- published: 28 Nov 2012
- views: 8595
Poglavnik (pronounced [pǒɡlaːʋniːk]) was the title used by Ante Pavelić, leader of World War II Croatian movement Ustaše and of the Independent State of Croatia between 1941 and 1945.
The word was first recorded in a 16th-century dictionary compiled by Fausto Veranzio as a Croatian term for the Latin word princeps.
According to the Dictionary of the Croatian Language compiled by Vladimir Anić and the Croatian Encyclopedic Dictionary the word comes from the adjective form "poglavit", which can be loosely translated as "first and foremost" or "respectable, noble, honorable". The adjective is in turn a compound of the Croatian prefix "po-" and the Proto-Slavic word stem "glava" (head).
Because it was used by the fascist regime, the title (which had originally meant "head" or "chief" but was rarely used before the 1930s) is never used today in its original sense as it became synonymous with Pavelić and took on negative connotations after World War II.
Other etymologically closely related words used in modern Croatian are "poglavica" (translated as "chief", used to identify tribal leaders) and "poglavar" (translated as "head of state", sometimes used for monarchs or elected heads of state).
Ante Pavelić (Croatian pronunciation: [ǎːnte pǎʋelit͡ɕ]; 14 July 1889 – 28 December 1959) was a Croatian fascist dictator who led the Ustaše movement and Independent State of Croatia (NDH), a puppet state of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany that was established in parts of occupied Yugoslavia during World War II, pursuing genocidal policies against ethnic and racial minorities.
At the start of his career, Pavelić was a lawyer and a politician of the Croatian Party of Rights in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia known for his nationalist beliefs and support for an independent Croatia. By the end of the 1920s, his political activity became more radical as he called on Croats to revolt against Yugoslavia, and schemed an Italian protectorate of Croatia separate from Yugoslavia. After King Alexander I declared his 6 January Dictatorship in 1929 and banned all political parties, Pavelić went abroad and plotted with the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO) to undermine the Yugoslav state, which prompted the Yugoslav authorities to try him in absentia and sentence him to death. In the meantime, Pavelić had moved to fascist Italy where he founded the Ustaše, a Croatian nationalist movement with the goal of creating an independent Croatia by any means, including the use of terror. Pavelić incorporated terrorist actions in the Ustaše program, such as train bombings and assassinations, staged a small uprising in Lika in 1932, culminating in the assassination of King Alexander in 1934 in conjunction with the IMRO. Pavelić was once again sentenced to death after being tried in France in absentia and, under international pressure, the Italians imprisoned him for 18 months, and largely obstructed the Ustaše in the following period.
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HTML elements form the building blocks of all websites. HTML allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items.
The language is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets (like <html>
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Poglavnik dr. Ante Pavelić - S nama je!
Poglavnik dr. Ante Pavelic i Fuhrer Adolf Hitler - 1941
Živo Poglavnik!
Znaju, Zmaja od Bosne, Sokola Velebitskog, i mrtvog se boje! ( Poglavnik dr. Ante Pavelić )
La celebrazione del primo anniversario dell'indipendenza croata presenziata dal Poglavnik
U zdrav mozak - Poglavnik | PRANK CALL
Dr Ante Pavelić - by DJ Poglavnik
Poglavnik of Croatia, Dr. Ante Pavelic visits Rome, May 1941
He-man - Australska verzija crtića (News Bar)
Ante Pavelić u sjevernoj Hrvatskoj 1944.
On je došao, jer doći je morao, Da pobere plodove iz brazda, Koje je vlastitom rukom duboko zaorao. On je došao da za vjekove sazda, Slobode naroda hram, Kojeg je temelje, kroz brige i patnje, Udario sam. Stupio je na mučeničko tlo Hrvatske svete Uz zvuke uskrsnih zvona, Uz kliktaj milijuna, I vapaj ognjišta naših. Za njegov dolazak prolistali su gajevi, Cvijetom se okitili svi krajevi, Zamirisali puti i živice, I povratile se ptice. Od Petrove Gore kroz osam stoljeća Nije bilo sretnijeg proljeća Do ovoga -- o kom s radošću žubore vode -- Proljeća slobode. Naše vile -- sad više ne cvile. Naše rane -- sad su oplakane. Sviću dani -- suncem obasjani, Okićeni i srebrom i zlatom. Duh je smiren Šestinskoga lava, Stari snovi postali su java Hrvatska je vraćena Hrvatom. On je došao, sad je m...
Poglavnik dr. Ante Pavelic i Fuhrer Adolf Hitler - 1941
U spomen na Poglavnika dr. Antu Pavelića (14. 7. 1889. - 28. 12. 1959.) S nama je! Poglavnik - oklevetani revolucionar : http://www.ustaskipokret.com/zivotopisi-mainmenu-28/ndh-mainmenu-39/387-poglavnik-oklevetani-revolucionar.html Poglavnik je za života održao i objavio mnoge govore i razmišljanja, ovo su neka od njih : " Pod znakom srpa i čekića ide onaj, koji nikada u ruci čekića imao nije. Pod tim znakom djeluju oni, koji možda svojim vlastitim očima u naravi nikada srpa ni vidjeli nisu. " " Budimo spremni, kao da ćemo sutra odlučivati o svojoj sudbini, a radimo kao da će posao dugo trajati. " " I, braćo, i svatko od nas mora biti prototip marljivosti, svaki od nas mora biti poput mrava, svaki od nas mora biti sabran, promišljen i požrtvovan, mora biti velikodušan, čestit i morala...
Giornale Luce C0240 del 18/04/1942 Descrizione sequenze:Ante Pavelic accompagnato da militari con bandiera croata si avvia verso il luogo della celebrazione ; rappresentanti delle nazioni alleate assistono alla sfilata ; uomini con abiti e costumi tradizionali sfilano con bandiere e fanno il saluto fascista ; bambini croati in divisa sfilano ; giovani e ragazze croate sfilano ; il battaglione M della milizia fascista sfila ; soldati croati sfilano ; soldati tedeschi sfilano ; Archivio Storico Luce http://www.archivioluce.com . Istituto Luce Cinecittà: tutte le immagini e i fotogrammi più belli di come eravamo, rivissuti attraverso i film, i documentari e i video che hanno fatto la storia del nostro Paese. Seguici anche su: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/LuceCinecitta Twitter -...
!!!VELIKA NAGRADNA IGRA ZA FANOVE "U ZDRAV MOZAK"!!! Gledanjem videa putem ovog Youtube kanala sudjelujete u nagradnoj igri. Ukoliko na jednom od videa pronađete kod u obliku UZMS5---------- osvojili ste iPhone 7 32GB Silver. Ukoliko pronađete kod pošaljite ga zajedno sa svojim podacima na e-mail: nagradnaigra@uzdravmozak.com. Nagradna igra traje do 30. rujna 2017. Da biste osvojili nagradu ne morate biti samo iz Hrvatske. VAŽNA NAPOMENA!!! DA BISTE VIDJELI KOD MORATE IMATI ISKLJUČEN ADBLOCK NA OVOJ STRANICI!!! Sretno!!! ;)
State visit of Dr. Ante Pavelic, Poglavnik of the Croatian Nation to Rome on May 22nd, 1941. The Croatian delegation receives the greetings of the Italian Chief of Government Benito Mussolini and the King Victor Emmanuel III of Savoy. King Victor Emmanuel, at the Poglavnik solemn request, designates Duke Aimone of Savoy as the new Monarch of Kingdom of Croatia.