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About Joe Guinan

Joe Guinan is a Senior Fellow at the Democracy Collaborative and Executive Director of the Next System Project.

Articles by Joe Guinan

This week's editor


Mairi Mackay is openDemocracy’s senior editor.

Constitutional conventions: best practice

Is another Europe possible?

The EU is a doomsday machine generating deflation, low growth, and high unemployment – and a rising tide of far right nationalism. Is “Remain and Reform” a realistic strategy for the UK left?

Democracy and decentralisation are their watchwords: For Corbyn and McDonnell, it’s municipal socialism reinvented

Corbyn and McDonnell's vision of decentralised public ownership comes from a long and popular tradition.

Don't believe the Corbyn bashers - the economic case against public ownership is mostly fantasy

Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer, Jeremy Corbyn is putting public ownership back on the political agenda. Time to examine frequent claims that public ownership is inherently bureaucratic and inefficient.

Bombs away! Air power as panacea

When will we turn aside from a century of bombing and begin to invest in the conditions of peace?

Preserving policy space in an independent Scotland

Last week’s attempts at arm-twisting Scotland over sterling and European Union membership have backfired. But an independent Scotland should want no part in either surrendering monetary sovereignty or EU constitutionalised neoliberalism.

Privatisation, a very British disease

Britain is an extreme oddity regarding privatisation: nowhere else in the advanced world is there such a willingness to sell everything that isn’t nailed down. Time and again the British public is ripped off and sold out by its leaders.

Democratising capital at scale: cooperative enterprise and beyond

Faced with spiralling social, economic and environmental problems, many people are turning to economic democracy for solutions. But what shape should this democracy take? And how can it establish an effective process for the distribution of wealth?

Social democracy must radicalise to survive

Social democracy is at an impasse, bereft of an economic programme, but history is on the march. Democratic wealth-holding can give social democrats a new set of economic institutions and political power bases.

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