Anarchism in New Zealand

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The anti-capitalist, anti-state and anti-domination political philosophy of anarchism has played a small, but important and colourful role in New Zealand politics.

Anarchist groups today[edit]

Today there are two small national groups based in Wellington and Christchurch, a national anarcha-feminist network, bookshop/infoshops/social spaces in Auckland, Wellington and Dunedin, an online bookshop based in Christchurch and a publishing collective in Wellington. There is a national anarchist journal and a national independent news site for activists run by anarchists. Many anarchists are involved in, and have set up, non-anarchist projects and groups with similar values and have played a significant role in non-parliamentary activism.


  • Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement (AWSM) is an anarchist-communist collective with members across New Zealand.
  • Beyond Resistance is an anarchist communist collective with members across New Zealand. The group is run from Christchurch, where it has been involved in community organising around the recent earthquakes.[1] It runs monthly discussion groups and shows political films.
  • South Pacific Christian Anarchists (SPCA)[2] is a christian-anarchism network with affiliates in New Zealand, Australia and SE Asia. SPCA was founded in Tauranga in 2006 and has held annual gatherings in: Tauranga Moana (2006), Brisbane (2007), Christchurch (2008), Melbourne (2009), Wellington (2010), Otaki (2011), Hokianga (2012), Ruatoria (2013). The 2014 event is being planned for Whanganui. Affiliates are involved in a wide range of social, cultural, faith and political contexts and a number have been involved in high profile prophetic actions, most notably in New Zealand, the temporary closing of GCSB spy base at Waihopai in 2008 after the base was entered and the raydome slashed with pruning sickles[3] and actions in Australia including infiltrating in 2009 the Talisman Sabre war games live fire area at Shoalwater Military Training Area in Queensland,[4] disabling a Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter (AHR) at Rockhampton Airport in 2011[5] and witnesses at other military bases in the Northern Territory, Queensland and Victoria. Many affiliates of the SPCA also have ties with the Catholic Worker movement in New Zealand and Australia.[6]

Anarchism in Auckland today[edit]

There are two main anarchist projects in Auckland today: Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement and the Auckland Anarchist Network. Anarchists are actively involved in projects such as the Tumeke Cycle Space (a DIY bike workshop initially set up by anarchists) and Auckland Action Against Poverty (a beneficiary and unemployed direct action group).

There has been a small continued anarchists milieu in Auckland over the past decade.[citation needed] Auckland anarchists have tended to focus on starting or being involved in broader activist groups, one off actions and projects rather than starting anarchist specific political groups.[citation needed] These include: Auckland Animal Action (1996–2006), Anti-GenetiX Action (2004–2005), Anti-War Direct Action (2004), Global Peace and Justice Auckland (2004-today), Anti-Bigot Action (2005) Campaign Against the Taser (2006–2007), Civil Rights Defense (2007), Reclaim the Nights and Slut Walk.

Auckland anarchists have only tried to set up permanent anarchist specific political groups a couple of times: Black Cat (2005) and A Space Inside (2006).[citation needed] A Space Inside ran a national anarchist conference in 2007 and later became the Auckland Anarchist Network which focuses on being a consistent communication point for anarchists rather than a propaganda group.[citation needed]. There was also an attempt to set up a social space in 2003 called ECCO.[7]

Like previous generations of Auckland anarchists, they have often gravitated around inner city flats which have included 8 West Terrace (2004–2005) and Necropolis (1990's-2007).[citation needed] West Terrace provided a space for young activists who later formed Radical Youth and Necropolis was Auckland's most important punk space for over a decade.[citation needed]

Like other major cities, many anarchists in the past decade got involved during the anti-globalisation movement including at an anti-APEC rally in 1999.[8] Auckland Anti-genetic engineering rallies (2003) and anti Iraq war rallies (2004) interested new activists in anarchism.

Another important group at this time was militant direct action animal rights group Auckland Animal Action (1996–2006). Although not an anarchist group, many anarchists were drawn to the groups militant direct action. Auckland GenetiX Action (2003–2005) was an anti-GE group set up by anarchists and modelled on Auckland Animal Action and helped Greenpeace stop KFC from using genetically engineered soy feed.[citation needed]

Notable Auckland anarchist activities

  • Between 2004 and 2007 Auckland anarchists were involved in regular protests in support of imprisoned refugees, including Ahmed Zauoui, an ex-Algerian MP, and three Iranian refugees.[9][10][11][12] for converting to Christianity. On 1 September 2007 five anarchists chained themselves to Mt Eden prison in support of one of the Iranians who was on hunger strike for 52 days. They were arrested and three refused to sign bail forms and refused to eat food.[13] The Iranian detainee was released the next day.
  • On 5 March 2005 a pro-LGBT anarchist organised counter-demonstration delayed 10,000 Destiny Church "family values" protesters from marching up Auckland’s Queen Street for an hour[14]
  • On 22 March 2005 anarchists publicly complained about police brutality while passively resisting arrest for obstructing a footpath, following a peace demonstration that went inside an ANZ bank.[15]

Auckland anarchist groups

  • Auckland Anarchist Network began in 2007 as "A Space Inside" at a famous Auckland punk location, Necropolis. The group ran a national anarchist conference in 2007 and later changed its name to the Auckland Anarchist Network.
  • Black Heart Infoshop is Auckland's only anarchist opshop located on Karangahape Road, Auckland.


  • Rotorua Peoples Union is an IWW-style direct action community union, without paid employees, involved in workplace and unemployment issues.[16] Prominent unemployment activist and anarchist Paul Blair plays a leading role.


  • Wild Cat Anarchist Collective

Historical groups[edit]


  • New Zealand Socialist Party (1901 July - ?)
  • Anarchist Alliance of Aotearoa (AAA)

According to one anarchist, the Anarchist Alliance of Aotearoa (AAA) only had one member in June 1988. The "Kiwi Anarchist Conference" in 1992 formally adopted the aims and principles of AAA. Five groups were affiliated to AAA in 1991 [17]

  • Anarcha-Feminist Federation (1991-c1995?)

Two anarcha-feminist group were established in Auckland and Wellington following the 1991 national anarchist conference in Christhchurch. Sekhmet was the magazine of the federation, produced by the Katipo Collective in Wellington.[18]

  • Otautahi/ChristchurhCh Anarcha-Feminist Group, which was formed in May 1995, become the second active group in the federation, presumably the Auckland group had disbanded.[19]

National anarchist conference have been run in 1991 (Wellington), 1995 (Wellington), 2001 (Christchurch), 2003 (Wanganui), 2004 (Christchurch), 2007 (Auckland). Regional conferences were held in 1995 (Wellington), 2008 (Christchurch), 2009 (Auckland) and 2010 (Wellington). An anarcha-feminist conference was held in 1995 (Wellington). A Christian anarchist conference was held in 2008 (Christchurch).


  • 1950s–60s - Libertarian Socialist Group in Auckland[20]
  • Unknown hippy-Anarchist Ponsonby flat in 1960s[citation needed]
  • Solidarity (1973-4) was set up by Graeme Minchin, Steve Tanner and Harry Robinson and involved around ten people.[21]
  • Auckland Anarchist Activists (1975-8) was an informal group of anarchists based around a couple of inner city flats which were a focus point for anarchist activity. .[22]
  • The Auckland City Unemployed Group (ACUG) (1976) was formed by anarchists and only lasted one year.[23]

There was a small group of around 10 anarchists revolving around a Napier street flat between 1976-7.[24]

  • Black Lagoon Anarchist Bookshop (c 1995)
  • Anarchist Alliance of Aotearoa (AAA)
  • Black Cat Anarchist Communist collective (2004–2005)
  • Radical Youth (Aotearoa New Zealand) (2005–2008) was an autonomous anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist group of young activists. Its major achievement was a walkout of 1000 high school students in 2006 to end youth pay discrimination.[25]
  • Cherry Bomb Comix is an anarcha-feminist online book shop. Cherry Bomb Comics opened as a book shop in central AUckland in July 2004. It closed its doors in November 2007.


  • Freedom Group (1913 July 9 - c.1913)
  • Kensington and Aro St Times (KAT) (late 1970s) was a situationist-anarchist group.
  • Katipo Collective (c1991 - ?) was an anarcha-feminist collective in Wellington. It produced Sekhmet, the magazine of the Anarcha-Feminist Federation, from 1991 - c1995 and organised national feminist conferences.[18] Katipo Collective was the only anarcha-feminist group in this period until the Otautahi (ChCh) Anarcha-Feminist Group formed in May 2005.[19]
  • Libertarian Communists
  • The Committee for the Establishment of Civilisation was launched in 1991. It initially met at Victoria University and soon became a city-based group.[26] The group ran for 10 years helping to start other local anarchist projects including the Freedom Shop.[27]


  • The Alternative Entertainment Bureau (c1984) was an anarchist punk collective in Christchurch which aimed to provide cheap and affordable entertainment for young people. Its first gig reached a crowd of 1700. The group also ran "Dole Day Afternoons." Members of the collective volunteered at the local unemployment centre.[28]
  • Direct Action (c1991) was a small group of older Christchurch anarchists, including Frank Prebble, who had been active in the 1970s.[26]
  • Otautahi/ChristchurhCh Anarcha-Feminist Group formed in May 1995 as the second group in the Anarcha-Feminist Federation.[29]
  • Anarchist Round Table (ART)


  • There was a small anarchist scene in the 1970s in Waitati, near Dunedin which included Bruce Grenville.[26]
  • In 2003 an Anarchist infoshop named Black Star Books opened.[30] Black Star Books remains open and active as of 2014 at a different location in the central city with a website.[31] In 2014 volunteers of Black Star Books began contributing Zines for a "Zine of the week" column in the Otago University [Critic Magazine].

Anarchist tendencies[edit]


Anarcha-feminism has played an important part in New Zealand anarchist history.[citation needed]


Punk has played an important part in New Zealand anarchist history since the 1980s. A very loose community of anarchist punks throughout Aotearoa formed by the early 1980s and was well established by the mid to late 1980s.[32]

Anarcho-syndicalism and Syndicalism[edit]

Anarcho-syndicalism and Syndicalism have played an important part in New Zealand anarchist history since the 1890s.[citation needed]


Early workers movement[edit]

In the early 1890s and 1900s syndicalism and anti-parliamentary socialism played an important and initially leading role as a current within the early workers movement, especially in the ‘Red’ Federation and then the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). Some members of the IWW were anarchists (such as Syd Kingsford), or were sympathetic to the anti-parliamentary ideas of anarchism.

1951 Waterfront lockout[edit]

The 1951 New Zealand waterfront dispute was the largest and most widespread industrial dispute in New Zealand history. During the time, up to twenty thousand workers went on strike in support of waterfront workers protesting financial hardships and working conditions. Thousands more refused to handle "scab" goods. The dispute, sometimes referred to as the waterfront lockout or waterfront strike, lasted 151 days—from 13 February.

The Waterside Workers Union, particularly the Auckland branch, had a strong syndicalist philosophy. Jock Barnes, also a syndicalist, was the president of the Auckland Watersiders Union from 1944 to 1952 and played a significant role in the lockout.[33]

The defeat of the dispute was considered by many parliamentary socialists as the final defeat of syndicalism as a viable trend within the broader workers movement.

1960s, '70s and '80s social movements[edit]

Anarchism was popular during the protest movements of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Anarchists were involved in the anti-Springbok tour protests (including: 1960 New Zealand rugby union tour of South Africa, Halt All Racist Tours (HALT) set up in 1969, and the 1981 Springbok Tour), the Anti-Vietnam movement which began in the mid-1960s and the Anti-Nuclear protests during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.

1980s and 90s Unemployment rights movement[edit]

In the 1980s and early 1990s anarchists were involved in dozens of small unemployment groups around the country.[citation needed] The unemployment movement brought in a wave of new activists to the anarchist movement.[citation needed]

Te Roopu Rawakore - the National Unemployed and Beneficiaries Movement (NUBM) was dominated by the Auckland Unemployed Workers Right Centre (AUWRC). AUWRC was led by Sue and Bill Bradford and involved a large number of anarchists.[citation needed] Anarchists also played a key role in the Wellington Unemployed Workers Union (WUWU) (which later became the Wellington Peoples Centre).[citation needed]

In 1991 Te Roopu Rawakore split, largely due to a division in AUWRC between the Bradford’s and their supports and the anarchists (mainly punks). With NUMB shattered, many activists left leaving the anarchists in charge of the organisation, which final dissolved around 1993.[citation needed]

1999–2005 - Anti-globalisation, anti-war and anti-GE movements[edit]

Between 1999 and 2005 anarchists played a key role in anti-globalisation, anti-war, anti-genetic engineering and animal rights movement.

2004 Youth rates campaign[edit]

During the campaign in 2004 and 2005 anarchists played a leading role in Unite union and Radical Youth to win the effective end of youth rates.

2007 Terror Raids[edit]

Armed police raid and arrest 17 activists, including anarchists, for alleged involvement in a paramilitary training camp deep in the Urewera mountain range near the town of Ruatoki in the eastern Bay of Plenty.

Important dates[edit]

  • 1859 – Arthur Desmond born.[34]
  • 1901 July – The loosely organised New Zealand Socialist Party was formed and included sydnicalists and anarchists. The Wellington group became a centre for anti-parliarmentary socialists [35]
  • 1908 – New Zealand Socialist Party has 3000 members and holds its first national conference. The conference condemns political action by a two to one majority.[36]
  • 1908 - IWW first established a group in Wellington.[20]
  • 1910 - anarchists within the Christchurch branch of the Socialist Party leave to form an IWW Recruiting Union.[37]
  • 1912-1913 - The IWW including Tom Barker and J B King are active during the Waihi strike and General Strikes.[20]
  • 9 July 1913 - The Freedom Group is set up by Philip Josephs in Wellington and lasts for a year. Rumor has it they have running battles with Police during the Great Strike.[38]
  • 1950s/60s - Libertarian Socialist Group in Auckland[20]
  • 1950s - Bill Dwyer moves to Aotearoa/NZ from Ireland.
  • 1966 - Bill Dwyer convicted for calling the Queen a bludger whilst speaking in Auckland in 1966.[39]
  • 18 November 1982 - Punk anarchist Neil Roberts dies during a suicide bomb attack against a facility housing the main computer database of the New Zealand Police in Wanganui. Roberts was the only person killed, and the computer system was undamaged.[40][41]
  • 1984 - The McGillicuddy Serious Party, a satirical political party, formed in 1984[42] in Hamilton as the political arm of Clan McGillicuddy (established in 1978).
  • 1986 - Anarchist Journal The State Adversary is launched.[43]
  • 1991 - National anarchist conference held in Wellington called "Kiwi Anarchist Conference" and was hosted by the Committee for the Establishment of Civilisation. According to one attendee, 60 people attended, mainly from Auckland and Wellington. The Anarcha Feminist Federation of Aotearoa was launched at the conference. The conference was organised to coincide with the annual World Day for Laboratory Animals march against Vivisection.[26]
  • 1995 May 1 - The Freedom Shop opens.[44]
  • 1995 April – Regional anarchist Conference held in Wellington. A four-day conference with a McLibel protest involving sponges being thrown at Ronald McDonald.[45]
  • 1995 – National Anarcha-Feminist Conference held in Wellington, hosted by the Katipo Collective. The third such conference.[18]
  • 30 November 1999 – 40,000 anti-globalisation protesters join the “Battle of Seattle” or N30 protests again the World Trade Organisation Ministerial Conference in Seattle N30]
  • 18 March 2001 – Activists run a conference to set up a New Zealand branch of the Peoples Global Action (PGA), an international anti-globalisation network. Initiated by Aotearoa Educators and Committee for the Establishment of Civilisation, the conference involved Tino Rangatiratanga activists who had been involved in PGA at a global level since February 1998.
  • 2001 September - InterActive activist center opens on 222 High Street, Christchurch [46]
  • 20–21 October 2001 – National anarchist conference held in Christchurch called "An Anarchist Odyssey", focusing on responses to capitalist globalisation. Hosted by the Anarchist Round Table (ART) [47]
  • 4–7 December 2003 – National anarchist conference held near Wanganui called "Anarchist Teaparty National Symposium".[48]
  • 19 March 2003 - The second Iraq War begins.
  • 23–24 October 2004 - National anarchist conference held in Christchurch called "Anarchism in Action" hosted by Anarchist Round Table.[49]
  • 9–11 September 2007 - National anarchist conference held in Auckland hosted by A Space Inside.[50]
  • 15 October 2007 - Armed police raid and arrest 17 activists, including anarchists, for alleged involvement in a paramilitary training camp deep in the Urewera mountain range near the town of Ruatoki in the eastern Bay of Plenty.
  • 11–13 July 2008 - South Pacific Christian anarchist conference held in Christchurch hosted by South Pacific Christian Anarchists (SPCA).[51]

New Zealand Anarchists[edit]

  • Arthur Desmond (c. 1859 – 26 January 1929), a.k.a. Arthur Uing, Ragnar Redbeard, Richard Thurland, Desmond Dilg and Gavin Gowrie, was a New Zealand politician, Australian anarchist, poet and author. Today Desmond is best remembered for his pseudonymously written books Might Is Right and Rival Caesars.
  • Lola Ridge (12 December 1873 – 19 May 1941) - was an anarchist poet and an influential editor of avant-garde, feminist, and Marxist publications best remembered for her long poems and poetic sequences.[52]
  • Professor Alexander William Bickerton (7 January 1842 – 21 January 1929) was the first professor of Chemistry at Canterbury College (now called the University of Canterbury) in Christchurch, New Zealand. He is best known for teaching and mentoring Ernest Rutherford. He formed a socialist community in Christchurch called the "Federative Home",[53] which he later set up as a theme park.
  • Tom Barker was an anti-parliamentarian socialist who resigned from his role as the secretary of the New Zealand Socialist Party because he "didn’t have a parliamentary mind" and joined the Industrial Workers of the World. He was jailed for sedition for his part in a general strike in Wellington.
  • Philip Josephs (anarchist) (25 November 1876 – 26 April 1946) was a Latvian-born Jew who was an active member of the Wellington Socialist Party. In July 1913 he helped establish New Zealand's first anarchist collective Freedom Group, and was the main distributor of anarchist literature in New Zealand.[37]
  • Bill 'Ubi' Dwyer(21 January 1933 – 13 October 2001) or William Ubique Dwyer was an anarchist activist in New Zealand, Australia, England and his native Ireland best known as the originator and principal organiser of the Windsor Free Festival.
  • Malcolm James aka Malcolm Gramophone was an anarchist and an eccentric. He changed his name to annoy his father. He had a child with Fran O’Sullivan, later an editor of the National Business Review, and named him God Gabriel Galaxy Gramophone. Gramophone drove a yellow ambulance called the Intrepid Traveller. He wrote the Counter-Culture Free Press and the Underground Brewers’ Bible and ran the Kropotkin Press. He mixed conservative and radical views supporting small business capitalism and opposed big-business monopolies, especially "beer barons".[54]
  • Neil Roberts (1960 - 19 November 1982) was a punk anarchist who died during a suicide bomb attack against a facility housing the main computer database of the New Zealand Police in Wanganui. Roberts was the only person killed, and the computer system was undamaged.[40][41]

Anarchism in New Zealand popular culture[edit]

  • The Dharma Punks is a popular and award winning comic book written by Auckland artist Ant Sang. Set in October 1994, Auckland, New Zealand, the 384 page, eight-part comic tells a story about a group of anarcho-punk friends who plan to blow up a multinational fast food chain. The Dharma won the Eric Awards 2003 "Best Serialised Comic" and the Eric Awards 2004 (The Gotham Comics - Staedtler NZ Award) for "Best Comic".[55]



  • Boraman, Toby (2007) "Rabble rousers and merry pranksters: a history of anarchism in Aotearoa/New Zealand from the mid-1950s to the early 1980s"
  • Buchanan, Sam (2010) "Anarchism in Aotearoa/New Zealand" [56]
  • Davidson, Jared (2013) "Sewing Freedom: Philip Josephs, Transnationalism & Early New Zealand Anarchism" - AK Press
  • Prebble, Frank (1995) "Troublemakers: Anarchism and Syndicalism - The early years of the Libertarian Movement in Aotearoa/New Zealand" [53]
  • Fry, E.C. (1965) "Tom Barker & the I.W.W." [57]
  • Nettlau, Max (Unknown) "Die Geschichte Des Anarchismus" ("the History of Anarchism") see Chapter 10 "Anarchist propaganda and Industrial Unionism in Australia and New Zealand."

Other books[edit]

  • Gramophone, Malcoln (1972) Underground Brewers’ Bible

The standard work on New Zealand home brewing for years, the book was also known as Anarchist handbook no. 1. The book was written by Malcolm James aka Malcolm Gramophone and printed by Kropotkin Press, which he owned.[54]

  • Anarchism and Feminism. Christchurch: Libertarian Press, 1995. A reprint of articles by Margaret Flaws and the Auckland Anarcho-Feminist Huddle from the 1970s.
  • Bolstad, Richard. An Anarchist Analysis of the Chinese Revolution. Christchurch: Christchurch Anarchy Group, 1976.
  • Bolstad, R. The Industrial Front: An Introduction to the Past Lessons, Present Tactics and Future Possibilities of the Struggle for Worker Self-Management . For Those Who Already Had a Suspicion There was Something Wrong With Work as it is. Christchurch: Christchurch Anarchy Group, c. 1977.
  • Boraman, Toby. gThe New Left in New Zealandh in On the Left: Essays on Socialism in New Zealand, eds. Pat Moloney and Kerry Taylor. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2002, pp. 117–32.
  • Boraman, T. gThe New Left and Anarchism in New Zealand From the Mid-1950s to the Early 1980s: An Anarchist Communist Interpretation.h PhD thesis, University of Otago, Dunedin, 2006.
  • Buchanan, Sam. Anarchy: The Transmogrification of Everyday Life. Wellington: Committee for the Establishment of Civilisation, * 1999.
  • Buis, Simon. The Brutus Festival. Auckland: Auckland Copy Centre, 1969.

Churton, Wade. gHave You Checked the Children?h Punk and Postpunk Music in New Zealand, 1977.1981. Christchurch: Put Your Foot Down Publishing, 1999.

  • Cumming, Allan. Understanding Nonviolence. Dunedin: Dunedin Nonviolent Action Resource Group, 1983.
  • Cumming, A. How Nonviolence Works. Dunedin: Nonviolent Action Network in Aotearoa, 1985.
  • Davidson, Jared. Remains to be Seen: Tracing Joe Hill's ashes in New Zealand, Wellington: Rebel Press, 2011.
  • Droescher, Werner. gThe Little Black and Red Book of Anarchism.h Unpublished manuscript, 1977.
  • Droescher, W. gToward an Alternative Society.h Unpublished manuscript, 1978. University of Auckland Library.
  • Dwyer, Bill. [writing under the pseudonym B. Langford]. gAnarchism in New Zealand.h Red and Black. 1 (1965), pp. 33–35.
  • Gramaphone, Malcolm. Get Lushed on Your Own GrogcAn Underground Brewerfs Bible. Dunedin: Kropotkin Press, 1972.
  • Innes, Wayne. Donft Pay Taxes. Auckland: Social Analysis, 1978.
  • Innes, W. How to Survive in Suburbia. Auckland: Pupuke Press, 1981.
  • Prebble, Frank. Troublemakers: Anarchism and Syndicalism, The Early Years of the Libertarian Movement in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Christchurch: Libertarian Press, 1995.
  • Prebble, F. gJock Barnes and the Syndicalist Tradition in New Zealand.h Thrall. 14 (July/August 2000), pp. 4–5.
  • Sargent, Lyman T. gBeeville: An Anarchist Commune in New Zealand, 1933-1973.h Paper delivered at the Sixth International Communal Studies Association meeting, Amsterdam, 1998.
  • Sargent, L. and Lucy Sargisson. Living in Utopia: New Zealandfs Intentional Communities. Aldershot and Burlington: Ashgate, 2004.
  • Suggate, Richard. gAnarchism in New Zealand 1900.1965 and Today.h Freedom. 28 Aug. 1982, pp. 4–5.

Journals, magazines and zines[edit]

  • Earwig (1969–1973)

Earwig was an Auckland underground magazine edited and printed by Heather McInnes and John Mime which at one stage described its stance as anarchist. Some regarded the publishers as "hippy anarchists".[54]

  • Cock (1967–1973) 17 issues

Cock was an anti-authoriarian and anarchistic Wellington-based satirical political magazine edited by Chris Wheeler. It was also influenced by Camus’ philosophy of the absurd and had as its aim to "help overthrow the New Zealand government - by ridicule". Cock once said that "the only threat the [Communists] offered to the National Party was that of boredom."[58]

  • Counter-Culture Free Press (1972-4)

Counter-Culture was the most openly anarchist underground magazine at this time including anarchist articles and reviews. It was printed by anarchist Malcolm Gramophone who also ran the Kropotkin Press.[54]

  • Anarcho-Pacifist, aka Anti System, aka Social Dis-Ease (1985–1990)

Published by Simon Cottle, a punk anarchist from Wellington who also ran his a radio show called Anarcho-Pacifist. Cottle played an important role in promoting anarchism and animal rights within the punk scene.[26]

  • The State Adversary (born 1987)

TSA was launched in June 1987 by Bruce Grenville.[26]

  • Sekhmet (1991 - c1995) was the magazine of the Anarcha-Feminist Federation, produced by the Wellington Katipo Collective. The zine was named after Egyptian war goddess Sekhmet because it is "a good name for a magazine making war with hierarchies".[59]
  • Thr@ll Magazine (1998 July - 2002 February) 21 issues

Thr@ll was a free class struggle anarchist magazine. It was published by an editorial collective influenced by anarchist communism, anarcho-syndicalism, situationism and council communism but was not aligned to any tendency or group.[60] (Issues 11 – 21 available free here [1].)

  • Aotearoa Anarchist
  • Imminent Rebellion (2003 December - Today) Current issue: 11

Imminent Rebellion is a free irregular anarchist publication from New Zealand. It is the countries only national journal and has contributions from around New Zealand. Printed and bound by Rebel Press in Wellington, the insert states: "hand bound with a hatred of the State infused into every page". (Issues are available free here [2])


  • Solidarity, Broadsheet of the Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement (AWSM)
  • Snap!
  • Auckland Anarchist (2008–2009) Four issues, publication of the Auckland Anarchist Network
  • News From Nowhere (2006) Five issues, publication of Black Cat Anarchist Communist Collective


  1. ^ "(2011 July 7) "Southern Story: Beyond Resistance". Radio NZ. 7 July 2011. Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  2. ^ "SPCA section of the Jesus Radicals website". 
  3. ^ "Waihopai Ploughshares website". 
  4. ^ "Talisman Sabre, Jesus Bonhoeffer, Jaegerstaetter and the Evolution of the Australian Church (2009)". 
  5. ^ "Talisman Sabre Begins with Tiger Ploughshare Activist in Court (2011)". 
  6. ^ "The Catholic Worker (NZ)". 
  7. ^ "ECCO community activism! | Aotearoa Independent Media Centre". Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  8. ^ "A-Infos (en) Protest Space Scarce As APEC Moves Into High Gear". 12 September 1999. Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  9. ^ "The three Iranians were refused refugee status and were imprisoned without charge or trial. They refused to sign deportation documents to Iran where they believed they could be persecuted". Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  10. ^ "Ali Panah should be treated with humanity, not xenophobia...". 10 September 2007. Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  11. ^ Contact: Keith Locke MP (16 August 2007). "Iran - Amnesty International and Christian Converts | Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand". Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  12. ^ "Amnestys on Returning Christian Converts To Iran". 6 September 2007. Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  13. ^ "Three activists spend night in jail after Mt Eden prison protest - NATIONAL News". 2 September 2007. Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  14. ^ "English, Philip (7 March 2005), "Protesters hold up Destiny Church march"". 7 March 2005. Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  15. ^ Eames, David (21 March 2005). "Protesters say police looking for trouble". New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 2006-10-10. 
  16. ^ Taylor, Cherie (3 May 2011) "Rotorua march against benefit cuts" in Rotorua Daily Post.. Retrieved 28 August 2011.
  17. ^ me (29 August 2011). "State Adversary, The (1991)". Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  18. ^ a b c Sekhmet (1995?), Issue 9. Retrieved 27 August 2011.
  19. ^ a b Sekhmet (1995?), Issue 9. Retrieved 27 August 2011.
  20. ^ a b c d Takver. Retrieved 27 August 2011.
  21. ^ Boraman, Toby (2007) "Rabble rousers and merry pranksters: a history of anarchism in Aotearoa/New Zealand from the mid-1950s to the early 1980s" p93. Retrieved 29 August 2011.
  22. ^ Boraman, Toby (2007) "Rabble rousers and merry pranksters: a history of anarchism in Aotearoa/New Zealand from the mid-1950s to the early 1980s" p96. Retrieved 29 August 2011.
  23. ^ Boraman, Toby (2007) "Rabble rousers and merry pranksters: a history of anarchism in Aotearoa/New Zealand from the mid-1950s to the early 1980s" pp96-101. Retrieved 29 August 2011.
  24. ^ Boraman, Toby (2007) "Rabble rousers and merry pranksters: a history of anarchism in Aotearoa/New Zealand from the mid-1950s to the early 1980s" pp101-105. Retrieved 29 August 2011.
  25. ^ "Beston, Anne (2006 March 21) "1000 march on 'school strike'"". 21 March 2006. Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  26. ^ a b c d e f "Making Christmas Cards - Anarchist history #1: Into the Nineties". 29 August 2011. Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  27. ^ Capital Times (2010/03/10), "I am an Anarchist". Retrieved 27 August 2011.[dead link]
  28. ^ Viewfinder (1984) TV documentary about punks in Christchurch on YouTube. Retrieved 28 August 2011.
  29. ^ Sekhmet (2005?), Issue 9. Retrieved 27 August 2011.
  30. ^
  31. ^
  32. ^ "1982: The death of Neil Roberts". Retrieved 28 August 2012. 
  33. ^ Prebble, Frank (July/August 2000), "Jock Barnes and the syndicalist tradition in New Zealand" in Thrall, Issue 14. Retrieved 27 August 2011.
  34. ^ "Prebble, Frank (1995) "Troublemakers: Anarchism and Syndicalism - The early years of the Libertarian Movement in Aotearoa/New Zealand".". Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
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  37. ^ a b Davidson, J. (2011). Remains to be Seen: Tracing Joe Hill's ashes in New Zealand, Wellington: Rebel Press.
  38. ^ Prebble, Frank (1995) "Troublemakers: Anarchism and Syndicalism - The early years of the Libertarian Movement in Aotearoa/New Zealand". Retrieved 27 August 2011.
  39. ^ Boraman, Toby (2007) "Rabble rousers and merry pranksters: a history of anarchism in Aotearoa/New Zealand from the mid-1950s to the early 1980s" pp. 8-25. Retrieved 29 August 2011.
  40. ^ a b "1982: The death of Neil Roberts". 
  41. ^ a b "Neil Roberts 20th Anniversary Memorial Punk Fest". 
  42. ^ "10 Years of Taking the Piss" in Metro magazine February 1994
  43. ^ "Anarchism - Individualistic Middle Class Trend". Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  44. ^ State Adversary, The (1996) . Retrieved 27 August 2011.
  45. ^ State Adversary, The (1996). Retrieved 27 August 2011.
  46. ^ Thrall, Issue 21.. Retrieved 27 August 2011.
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  48. ^ "2003: The Anarchist Teaparty National Symposium, Christchurch, Aotearoa / New Zealand". 13 May 2004. Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  49. ^ "Anarchist Conference - Aotearoa Independent Media Centre". Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  50. ^ "Cometoauckland - aspaceinside". Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  51. ^ "Upcoming Christian Anarchist Conference | Aotearoa Independent Media Centre". Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  52. ^ "Lola Ridge: Biography". 19 May 1941. Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  53. ^ a b Prebble, Frank (1995) "Troublemakers: Anarchism and Syndicalism - The early years of the Libertarian Movement in Aotearoa/New Zealand". Retrieved 27 August 2011.
  54. ^ a b c d "Fydd Fydd (October/November 1999) "The NZ Underground Press: 1965-75" in Thrall, Issue 11". Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  55. ^ "dharmapunks". Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  56. ^ Buchanan, Sam (2010), "Anarchism in Aotearoa/New Zealand" Alpine Anarchist, retrieved 2013-09-04
  57. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2 December 2005. Retrieved 27 August 2011. 
  58. ^ "thr@ll issue 11- NZ underground press 1965-75". Retrieved 2011-09-11. 
  59. ^ Sekhmet (2005?), Issue 9. Retrieved 27 August 2011.
  60. ^ Thrall Archive. Retrieved 27 August 2011.

External links[edit]