- published: 10 Apr 2011
- views: 9791
Hybridity refers in its most basic sense to mixture. The term originates from biology and was subsequently employed in linguistics and in racial theory in the nineteenth century. Its contemporary uses are scattered across numerous academic disciplines and is salient in popular culture. This article explains the history of hybridity and its major theoretical discussion amongst the discourses of race, post-colonialism, identity, anti-racism and multiculturalism, and globalization. This article illustrates the development of hybridity rhetoric from biological to cultural discussions.
Hybridity is a cross between two separate races or cultures. A hybrid is something that is mixed, and hybridity is simply mixture. As an explicative term, hybridity became a useful tool in forming a fearful discourse of racial mixing that arose toward the end of the 18th Century. Pseudo-scientific models of anatomy and craniometry were used to argue that Africans, Asians, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders were racially inferior to Europeans. The fear of miscegenation that followed responds to the concern that the offspring of racial interbreeding would result in the dilution of the European race. Hybrids were seen as an aberration, worse than the inferior races, a weak and diseased mutation. Hybridity as a concern for racial purity responds clearly to the zeitgeist of colonialism where, despite the backdrop of the humanitarian age of enlightenment, social hierarchy was beyond contention as was the position of Europeans at its summit. The social transformations that followed the ending of colonial mandates, rising immigration, and economic liberalization profoundly altered the use and understanding of the term hybridity.
A 9 minute video that introduces the postcolonial concept of hybridity and gives three examples of hybridity.
An individual’s identity is not simply the result of fixed factors such as education, gender, or race. Stereotypes and simple definitions are no longer appropriate; identity is flexible and individuals can only be accurately described through “cultural hybridity,” the varied mixture of cultural influences that now shape a person, and truly affect their identity. Watch Macat’s short video for a great introduction to Homi K. Bhabha’s The Location of Culture, one of the most important cultural theory books ever written. Macat’s videos give you an overview of the ideas you should know, explained in a way that helps you think smarter. Through exploration of the humanities, we learn how to think critically and creatively, to reason, and to ask the right questions. Critical thinking is about t...
This little piece was my Bachelor project and I've worked half a year on it, together with the theoretical work about hybrid identities. This video consists of over 500 individually hand drawn pencil sketches and is my first animation film I have done so far and I'm pretty mcuh satisfied how it turned out! Enjoy :) Animation & Editing : Tu-Phuong Ly Music & Soundeffects: Benjamin Feder Grading: Marvin Zeise Follow me on Instagram for my sketches and more :D @toffeeillustration Web: tuphuongly.com
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Hybridity, an Interactive dance performance. MIAM Sonic Arts Final Project 2014 Performers: Carolin Weihrauch, Gizem Oruc
Examples of Globalization, Cultural Hybridity and Glocalization and its importance in the world.
Defining Vietnamese American Identities
This video is about Hybridity
A 9 minute video that introduces the postcolonial concept of hybridity and gives three examples of hybridity.
An individual’s identity is not simply the result of fixed factors such as education, gender, or race. Stereotypes and simple definitions are no longer appropriate; identity is flexible and individuals can only be accurately described through “cultural hybridity,” the varied mixture of cultural influences that now shape a person, and truly affect their identity. Watch Macat’s short video for a great introduction to Homi K. Bhabha’s The Location of Culture, one of the most important cultural theory books ever written. Macat’s videos give you an overview of the ideas you should know, explained in a way that helps you think smarter. Through exploration of the humanities, we learn how to think critically and creatively, to reason, and to ask the right questions. Critical thinking is about t...
This little piece was my Bachelor project and I've worked half a year on it, together with the theoretical work about hybrid identities. This video consists of over 500 individually hand drawn pencil sketches and is my first animation film I have done so far and I'm pretty mcuh satisfied how it turned out! Enjoy :) Animation & Editing : Tu-Phuong Ly Music & Soundeffects: Benjamin Feder Grading: Marvin Zeise Follow me on Instagram for my sketches and more :D @toffeeillustration Web: tuphuongly.com
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Hybridity, an Interactive dance performance. MIAM Sonic Arts Final Project 2014 Performers: Carolin Weihrauch, Gizem Oruc
Examples of Globalization, Cultural Hybridity and Glocalization and its importance in the world.
Defining Vietnamese American Identities
This video is about Hybridity
Profesor Peter Burke z University of Cambridge patří mezi nejvýraznější představitele kulturní historie v mezinárodním kontextu a jeho knihy jsou v rámci kulturálních a mediálních studií ke kanonickým, a sice hned v několika oblastech a kurzech (kulturní dějiny, dějiny médií, dějiny lidové kultury, vizuální studia ad.), neméně známý je profesor i studentům historie či kulturní antropologie. Na katedře žurnalistiky FF UP Burke promluvil 5. dubna 2013 na téma A Short History of Interdisciplinarity. Záznam byl pořízen za podpory projektu Univerzita Palackého - centrum vědy pro všechny (PopUP).
Conference given by Flore Coulouma for COLDOC2013, the annual conference organized by PhD students and junior researchers in Linguistics of MoDyCo laboratory (UMR 7114 – CNRS/Paris Ouest Nanterre University/Paris Descartes University).
Intervention de Peter-Paul Verbeek "Thinking Trough Technological Things: Instrumentality, Dialectics, Hybridity" au séminaire annuel PHITECO (Philosophie Technologie Cognition) de l'Université de Technologie de Compiègne. Information : https://sites.google.com/site/mineurphiteco/seminaires-et-ateliers In the history of philosophy of technology, technological artefacts have been conceptualised along various lines. In this paper, I will distinguish three basic interpretational frameworks: instrumentality, dialectics, and hybridity. In the instrumentalist approach, technological artefacts are sees as neutral carriers of human intentions, while the dialectical approach thematises a tension between the human and the technological - either in terms of a struggle between human autonomy and tech...
One of the foremost figures in postcolonial studies, Homi K. Bhabha discusses translation’s impact on the construction of social memory, historical narrative, and cultural identity. Bhabha, author of The Location of Culture and the Anne F. Rothenberg Professor of the Humanities at Harvard, delivers the keynote talk of the Translation Theory Today conference. Presented on May 6, 2016, by GC Public Programs, the Critical Theory Certificate Program, the Center for the Humanities, the Writers’ Institute, the Ph.D. Program in Comparative Literature, the Ph.D. Program in Sociology, and the Advanced Research Collaborative. For more information about GC Public Programs, visit: http://www.gc.cuny.edu/publicprograms
Trends in nonprofit commercialization and other market-based approaches to providing social services have been increasing. Various forms of hybrid organizations seek to blend this market-based approach with social missions. That is, in addition to a profit-maximizing orientation, the organization has a social mission to improve existing conditions among society's vulnerable populations, creating a double (and sometimes triple) bottom line. The L3C (or low-profit limited liability company) is one such organization that has emerged, that has largely been examined by legal scholars, and is now gaining traction among social and behavioral researchers. Professor Ronquillo discusses his work in this area, including results from a survey he developed, as well as primary and secondary qualitative ...
Architecture Studio: Final Project - Hybridity, Site Programming
Shapeshifting: Inviting Change through Exhibiting Native American Art presented by Karen Kramer, curator of Native American Art and Culture at the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) Karen Kramer is curator of Native American Art and Culture at the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM). She recently curated the exhibition Shapeshifting: Transformations in Native American Art at PEM. Her longstanding commitment to innovative museum exhibition and interpretation has led her to many interesting projects over the past twenty years, including two inaugural exhibitions with the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian and additional exhibitions at PEM: Raven's Many Gifts: Northwest Coast Native Art; Our Land: Contemporary Art from the Arctic; and Intersections, Native American Art in a New Light.
Thursday, March 10, 2011 CONVERSATIONS ON EUROPE. "Cultural Hybridity in the Medieval Mediterranean: A Concept in Search of Evidence?" Peregrine Horden, Professor of Medieval History, University of London
Jin-Taek Kim is talking about hybridity of human and technology in this talk. Jin-Taek Kim is a professor at POSTECH Department of Creative IT Engineering. He always reasons with body and sense and studies image, media arts and transhuman. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx
Hubiera todo by Jerónimo SadaYo te hubiera llevado hasta el cielo
Si tu me hubieras dejado quererte
Serian tuyos mi alma y mi cuerpo
Mi vida y mi muerte
Yo te hubiera llenado las manos
Con el amor que de sobra te tengo
Echo a un lado mis propios delirios
Por cumplir tus sueños
Yo te hubiera besado los labios
Y seguido con los pies descalzos
Yo te hubiera llenado de puro amor
El corazón
Yo hubiera todo
Dejado todo sin pedirte nada
Y abandonaste a su suerte estas ganas
Sedientas, locas y desesperadas
Yo hubiera todo
Lo que pidieras como mandamiento
Y no quisiste el tesoro que tengo
Lo nuestro pudo haber sido perfecto
Y preferiste dejarme queriendo
Yo te hubiera quemado los labios
Y seguido con los pies descalzos
Yo te hubiera llenado de puro amor
El corazón
Yo hubiera todo
Dejado todo sin pedirte nada
Y abandonaste a su suerte estas ganas
Sedientas, locas y desesperadas
Yo hubiera todo
Lo que pidieras como mandamiento
Y no quisiste el tesoro que tengo
Lo nuestro pudo haber sido perfecto
Y preferiste dejarme queriendo
Yo hubiera todo...