- published: 13 Jan 2010
- views: 73335
Coordinates: 40°48′50.24″N 14°9′57.33″E / 40.8139556°N 14.1659250°E / 40.8139556; 14.1659250
Bagnoli is a western seaside quarter of Naples, Italy, well beyond the confines of the original city. It is beyond Cape Posillipo and, thus, looking on the coast of the Bay of Pozzuoli. After
Bagnoli was one of the sites of Naples' industrialization in the early 20th century, with the construction of a steel mill. During World War II Bagnoli was damaged as a result of the bombings of Naples.
After World War II, Bagnoli was overbuilt by virtually uncontrolled construction and then suffered urban decay. The first decade of the 21st century saw the removal of the steel mill and some improvement in the physical and visual landscape of the area, including the construction of a public educational facility and convention center called Città della Scienza ("Science City") as well as the conversion of the long ex-steel-mill industrial pier to a public promenade.
Edoardo Bennato (born July 23, 1946, Naples, Campania, Italy) is an Italian singer-songwriter. He is the brother of the singer-songwriter Eugenio Bennato.
Edoardo Bennato began his music career in the early Sixties (the first single was published on 1966) as one of the most creative and innovative songwriters of his time. His music distinguished itself for being an imaginative blend of blues, rock and roll, folk influences and even hints of opera.
After his first album Non farti cadere le braccia ("Don't lose heart", 1973), where he was still finding his way between tradition and innovation, Bennato decidedly chose the latter, many of his songs being performed by himself as a one-man band, with a 12-string acoustic guitar, harmonica, kazoo and foot-drum.
During this early period, Bennato's lyrics were characterised by biting satire and irony, often addressed at the establishment and those self-proclaimed as "the good". His second album, I buoni e i cattivi ("The good and the bad ones", 1974), was an attack against the common-sense distinction between good and evil, between the righteous and the villains. "Arrivano i buoni" ("Here come the good ones") was particularly significant: "Here come the good ones, they are resolute and they've already made a list of all the bad guys to eliminate... so now the good have declared war against the bad but they guarantee that it will be the last war ever to be fought...". With Io che non sono l'imperatore ("I, who am not the Emperor", 1975) Bennato pushed his music more towards experimentation, still mainly playing his acoustic guitar. The cover of the album shows a plan for the Naples light-rail system that Bennato had developed for his final project as a university student. While it was highly praised by his lecturers, the plan was never approved by the city council, giving him even more reason to deride and mock the powers to be.
Antonio Capuano can refer to:
Viaggio all'interno dello scheletro industriale della ex-Italsider, il grande polo metallurgico che per decenni ha dato lavoro a migliaia di napoletani
Abbiamo avuto il piacere di ospitare nella nostra redazione il responsabile di Xbox Italia, Paolo Bagnoli. Gli abbiamo chiesto di Dead Rising 4 e del futuro di Xbox. Da non perdere! ISCRIVITI! http://goo.gl/sqU62K Le recensioni e le anteprime le trovi sempre con UN GIORNO DI ANTICIPO su http://www.spaziogames.it SCARICA LA NOSTRA APP UFFICIALE -Android: https://goo.gl/ny8RMk -Apple: https://goo.gl/OJc6kr NON PERDERE I NOSTRI LIVE SU TWITCH: http://goo.gl/z3X85G TUTTI GLI ARTICOLI DEL NOSTRO SITO: http://goo.gl/rF6jLg
Una ballata moderna, che racconta la storia di Bagnoli (NA) e la rabbia di chi si vede scippato del mare e del futuro.
Edoardo Bennato - La mia Bagnoli Speciale TG5 - 16-04-2013.
Questa è la storia che per molti è stato un sogno, affrancare Napoli e i suoi abitanti da quella miseria economica che Francesco Saverio Nitti agli inizi del '900 definiva "indegna ed assolutamente eccezionale". Un sogno che ha fatto nascere una classe operaia diventata uno dei principali baluardi contro criminalità e terrorismo, che ha dato forma e vita a un intero quartiere. Ma è anche la storia di quello che per molti altri è stato un incubo, la distruzione di un'area di immensa bellezza e valore, la causa di un inquinamento feroce che ha provocato dolore e morte attorno a se con emissioni durate anni di polveri nocive, gas e venti milioni di litri all'ora di sostanze inquinanti: cloro ammoniaca, solfuri, fenoli, idrocarburi. Del disprezzo delle più elementari regole di convivenza civil...
Dirección: Antonio Capuano Año: 2015 Duración: 100' SINOPSIS Bagnoli. En medio de las ruinas de la ex fábrica siderúrgica Ilva, signo de progreso de ayer y desolado acto de acusación de hoy, se mueven, viven y sobreviven Giggino, Antonio y Marco. Tres generaciones distintas, que a lo largo de tres capítulos se cruzan ocasionalmente. Y se cruzan, a veces uno, a veces otro, con músicos callejeros y pintores de departamentos, con monjas y delincuentes, con amas de casa desaliñadas o desesperadas, con vendedores hastiados y con emigrantes muertos de hambre. También con raperos, “fujenti”, gente normal en una manifestación de protesta...sin orden, sin un sentido. Son los que se quedan donde la Historia ha perdido su rumbo, para reencontrarse en una estepa, o en una jungla, contaminada y vac...
http://www.pupia.tv - Napoli - In principio furono le terme e un borgo residenziale. Un secolo dopo divenne il simbolo della Napoli operosa e industriale. Ora Bagnoli, che fa parte della Decima Municipalità del Comune di Napoli, rappresenta la classica “vergogna nazionale” e attende il riscatto. Commissario straordinario, cabina di regia e nuovo programma è la ricetta del premier per porre rimedio a 'una vergogna nazionale'. Ma il sindaco Luigi De Magistris pretende più potere decisionale per gli enti locali e dei paletti ben fermi: nulla contro i privati, purché non scrivano le regole da soli. L’area di Bagnoli è legata alla Italsider. L'impianto chiuse nel 1992 passando nell'elenco dei siti di interesse nazionale da bonificare nel 1998. In oltre vent'anni, tra inchieste giudiziarie e s...
Estratto didattico dalla clinic di Stefano Bagnoli svoltasi presso i Trafalgar Studios di Roma per Charleston Music School e CharlestonTV
What to see and do in the Molise Region of Italy. For more information about outdoor recreation see http://www.italiaoutdoors.com
Un presepe spopolato. Originale creazione di Maurizio Travaglini, ad animare la ... location ci penseranno i bambini del quartieri con i loro pastori! Grazie a Maurizio Travaglini ed all'ARCI Mare Bagnoli e all'Associazione Napoli Ovest ah... e come sempre TG3 Regione Campania!
If you want to read more about my trip to Italy please go to: http://www.travelandtransitions.com/our-travel-blog/naples-2013/ From April 20 to April 29, 2013, I spent 10 exciting days in Southern Italy. I started with two days in the historic city of Salerno, from where I also did an excursion to Amalfi and Ravello. From there I continued to Sorrento where I spent 6 days exploring local attractions, which included historic sites in town, two agriturismo operations, an electric bicycle tour as well as an entertaining performance of the "Sorrento Musical". During my time in Sorrento I also visited Positano, the beautiful island of Capri as well as towns on the Sorrentine Peninsula such as Massa Lubrenese and Sant'Agata. I spent my last two days in Italy in Naples where I did an extended ci...
if you want to read more about my trip to Salerno please go to: http://www.travelandtransitions.com/our-travel-blog/salerno-2013/ From April 20 to April 29, 2013, I spent 10 exciting days in Southern Italy. I started with two days in the historic city of Salerno, from where I also did an excursion to Amalfi and Ravello. From there I continued to Sorrento where I spent 6 days exploring local attractions, which included historic sites in town, two agriturismo operations, an electric bicycle tour as well as an entertaining performance of the "Sorrento Musical". During my time in Sorrento I also visited Positano, the beautiful island of Capri as well as towns on the Sorrentine Peninsula such as Massa Lubrenese and Sant'Agata. I spent my last two days in Italy in Naples where I did an extended ...
From April 20 to April 29, 2013, I spent 10 exciting days in Southern Italy. I started with two days in the historic city of Salerno, from where I also did an excursion to Amalfi and Ravello. From there I continued to Sorrento where I spent 6 days exploring local attractions, which included historic sites in town, two agriturismo operations, an electric bicycle tour as well as an entertaining performance of the "Sorrento Musical". During my time in Sorrento I also visited Positano, the beautiful island of Capri as well as towns on the Sorrentine Peninsula such as Massa Lubrenese and Sant'Agata. I spent my last two days in Italy in Naples where I did an extended city walking tour as well as a guided tour of the recently discovered Tunnel Borbonico on the first day. On the second day I went ...
if you want to read more about my trip to Italy please go to: http://www.travelandtransitions.com/our-travel-blog/naples-2013/ From April 20 to April 29, 2013, I spent 10 exciting days in Southern Italy. I started with two days in the historic city of Salerno, from where I also did an excursion to Amalfi and Ravello. From there I continued to Sorrento where I spent 6 days exploring local attractions, which included historic sites in town, two agriturismo operations, an electric bicycle tour as well as an entertaining performance of the "Sorrento Musical". During my time in Sorrento I also visited Positano, the beautiful island of Capri as well as towns on the Sorrentine Peninsula such as Massa Lubrenese and Sant'Agata. I spent my last two days in Italy in Naples where I did an extended ci...
http://www.pupia.tv - Napoli - Un investimento di 550mila euro per consentire ai napoletani di rivivere l'arenile nord di Bagnoli, un chilometro di spiaggia oggi praticamente off limits. È tutto contenuto nel progetto di recupero al centro della conferenza dei servizi, che si doveva tenere in Prefettura e poi è stata trasferita alla Stazione Marittima. Attorno al tavolo, con il commissario Salvo Nastasi e l'amministratore delegato di Invitalia Domenico Arcuri, gli enti pubblici competenti: dalla Regione al Comune fino agli esperti dell'Asl. Punto di partenza i rilievi dell’Ispra, contenute in un mini-dossier e che riguarda le procedure per la caratterizzazione dei livelli di inquinamento del lungomare. Sia per ciò che concerne le aree demaniali che quelle affidate ai privati. (03.05.1...
Aprile 2016 : Avvistata piccola balenottera davanti Nisida, Nel centro di NAPOLI, nelle bellissime e pulitissime acque del golfo di NAPOLI. Probabilmente una Balaenoptera physalus, una "balenottera comune"..
Lucy went down on a farm, tried to milk a cow,
Though she tried she couldn't get the hang of it somehow.
The farmer looked at Lucy and murmured with a frown,
"Well you just hang on tightly, gal, and she'll jump up and down."
Oh, gather in the mushrooms, put 'em in a pot,
Pop 'em in the oven an serve 'em piping ho-ot.
To make herself more beautiful she thought she'd bathe in milk,
She said, "I'll have a bathful," to her milkman Jackie Wilke.
He said, "Do you want it pasturized before I pour it in?"
She said, "No, I'll be happy if it comes up to my chin."
The farmer called at Lucy one dark and stormy night,
She said, "You are too old for me because your hair is white."
He looked into her eyes and then he knew he'd have to tell her,
"There's snow upon the roof but there's a fire in the cellar!"
She took him in the kitchen, she was his turtle dove,
And then she started cooking dumplings on the stove.
She wore a low cut dress, oh it was as green as clover,
He jumped with glee 'cause he could see her dumplings boiling over.
She said, "You give me half a crown I will read your palm,"
And then she saw his love line went half way up his arm.
So now she's changed her prices, although she's just as willing,
It's big fat men at two pound ten and little boys a shilling.
Oh, gather in the mushrooms, put 'em in a pot,
Pop 'em in the oven and serve 'em piping hot,
We're gonna gather in the mushrooms, put 'em in a pot,