Latest National news

Insiders say Centrelink cooks the books on waiting times

Noel Towell 10:30 PM   One public servant called the manipulation of figures a 'fraud upon the people of Australia'.

Fears that true extent of youth suicide in Canberra is still unknown

Flawed data collection has experts fearing youth suicides in Canberra are significantly under-reported.

Christopher Knaus 12:00 AM   Experts urge for better research and death certificate recording to understand youth suicide in Canberra.

ADF sex assaults dismissed as 'pranks', inquiry told

The Australian Defence Force has come under the spotlight at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child ...

Rachel Browne 6:03 PM   Repeated assaults caused injuries that required corrective surgery, witness tells commission.

Former NSW governor defends 'initiation ceremonies'

Former defence force personnel are giving evidence about alleged sex abuse at the Royal Commission into Institutional ...

Rachel Browne 5:10 PM   Peter Sinclair defended navy initiation rites but agreed they could get "out of control".

Foley's plan to build even more schools

Opposition Leader Luke Foley says the state government has broken 'a clear commitment'.

Kelsey Munro 4:56 PM   The opposition leader saw a perfect spot for a new school in his electorate. But the land was quickly put out of reach.

Blood test developed to predict premature birth

Newborn baby feet and hands of the mother.

Bridie Smith 4:34 PM   A blood test to predict the risk of premature birth as early as 18 weeks in to pregnancy can detect signs even before symptoms present, according to international researchers.

Australian lawyers back Baha'i call to free leaders jailed in Iran

A poster calling for the release of seven Baha'i leaders in Iran at the launch of an open letter by 26 prominent ...

Steve Jacobs 4:26 PM   Twenty-six prominent Australian lawyers, a former human rights commissioner and the Australian Lawyers for Human Rights have written an open letter calling for the release of seven Baha'i leaders in Iran.

It's on: The debate NSW has been avoiding for 100 years

Anna Groth waited for five days in a hospital after a botched abortion.

Kate Aubusson 12:58 PM   It took Anna Groth five days to get the emergency procedure she needed.

Pineapples could play key role in global superbug battle

Enzymes found in pineapple stems and roots could prove key to developing alternatives to antibiotics.

Bridie Smith 11:57 AM   Pineapples are the latest - and strangest - weapon to emerge in the global battle against superbugs which are predicted to kill up to 10 million people a year by 2050.

New study could explain PMS

Monash University says 90 per cent of women experience at least one symptom of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) every month.

Rania Spooner 11:41 AM   Inflammation could be the long-awaited explanation for why millions of women suffer with premenstrual mood fluctuations, cravings and cramps.

When death is the first sign anything is wrong

Emily Wheatley

Julie Power 11:11 AM   As many as four young people die without warning, without symptoms, every week from heart problems. In most cases, death is the first sign anything is wrong.

Who's the best friend Medicare ever had?

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin 11:02 AM   Bulk billing is smarter than widely realised.

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Australian arrested in Manila during drug bust

Damian Berg, 34, from Adelaide,has been been arrested in Manila.

Lauren Farrow 8:35 AM   ​An Australian man has been arrested in the Philippines capital during a drug raid that allegedly netted 160 ecstasy tablets.

The good news about guns

About 700,000 guns were handed in to Australia's buyback nearly 20 years ago.

Harriet Alexander 7:30 AM   The rate of all intentional deaths has declined since gun laws were introduced in 1996.

Navy rape victim urges others who suffered abuse to speak out

Ken McIlwain was abused as a young man in the navy.

Georgina Mitchell   Ken McIlwain was silent for 40 years. Now his loud message is "don't give up".

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop defends her controversial DFAT agency after criticism

Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop with InnovationXchange staff.

Henry Belot 7:00 AM   Foreign minister Julie Bishop has defended a small Canberra based agency charged with delivering radical change to the public service.

ABS forced me out because I was blind: ex-public servant

Matt Artis is suing the Australian Bureau of Statistics after claiming he was the victim of disability discrimination.

Noel Towell   Court clash looms as former public servant alleges he was forced from job because he is legally blind.

Seselja's agency promise on Gunghalin

Liberal Senator Zed Seselja.

Ross Peake   The so far unnamed agency will be the first federal transfer to Gungahlin.

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Fears 7-Eleven workers' compensation

7-Eleven has attracted scorn over its behaviour.

Anna Patty   Employment law firm Maurice Blackburn has urged 7-Eleven's head office to step in and guarantee repayments to exploited workers.

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The top 10 charitable ASX companies

The most recent national data from 2014 shows 156,000 Australians were giving money to charities.

Anna Patty   Ten ASX companies have been recognised for their charitable giving with up to 65 per cent of employees at some companies donating to charity on a regular basis.

Calls to label obesity a disease 'absurd'

Obesity continues to cause the medical profession concern.

Cassandra Morgan   Australia is the fifth-fattest country in the OECD, yet unlike the fattest – the US – we do not define obesity as a disease.

Former NSW Governor Peter Sinclair "appalled" by sex abuse: Royal Commission

Former defence force personnel are giving evidence about alleged sex abuse at the Royal Commission into Institutional ...

Rachel Browne   Former NSW Governor Peter Sinclair was appalled by what he found at HMAS Leeuwin when he became its executive officer in 1972.

Ombudsman is a 'purposeless, toothless tiger'


Esther Han   Angry with Medibank, they went to the ombudsman for help. But they were turned back.

How the parties can deliver economic growth

A survey of economists has found the majority believe education spending will produce a bigger economic growth dividend ...

Jessica Irvine   Labor wants to throw money at education while the Coalition wants to cut corporate tax. Which one will deliver bigger economic growth in the long run?

Lightning Ridge volunteers bury the dead in town with no undertaker

Timbo Molyneaux, left, his father, Ormie, right, and Ian Woodcock are all amateur undertakers.

Michelle Innis   An opal miner with a bushy beard and muddy boots, Ormie Molyneux lifted the dead woman's thick body and placed it gently in a satin-lined coffin. His son, Timbo, helped. Then they picked up the polished lid and carefully pressed it shut.

Vietnam cattle horror shows Agriculture Department's conflict of interest

Footage depicts a bull being sledgehammered to death in Vietnam.

Emmanuel Giuffre, Sarah Margo   What will it take to bring an end to this trade? That's the question so many Australians will be asking our political leaders ahead of July's federal election.

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Turnbull promises $50m reboot for myGov

Malcolm Turnbull  is vowing to improve the myGov system.

Noel Towell   Takeover of troubled portal by Digital Transformation Office confirmed

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Vanuatu bus crash victims arrive in Brisbane

Vanuatu Daily Post images showing a bus crash.

Jorge Branco   The first injured Australians from a fatal bus crash in Vanuatu have landed in Brisbane.

Pezzullo calls for 'revolution' for women leaders to step up

Immigration Department head Michael Pezzullo has laid down the law on dress standards and haircuts.

Henry Belot   Immigration boss listens to classic rock in his car to give female officers a chance to command a room.

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