June 23 is National Pink Day. This is a day set aside to pay attention to the color pink.
Pink is a pale red color which got its name from a flower of the same name.
The color pink combined with white or pale blue is most commonly associated with girls and women, femininity, sensitivity, tenderness, childhood and the romantic, according to surveys in the United States and Europe. Pink, when combined with violet or black is associated with eroticism and seduction.
Madame de Pompadour (1721-1764), the mistress of King Louis XV of France,often wore pink. She one had a particular tint of pink made specifically for her. In 19th century England, pink ribbons or decorations were worn by young boys. The men in England wore red uniforms and since boys were considered small men, boys wore pink. Pink became much bolder, brighter and more assertive in the 20th century and 1931, the color “Shocking Pink” was introduced. Pink is one of the most common colors of flowers and is known to attract insects and birds.
Pink is the color most associated with sweet foods and beverages. Pink is often used as a symbolic color by groups involved in issues important to women, and the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual people. For instance, since 1991 pink has been the international symbol of breast cancer awareness. Pink was chosen partially because it is so strongly associated with femininity.
The color pink is used in many expressions:
- "In the pink" means to be in top form, in good health, in good condition.
- "To see pink elephants" is to hallucinate from alcoholism.
- "A pink slip" means to be fired or dismissed from a job.
- "Pink-collar workers" are persons working in jobs conventionally regarded as “women’s work.”
- "Pink money" is the pink pound or pink dollar is an economic term which refers to the spending power of the LGBT community.
- "Tickled pink" means to be extremely pleased.
- "A pink eye" is an inflammation or infection of the eye.
The most apparent way to celebrate is to wear pink. Enjoy foods and beverages that are pink. Give a donation to any of the charities that use the color pink. Use #NationalPinkDay in social media.