Saying goodbye to big sis Yatsude it's time to move to the next event which is the first of the two winter events.
Are you ready to help the little Sandersonia and her friends in
Christmas Eve?.
Flower Knight Girl Playlist:
-Mission 1 (3:03)
-Mission 2 (8:51)
3 (13:59)
-Mission 4 (22:
Winter is upon us
... or that's what I should say went this event went live but in any case, revive or not, you will have to farm on this one.
Mind you that this one it's a raid event. For this first phase, a 190k+ squad should be enough with average MS (450+). The reward here is Sandersonia (a.k.a
Thunder Sonia) a 5* blunt/smash (blue) unit which is one of the few (and if
I remember correctly the only unit free) that's able to dodge at a fixed rate making her quite a fighter when facing bosses. Her skill deals 2x to 2 enemies and her evo-passive buffs atk on herself and 2 allies by 10%. Her only downside should be her atk and MS which are quite low (350 MS only).
Now, let me explain something about dodge.
Whenever a unit dodge an attack, a blue word will pop saying "
Missed" or "Evade". Units that dodge an attack will not receive damage which is logical.
Dodge can be applied to a single attack or multiattacks. For example, some bosses have skills that deal multiple hits, if your unit dodge this, they will not receive any damage for the whole animation. To put it short, your unit will be safe from the upcoming attack.
By the way, dodge has a visual effect if you don't use the fast foward option (usually your unit will make a "backdash" although Pentasu has a special dodge animation) but the evade's effect will work regardless if you have FF enable or not.
Sandersonia's skill, passive and evo info:
Event Type:
Revive (
Originally a raid event.
Grab bells on the maps and use them to spawn a special boss to get tokens and redeem them for goodies on the trade)
Note: During phase one, you can use 10 tickets to spawn an event raid. On phase two, you can use 20 tickets to spawn a special raid (gives you better drops) but you can still use the 10 ticket option.
- Sandersonia:
300 tokens
Special flowers (
500 -
1000 - 1500
- Special flowers (Skill): 250 - 500 - 750 - 1000
- Special Acc: 1500
Cost (Revive):
- Sandersonia: 1.5 tokens
- Special
Flowers: 1050
- Special Acc: 250* (only available on the second phase)
Named units have their JP names. Event names will be fixed once they go live on Nutaku.
Like always, you can pick the special guest team to help you:
Mistletoe (6★) -
Apple (5★) - Ivy (5★) - SanderSonia (5★)
- Yodorigi (Mistletoe) -
Ringo (Apple) have two names
Bell Rings For Christmas Eve
JP Event Name: 聖夜の為にベルは鳴る
Mission 1:
Invitation to the
JP Mission: お星様に誘われて
Stamina: 10
Minimum Power: 30K
- Special
Guest Team Power: 23.9K
Boss Weakness:
Slash (
Bells: 1
- Drops (Revive): 2x Chests (9 tokens each) = 18*
Notes: An easy map to complete.
Mission 2:
Do You Like Applecakes?
JP Mission: アップルケーキはお好き?
- Stamina: 20
- Minimum Power: 75K
- Special Guest Team
Power: 30.2K
- Boss Weakness: Slash (Swords/Scythes)
- Bells: 2
- Drops (Revive): 3x Chests (13x2) (12) = 38*
- Notes:
Default placement works fine. You can place your guest team in either camp as back up.
Mission 3:
Winter of
Flying Pests
JP Mission: 飛んで聴き入る冬の虫
- Stamina: 40
- Minimum Power: 130K
- Special Guest Team Power: 34.4K
- Boss Weakness: Slash (Swords/Scythes)
- Bells: 4
- Drops (Revive): 4x Chests (20x2) (19x2) = 58*
- Notes:
Place your speedy team on
Camp B (Team 4 spawn) and move everyone else to A. You can also place 2 teams on B or 3 if you want to back up your speedy team but two are enough.
Mission 4:
Let's Sound the
JP Mission: 鐘の音を響かせよう
- Stamina: 80
- Minimum Power: 190K
- Special Guest Team Power:
- Boss Weakness: Slash (Swords/Scythes)
- Bells: 8
- Drops (Revive): 5 x Chests (33) = 165*
- Notes: Default placement works fine here although camp C (Guest team spawn) is only there to skip a portion of the upper route near camp
A (Team 1, 2 spawn). You can place a speedy team on C, that way your your second team that comes from
A can take the cannon path and shoot.
If you meet the requirements then this phase shouldn't be to complicated to complete. For newer players, you should farm the first two maps. For those who are on the raid event well... if you can farm enough bells, you can wait to the second phase where you can get extra from secret gardens.
- published: 26 May 2016
- views: 34