Postisometric relaxation and stretching of muscle Scalenus anterior.mpg
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- Duration: 1:05
- Published: 2010-04-26
- Uploaded: 2010-11-11
- Author: medmassageru
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Here we consider the second version the relaxation and stretching your muscles scalenus anterior and let the stress state will be on the left muscle. 1.The patient lies on his back. His shoulders are located at the edge of the couch. The head can hang freely. 2.The masseur holds the patient's head with hands and then turns of the head in the direction (the patient's chin, turned in a healthy side - to the right shoulder). 3.Masseur removes his hands from the patient's head. In this situation the patient holds his head in the same position without the help of masseur. Now the neck muscles are tight, including the muscles scalenus anterior. The muscles scalenus anteryor performs isometric work for 5-7 seconds. 4.The masseur asks the patient to relax and stretches muscles. 5.The procedure should be repeated 3-4 times. The alternation of tension and ease on the right the muscle (m. scalenus anterior) with subsequent stretching possible to eliminate muscular hypertonicity, tenderness and limitation of mobility of the cervical spine.