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latest news

Attempted coup failed

16/07/2016: No to military rule, no to Erdogan’s rule! For a workers’ alternative!


In the face of terror in Nice we will not be intimidated !

16/07/2016: No to hatred, suspicion and racism : don’t let us be divided !


Bernie Abandons 'the Revolution’

14/07/2016: Time to back Green candidate Jill Stein


Disappointment for Left in re-run elections

12/07/2016: Mass mobilisation and struggle necessary for real change


Rise in support for Grexit; fall in support for SYRIZA

11/07/2016: Highest levels recorded against Eurozone and EU membership following Brexit


China’s economy
‘Dead panda bounce’

10/07/2016: Has China’s economy turned a corner?


Third anniversary of coming to power of military regime

09/07/2016: Rebuilding Workers’ and youth struggles


Chilcot's damning findings on Iraq war

08/07/2016: More piles of evidence against the blood-soaked war for oil


Close election result - A crisis for the establishment

08/07/2016: To fight anti-working class measures, we must build a socialist alternative


Presidential elections re-run

08/07/2016: Court order to re-run elections sends shockwaves through establishment


After Brexit, are we heading towards ‘Nexit’?

07/07/2016: Right populist Geert Wilders promises: “Our turn is next”


1936 - Spain’s revolutionary promise

06/07/2016: Working class and peasants rose up against capitalist exploitation, poverty and fascism


Stand firm and organise against the Blairite coup

06/07/2016: No compromise possible in Labour’s civil war


#KeepCorbyn solidarity from Irish parliament

06/07/2016: Socialist MPs - Ruth Coppinger and Paul Murphy - speak in support of Jeremy Corbyn against Blairite coup in Irish parliament

  Britain, Video

Terrorist attack at İstanbul Atatürk Airport kills dozens

01/07/2016: No to war and terror! Yes to workers’ unity and solidarity!


Gold Miners Lashed, jailed workers on hunger strike

01/07/2016: Iranian workers need solidarity


Beyond Bernie

01/07/2016: Still not with her


Defend Jeremy Corbyn

30/06/2016: Fight the Blairite coup

  Britain, Video

Blairite coup against Jeremy Corbyn

29/06/2016: Defend anti-austerity struggle


Teachers continue strike despite extreme repression

28/06/2016: Working people in Mexico need fighting unions, an independent left party, and socialism


Referendum revolt

27/06/2016: Capitalist establishment shattered


After Brexit, SNP government threaten second Indy referendum

27/06/2016: Leave vote higher than average in many working class areas


After the referendum

24/06/2016: Tories Out! General election now! Fight for a 24 hour general strike

  Britain, Europe

Budget 2016-17

24/06/2016: The digits change but reality remains a nightmare for most


EU referendum

23/06/2016: Whatever the result, political turmoil is ahead


Student protests win important victory

23/06/2016: Education ministry retreats over increased tuition fees


Prime Minister Renzi’s party routed

22/06/2016: Five Star mayors elected in Rome and Turin


The left wing case for leaving the EU

22/06/2016: Article by Paul Murphy, Irish MP and former MEP and CWI member

  Ireland Republic

Hong Kong
New protests as kidnapped bookseller speaks out

22/06/2016: Gangster methods of China’s regime exposed

  Hong Kong

This weak government can be beaten

21/06/2016: “The reality is that a small clique of hard-left, Trotskyite politicians, who are quite upfront about seeking to overthrow the current system, are now arguably setting the political agenda.” (Shane Coleman, Irish Independent 17 May 2016)

  Ireland Republic

Women health workers protest in Sindh

21/06/2016: Lady Health Workers organisation protests at non-payment of wages

  Pakistan, Women

EU referendum

19/06/2016: Whatever the result, political turmoil is ahead



Bangladesh: Stop the Rampal power project

31/03/2016, The world’s largest mangrove forest lies on the deltas of three rivers: the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers on the Bay of Bengal. It is here, in an area of outstanding natural beauty called the Sundarbans, that the Bangladeshi government plans to site a coal-fired power plant.
Pete Mason, Barking and Dagenham Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales)

Bangladesh: One year on from Rana Plaza disaster

24/04/2014, Protest letter from Paul Murphy and other MEP’s

Bangladesh: Over one hundred killed in election sham

23/01/2014, Both sides mired in corruption and violence
TU Senan, CWI

Bangladesh building collapse: Casualties of a rotten profit system

03/05/2013, It is said that where labour is cheap, life is cheap. This is never more so than in the recent horrific deaths of over 400 garment workers crushed in a collapsed building in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh.
The Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

Bangladesh: Revolutionary fire at Shahbagh

15/03/2013, Verdicts of the Bangladesh war crimes tribunal this February, which were widely seen as overdue and too lenient, sparked off a wave of protests in Dhaka’s Shahbagh Square and throughout the country.
Protap Debnath, New Socialist Alternative (CWI India)

Bangladesh: The birth of Bangladesh

26/12/2011, Forty years ago, Bangladesh became an independent state, breaking away from Pakistan.
Khalid Bhatti, Socialist Movement Pakistan, first published in Socialism Today

Bangladesh: Striking garment workers victimised

21/12/2010, Strikes and protests by Bangladesh garment workers continue in the face of harsh repression by the state. Following the deaths of three strikers, shot down when police opened fire on demonstrators in Chittagong on 14 December, the protests have increased.
Manny Thain, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

Bangladesh: fighting poverty pay

27/08/2010, Strike and protest action in around 4,000 factories
Manny Thain, Socialist Party (CWI in England and Wales)

Textile workers: Protests in Bangladesh and Cambodia

04/08/2010, Thousands of garment workers in Bangladesh took to the streets of Dhaka to dismiss the recently announced increase in the minimum wage as completely inadequate.
The Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

Bangladesh: 25,000 textile workers protest against poor wages

26/10/2007, Textile workers are on the move again.
Rukhsana Manzoor, Socialist Movement of Pakistan (CWI), Lahore

Bangladesh: Military called in as political crisis continues

31/12/2006, Troops were deployed throughout Bangladesh on Sunday 11 December supposedly to “maintain law and order”, according to a Presidential order.
Khalid Bhatti, Socialist Movement Pakistan, Lahore

Bangladesh: A new haven for reactionary Islam

20/11/2006, Trade unionists and left activists under threat
Khalid Bhatti Socialist Movement Pakistan, (CWI - Pakistan), London

Bangladesh: Political tension on the rise as 28 killed in violence

04/11/2006, Danger of army intervention
Khalid Bhatti, Socialist Movement Pakistan (SMP – CWI Pakistan), Lahore

Bangladesh: “We are not slaves, treat us like humans!”

05/09/2006, Protesting Bangladeshi garment workers torch factories
Khalid Bhatti, Socialist Movement Pakistan (SMP – CWI, Pakistan)

Bangladesh: 20,000 protesters march against British mining company

02/09/2006, 5 killed, 50 injured security force shootings
Khalid Bhatti, CWI, Pakistan

Bangladesh: Political chaos, Islamic fundamentalism and poverty

10/02/2005, Capitalist parties clash but no workers’ alternative
Khalid Bhatti, Socialist Movement Pakistan (SMP)


Video: #KeepCorbyn solidarity from Irish parliament, 06/07/2016

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