- published: 16 Jun 2014
- views: 13712
Sung Wong Toi is an important historic relic in Kowloon, Hong Kong. While its remaining portion is now located in the Sung Wong Toi Garden (宋皇臺花園) in Ma Tau Wai, it was originally a 45 m tall boulder standing on the top of Sacred Hill (聖山) in Ma Tau Chung above Kowloon Bay.
The name Sung Wong Toi literally means Terrace of the Sung kings. The stone is believed to have been a memorial to the last two boy emperors of the Southern Song dynasty, Zhao Shi and Zhao Bing, who temporarily lived in Hong Kong from 1277 to 1279. In historical maps and documents, Sung Wong Toi is also known as Hill of the King of the Sung and Song Wong Toi in some occasions.
According to historical records, when the child emperors Zhao Shi and Zhao Bing of the Song dynasty were fleeing south when the Song Empire was gradually being conquered by the Mongol Empire in the late 13th century, they took refuge at the Sacred Hill along the seashore. Zhao Shi died of illness in Hong Kong, while Zhao Bing died when the Song loyalist Lu Xiufu put him on his shoulders and jumped off a cliff following the defeat of Song by the Mongols at the naval Battle of Yamen.
香港宋王臺的歷史 Hong Kong History 宋王臺(或宋皇臺)(Sung Wong Toi ),是位於香港九龍城區的一塊紀念石碑,公園現址於1959年底正式落成,相傳是宋朝皇帝宋端宗趙昰,和其弟趙昺被元朝軍隊追逼,南逃流亡在此,後人為了紀念這件事,在大石刻上「宋王臺」三個字。「宋王臺」碑石原本是一塊巨大的石頭,立在馬頭涌海邊一個稱「聖山」的小山上,即後來的啟德機場客運大樓一帶,「宋王臺」石碑後來被遷移到距離約300呎的現址放置。 Sung Wong Toi is an important historic relic in Kowloon, Hong Kong. While its remaining portion is now located in the Sung Wong Toi Garden (宋皇臺花園) in Ma Tau Wai, it was originally a 45 m tall boulder standing on the top of Sacred Hill (聖山) in Ma Tau Chung above Kowloon Bay. 歷史: 南宋末年,蒙古軍隊大舉南侵,先後攻佔了建康和臨安。宋度宗之長子恭帝顯被俘,而度宗另一兒子益王昰則被朝臣文天祥、陸秀夫、張世傑、陳宜中等人擁立為帝,是為端宗,其弟昺被封為衛王。兇悍的蒙古大軍依舊窮追不捨,結果兩小末代皇兄弟被逼流亡。在文天祥、陸秀夫、張世傑、陳宜中等人護送下,他們經過海路先後途經泉州、潮州、惠州、廣州等地,最終逃至九龍官富場(即今九龍城附近),在此建立行宮。蒙古大軍仍死纏不放,繼續追逐到底。故他倆與隨行官員經淺灣(即荃灣)、秀山等地再次逃亡。途中,他們遇上颶風,端宗沉溺得病,最終在碙州駕崩。衛王隨即繼位,是為帝昺,隨後轉至新會崖山。元兵追至,宋軍大敗,陸秀夫背負帝昺投海殉...
Sung Wong Toi 宋王臺 → Cattle Depot Artist Village 牛棚 → To Kwa Wan Road 土瓜灣道 → Hung Hom Promenade 紅磡海濱花園 → Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade 尖東海濱花園 → A Symphony of Lights 幻彩詠香江 https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zV8TaTB7I37I.kQj_IQKJ3pPk&usp;=sharing
宋皇臺(Sung Wong Toi ระเบียงซ่งตวนจงและซ่งม่อจง 송황대)位於九龍馬頭角(Ma Tau Kok ม้าถะกอก 말두각﹚,南宋(ราชวงศ์ซ่งใต้)末年,宋端宗(趙昰 ซ่งตวนจง 송단종 )與宋懷宗(趙昺 ซ่งม่อจง 송소제)曾流亡於馬頭角(ม้าถะกอก 말두각)之聖山(Sacred Hill เขาศักดิ์สิทธิ์ 성산)建立行宮「石殿 พระราชวังหิน 석전」之遺蹟,清朝嘉慶丁卯年(1,807年;佛曆:2,350年)在大石刻上2英呎「宋皇臺」﹙송황대﹚三個字記念。日寇為擴建啟德機場(Kai Tak Airport ท่าอากาศยานไคตั๊ก 카이탁공항)爆破聖山取石,20世紀50年代末期,英國政府距原址300英呎位置建築『宋皇臺公園』,把殘石裁成厚4英呎;闊10英呎6英吋;高7英呎6英吋,供奉至公園中央。戰前大門牌坊上的對聯﹙Couplet โคลงบทละสองบรรทัด 대련﹚:『一聲望帝啼芳殿;百戰河山照夕暉。』 (I cry in the antiquated palace when I think of the kings; the setting sun over the war-torn country.) (ฉันร้องไห้ในพระราชวังเก่าแก่, เมื่อฉันคิดของพระมหากษัตริย์; ดวงอาทิตย์ตั้งทั่วประเทศสงครามฉีกขาด.) (일성망제제방전;백전하산조석휘。)
night flight 20131123 sung wong toi hong kong
In Hong Kong by the twenty century, Sung Wong Toi (宋皇臺) was a boulder (huge rock) on the peak of the Sacred Hill (聖山) at an altitude of 35m (115 feet), and Tam Kung Yeh Hill (譚公爺山) was just located in the north of such Sacred Hill (聖山). In fact, such Tam Kung Yeh Hill (譚公爺山) was located in the cross of four main streets, Tam Kung Road (譚公道), Ma Tau Chung Road (馬頭涌道), Argyle Street (亞皆老街) and Boundary Street (界限街). The bamboo trees were very flourishing in such Tam Kung Yeh Hill (譚公爺山), and the Tomb of the Golden Lady (金夫人墓) was located in here too. The Princess of Chin state (晉國公主) is the hostess of this Tomb of the Golden Lady (金夫人墓), she is a daughter of the Queen Yang (楊太后). In the end of Sung dynasty (around 1279), the royal family escaped to the southern China, she accidentally fell...
Bridal Tea House Hotel To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong No.14-18 Sung Wong Toi Road, Kai Tak, Kowloon, 852, Hong Kong 3-star hotel with restaurant, near Mong Kok Computer Centre Free WiFi
Date: 2011-06-03 Time: 1518 Company: Kowloon Motor Bus Bus: Dennis Dragon 9.9M Fleet no.: ADS147 Plate no.: GZ6049 Route: 12A Venue: Sung Wong Toi Road - Whampoa Garden 本片版權屬ATE123LF6005擁有, 如需使用作公開或私人用途, 請先得ATE123LF6005同意和批准, 違者必究. You are not allowed to make use of this video without ATE123LF6005's agreement and permission
Towards Kowloon Railway Station.Recorded from Yin Hing Street to Sung Wong Toi Park.