- published: 28 Dec 2014
- views: 407425
Coordinates: 50°06′37″N 8°40′54″E / 50.11028°N 8.68167°E / 50.11028; 8.68167 The Römer (German surname, "Roman") is a medieval building in the Altstadt of Frankfurt am Main, Germany, and one of the city's most important landmarks. The Römer is located opposite the Old St. Nicholas church and has been the city hall (Rathaus) of Frankfurt for over 600 years. The Römer merchant family sold it together with a second building, the Goldener Schwan (Golden Swan), to the city council on March 11, 1405 and it was converted for use as the city hall. The Haus Römer is actually the middle building of a set of three located in the Römerberg (a plaza).
The Römer is not a museum as it is occasionally used by the city for various purposes, for example as a Standesamt or civil registration office; the wedding rooms are located in the first and second floor of the Haus Löwenstein.
The former old town quarter between the Römer and St. Bartholomew's Cathedral will be redeveloped as the Dom-Römer Quarter until 2016, including several reconstructions of historical buildings that were destroyed during World War II.
Monty Python (sometimes known as The Pythons) were a British surreal comedy group who created the sketch comedy show Monty Python's Flying Circus, that first aired on the BBC on 5 October 1969. Forty-five episodes were made over four seasons. The Python phenomenon developed from the television series into something larger in scope and impact, spawning touring stage shows, films, numerous albums, several books, and a stage musical. The group's influence on comedy has been compared to The Beatles' influence on music.
Broadcast by the BBC between 1969 and 1974, Flying Circus was conceived, written, and performed by its members Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin. Loosely structured as a sketch show, but with an innovative stream-of-consciousness approach (aided by Gilliam's animation), it pushed the boundaries of what was acceptable in style and content. A self-contained comedy team responsible for both writing and performing their work, the Pythons had creative control which allowed them to experiment with form and content, discarding rules of television comedy. Their influence on British comedy has been apparent for years, while in North America, it has coloured the work of cult performers from the early editions of Saturday Night Live through to more recent absurdist trends in television comedy. "Pythonesque" has entered the English lexicon as a result.
Terra X: Große Völker - Die Römer
10 unglaubliche Fakten über die Römer
[HD] Legendäre Schlachten - Hannibal und die Römer (Doku)
Die Eroberung Germaniens | Die Römer im Südwesten
Die Römer
Die Römer
Terra MaX 02 Römer und Germanen
Monty Python´s - Das Leben des Brian, Römer, geht nach hause! (Deutsch - HD 1080)
Römer King II 2014 autosedačka 9-18 kg
Actors: Götz Burger (actor), Pierre Semmler (actor), Stefan Kollmuss (actor), Stefan Gubser (actor), Mathias Gnädinger (actor), Max Rüdlinger (actor), Stephanie Glaser (actress), Martin Rapold (actor), Jürgen Brügger (actor), Andrea Zogg (actor), Jonathan Kinsler (actor), Arnold Bucher (miscellaneous crew), Adrian Frutiger (composer), Michael Steiner (editor), Michael Steiner (director),
Genres: Action, Thriller,Actors: Günter Lamprecht (actor), Jirí Sust (composer), Karl Friedrich (actor), Angelika Jendrusch (miscellaneous crew), Susanne Paschen (editor), Josef Vondrácek (actor), Henning Stegmüller (director), Henning Stegmüller (writer), Horst Raspe (actor), Detten Schleiermacher (writer), Marie-Agnes Reintgen (actress), Alfons Hausmann (actor), Erhard 'Bimbo' Weller (actor), Angie Mai (actress), Pit Ludwig (actor),
Genres: Biography,Actors: Hans Brenner (actor), Klaus Höhne (actor), Uwe Ochsenknecht (actor), Dan van Husen (actor), Udo Vioff (actor), Helmut Zierl (actor), Lis Verhoeven (actress), Erica Beer (actress), Michael Fitz (actor), Mareike Carrière (actress), Randolf Kronberg (actor), Wolfgang Müller (actor), Martin May (actor), Horst Flick (director), Wilfried Labmeier (actor),
Genres: ,Actors: Werner Schroeter (actor), Herbert Achternbusch (actor), Kurt Raab (actor), Herbert Achternbusch (producer), Josef Bierbichler (actor), Josef Bierbichler (actor), Herbert Achternbusch (director), Herbert Achternbusch (writer), Micki Joanni (miscellaneous crew), Micki Joanni (editor), Peter Rosenwanger (miscellaneous crew), Annamirl Bierbichler (actress), Gabi Geist (actress), Ann Poppel (actress), Ann Poppel (costume designer),
Genres: ,Actors: Werner Schroeter (actor), Herbert Achternbusch (actor), Kurt Raab (actor), Herbert Achternbusch (producer), Josef Bierbichler (actor), Josef Bierbichler (actor), Herbert Achternbusch (director), Herbert Achternbusch (writer), Micki Joanni (miscellaneous crew), Micki Joanni (editor), Peter Rosenwanger (miscellaneous crew), Annamirl Bierbichler (actress), Gabi Geist (actress), Ann Poppel (actress), Ann Poppel (costume designer),
Genres: ,Actors: Werner Schroeter (actor), Herbert Achternbusch (actor), Kurt Raab (actor), Herbert Achternbusch (producer), Josef Bierbichler (actor), Josef Bierbichler (actor), Herbert Achternbusch (director), Herbert Achternbusch (writer), Micki Joanni (miscellaneous crew), Micki Joanni (editor), Peter Rosenwanger (miscellaneous crew), Annamirl Bierbichler (actress), Gabi Geist (actress), Ann Poppel (actress), Ann Poppel (costume designer),
Genres: ,Actors: Fritz Muliar (actor), Hugo Lindinger (actor), Peter Kraus (actor), Ulli Lommel (actor), Rainer Basedow (actor), Lukas Ammann (actor), Kurt Großkurth (actor), Hans Jürgen Diedrich (actor), Hans Elwenspoek (actor), Werner Abrolat (actor), Thomas Fritsch (actor), Joachim Fuchsberger (actor), Herbert Fux (actor), Beppo Brem (actor), Charles Regnier (actor),
Genres: Comedy,Actors: Fritz Muliar (actor), Hugo Lindinger (actor), Peter Kraus (actor), Ulli Lommel (actor), Rainer Basedow (actor), Lukas Ammann (actor), Kurt Großkurth (actor), Hans Jürgen Diedrich (actor), Hans Elwenspoek (actor), Werner Abrolat (actor), Thomas Fritsch (actor), Joachim Fuchsberger (actor), Herbert Fux (actor), Beppo Brem (actor), Charles Regnier (actor),
Genres: Comedy,Actors: Rolf von Sydow (director), Hans Elwenspoek (actor), Walter Ladengast (actor), Georg Lehn (actor), Erwin Linder (actor), Wolfgang Preiss (actor), Kurt Rackelmann (actor), Alfred Schieske (actor), Claus Biederstaedt (actor), Gertrud Roll (actress), Peter Oehme (actor), Brigitte Dryander (actress), Heidi Treutler (actress), Günther Weisenborn (writer), Günter Einbrodt (actor),
Genres: Drama,Actors: Alfred Braun (actor), Carl de Vogt (actor), Paul Henckels (actor), Kurt Lilien (actor), Lionel Royce (actor), Hans Sternberg (actor), Rolf Weih (actor), Charlotte Ander (actress), Hedwig Wangel (actress), Franz Rauch (writer), Carl Heinz Wolff (director), Wilhelm P. Krüger (actor), Mathilde Sussin (actress), Bernard Homola (composer), Gustav Rickelt (actor),
Genres: Comedy,
Die im 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr. gegründete Zivilisation hat (fast) die komplette Welt geprägt. Ob Kunst, Kultur oder unser heutiges Rechtswesen. Die Römer haben eine eigene TopZehn Folge verdient! :) Hier das Video auf FB teilen: http://on.topzehn.tv/va150825 -- Hier geht's zum Video "10 historische Missverständnisse": http://bit.ly/1UENAJj Unsere Website http://topzehn.tv TopZehn auch als Mobile App für dein Smartphone iPhone: http://on.topzehn.tv/ios Android: http://on.topzehn.tv/android TopZehn auf Social Media http://www.facebook.com/TopZehnVideos http://www.twitter.com/TopZehn http://www.instagram.com/TopZehn Hier geht es zum Zweitkanal StrengGeheim: http://youtube.com/StrengGeheim Danke an CutterSnake für die Unterstützung! TopZehn ist der vielfältige und actionreiche Fact-Countd...
Mit 40 Elefanten über die Alpen - dem Krieger Hannibal gelingt das Undenkbare. Er marschiert mit einer riesigen Armee aus Karthago ins Römische Reich ein. Die Überraschung der Römer ist groß. Das nutzt Hannibal gnadenlos aus und versetzt dem Reich einen fast tödlichen Schlag. In mehreren Kämpfen tötet er jeden Römer, den er trifft und wird zu einer Legende: Hannibal, der Vernichter.
Wie konnten die Römer in Sandalen ein Weltreich erobern? Wie entbehrungsreich und gefährlich war ein Gladiatorenleben? Wie schmeckte das Essen bei den Römern und wie lebte es sich in einer römischen Provinzstadt? Antworten auf diese Fragen findet "Odysso"-Moderatorin Lena Ganschow auf einer Reise in die römische Vergangenheit des SWR-Sendegebiets. Mehr zur Geschichte im Südwesten: Empathy Game zu Geschichte des Südwestens: http://geschichte-des-suedwestens.swr.de/ Im Empathy Game kannst Du erleben, wie sich Geschichte anfühlt. Triff Entscheidungen und entdecke, welche Folgen Dein Handeln hat. Eine spannende Zeitreise und ein intensives Spiel-Erlebnis. Mehr Infos im Web: http://www.swr.de/geschichte-des-suedwestens http://www.swr.de/geschichte SWR-Kanal abonnieren unter http://bit.ly/...
Im Jahre 15 vor Christus zogen endlose Kolonnen römischer Legionäre über die Alpen, um die Gebiete im Norden für das Weltreich des Kaisers Augustus zu erobern. Mit dem Sieg über die einheimischen Stämme bei Oberammergau begann die über 400-jährige Herrschaft der Römer nördlich der Alpen. Der militärischen Okkupation folgte eine wirtschaftliche Blüte, die begleitet war von einem "Kulturtransfer" ohnegleichen. Die zivilisatorischen Einflüsse prägten auch die germanischen Stämme jenseits des Limes.
Ganze Reihe hier: http://neanderpeople.npage.de/terra-max.html Durch ein Missgeschick schaltet sich die Zeitmaschine ein, während Paul alleine ist. Die Funken sprühen, und Paul steht plötzlich einem blindwütig kämpfenden römischen Zenturio (Mathis Landwehr) gegenüber. Der Zenturio hat eine spannende Geschichte zu erzählen, die Geschichte seines Bruders Arminius. Arminius vereint einige germanische Stämme und wagt den Kampf gegen die erfolgreichste Armee dieser Zeit.
Als ein absoluter FAN der britischen Komikertruppe finde ich es schade, dass dieser Film oder Szenen daraus nur in sehr bescheidener Qualität vorhanden ist. Deshalb gestatte ich mir, die höchstmögliche Auflösung upzuloaden. Enjoy !
Německá kvalita novinka 2014.
PLAYMOBIL 5390 Römische Galeere PLAYMOBIL 5393 Römer Angriffstrupp Link PLAYMOBIL 5390 Römische Galeere Amazon: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B01EKBCYDU/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1638&creative;=6742&creativeASIN;=B01EKBCYDU&linkCode;=as2&tag;=dert-21
Travel video about destination Frankfurt. Pictures of the best sights that you must see. Travel Guide The Best Places Römerberg Kaiserdom Römer Alte Oper Zeil Städel Museum Commerzbank Tower Senckenberg Museum Messe Höchst Paulskirche Goethehaus Palmengarten Hauptwache Eschenheimer Turm Grüneburgpark IG Farben Building Bethmann Park History Museum Börse Frankfurt Zoo Museum Embankment Botanical Garden Leonhardskirche
FRANKFURT in 4K Playlist: https://goo.gl/FcIx6G GERMANY in 4K Playlist: https://goo.gl/34X63A EUROPE in 4K Playlist: https://goo.gl/pnjrvi In this travel reel are presented some beautiful street and aerial view establishing shots in daytime of Roemer Square (Romerberg plaza) an well know tourist atttraction located in Frankfurt am Main a well known and the fifth largest city in Germany, in Hesse state. Famous iconic german tourism landmarks can be seen here such: Haus Loewenstein (City Hall), Old St Nicholas Church (Alte Nikolaikirche a Lutheran medieval church in Altstadt), Zum Schwartzer Stern, Schirn Kunsthalle (an exhibition hall), Haus Grosser Engel, Goldener Greif, Wilder Mann, Kleiner Dachsberg, Grosser Laubenberg, Kleiner Laubenberg, closeup view of Fountain of Justice, tourist pe...
Arriving at Frankfurt International Airport we faced a bit of dilemma. With close to eight hours to kill before our flight from Frankfurt to Brisbane via Abu Dhabi and Singapore, we had to decide between hanging out at the airport and getting online work done or going into the city to for some quick one day whirlwind tour of the city. GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/1WDKtVM Joby Gorilla Pod: http://amzn.to/1PgoY5F SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro: http://amzn.to/25KEErs SOCIAL MEDIA & TRAVEL BLOGS AUDREY: blog: http://thatbackpacker.com/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatbackpacker/ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thatbackpacker twitter: h...
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Frankfurt - Germany Travel Guide http://bit.ly/1gBj2VJ Frankfurt travel guide, Frankfurt , Germany, Tourism, Vacation, Tourism in Frankfurt, Tourism in Germany Germany's fifth largest city, Frankfurt am Main is the nation's economic powerhouse, as well as being a highly regarded cultural centre. Located in the middle of the highly productive Rhine-Main region, right at the centre of Europe, the city is the financial heart not only of Germany, but also of the European Union. The modern skyscrapers of banks and big business in the central business district are potent symbols of Frankfurt's economic strength and create a skyline that is more North American than European in aspect -- indeed, the city is often dubbed 'Mainhattan'. Most of...
Romer’s Egypt - Episode 2. John Romer's first television series originally broadcast on BBC2 in 1982. Where he "Plum picks. Travelling to places for which I have a particular passion" which spans Egyptian history from 5000-30BC. The series was never made commercially available and this copy is salvaged from a VHS of the original broadcast and is the only record of John's excellent and atmospheric documentary series that I've found.
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! The Twin Towers of the Deutsche Bank. Commerzbank-Tower & Maintower at night. view from south, the "Taunus" as background. Frankfurt Cathedral. Römer. St. Paul's Church. Opera House. City Theater at night. "Hammering Man" in front of the Messeturm skyscraper. "Staedel". "Bethmännchen". Frankfurt Central Station. Frankfurt International Airport. A tram in Frankfurt. Bull and Bear face-off in front of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Skyline of Frankfurt, photographed from the south-west.
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ZEITGEIST – MOGENS DAHL CHAMBER CHOIR AND AUTHOR KNUD ROMER IN CHURCH OF SAINT PETRI In cooperation with author and commentator, Knud Romer, the Golden Days Festival and the Ekkozone Percussion Ensemble, the Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir presents a concert with highlights from 500 years of German music and poetry. A musical journey with Knud Romer as both your curator and flamboyant travel guide. Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir The Ekkozone Percussion Ensemble Knud Romer, Author Conductor: Mogens Dahl
Britax's Romer Adventure Car Seat is a group 2-3, High Back Booster Seat with side impact protection and an adjustable headrest. The Booster Car Seat includes a seatbelt guide and drinks tray to keep your little one comfy and content as you travel. This High Back Booster Car Seat from Britax has an adjustable headrest and can be easily transferred from car to car, perfect for continued use if your family car changes. It's suitable for older children aged approx. 4–12 years, and will grow with your child, adapting to their seating needs when you travel as a family. Watch our Mothercare guide on how to properly install your Britax Adventure car seat to ensure a comfy journey for your child!