We try to avoid as much of April Fools' day as possible on techradar. In fact, as a rule, we'd advise sleeping in until midday, that way you'll avoid all the terrible "jokes" entirely. We can imagine there are a few people at Google who would like to go to bed and start the day again though after its latest feature went south very quickly ... Not so funny ... Meanwhile, Abdus Salam wrote ... ....
The end of the week comes with the start of a new month and a look back at the Top 5 most viewed stories on WN.com.Maybe you saw these stories when they first appeared on our pages – maybe you didn’t. Either way, let’s take a look back at the past week.. + A report claims Indian priest Thomas Uzhunnalil was crucified by ISIS on Good Friday... The animal was discovered by a biker ... – WN.com. ....
Article by WN.com correspondent DallasDarling After all of these years I have had to come to a dystopian realization that even before my birth and long after my death, the powerful and domineering KochEmpire has – and will continue – to impact me.Indeed, my grandfather was killed while working for Koch Industries... Nor did my grandmother like to discuss his death ... Consequently, he fell 30 feet from a Koch Industries oil platform....
NoahChurch is a 26-year-old part-time wildland firefighter in Portland, Ore. When he was 9, he found naked pictures on the Internet. He learned how to download explicit videos. When he was 15, streaming videos arrived, and he watched those. Often. Several times a day, doing that which people often do while watching that genre by themselves ... After the appeal of those waned, he moved on to the next level, more intense, often more violent ... ....
In particular, on the occasion of Armenia's IndependenceHoliday and for a significant contribution to the strengthening of the Armenia-Diaspora relations, President of the Boston UniversityDoctorAram Chobanian was awarded the Mkhitar GoshMedal; for the impressive organization and implementation of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary ......
So when CaptainGreydonThorne comes ashore and asks his son to join him at sea, it feels as if someone has redrawn Aram's entire world. Before he knows it, Aram is aboard the Wavestrider with Lakeshire fading to a distant dot on the horizon. But the thrill of adventure quickly fades, as Greydon relentlessly schools Aram on how to handle his cutlass and how to relate with the strange and diverse creatures of Azeroth....
THE 12TH ARAM KHACHATURIAN INTERNATIONAL CONDUCTING COMPETITION ANNOUNCED CULTURE 09.51 29/03/2016 ARMENIA AramKhachaturianFoundation announces the launch of the 12th Aram Khachaturian InternationalCompetition, which is held in the category of "Piano," "Violin," and "Violoncello" from June 6 to 14, 2016 in Yerevan... ....
Deputy Mayor of YerevanAram Sukiasyan who was present at the exhibition, outlining the centuries-old friendship and cultural similarities of the neighbouring nations noted that it's not co-incidence that the samples representing the culture of Orient countries including Iran make up a special part of Yerevan History Museum... said Aram Sukiasyan....
So when CaptainGreydonThorne comes ashore and asks his son to join him at sea, it feels as if someone has redrawn Aram's entire world. Before he knows it, Aram is aboard the Wavestrider with Lakeshire fading to a distant dot on the horizon. But the thrill of adventure quickly fades, as Greydon relentlessly schools Aram on how to handle his cutlass and how to relate with the strange and diverse creatures of Azeroth....
Saturday. “Up and at ’em.” That’s what my father used to say on Saturday mornings. I think he learned it in his childhood from his war hero father. He meant it was time to get up and do chores. Together. Mowing the lawn on our VERY steep back yard, mowing the lawn on our very easy front yard. Pulling up weeds. (Was there no Round Up then? I guess not.) Bringing in firewood for the winter ... Not one ... to see Aram Bakshian and my niece, Emily ... ....
According to Evil Geniuses’ DOTA 2 manager Phil Aram, the new lineup for Evil Geniuses is as follows (and remember that positions are somewhat fluid in DOTA 2 but roughly start from the “carry” positions and work down through supporting roles) ... Regarding possible tension between Ling and Dager, manager Aram said, “I think it would be a lie to say that you don’t have to have some conversation there....
THE FijiRoadsAuthority says the total cost of providing urgent temporary access across Fiji to allow relief works to get underway is estimated at $3.8million. Responding to questions sent from this office, Fiji Roads Authority maintenance works manager AramGoes said this figure did not include the cost of repairing road washouts and slips, which would cost $9.5m and an additional $8m for repairing bridges ... ....