Polling clerks in some areas of England say turnout expected to reach 70%, with similar levels projected in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The voter turnout to decide the UK’s future with the European Union appeared set to exceed even general election levels, with estimates saying about 70% of electors had taken part in a contest where early results were giving some cheer to the leave camp ... The pound then slumped ... Related ... Twitter ... ....
photo: US Navy / Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Eric C. Tretter
Lisa Alamia, a mother of three, was scheduled for surgery to fix an overbite in December 2015. The native-born Texan, who claims to have never left the U.S. with the exception of a trip to Mexico several years ago, had successful surgery and woke up with an unexpected side effect – a British accent, ABC News reported Thursday. Her doctor thought swelling was causing the condition ... – WN.com, Jack Durschlag. ....
Just minutes after polls closed in the landmark referendum on Britain’s European Union membership Thursday night, Nigel Farage, leader of the Euroskeptic, right-wing United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) appeared to concede defeat, Newsweek reported. In a statement issued just minutes after the 10 p.m. polls closing, Farage said it “looks like Remain will edge it” in what he described as an “extraordinary campaign.”....
(CNN)Donald Trump's much-anticipated speech attacking Hillary Clinton Wednesday seemed more designed to reassure the candidate's Republican base than to broaden his appeal to independents or Democrats... For example, it's one thing to question the Obama administration's foreign policy, and quite another to leap to Trump's overheated conclusion ... Her decisions spread death, destruction and terrorism everywhere she touched.". JUST WATCHED ... ....
Multiple media reports say a masked gunman who entered a cinema complex in the western German city of Viernheim in the state of Hessen and reportedly held hostages has been killed.StateInterior MinisterPeter Beuth told parliament police stormed the Knopolis complex near Frankfurt after reports of shots fired shot the as-yet unidentified gunman dead, the Belfast Telegraph reported....
War games have consistently failed at making me feel like an invader. Their stories, almost always, involve Western troops on top secret missions behind enemy lines—myself and my AI squad mates are supposed to be interlopers, constantly vulnerable amid a foreign, hostile environment ...Hitman ... Further considered, Blood Money’s variety of locations and targets is conducive to creating in the player an assonant frame of mind ... Hitman ... ....
New titles, altered words, axed stanzas – composers from Elgar to Vaughan Williams brutally reworked the verse they set, and made it immortal ... Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest ... As Auden states in The Poet’s Tongue ... Twitter ... He may even be able to bring out and stress certain rhymes and assonances that will enhance the actual words, but it remains a risky undertaking on which one hesitates to embark.”. Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest ... ....
'While it is abundantly clear that we cannot live without vitamin A, it is intriguing that in certain circumstances, the mammalian body may manipulate vitamin A in ways that are not beneficial,' says Mary AnnAsson-Batres, PhD, of Tennessee State University and lead author of the new study ... acid to see how this affects the heart,' Asson-Batres says....
With a sexually confused Putin and a Bond villainBlair, Corbyn the Musical has some pretty broad caricatures – but it’s even-handed in its politics. And it’s not the first musical to take on a Labour leader ...Related. Steve Bell on Jeremy Corbyn’s EU stance – cartoon ... Twitter ... Boris ... Twitter ... Half-rhymes and assonances such as “Trident / violent” and “Clinton / intern” suggest that Myers and Friedman have a promising lyrical ear ... ....
It would be very reductive to call Too Significant To Ignore, an electronic spoken word album, though, de facto, this description would be true and fitting ...Assonances and alliterations give musicality and rhythm to Darcy's words, making them sometimes melt completely within the sonic background, in sudden burst or feedbacks that pierce the listener’s ear as well as his mind ... ....
Garry Shandling, who died Thursday at 66, was one of TV’s master underplayers. On The Larry Sanders Show, the HBO sitcom on which Shandling played a second-tier talk-show host, Shandling was perpetually the least dynamic performer onscreen ...And then, of course, there were all those stars ... Part of that comes from the names’ purposeful assonance, sure, but Shandling also allowed his public little sense of him beyond Sanders ... ....
When gallery Invisible Exports had a last-minute vacancy for a show this month, Cary Leibowitz aka Candyass saved the day by scavenging his basement storage for a box of paintings he made in his early 20s. The resulting show, which plays with classic art genres and the tension between high and low, is ravishing. Leibowitz would probably cringe to hear it described as such ... THE MAN ... HISART ... Rhyming words go with assonant images ... NYC ... ....
AS400 DB / Corbis. G“reat geniuses have the shortest biographies,” Emerson wrote. “Their cousins can tell you nothing about them ... The 1910s and ’20s were the palmy days of Greenwich Village, an era of free love and radical politics ... T. S ... He never left North America ... These lines, from “Bantams in Pine-Woods,” represent Stevens at his most antic—the faux-exotic names and nonsense syllables, the fine excess of assonance in the opening lines ... ....
For fans that missed Lil Wayne on his Dedication Tour, it turns out there is one more major concert that he will be doing in March — but it does not appear that he will be selling TIDAL to Samsung. Things are falling into place for Lil Wayne since he released Collegrove and he subsequently landed a gig at the new Samsung GalaxyLife Festival... Lil Wayne ... concise construction, tricky assonance, oddball imagery, black humor....