Quranism (Arabic: قرآنيون Qur'aniyoon) is a school and branches denomination that holds the Qur'an to be the only canonical text in Islam. Quranists reject the religious authority of Hadith and often Sunnah, libraries compiled by later scholars who catalogued narratives of what the Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said and done. This is in contrast to mainstream Muslims, Shias and Sunnis, who consider hadith essential for the Islamic faith. Quranism is similar to movements in other religions such as Karaite Judaism, which rejects all books of the Jewish scriptures except for those of the Tanakh, and the Protestant Christian doctrine of Sola scriptura, subscribers to which believe that all that is necessary and good for the Christian life can be found in the sixty-six books of the Protestant Bible.
Historically, such beliefs were expressed during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad while he was still alive. Although widely unnoticed, Umar ibn Khattab is regarded as the first person to make such claims. Al-Bukhari records in his Sahih:
Quran Alone - The 5 Salat in the Quran
Moving away from Hadith/Sunna to Quran
The Salat - Fully Detailed Through The Quran Alone 17:46 - FULL (All 9 Pages)
Edip Yuksel (E) Why Quran Alone? 1/2
Edip Yuksel (E) Why Quran Alone? 2/2
Following the Quran Alone?
7 Reasons To Follow Quran Alone (Not Hadith)
TR-01 Tribute to Quran Alone Muslims ..Past and Present
Quran Alone - Ten Reasons why all Muslims should follow Quran Alone
"GOD'S PROOF 19" Chapter 08 (QURAN ALONE)
Kazakhstan, a Blessed Country that holds fast to Quran Alone and its Mathematical Miracle Code 19
The fallacy of Quran only Muslim - No Sunnah - No Islam.
Q&A;: Should We Follow the Quran Alone? | Dr. Shabir Ally
How To Pray Salat Without Hadith (Quran Only)
Quran Alone - The 5 Salat in the Quran
Moving away from Hadith/Sunna to Quran
The Salat - Fully Detailed Through The Quran Alone 17:46 - FULL (All 9 Pages)
Edip Yuksel (E) Why Quran Alone? 1/2
Edip Yuksel (E) Why Quran Alone? 2/2
Following the Quran Alone?
7 Reasons To Follow Quran Alone (Not Hadith)
TR-01 Tribute to Quran Alone Muslims ..Past and Present
Quran Alone - Ten Reasons why all Muslims should follow Quran Alone
"GOD'S PROOF 19" Chapter 08 (QURAN ALONE)
Kazakhstan, a Blessed Country that holds fast to Quran Alone and its Mathematical Miracle Code 19
The fallacy of Quran only Muslim - No Sunnah - No Islam.
Q&A;: Should We Follow the Quran Alone? | Dr. Shabir Ally
How To Pray Salat Without Hadith (Quran Only)
To the Quranites ('Quran Only' People)
The Tasbih | Full Explanation Through The Quran Alone | Summary of ALL Tasbih Verses (15/15)
HD- All The Time Frames for The Tasbih -The Glorification- Through The Quran in Full Details (2/15)
quran only muslim
The Tahajjud - Keep-Vigil During The Night | Through The Quran Alone - (14/15)
The Salat - Full Explanation Through The Quran Alone- Page 3 Summary ALL Salat Verses
Call Yourself Only Muslim. (Al Quran Forbids Dividing In To Sects)
QA-03 How do You explain the Quran using Quran Alone
QA-29 How Jesus died tell me using the Quran Alone
Qur'an Only Muslims You are NOT Alone
Surah Rahman - Beautiful and Heart trembling Quran recitation by Syed Sadaqat Ali
18. Quran alone religious source Shahadha and Contact prayer
I Only Follow the Quran - The Importance of The Sunnah - Islamic Reminder Series
Quran recitation complete- The best English translation ِ Albaqara Full Part 1of 2 (1-2/114)
Surah Rahman - Beautiful and Heart trembling Quran recitation by Syed Sadaqat Ali [HD]
Quran a Miracle only Book in world that's memorized by millions
HD- The Salat - Fully Detailed Through The Quran Alone 17:46 - FULL (All 9 Pages)
The Quran | The only testable living Miracle left for mankind | Put it to the test!!!
shaitanin usalattam moulavi pj tawheed jamath tamil bayan hadeed quran only
SURAH AL BAQARAH full by Mishary Alafasy [HD] - QURAN
Emptiness of Quran on Christ and Prophets Mujahid Moulvai Akbar refuted by Bro Jerry Malayalam
The Differences between the Bible and Quran and Jesus and Muhammad
QURAN ONLY IN URDU PARAH 01- Audio Recitation in Urdu Quran Tilawat
Quran: 11. Surat Hud (Prophet Hud): Arabic and English translation HD
"Holy Quran Converted Me to Christianity" says Imam Sulaiman aka Mario Joseph
The Secret is In The Food, Holy Quran 76:8
Nuclear Bomb in the Quran alone | Islam Miracle BREAKING NEWS
2. Al-Baqarah (1-75) - Decoding The Quran - Ahmed Hulusi
2. Al-Baqarah (76-150) - Decoding The Quran - Ahmed Hulusi
1 - Al-Fatiha - Decoding The Quran (arabic) - Ahmed Hulusi
Fatima Zahra (ra) Died Angry at Abu Bakr & Umar? | Quran alone or Hadith
The Only Authorized Sahih Hadith - The Quran Alone | Sahih Hadith Exposed (4/5)
Quran, Allah, Islam, Ramadan, Eid, Jesus, Jinn, Gabriel
Is Eid mentioned in the Quran Alone? Islam
OBEY ALLAH & OBEY THE MESSENGER Through The Quran Alone & The Real Sunnah of The Prophet (3/5)
Surah Al Fatihah (The Opener سورة الفاتحة) Quran Recited by: Dr Mohamed Shaheem
Quran Alone - Messengers After Muhammad
The Best Amazing Young Child Recitation Quran From Indonesia
Is Jewish and Christian Food Halal? | Quran alone islam
Does fasting mean not to eat and drink? | Quran alone islam (ramadan)
Save My Son! (People of Quran) - Omar Suleiman - Ep. 15/30
08 Main Subject Matters of the Quran p6
07 Main Subject Matters of the Quran p5
06 Main Subject Matters of the Quran p4
10 Main Subject Matters of the Quran p7
Hafizh Quran 2015 | 30 Juni 2015 - Zein, Zein, Khoirunisa, Fikri, Abrar
Allah's Description in Aramaic | Quran Alone Islam
Quran Alone Guides to the Right Path by Adnan Oktar (Author of Harun Yahya)
The Glorification | FULL Explanation Through The Quran Alone | Summary of ALL Tasbih Verses