weeklyOSM 310


Logo Map of Brexhill – UK; a fork of Humitos’ upoi.org 1 | © OpenStreetMap Contributors CC-BY-SA 2.0


  • Mapbox joined last weekend’s Rio mapathon to help map the city where this year’s Olympic Games will be held.
  • In the OSM wiki, the voting for the “extended Kneipp water cure” tagging proposal has started.
  • There’s a large discussion on the tagging mailing list about the different restrictions for learner drivers that exist in different countries (another new wiki proposal).
  • Mapbox has developed a JOSM plugin to allow the tagging of turn lanes. It implements the current turn:lanes scheme which was also used during the German Weekly task.
  • Martin Koppenhoefer wonders whether the amenity=nursing_home tagging is really deprecated (as someone has marked the wiki page) or if it still sometimes makes sense to use it.
  • Mapbox Bengaluru conducted a satellite workshop which involved imagery processing using QGIS. The tutorials related to the workshop can be found here.


  • JB has created a board game based on OSM, using French cathedrals (picture). He briefly describes the process and tools (QGIS) on the French mailing list. (Französisch) (automatic translation)
  • Boris Gruschko has produced a video to visualize the creation and aging of nodes in OpenStreetMap. (via talk)


  • On the 13th of July there will be a GraphHopper meetup in Berlin.
  • The schedule of SotM 2016 Japan (August, 06) has been published. (Japanisch) (automatic translation).

Humanitarian OSM

  • On the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team’s blog there is a report about a mapping workshop which was held at the end of April in Uganda.


  • [1] This very detailed map of Bexhill (UK) by Dr-Mx is available on github. It is a fork of the Spanish language upoi.org by Manuel Kaufmann aka humitos.
  • Josh Cohan (Next City) describes a new “AccessMap Seattle” map, currently accessible as a beta version. Parts of Seattle are very hilly, and AccessMapSeattle shows that, and other barriers to accessability. The map is of course using OSM data.
  • A new version of OpenRouteService has been released. Timothy Ellersiek describes it here in the University of Heidelberg’s GIScience News Blog.
  • Caleb Pershan writes in SFist about some special “typographic” maps of American cities that have been created. All municipalities, roads, and water areas are exclusively represented in writing, and all are OSM based.


  • Google tightens the terms of use for their Maps APIs. We naturally think this is a good time to switch to OSM.

Open Data

  • The city of Bonn has made a CC0 dataset available containing the location, type and age of urban trees. The coordinate system does need a little conversion, but that is described here by Josef Schugt.



  • Kepta, who is working on lane tagging support for the iD editor, explains in several blog posts about the progress that he is making.
  • The Routing API of GraphHopper has just received a bunch of new features.
  • Mapzen was able to “prevent a new war” between Sweden and Denmark (due to their geocoder misclassifying Copenhagen as in Sweden).


Software Version Release Date Comment
GraphHopper Routing Engine 0.7 2016-06-15 Java 7 support, new translations and many more
Mapbox GL JS v0.20.1 2016-06-21 Bugfix
OpenStreetMap Carto Style 2.40 2016-06-21 No info
Osmose Backend 1.0-2016-06-23 2016-06-23 No info
OSM Buildings 3.0.0 2016-06-24 4 changes and 2 fixes
OSRM Backend 5.2.6 2016-06-24 Bugfix
Cruiser for Android 1.4.8 2016-06-25 Multilingual vector maps
Cruiser for Desktop 1.2.7 2016-06-25
Locus Map Free 3.18.0 2016-06-27 New function added

provided by the OSM Software Watchlist

Did you know …

  • … the EmojiMap by Merten Peetz?
  • Le Portail IGN, a site for map comparisons? It’s similar to BBBike’s Map Compare, but has some different maps.
  • …about the Mexican project Mapeaton. A Mexican pun on the words “mapathon” and “peaton (pedestrian)”. The project’s aim is to take pictures of problems related to infrastructure for pedestrians.

Other “geo” things

  • GeaCron has published an interactive political world map which allows you to travel through the centuries. It’s a bit Eurocentric (I doubt much of the Americas and Asia were uninhabited 400 years ago) but it’s fun nonetheless.
  • Fastcompany has published a lengthy article about Ed Parsons (chief geographer at Google). OpenStreetMap and some of the companies in OSM’s ecosystem get a mention too…
  • Mapzen is hiring a “tiles engineer” in San Francisco or New York. Experience with OpenStreetmap is apparently a “bonus”!
  • Watch as the world’s cities appear one-by-one over 6,000 years (a visualisation by Metrocosm).
  • Mumbai’s “Mid Day” newspaper contains an article about new cartographers visualising individuality in maps (based on volunteer-led mapping and OpenStreetMap data).
  • Marco Viviani reports (Italian) on Wikimania 2016. The Wikipedia Conference took place from June 22-28 in Esino Lario, Lecco, Italy. (automatic translation)

Upcoming Events

Dónde Qué Fecha País
Nantes Missing Maps Nantes #1 @Médiagraph 30/06/2016 france
Bengaluru OSM Hack Weekend in Mapbox 02/07/2016-03/07/2016 india
Shizuoka OpenStreetMapワークショップ in 日本平 (Nihondaira) 02/07/2016 japan
Roma ”’mAppiaM!”’ Mapping of Appia’s Monuments Appia Antica 09/07/2016-11/07/2016 italy
Taipei Taipei Meetup 11/07/2016 taiwan
Lyon Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs 12/07/2016 france
Trentino Presentation of a hiking map done using OpenStreetMap data, Storo 15/07/2016 italy
Kyoto 京都国宝・浪漫マッピングパーティ:第1回 北野天満宮 16/07/2016 japan
Nottingham Nottingham 19/07/2016 united kingdom
Seattle ”’State of The Map US 2016”’ 23/07/2016-25/07/2016 united states

Note: If you like to see your event here, please put it into the calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM. Please check your event in our public calendar preview and correct it, where appropiate..

This weekly was produced by Hakuch, Laura Barroso, Nakaner, Peda, Polyglot, Rogehm, SomeoneElse, derFred, escada, jinalfoflia, malenki, mgehling, seumas, widedangel.

weeklyOSM 309



Unmapped places in OpenStreetMap 1 | © OpenStreetMap Contributors CC-BY-SA 2.0

About us

    This issue was not published in time because we do not have enough manpower in our English editing team. Anyone interested in helping with proof-reading please contact us.


  • Simon Poole has created a JOSM background layer based on Open Data from the Canton of Berne to help with mapping addresses.
  • Martin Koppenhoefer opened a long-lasting discussion on the quirks of the current MAPS.ME edition and the consequent influx of new data into OSM.
  • Fredy Rivera visited the “Cerro Machín”, a very dangerous (because of its size and its position) assessed stratovolcano in Columbia with the habitants of the area to capture necessary data in OSM which can be helpful in case of an outbreak. (automatic translation)
  • Martin Koppenhoefer asks if or how detailed 3D information should be in the OpenStreetMap database as he has serious problems giving complex 3D buildings regular tags.
  • Pascal Neis reran his evaluation of “unmapped places” in OpenStreetMap on a current planet dump.
  • The talk mailing list discussed about the tagging proposal process in relation to water, classification issues and tag usage.
  • Amauri discusses how the needs of trekkers and bikers are not met on the Mapnik map at wide zoom levels. He begins discussion on a tagging based solution.
  • Daniel Koć discussed on the tagging list schemes for a laundromats and parcel boxes.
  • Despite the withdrawal of the proposal for highway=social_path, the discussion continues on the Tagging mailing list. Simon Poole considers it to be one of the most bewildering threads he has ever seen on tagging.
  • Want to help mapping for the Rio Olympics? There is a new task on OSM Columbia.


OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • Brogo contrasts (German) (automatic translation) income, donations and budgets of OSM based projects to show how little funding the core OpenStreetMap-Foundation receives.


  • User Ikiya reported on the Shirakawa (Fukushima, Japan) mapping party (Japanese) (automatic translation) and the progress achieved as a result.

Humanitarian OSM

  • Presenters for 30 minute sessions or 5 minute lightning talks are sought for the HOT Summit on September 22 in Brussels. The theme of the Summit is “OpenStreetMap, the Global HOT Community, and Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.” Submission deadline is June 30.
  • A new project for disaster prevention is seeking funding, to create a mobile unit for the communal generation of free geographical information. Fredy Rivera is seeking 21,500,000 Columbian Pesos (about $7500 USD) with a pilot project of the Cerro Machin Volcano. More details.


  • The members of the Latin-American Telegram group show their locations on a map.
  • Gerald Ainomugisha reports in the Australian anthill about Jack Gonzales, the founder of the startup MapJam. Mapjam is priced below Google Maps for application developers wanting vector maps and uses OSM as a data source.
  • The Speichenkarte (Deutsch) (automatic translation) which provides OSM Garmin maps for European cyclists has received a lot of improvements: contours, improved routing, Cobblestone, sac_scale, etc in its June 8 release.
  • Mapquest Open will be turned off on July 11th. It has to been replaced at osm.org where it has been used as a selectable layer up to now. Richard Fairhurst mentions some alternatives on Twitter.
  • User Escada is writing about his use cases of the online thematic map service MapContrib. A summary of new features of MapContrib version 0.8.0 has also been posted by developer Frederic.


  • The new version (1.3) of GPX viewer and recorder for Windows 10 now integrates OSM in three versions, traffic information and new languages.
  • The province of Nord Brabant in the Netherlands is using OpenStreetmap for the base map in its “Natuurpoorten” website (Dutch) (automatic translation). The site gives information about cycling and hiking activities in the province.

Open Data

  • Stefan Kaufmann is building a machine readable map of German public transport authorities on Github and tweets (German) seeking pull requests with GTFS data etc.
  • OpenEventDatabase has published an open API for collecting events with geographic and temporal data (what, where, when).


  • The Belgian Parliament has legislated the introduction of freedom of panorama. (Dutch) (automatic translation) The law will come into force ten days after the publication in the Official Gazette. There are also discussions in English on the talk-be the mailing list.


  • Marble 1.14.1 is now also available for Windows with almost as many features as the Linux version.
  • Martin Over publishes a beta version of his OpenDEM Tracker Android App to collect data for an Open Digital Elevation Model. Test it!
  • William Temperley reports about his progress to import the OSM planet in Hadoop and seeks input from others using “big data” tools on OSM.


  • Algolia Places is a new JavaScript library allowing address autocompletion on a html <input> field using OpenStreetMap.
  • Some Redittors had a discussion about browser bookmarklets to jump from a Google map to the same location on OpenStreetMap.
  • Michael Zangl, who’s in the progress of cleaning up the JOSM core, wrote a summary about the progress of the first half of his GSoC project.
  • Anandthakker experimented with convolutional neural networks to extract details in satellite images using OSM as training data and shows the results. (Via @anandthakker)


Software Version Release Date Comment
Mapillary Android 2.24 2016-06-15 Some extensions and some bug fixes
Cruiser for Android 1.4.7 2016-06-16 Some updates
Cruiser for Desktop 1.2.6 2016-06-16
OSRM Backend 5.2.3 2016-06-17 Bugfix
Komoot iOS 8.1 2016-06-18
Komoot Android var 2016-06-19

provided by the OSM Software Watchlist

Did you know …

  • … the Floating Piers from the artist Christo in OSM at Monte Isola. If you want to visit the installation, hurry up because after the 3rd of July the work will be dismantled and disappear from OSM as well. If you can’t travel, there is a video and a webcam.
  • The German artist and mapper, Max Newport has an installation exploring government censorship on South Korean maps, in particular golf courses.

Other “geo” things

  • La Nacion from Argentina reported (Spanish) (automatic translation) that the now newly opened huge Panama Canal expansion (OSM1) and (OSM2) comes at the worst possible time for the shipping trade.
  • Krithika Vavagur reports in the Huffington Post on the mapping of the slums of Mathare, Nairobi. Google Maps has blank areas but OSM has detail which acts as an enabler for services to be delivered to residents. The Kenyan social enterprise SpatialCollective is mapping slum areas with the help of local young people.
  • What happens when right-hand drive needs to change to left-hand traffic and vice-versa? This 😉 (And yes it’s mapped on OSM)
  • Heise online (German) (automatic translation) reports on the measure of success that retailers are having with Facebook’s “local awareness” advertising. Users with smartphones are displayed advertisements of nearby businesses with sources claiming up to 12% of users visited the nearby business within a week of seeing the advertisement.
  • AccessNow are trying to crowd-source mapping of handicapped accessible bars, restaurants and shops but the functionality seems not as good as Wheelmap.org. For displaying the POIs they use Google Maps.

Upcoming Events

Dónde Qué Fecha País
Nottingham Nottingham 21/06/2016 united kingdom
Barcelona Ajuda a millorar la cartografia de l’Equador – 2a edició 22/06/2016 spain
Rapperswil ”’Swiss PG Day 2016”’ 24/06/2016 switzerland
Sliač Mapping párty Sliač 25/06/2016 slovakia
Colorado Saturday Mapternoon, Evergreen 25/06/2016 united states
California Import Party, Los Angeles 25/06/2016 united states
Rio de Janeiro Rio Olympics Mapping 25/06/2016-26/06/2016 brazil
Kyoto 京都世界遺産マッピングパーティ:最終回 天龍寺 25/06/2016 japan
Montpellier Rencontre mensuelle 29/06/2016 france
Antwerp Missing Maps @ IPIS 29/06/2016 belgium
Valencia Taller HOT UPV 2016 29/06/2016 spain
Bengaluru OSM Hack Weekend in Mapbox 02/07/2016-03/07/2016 india
Shizuoka OpenStreetMapワークショップ in 日本平 (Nihondaira) 02/07/2016 japan
Salzburg OSM-Sonntag 03/07/2016 austria
Salzburg ”’FOSSGIS 2016”’ 04/07/2016-06/07/2016 austria
Salzburg AGIT 2016 06/07/2016-08/07/2016 austria

Note: If you like to see your event here, please put it into the calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM. Please check your event in our public calendar preview and correct it, where appropiate..

This weekly was produced by Hakuch, Laura Barroso, Nakaner, Peda, Rogehm, Softgrow, derFred, escada, jinalfoflia, malenki, mgehling, wambacher.