Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies Moon EASTER EGG!!!!
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Need 2-4 players.
Cryogenic Slumber Party can be soloed then a minimum of 2 players are needed to continue easter egg, one has to be Richtofen.
Everyone involved must have the Achievements
Ensemble Cast and
Time Travel Will
Tell from the previous
Zombie maps,
Call of the
Dead (;=
286&list;=UUIyZQVzjH1wjHMP2aeXYZBg) and Shangri-La (;=299&list;=UUIyZQVzjH1wjHMP2aeXYZBg), respectively. As a bonus it doesn't hurt to do the
Ascension Easter Egg (;=259&list;=UUIyZQVzjH1wjHMP2aeXYZBg) too.
Mystery Box weapons:
Wave Gun,
Quantum Entanglement Device (
QED), and Gersch
Excavator "Pi" to reach tunnel 6.
I completed the Cryogenic slumber party and
Big Bang theory easter eggs with two people, one having done the solo Stand-In achievement for Call of the Dead, and the other having done both easter eggs from Call of the Dead and Shangri-La respectively.
Having every party member with the preliminary achievements may not be necessary to complete the easter egg.
Step 1:
Activate the power first.
Once you do, find the four computer terminals that sit in the outside beginning area. Each computer terminal lights up a specific color, and you essentially must play "
Simon Says." When you successfully input a round of sequences, all four terminals light up green, signaling the next step.
Step 2:
Head into the lab area with all the servers and use a hacker to hack one of four red buttons along the wall.
Afterwards, some terminals light up green in the adjacent room. Have someone hack all four of these green-lit terminals, and at least one other person press the four red buttons within seconds of one another until they all remain lit.
Step 3: The third step involves the Excavator breaching tunnel 6 (where the
M16 is).
It's easier if you only open up the doors through tunnel 6 when you start. Afterwards, get rid of the Excavator by hacking the proper terminal in the Receiving
Step 4: If everything has gone according to plan so far, you'll notice a round stone floating near the M16.
Knife it to make it start floating around. Keep knifing it to move it along.
Note that if it seems to have "hid" itself, you just need to shoot it in the general area where it disappeared to make it re-appear. This floating stone eventually bumbles its way to the disc at the base of that strange pyramid.
Step 5: A cylindrical tube emerges from the right side of the pyramid's base.
Apparently, zombies' souls belong in this tube
. You'll need to kill a decent number of zombies near it, and you'll watch the tube slowly fill up. When the tube is completely filled with zombie souls, you'll next need to flip the switch on the wall to the right of the tube.
From here, you need Richtofen's Vrill
Generator to continue. This is gotten by completing the previous
Easter egg Achievements. Whoever is Richtofen will have the Vrill Generator at the bottom of his screen.
Step 6: You all have the
Death Machine power-up for about 90 seconds, so head back to
Area 51 (where you first started) to earn some major points on zombies, if any.
Look to your right and chuck grenades at the plates on the shelf. A friend with the Gersch Device needs to then throw a Gersch Device to where the plates have fallen to suck them up and move them to the teleporter.
Quickly get on the teleporter to be transported back to the station.
Step 7: You'll now find the plates lying on the floor in front of the
Quick Revive. Use the QED to shuttle them to the computer in the corner of the same room. Whoever is Richtofen must place the Vrill Generator in-between the plates to activate a cut-scene. Have Richtofen keep pressing X at the computer keyboard until the voice-over ends and the color of the computer screen turns and stays green.
Step 8: Take the glowing Vrill Generator and return to the pyramid. The Vrill Generator will insert itself in the engraving and cause more cylindrical tubes to rise from the corners. You'll need to kill enough zombies to fill up each tube. Once all four tubes have been infused with souls, activate the switch again to drain them.
Step 9: Make sure Richtofen grabs the revealed Vrill Generator to earn him perks that stick around permanently. Use the QED to transport the floating stone back outside. It ends up right by the "Simon Says" computer terminals.
Suck up the floating stone with the Gersch Device.
Step 10: The stone goes to some out-of-reach rockets, which launch themselves toward
Earth, after successfully completing "Simon Says."
When the rockets smash into the Earth, you earn
Big Bang Theory.