos, mis muud veel nõuda, arm on nii suur tead, kallis rendime saare peal sauna ja siis keskele flora ja fauna me heidame turjale paunad ning leiame lootsiku roost ja aidaa paunad paati ja kaome kauaks siit painavalt maalt et endile haarata armastussaart. mis juhtub kui leek mille süütas me kirg pole jääv ja jahtub lembeleil ei...
18.02.2014 Sandra Nurmsalu - vocal Pille Piir - piano Oliver Rõõmus - percussion For entertaining purposes only. I don't own this video!
Väga õpetlik lugu ;D This song is about home violance towards kids. Ära löö last = Dont hit a child. Esitaja: Noizmakaz, Kozy, Reket, G-Enka, Põhjamaade Hirm, Stupid F, Chalice, Scabere Lugu: Ära löö last Nautige, kommenteeriga ja liituge kanaliga ;) Enjoy, comment and join the channel ;D
DON'T STOP, MOVE ON! Kui armastate kedagi, aga Te ei saa Temaga mingil põhjusel koos olla või Te ei suuda Teda unustada, siis mõelge, et Iga Lõpp On Millegi Uue Algus & Keerake oma elu uus lehekülg.. Minge edasi, ärge peatuge! Ükskõik kui raske see ka poleks, minge edasi oma eluga!
I DO NOT own this song. Lihtsalt ehh on mu elus tähtsal kohal.
I don't own anything. Just enjoy the music :) Lyrics: Tulede valgel uinuv linn Saadab mind teele taas Hüvasti ütled siis ja lehvitad kaugelt veel Ma pole su beib, ei mannekeen Ja arvan, et sa vist tead Neid lootusi petma pean Kuid vaba on siis mu hing Ei karda äikest ja vastutuult Nendega vaid koos õpin elama Pole midagi uut siin päikese all Kuula mind veelkord Liiga ohtlik on mu tee Anna nüüd andeks, et põgenen Jätan kõik ja riskin veel Elu pole vaid mäng ega disneyland Võõrad linnad, võõrad teed Tuttavaks said, et minna veel Vanad teksad ja kitarr Nad on mul kõik, mida vajan nüüd Päiksest põlenud näol mu naeru näeb Suitsune öölokaal, tundamatud võõrad näod See elu just haarab mind Siin on glamuur kui kassikuld Kus igaüks on kui staar Ja unistus, mis neid seob Nii meeletult veider näi...
Don't Say Goodbye by Uku Kuut & Vaiko Eplik from the album Don't Say Goodbye/Grand Hotel Bruxelles Released 2015-12-24 on Mortimer Snerd Records Listen/download this album on your preferred music service: Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/album/5YavguDxuz6Cbj9puHDhfb Apple Music / iTunes: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/album/1069339254 Deezer: http://deezer.com/album/12046968 Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=Uku+Kuut+%26+Vaiko+Eplik+Don%27t+Say+Goodbye%2FGrand+Hotel+Bruxelles&c;=music © ℗
Solistica 2017 10.-12.kl Eripreemia - Siirus! Juhendaja Toomas Voll.
Ühel ööl puhus tuul väikse popsutare ees mille sees lamas mees oma koiku ees ja tundis et otsa saama hakkab elutee ainus sõber kes tal oli ,oli peni hea toetas mehepeale enda kollaka pea tänas viimast korda meest kes oli talle isa eest ja kui mehe eluküünal viimaks otsa sai tegi peni talle keelega veel viimase pai jooksis väljas kus kuut ja ulgus seal päeva kuus ja kui käes oli seitsmes päev siis külarahvas tõstis tema vastu oma vägivaldse käe peni konutas puuri sees ja ootas püssimeest Sa põgene eest peni kollane mööda teed väljas keel saba tolmune Sa põgene eest peni kollane mööda teed väljas keel saba tolmune Ja tuligi siis püssimees kes maani täis taarus ringi ja vahepeal selili käis peni lõppu tajus nüüd ja üsna vaikseks jäi aga abikäe ulatas siis ...
Worth wider recognition - estonian indie- and folk rock artist Vaiko Eplik
Haldi Välimäe ja Vaiko Eplik Järvamaa noorte kodu-uurimiskonverentsi osalejatele 17. mail 2017 Paide raekojas. Video Ants Leppoja
ELU24 UNPLUGGED/ Külas käis salapärane Sandra Nurmsalu For all of those who enjoy listening to her beautiful voice and her beautiful language :) Original Link: http://elu24.postimees.ee/2699700/elu24-unplugged-kulas-kais-salaparane-sandra-nurmsalu ! I don't own the copyrights to this video. ! All rights go to Elu24 (elu24.postimees.ee)
Tajo Kadajase sooloalbum aastast 2009, pühendatud sõbra, Urmas Alenderi mälestusele. Klahvpillidel Vladimir Petuhhov ja Tajo Kadajas. 1. Üks väike rõõm........................ .00:00 2. Jaanipäevaks............................ ..03:03 3. Andesta.................................... ..05:34 4. Hüvasti kollane koer................ ..07¬:51 5. Usaldus.......................................11:31 6. Öine vahetus…...........................15:09 7. Kui kaua veel..............................19:10 8. Oma saar.....................................22:05 9. Luigelaul.....................................25:01 10. Koju .........................................28:23 11. Asfalttee....................................31:04 12. Nii vaikseks kõik on jäänud…..34:34 13. Eesti muld ja Eesti süda..............
http://www.ted.com Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened -- as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding -- she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another.
Kui Youtubes filmid ei avane siis leiate kõik filmiosad siit: www.ulmefilm.ee või https://www.facebook.com/Ulmefilm Teie ees on Ulmefilm, mis on täis ulmelisi sündmuseid ja teooriaid. Enamus neid asjadest on nii uskumatud, et need võiksid eksisteerida tõepoolest ainult ulmefilmis. Kuid tihti on nii, et just need kõige ulmelisemad asjad äratavad sind unest ning uskumatud asjad osutuvad tõeks. Ulmefilmil on 13 osa, millest esimene viib sind maatriksisse, kust tagasiteed enam ei ole. Iga päev ilmub uus osa, mis paljastab meie ulmelise maailma telgitaguseid. Nõnda saavad sinu järgmised kaks nädalat olema väga põnevad. Ja pärast seda ei ole piire enam olemas. Koostaja: Hando Tõnumaa Toimetaja: Mariann Joonas Graafika: Martin Tõnumaa
It feels good to be bad… Assemble a team of the world’s most dangerous, incarcerated Super Villains, provide them with the most powerful arsenal at the government’s disposal, and send them off on a mission to defeat an enigmatic, insuperable entity. U.S. intelligence officer Amanda Waller has determined only a secretly convened group of disparate, despicable individuals with next to nothing to lose will do. However, once they realize they weren’t picked to succeed but chosen for their patent culpability when they inevitably fail, will the Suicide Squad resolve to die trying, or decide it’s every man for himself?
From director Tim Burton, comes a wildly imaginative fantasy-adventure. When Jake unravels a mystery that spans alternate realities and times, he discovers a secret world for children with unusual powers, including levitating Emma, pyrokinetic Olive, and invisible Millard. But danger soon arises and the children must band together to protect a world as extraordinary as they are.
TERETULEMAST WALKING DEAD UUDE HOOAEGA :D Mul on väga hea meel tuua teieni täiesti uus ja hämmastav hooaeg ühest minu ning loodetavasti ka teie lemmikust mängust. See on algus veel ühele vägevale seiklusele ning kindlasti jätke like, kui olete elevil ning nautisite seda videot! See hooaeg tuli välja kahe episoodiga ning ma annan endast parime, et mõlemaid võimalikult ruttu mängida ning teieni tuua. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ➡Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1ojVm8R _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ➡Muu info "The Walking Dead: A New Frontier" on Steamis müügil hinnaga 22,99€ Minu Janari Steam: TheTomsikene Tahad teenida YouTube videote tegemise e...
From visionary director Zhang Yimou (“Hero,” “House of Flying Daggers”) comes “The Great Wall,” an epic action-adventure centered on the construction of one of mankind’s greatest wonders, the Great Wall of China. Superstar Matt Damon headlines an international cast that includes Jing Tian, Pedro Pascal, Willem Dafoe and Andy Lau. Damon plays an English mercenary who joins the fight against a horde of menacing creatures attempting to breach the colossal barrier. - ( Original Title - The Great Wall )
Canal original: http://goo.gl/axnEFu -Acione legendas no ícone à esquerda do ajuste de resolução- Título Nacional: Por Um Punhado de Dólares. Gênero: Faroeste. País: Itália, Espanha, Alemanha Ocidental. Estrelas: Clint Eastwood, Gian Maria Volontè, Marianne Koch. Direção: Sergio Leone. Roteiro: Adriano Bolzoni, Víctor Andrés Catena, Sergio Leone, Jaime Comas Gil, Fernando Di Leo, Duccio Tessari, Tonino Valerii. Sinopse: Joe (Clint Eastwood) é um pistoleiro barra pesada que chega a uma cidade que está em guerra. Quando percebem o potencial de Joe, ambas as partes se interessam por contratá-lo; é quando ele percebe que pode ganhar um dinheiro com a situação aceitando a proposta dos dois lados. * Versão remasterizada de Blu-Ray, em resolução 1080p (recomendada).
From director Joe Wright comes “Pan,” a live-action feature presenting a wholly original adventure about the beginnings of the beloved characters created by J.M. Barrie. Peter is a mischievous 12-year-old boy with an irrepressible rebellious streak,but in the bleak London orphanage where he has lived his whole life those qualities do not exactly fly. Then one incredible night,Peter is whisked away from the orphanage and spirited off to a fantastical world of pirates,warriors and fairies called Neverland. There,he finds amazing adventures and fights life-or-death battles while trying to uncover the secret of his mother,who left him at the orphanage so long ago,and his rightful place in this magical land. Teamed with the warrior Tiger Lily and a new friend named James Hook,Peter must defeat ...
SuperRaven proovib kõige uuemat Minecrafti mängida :D Minecraft 1.11.2 Kirjuta/joonista mulle: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SuperRavenYT/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theforestofcolours/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ForestOfColours E-mail: theforestofcolours@gmail.com Kui sa seda loed, siis oled superlahe! Suur aitäh, et mu videosid vaatad!! :)
When four outsiders saw what the big banks, media and government refused to, the global collapse of the economy, they had an idea: The Big Short. Their bold investment leads them into the dark underbelly of modern banking where they must question everyone and everything. Based on the true story and best-selling book by Michael Lewis (The Blind Side, Moneyball), and directed by Adam Mckay (Anchorman, Step Brothers) The Big Short stars Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt.
A mysterious event from Earth's past threatens to ignite a war so big that the TRANSFORMERS™ alone will not be able to save the planet. Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) and the AUTOBOTS™ must fight against the darkness to defend our world from the DECEPTICONS'™ all-consuming evil in the smash hit from director Michael Bay and executive producer Steven Spielberg.
DreamWorks Animation invites you to meet a most unusual baby. The Boss Baby is a hilariously universal story about how a new baby's arrival impacts a family, told from the point of view of a delightfully unreliable narrator, a very imaginative 7-year-old named Tim. With a sly, heart-filled message about the importance of family, The Boss Baby is an original, broadly appealing comedy for all ages.
Watch the latest dramas and movies with subtitles: http://www.viki.com/ Watch the most recent K-dramas: http://www.viki.com/tv/browse?utf8=%E2%9C%93&genre;=23g&country;=kr&language;=&sort;=latest Watch more Dramas: http://www.viki.com/genres/drama ************************************* Join the Viki party, subtitle your favourite show and share with other viewers now: www.viki.com/community ************************************* Playful Kiss is based on the Japanese manga Mischievous Kiss. Brought to you by Group Eight (Goong and Boys over Flowers). The drama has previously been made for Japanese and Taiwanese audiences and they both were a huge success. Playful Kiss is about a popular and genius male student named Baek Seung-jo who has a stand-offish personality and Oh Hani who is a femal...
Ex-military investigator Jack Reacher (Tom Cruise) leaps off the pages of Lee Child's bestselling novel and onto the big screen in the explosive thriller the critics are calling "taut, muscular, gruff and cool"*. When an unspeakable crime is committed, all evidence points to the suspect in custody who offers up a single note in defense: "Get Jack Reacher!" The law has its limits, but Reacher does not when his fight for the truth pits him against an unexpected enemy with a skill for violence and a secret to keep. * Peter Suderman, THE WASHINGTON TIMES
It's been two years since Leo Barnes (Frank Grillo) stopped himself from a regrettable act of revenge on Purge Night. Now serving as head of security for Senator Charlie Roan (Elizabeth Mitchell), his mission is to protect her in a run for president and survive the annual ritual that targets the poor and innocent. But when a betrayal forces them onto the streets of D.C. on the one night when no help is available, they must stay alive until dawn…or both be sacrificed for their sins against the state. (Original Title - The Purge: Election Year) - 2016 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.