JERUSALEM — The Israeli military early Saturday demolished the family home of a Palestinian who it says stabbed a Jewish mother to death in front of her children, in one of the most grisly killings in an eight-month wave of violence ... He fled the scene and was later arrested ... . . ....
WASHINGTON. The Indian government is going to be America's "great ally" and there is a need to nurture this relationship, Speaker of the US House of RepresentativesPaul Ryan has said. In a major foreign policy speech here in which he was highly critical of President Barack Obama's policies, the US-India relationship was the only aspect of it which was appreciated by Ryan...Stay updated on the go with Times of IndiaNews App ... RELATED....
Jaisalmer. In a latest discovery in India, the footprints of Eubrontes Gleneronsensis Theropod dinosaurs have been found in the Thaiyat area of Jaisalmer district... This discovery might open new vistas in searching dinosaur fossils in equivalent rocks ... Mathur, this discovery shows the cause and effect relationship and can help to solve the mystery of the extinction of dinosaurs ... Stay updated on the go with Times of IndiaNews App ... RELATED....
Alaskan BushPeople finds itself in an interesting place ... I’d noticed, as it was hilariously obvious, that DiscoveryChannel producers were working overtime to make the Browns into a sympathetic bush family ... — AlaskaNews Now (@alaskanewsnow) June 8, 2016 ... These loyal viewers say they don’t mind the fact that it’s a scripted Discovery Channel hit ... [Photo courtesy of the Discovery Channel] ... The InquisitrNews ....
The discovery that King Tut was buried with a dagger made out of a meteorite has drawn news headlines worldwide and captured the imagination of the public. As unusual as it may seem, though, the pharaoh's blade is not the only ancient or odd artifact that was forged from space-based metal ... ....
Despite all the international attention and tourists, archaeologists have just made a major discovery that has been sitting in plain sight ... The find is great news for Jordan's tourism ......
In 1533, Europe was just starting its age of discovery when the continent’s governments sent large numbers of ships out in search of riches ... “The mix of discoveries is particularly impressive – and the bones can give archaeologists an idea of the sailors’ typical diet, for example.” ... Dieter Noli has worked with the miners since 1996 and told Fox News that he always thought they’d find a shipwreck....
[Guardian] It is public knowledge that agriculture was the mainstay of the country's economy before the discovery of oil in Nigeria. Since the discovery of oil, Nigerians and successive governments played down agricultural activities to the detriment of the nation's economy ... ....
The MakerSpace presented by Raytheon at Sci-Tech DiscoveryCenter in Frisco will give tinkerers, inventors, hobbyists and budding engineers access to programs, technology and tools to test, prototype...PhotoCredit. Frisco Sci-Tech Discovery Center ... ....
In the absence of strong bot discovery mechanisms, getting others to find out about and adopt your bot will be a challenge, especially if you’re developing a new consumer-oriented bot without an existing audience ... Before you begin developing your bot, think about what efforts you are undertaking to overcome the challenges of bot discovery....
Satellite and drone images have led to a new discovery in the ancient city of Petra — a massive man-made stone platform hidden under sand ... archaeologist says satellite and drone images led to a new discovery in ......
Archaeologists in Cambodia have found multiple, previously undocumented medieval cities not far from the ancient temples of Angkor Wat, the Guardian can reveal, in groundbreaking discoveries that promise to upend key assumptions about south-east Asia’s history ... That survey uncovered an array of discoveries, including elaborate water systems that were built hundreds of years before historians believed the technology existed....
(Source. Atlanta Silverbacks) Friday night's match up at Silverbacks park was between the FC CarolinaDiscoveries and the Atlanta Silverbacks in front of over 800 fans at Silverbacks Park. The game was a story of two players that shined for their respective teams on the night ... The Discoveries put one on the scoreboard just minutes into the game with a goal scored by Revivo after a mistake from Silverback's defender Georgii Kulov....
(TribuneNewsService) — “I can’t believe this,” Healdsburg grape grower JohnSaini thought aloud at midday Friday from the backseat of a limousine as it rolled beneath the second or third Highway 101 overpass bearing emergency vehicles, first responders who stood in salute and civilians who held American flags... He said he was led to it by accounts of the discovery there of a single Marine’s remains in 2002....