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latest news

After the referendum

24/06/2016: Tories Out! General election now! Fight for a 24 hour general strike

  Britain, Europe

Budget 2016-17

24/06/2016: The digits change but reality remains a nightmare for most


EU referendum

23/06/2016: Whatever the result, political turmoil is ahead


Student protests win important victory

23/06/2016: Education ministry retreats over increased tuition fees


Prime Minister Renzi’s party routed

22/06/2016: Five Star mayors elected in Rome and Turin


The left wing case for leaving the EU

22/06/2016: Article by Paul Murphy, Irish MP and former MEP and CWI member

  Ireland Republic

Hong Kong
New protests as kidnapped bookseller speaks out

22/06/2016: Gangster methods of China’s regime exposed

  Hong Kong

This weak government can be beaten

21/06/2016: “The reality is that a small clique of hard-left, Trotskyite politicians, who are quite upfront about seeking to overthrow the current system, are now arguably setting the political agenda.” (Shane Coleman, Irish Independent 17 May 2016)

  Ireland Republic

Women health workers protest in Sindh

21/06/2016: Lady Health Workers organisation protests at non-payment of wages

  Pakistan, Women

EU referendum

19/06/2016: Whatever the result, political turmoil is ahead


Stand together against bigotry, war and terrorism

17/06/2016: Orlando – massive wave of solidarity with LGBTQ community


Conflict in the South China Sea

16/06/2016: Territorial disputes resemble pieces on a ‘geopolitical chessboard’ as the US and China struggle for hegemony in Asia

  Asia, China

Middle East
ISIS under pressure on several fronts

15/06/2016: Working classes, through bitterest of experiences, will take to road of mass struggle again

  Iraq, Middle East, Syria

Massive protest demonstration in Paris

15/06/2016: Workers march as Senate debates hated labour law reform


Over 100,000 sign petition for independent Sanders challenge

13/06/2016: Surge in support for petition initiated by socialist councillor Kshama Sawant

  US, Video

Orlando massacre

13/06/2016: Stand with our LGBTQ Sisters and Brothers! Fight back against Scapegoating & Islamophobia!


New trade union action plan

13/06/2016: “The cup is full !”


Egypt’s workers in revolt

12/06/2016: Review of "The Egyptians: a radical story"


EU green myths

11/06/2016: The truth about the EU and the environment


Left parties turning against bosses’ Europe

10/06/2016: Progress in Portugal and Spain, confusion in Britain

  Europe, Portugal, Spain

China’s ’Cultural Revolution’ 1966-67

10/06/2016: 50 years ago the ’Cultural Revolution’ began in China.

  China, History

Youth and the EU referendum

09/06/2016: Fight for our future, starting with a Leave vote to smash the Tories


Muhammad Ali
A fighter who inspired millions

09/06/2016: Establishment forced to incorporate his legend into re-writing of history


The working-class case against the EU

08/06/2016: Review of ‘And The Weak Must Suffer What They Must?’ by Yanis Varoufakis


1989 mass movement and June 4 massacre

08/06/2016: Video by CWI comrades in China and Hong Kong

  China, History

Victory for Athens bus cleaners

07/06/2016: Strike action wins major concessions from contractors and bus administration


Northern Ireland
Biggest union votes to support exit from the EU

06/06/2016: Union and Labour leaders should join NIPSA and other combative unions in opposing bosses’ club

  Ireland North

On the brink of collapse?

04/06/2016: Counter-revolution gaining ground


After party conference, where is DIE LINKE going?

03/06/2016: SAV/CWI member Lucy Redler elected to national committee


Lisbon dockers victory against precarious work

02/06/2016: Militant strike action blocks bosses attempts to undermine collective bargaining


Tories tearing themselves apart over EU referendum

01/06/2016: Socialists say, ‘Vote Leave to get Cameron out!’


Fight against Valls/Hollande government intensifies

31/05/2016: Gauche Revolutionnaire statement underlines vital need for political alternative


Left government on the horizon in June elections

31/05/2016: Establishment parties panic as Podemos and United Left agree joint election challenge


Bus cleaners renew strike after management’s broken promises

29/05/2016: "Triple-oppressed workers - immigrants, women and low-paid – show way forward"


Day of Protest 26 May

28/05/2016: New massacres in mineral-rich region



Sanders needs to run as an independent in November, 18/03/2016
website of the committee for a workers' international, CWI

Continuing the Political Revolution

Calvin Priest, Socialist Alternative (CWI supporters in USA)

The massive support for Bernie Sanders’ political revolution has turned the Democratic primary into a battleground instead of the expected coronation for Hillary Clinton. At each stage Sanders has fought back against big polling leads by Clinton to contest key states, sometimes winning and sometimes coming very close to achieving major upsets.

Sanders’ victory in Michigan last week was a stunning rejection of Clinton’s anti-worker, anti-environment trade policies as Bernie made the state primary into a referendum on NAFTA and the TPP. The Clinton administration’s NAFTA trade deal did more to turn the Midwest into a “rust belt” than any other single policy passed by either party.

The March 15 primaries showed some of that same dynamic of momentum for Sanders, in which he fought back from huge 30 point margins in Missouri and Illinois to almost clinch victory. In Chicago, Sanders received significant levels of support from ordinary people fed up with Clinton’s friend, Mayor 1%, Rahm Emanuel, who has covered up police killings while attacking public education and workers’ pensions.

But unfortunately it was not enough, and Sanders ended the night with a major delegate deficit, including an overwhelming loss to Clinton in the big delegate state of Florida, as well as double digit defeats in Ohio and North Carolina. While there are many states left to vote, it is increasingly clear that Sanders’ left-wing campaign will very likely be defeated if he does not break free from the narrow confines of the pro-capitalist Democratic Party and run an independent campaign in the general election. Such a campaign would be a great step towards beginning to build a political alternative for working people against the big business Democratic and Republican parties.

Continuing the Political Revolution

It is clear that, as of now, Sanders is still fighting to win and has stepped up his attacks on Clinton since Super Tuesday. Millions of people in states that have not yet voted in the primaries are waiting their turn to support Sanders’ stand against the billionaire class and we wholeheartedly identify with that.

But it is is also time to look soberly at the situation and draw lessons from the experience so far and prepare the way to break from the Democratic Party. Sanders should declare his intention to take the political revolution all the way to the general election in November, as an independent if necessary. Sanders’ supporters need a debate on how to make sure we do not end up imprisoned by the constraints of the Wall Street dominated Democratic Party.

Before Sanders officially launched his campaign last year, Socialist Alternative called on him to run as an independent candidate. While Bernie believed he could have more impact in the Democratic primaries, we made the case that the Democratic Party is hostile territory for a pro-worker, anti-corporate campaign. The obstacles include the undemocratic methods and structures the Democratic leadership imposes on the primary process, the power of Wall Street money, and the establishment media, as well as the more conservative character of the small minority of primary voters. This means it is far harder for Sanders to take over the Democratic Party than it would be to begin building a new political party.

By running in the Democratic primaries, we argued Sanders was making a fundamental mistake that would mean cutting himself off from the vast majority of people who do not participate in the primary process or even follow the political discussion until the general election and creating illusions that the Democratic Party could be used as a tool for a “political revolution.”

Despite these disagreements with Sanders that we have openly put forward at each stage, Socialist Alternative did not stand on the sidelines but instead agreed to go along with Sanders and his supporters to test out his strategy of running in the Democratic primaries. We joined with dedicated Sanders supporters to build support for his pro-worker and anti-corporate left wing campaign. We energetically helped to build rallies, meetings and marches to promote a political revolution against the billionaire class.

However, now it’s time to draw a balance sheet of Sanders’ attempt to run as a Democrat. It is true that Sanders campaign has drawn millions into a discussion about socialism. But if Sanders accepts the results of the primaries and endorses Hillary Clinton, rather than running as an independent, his campaign will end up as a transmission belt for Clinton and the same old corporate politics of the Democratic Party that alienated so many Sanders supporters in the first place.

Sanders should not allow the political revolution to die at the July Democratic Convention. Millions have been inspired by his call for a $15 minimum wage, free college, and Medicare for All. That energy must be used to continue to build the movement until November and beyond. No challenge to the billionaire class will ever be successful that begins and ends in a presidential primary. The emerging movement for a political revolution needs to urge Sanders to run independently all through November or to develop a plan B of support for the remaining strongest left, anti-corporate challenger, Jill Stein of the Green Party.

Many people are very focused on defeating the Republicans in the general election, and would be worried that an independent campaign run by Bernie could throw the election to Donald Trump. Yet there are 40-45 states which will be clearly won by the Democratic or Republican candidates and there is absolutely no reason Bernie could not campaign all out in these states until November. Bernie Sanders and his supporters should discuss whether in the small number of swing states Sanders could choose not to be on the ballot in order to avoid that concern. An encouraging result of such a campaign would prepare the ground for many more independent, anti-corporate candidacies in the near future.

A Party of the 99%

Working people not only needs to build a mass movement to fight for their interests, they also need to create a political tool to take on the billionaires – we need our own political party. The Democratic Party is tightly controlled in a top-down fashion by politicians who are funded by and indebted to big business. Working people and young people have been hugely inspired by Bernie’s refusal to take corporate campaign contributions – it shows clearly the grassroots basis of his campaign and his rejection of Wall Street’s control of politics. But it is not enough to have one candidate rejecting corporate money in a campaign based on grassroots forces. We need a new political party of the 99%, with genuine democratic structures, which completely and openly rejects corporate money and corporate influence.

We need the revolt against Wall Street to grow from Bernie’s single campaign to an organized movement of millions that runs candidates in every state and every city.

Bernie should call for a national conference of his supporters and those on the left to launch a discussion and begin making plans to run independent candidates on a pro-worker, anti-corporate platform. This conference could begin the process of building a party of the 99% in the United States.

Kshama Sawant’s victories as a socialist in Seattle shows that Bernie’s campaign is not a one-time phenomenon. There is a huge and growing interest in socialism, and young people in particular are looking for an alternative to the failed system of capitalism. Sawant was able to win re-election last year in spite of the fierce opposition of the city’s Democratic establishment because she had an organized force on her side – Socialist Alternative. Socialist Alternative was also instrumental in launching 15 Now with Kshama Sawant and building the movement that won the $15 minimum wage in Seattle. This victory helped spur similar victories in a number of other key cities, and became part of Bernie’s platform in the presidential race.

Fighting the Right

March 15 also resulted in big gains for Donald Trump, who looks more and more likely to win the Republican nomination. If Bernie does not run all the way through November, the field will be left open to Trump to tap into the massive anger at the establishment. This can cause lasting damage, as many people who could have been won over to Bernie’s platform will be repelled by Clinton’s establishment politics, and won over instead to Trump’s right-wing, anti-immigrant, anti-worker message.

The corporate politics of Clinton and the Democratic Party have helped fertilize the ground on which first the Tea Party and now Donald Trump’s campaign have grown. The thoroughly pro-corporate character of both the Democratic and Republican party establishments has been completely exposed since the beginning of the Great Recession – from the bi-partisan bail outs of Wall Street, to attacks on public education and social services, and along with these policies the growth of massive economic inequalities. It is critical that those angry at the establishment have the chance to vote for someone who represents their interests, and not Wall Street, in November.

The powerful protests at Trump rallies like the one in Chicago, led amongst others, by Bernie Sanders supporters and Black Lives Matter activists, show the strong mood to fight against the right. This energy cannot be allowed to dissipate in the demoralization that will follow for many if Sanders ends his campaign by throwing his support to Hillary.

Massive, peaceful protests should be organized at upcoming Trump rallies, and used as a means to build the movement against the billionaire class. The call of leaders from SEIU, NARAL, environmental groups and many more for such protests is very welcome.

#MillionStudentMarch and #Movement4Bernie are organizing a national day of action against the threat from the right on April 13. This is the way we will keep up the momentum for the political revolution and lay the basis for the type of mass movement and political initiatives which can truly challenge the domination of the billionaire class and the capitalist system.



US: Over 100,000 sign petition for independent Sanders challenge, 13/06/2016

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Britain: After the referendum
24/06/2016, Hannah Sell, Socialist Party deputy general secretary:
Tories Out! General election now! Fight for a 24 hour general strike

Pakistan: Budget 2016-17
24/06/2016, Muhammad Khan Ahmedani Socialist Movement Sindh, Pakistan:
The digits change but reality remains a nightmare for most

Britain: EU referendum
23/06/2016, Editorial from the Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
Whatever the result, political turmoil is ahead

Taiwan: Student protests win important victory
23/06/2016, CWI Taiwan:
Education ministry retreats over increased tuition fees

Italy: Prime Minister Renzi’s party routed
22/06/2016, Chris Thomas, ControCorrente (CWI Italy):
Five Star mayors elected in Rome and Turin

Ireland: The left wing case for leaving the EU
22/06/2016, Originally published on
Article by Paul Murphy, Irish MP and former MEP and CWI member

Hong Kong: New protests as kidnapped bookseller speaks out
22/06/2016, Dikang, Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong):
Gangster methods of China’s regime exposed

Ireland: This weak government can be beaten
21/06/2016, By Paul Murphy, Anti-Austerity Alliance MP and Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) member:
“The reality is that a small clique of hard-left, Trotskyite politicians, who are quite upfront about seeking to overthrow the current system, are now arguably setting the political agenda.” (Shane Coleman, Irish Independent 17 May 2016)

Pakistan: Women health workers protest in Sindh
21/06/2016, Sughran Khaskheli:
Lady Health Workers organisation protests at non-payment of wages

Britain: EU referendum
19/06/2016, Editorial of the Socialist, issue 906:
Whatever the result, political turmoil is ahead

US: Stand together against bigotry, war and terrorism
17/06/2016, Tom Crean, Socialist Alternative:
Orlando – massive wave of solidarity with LGBTQ community

Middle East: ISIS under pressure on several fronts
15/06/2016, Niall Mulholland, CWI:
Working classes, through bitterest of experiences, will take to road of mass struggle again

France : Massive protest demonstration in Paris
15/06/2016, Naomi Byron in France for The Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI in England and Wales):
Workers march as Senate debates hated labour law reform

US: Over 100,000 sign petition for independent Sanders challenge
Surge in support for petition initiated by socialist councillor Kshama Sawant

US: Orlando massacre
13/06/2016, Immediate reaction from Kshama Sawant, Socialist Alternative councillor, Seattle:
Stand with our LGBTQ Sisters and Brothers! Fight back against Scapegoating & Islamophobia!

Belgium: New trade union action plan
13/06/2016, Nicolas Croes, PSL-LSP (CWI in Belgium):
“The cup is full !”

Egypt’s workers in revolt
12/06/2016, Christine Thomas:
Review of "The Egyptians: a radical story"

Environment: EU green myths
11/06/2016, Claire Laker Mansfield, originally published in Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
The truth about the EU and the environment

History: China’s ’Cultural Revolution’ 1966-67
10/06/2016, Edited version of article written by Socialist Party general secretary Peter Taaffe for Militant (predecessor of the Socialist) in February 1967.:
50 years ago the ’Cultural Revolution’ began in China.

Britain: Youth and the EU referendum
09/06/2016, Editorial from the Socialist (weekly paper of the Socialist Party – CWI England & Wales):
Fight for our future, starting with a Leave vote to smash the Tories

China: 1989 mass movement and June 4 massacre
08/06/2016, Socialist Action (CWI) reporters in Hong Kong:
Video by CWI comrades in China and Hong Kong

Greece: Victory for Athens bus cleaners
07/06/2016, Eleni Mitsou (Xekinima - CWI Greece) and Apostolis Kasimeris (Board Member of OASA - Athens Bus Workers’ Union):
Strike action wins major concessions from contractors and bus administration

Northern Ireland: Biggest union votes to support exit from the EU
06/06/2016, Kevin Henry, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland):
Union and Labour leaders should join NIPSA and other combative unions in opposing bosses’ club

Venezuela: On the brink of collapse?
04/06/2016, Tony Saunois, Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI):
Counter-revolution gaining ground

Germany: After party conference, where is DIE LINKE going?
03/06/2016, Michael Koschitzki, SAV (CWI in Germany):
SAV/CWI member Lucy Redler elected to national committee

Portugal: Lisbon dockers victory against precarious work
02/06/2016, João Félix Socialismo Revolucionário (CWI in Portugal):
Militant strike action blocks bosses attempts to undermine collective bargaining

CWI Comment and Analysis


Asia: Conflict in the South China Sea
16/06/2016, This is an abridged version of an article by Vincent Kolo, originally published on
Territorial disputes resemble pieces on a ‘geopolitical chessboard’ as the US and China struggle for hegemony in Asia

EU: Left parties turning against bosses’ Europe
10/06/2016, Danny Byrne, CWI:
Progress in Portugal and Spain, confusion in Britain

Muhammad Ali: A fighter who inspired millions
09/06/2016, Hugo Pierre, Socialism Today (originally published in 2003):
Establishment forced to incorporate his legend into re-writing of history

Review: The working-class case against the EU
08/06/2016, Hannah Sell, article from Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
Review of ‘And The Weak Must Suffer What They Must?’ by Yanis Varoufakis

France: Fight against Valls/Hollande government intensifies
31/05/2016, Clare Doyle, CWI:
Gauche Revolutionnaire statement underlines vital need for political alternative

Austria: Only 31,026 votes prevent far right’s Hofer becoming president
24/05/2016, Sonja Grusch, SLP (the Austrian section of the CWI):
‘Breathing space’ offers chance to build a fighting, democratic left alternative

Britain: EU referendum exposes gaping political fault-lines
24/05/2016, Peter Taaffe, from Socialism Today (monthly magazine of the Socialist Party England & Wales):
New road can open up for labour movement if working class relies on its own forces

Brazil: Fall of President Dilma Rousseff unleashes offensive against working class
19/05/2016, André Ferrari, LSR (‘Freedom, Socialism and Revolution’ - CWI Brazil):
The impeachment process and historic crisis of the PT (Workers’ Party)

Ireland: ‘Jobstown trials’ to go ahead
18/05/2016, Kieran Mahon, Anti-Austerity Alliance / Socialist Party Councillor, Dublin:
Government loses battle on water charges but wages war on Left

Saudi Arabia: Gathering storms over the House of Saud
13/05/2016, Serge Jordan, CWI:
Collapse of oil prices expose fragile foundations of oil Gulf monarchies

France: New stage in battle over labour law
12/05/2016, Clare Doyle, CWI:
Hollande’s decision to over-rule parliament provokes another round of struggle

Ireland: 100th anniversary of the execution of James Connolly
12/05/2016, Three articles on Connolly’s life and ideas :
Revolutionary socialist, militant workers' leader and internationalist

Belgium: Trade unions announce new plan of action
11/05/2016, LSP/PSL (CWI in Belgium) Reporters:
Call for two national demonstrations, building towards general strikes

Britain: 90th anniversary of epochal general strike
05/05/2016, Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales) general secretary:
When workers tasted power

Israel/Palestine: The Marxist left, the national conflict and the
Palestinian struggle

29/04/2016, Socialist Struggle Movement (CWI Israel-Palestine):
The necessity of a class approach and a socialist alternative

France: One-day strike set for 28 April
26/04/2016, Alex Rouillard, Gauche Revolutionnaire (CWI in France):
A final stage before indefinite action against Hollande’s government?

US: The un-Democratic Primary
22/04/2016, Kshama Sawant, Socialist Alternative Seattle, originally published on
Why we need new party of the 99%

Capitalism: a failing system
18/04/2016, Peter Taaffe, from May edition of Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
A new book, The Rise and Fall of American Growth, analyses the downward course of the US economy – and the limits of the whole capitalist system

Review: ’Militant’ by Michael Crick
14/04/2016, Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) general secretary:
Lessons of Militant vital for anti-austerity struggles today

US election turmoil
01/04/2016, By Tony Saunois (CWI Secretary) who recently visited the US for meetings of Socialist Alternative:
Bernie Sanders campaign - an opportunity to build a new party of the 99%

Britain: A new moment
28/03/2016, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales), published in April 2016 issue of Socialism Today:
Extracts from a statement discussed at the Socialist Party’s recent congress

Ireland: 100th anniversary of Easter 1916 Rising
26/03/2016, Cillian Gillespie, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland):
A revolt against imperial power and war

History: When Khrushchev denounced Stalin
26/03/2016, Niall Mulholland, from Socialism Today (April 2016 issue of the monthly journal of Socialist Party, England & Wales):
1956 ‘secret speech’ a devastating blow to Stalinist regimes

11th CWI World Congress: World Perspectives
Amended agreed version of the World Perspectives document agreed by the CWI’s 11th World Congress

Germany: Big gains for right-wing, nationalist, AfD in state elections
22/03/2016, Sascha Stanicic, Sozialistische Alternative (CWI in Germany):
DIE LINKE (Left Party) urgently needs to change course