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“When you buy coal, you have a moral right to ask where it came from”

A new report highlights a stark truth: the UK’s dependence on international coal not only devastates the environment, but disenfranchises local communities.

Belarus’s Chernobyl taboo

Thirty years after the catastrophe at Chernobyl, the government of neighbouring Belarus still refuses to release information about real radiation levels in the surrounding area. It’s even planning to build a new nuclear power plant. Русский

Towards a post-nuclear Ukraine


Thirty years on from Chernobyl, nuclear energy still accounts for more than half of Ukraine’s electricity. With vested interests dominating Ukraine’s energy market, what are the chances for a post-nuclear Ukraine? Русский

Atomic energy and political power in Russia


In Russia, the space for environmental activism and advocacy is changing under increasing state pressure. An interview with one of Russia’s leading ecological organisations about the prospects for anti-nuclear activism today. Русский

Behind the storm

At 17.40 local time on 4 December, a storm ripped through Platform 10 of the Guneshli oil and gas field, owned by the Azeri state oil company, SOCAR. What happened next is not entirely known.

These hills are ours

In Bashkortostan, the hills are alive with the sound of limestone quarrying. Now local civil society is taking on one of Russia’s largest chemical consortia. Русский

COP21: stories from Russia’s indigenous peoples

At the UN's recent climate change conference in Paris, Russia's indigenous peoples told stories of how climate change is affecting them and how they are increasingly coming into conflict with mining companies. Русский

We need to find the common ground between climate change and civil society

To combat Russia’s industrial polluters, public indifference and limits on NGO activity, we need to link climate change and civil society. Русский


COP21: a diary from Paris

oDR correspondent Angelina Davydova is in Paris attending the UN climate conference COP21, where she's keeping her eye on the Russian side of things... 

There's something in the air in Russia

Russia’s cities are choking. If we’re going to change the state of air pollution in this country, we need to open up data, monitoring and public engagement. Русский

Why climate change is not on Russia’s agenda

In Russia, global climate change has already had serious economic, environmental and social impact. A heady mix of conspiracy and inertia is to blame.

Where has all the wildlife gone in Siberia?

Widderkopf_B CC Hajotthu Crop.jpg

Poaching is drastically reducing numbers of many wildlife species in Siberia, and government at national and regional level doesn’t seem to care. на русском языке

Climate policy according to Gazprom

4893122425_724729caa0_z.jpgAs Russian dreams of becoming a ‘great ecological power’ fade, Gazprom, it seems, has been driving climate policy all along.


Discounting the future of climate change in Russia

STS039-085-00E_Lake_Balkhash,_Kazakhstan_April_1991 wiki - NASA_0.jpgLike it or not, global warming will affect Russia, and ignoring it only stores up problems for later.



The problems of environmental activism in Russia

arctic-ocean-79833_640_0.jpg Climate change is still of little interest to Russians. But why? на русском языке


'Hands off our Russian Arctic!'

Russia’s seizure in international waters of the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise, the arrests, refusal of bail and charges of piracy for activists and crew alike has provoked worldwide outrage. But what are the reasons for Moscow’s heavy-handedness; and why has the official western response been so muted? 

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