published: 04 Feb 2025
published: 05 Feb 2025
김준수와 대화 녹음해 협박한 女 BJ... '징역 7년' 선고 [지금이뉴스] / YTN
가수 겸 뮤지컬 배우 김준수를 협박해 8억 원 상당의 금품을 가로챈 여성 BJ(인터넷 방송 진행자)가 징역 7년의 실형을 선고받았습니다.
오늘(6일) 연합뉴스의 보도에 따르면 의정부지법 제11형사부(오창섭 부장판사)는 특정경제범죄가중처벌법상 공갈 혐의로 구속 기소 된 30대 여성 A씨에게 징역 7년을 선고했습니다.
재판부는 “피해자와 있어서 사적인 대화를 녹음하고 사진을 찍고 피해자 관계가 소홀해지자 이를 이용해 금품을 갈취하기로 했다”면서 “범행 수법과 기간, 피해 수법 등 죄질이 좋지 않다, 피해자는 경제적, 정신적 피해를 보았고 엄벌을 탄원하고 있다”고 양형 이유를 설명했습니다.
앞서 검찰은 지난달 16일에 열린 결심 공판에서 A씨에게 징역 7년을 구형했습니다. 이에 A 씨는 “하루하루 반성하며 뉘우치고 달게 벌을 받고 떳떳하게 사회의 구성원으로 돌아가고 싶다”고 말한 바 있습니다.
한편 A씨는 2020년 9월부터 지난해 10월까지 총 101회에 걸쳐 김준수를 협박해 약 8억 4,000만 원 상당의 돈을 갈취한 혐의를 받았습니다. A씨는 김준수와의 사적인 대화를 몰래 녹음하고 이를 SNS에 유포하겠다고 협박하는 방식으로 금품을 갈취한 것으로 알려졌습니다.
AI 앵커ㅣY-GO
자막편집 | 최지혜
▶ 기사 원문 : https://www.ytn.co.kr/_ln/0134_202502061617010667
▶ 제보 하기 : https://mj.ytn.co.kr/mj/mj_write.php
▣ YTN 유튜브 채널 구독 : http://goo.gl/Ytb5SZ
ⓒ ...
published: 06 Feb 2025
published: 04 Feb 2025
Patli Kamariya mor hai hai bj tik tok bj song 2023_dj song remix
published: 08 May 2023
Blue Bikini Sexy Dance【BJ 햄찡 黑珍】#aiart #ai #aicover #aigc #햄찡 #BJ #korea #twitch #afreecatv
BJ 햄찡黑珍
#koreanbj #햄찡 #黑珍 #햄찡유튜브 #afreecatv
published: 30 Sep 2023
You’ll make his knees go weak with this BJ technique…
published: 12 Sep 2024
$750 cashapp✅: https://dwnldapp.com/T2FHKYPXL9
published: 04 Feb 2025
omg its BJ😈😨 | #roblox #sigma #tsb
published: 30 Jan 2025
Niyaaa AND BJ was ON a DATE but I CALLED...
#reaction #funny #prank
Like this video for another banger 🗣
Go follow my social media’s for a fb:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eli_unique_/
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eli_unique_?lang=en
Road To 600k Subscribers Share This Video With 3 Friends & Make Sure To Like, Comment, and Subscribe‼️
Welcome To My Channel, Join UNIQUE WORLD 🌎 & SUBSCRIBE! Videos Include Public Interviews,
Pranks, Challenges, Tutorial & Many More.
Thanks For All The Love & Support! ❤️🙌🏾
published: 04 Feb 2025
김준수와 대화 녹음해 협박한 女 BJ... '징역 7년' 선고 [지금이뉴스] / YTN
가수 겸 뮤지컬 배우 김준수를 협박해 8억 원 상당의 금품을 가로챈 여성 BJ(인터넷 방송 진행자)가 징역 7년의 실형을 선고받았습니다.
오늘(6일) 연합뉴스의 보도에 따르면 의정부지법 제11형사부(오창섭 부장판사)는 특정경제범죄가중처벌법상 공갈 혐의로 구속 기소 된 30대 여성 A...
가수 겸 뮤지컬 배우 김준수를 협박해 8억 원 상당의 금품을 가로챈 여성 BJ(인터넷 방송 진행자)가 징역 7년의 실형을 선고받았습니다.
오늘(6일) 연합뉴스의 보도에 따르면 의정부지법 제11형사부(오창섭 부장판사)는 특정경제범죄가중처벌법상 공갈 혐의로 구속 기소 된 30대 여성 A씨에게 징역 7년을 선고했습니다.
재판부는 “피해자와 있어서 사적인 대화를 녹음하고 사진을 찍고 피해자 관계가 소홀해지자 이를 이용해 금품을 갈취하기로 했다”면서 “범행 수법과 기간, 피해 수법 등 죄질이 좋지 않다, 피해자는 경제적, 정신적 피해를 보았고 엄벌을 탄원하고 있다”고 양형 이유를 설명했습니다.
앞서 검찰은 지난달 16일에 열린 결심 공판에서 A씨에게 징역 7년을 구형했습니다. 이에 A 씨는 “하루하루 반성하며 뉘우치고 달게 벌을 받고 떳떳하게 사회의 구성원으로 돌아가고 싶다”고 말한 바 있습니다.
한편 A씨는 2020년 9월부터 지난해 10월까지 총 101회에 걸쳐 김준수를 협박해 약 8억 4,000만 원 상당의 돈을 갈취한 혐의를 받았습니다. A씨는 김준수와의 사적인 대화를 몰래 녹음하고 이를 SNS에 유포하겠다고 협박하는 방식으로 금품을 갈취한 것으로 알려졌습니다.
AI 앵커ㅣY-GO
자막편집 | 최지혜
▶ 기사 원문 : https://www.ytn.co.kr/_ln/0134_202502061617010667
▶ 제보 하기 : https://mj.ytn.co.kr/mj/mj_write.php
▣ YTN 유튜브 채널 구독 : http://goo.gl/Ytb5SZ
ⓒ YTN 무단 전재, 재배포금지 및 AI 데이터 활용 금지
가수 겸 뮤지컬 배우 김준수를 협박해 8억 원 상당의 금품을 가로챈 여성 BJ(인터넷 방송 진행자)가 징역 7년의 실형을 선고받았습니다.
오늘(6일) 연합뉴스의 보도에 따르면 의정부지법 제11형사부(오창섭 부장판사)는 특정경제범죄가중처벌법상 공갈 혐의로 구속 기소 된 30대 여성 A씨에게 징역 7년을 선고했습니다.
재판부는 “피해자와 있어서 사적인 대화를 녹음하고 사진을 찍고 피해자 관계가 소홀해지자 이를 이용해 금품을 갈취하기로 했다”면서 “범행 수법과 기간, 피해 수법 등 죄질이 좋지 않다, 피해자는 경제적, 정신적 피해를 보았고 엄벌을 탄원하고 있다”고 양형 이유를 설명했습니다.
앞서 검찰은 지난달 16일에 열린 결심 공판에서 A씨에게 징역 7년을 구형했습니다. 이에 A 씨는 “하루하루 반성하며 뉘우치고 달게 벌을 받고 떳떳하게 사회의 구성원으로 돌아가고 싶다”고 말한 바 있습니다.
한편 A씨는 2020년 9월부터 지난해 10월까지 총 101회에 걸쳐 김준수를 협박해 약 8억 4,000만 원 상당의 돈을 갈취한 혐의를 받았습니다. A씨는 김준수와의 사적인 대화를 몰래 녹음하고 이를 SNS에 유포하겠다고 협박하는 방식으로 금품을 갈취한 것으로 알려졌습니다.
AI 앵커ㅣY-GO
자막편집 | 최지혜
▶ 기사 원문 : https://www.ytn.co.kr/_ln/0134_202502061617010667
▶ 제보 하기 : https://mj.ytn.co.kr/mj/mj_write.php
▣ YTN 유튜브 채널 구독 : http://goo.gl/Ytb5SZ
ⓒ YTN 무단 전재, 재배포금지 및 AI 데이터 활용 금지
- published: 06 Feb 2025
- views: 290
Niyaaa AND BJ was ON a DATE but I CALLED...
#reaction #funny #prank
Like this video for another banger 🗣
Go follow my social media’s for a fb:
Instagram: http...
Niyaaa AND BJ was ON a DATE but I CALLED...
#reaction #funny #prank
Like this video for another banger 🗣
Go follow my social media’s for a fb:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eli_unique_/
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eli_unique_?lang=en
Road To 600k Subscribers Share This Video With 3 Friends & Make Sure To Like, Comment, and Subscribe‼️
Welcome To My Channel, Join UNIQUE WORLD 🌎 & SUBSCRIBE! Videos Include Public Interviews,
Pranks, Challenges, Tutorial & Many More.
Thanks For All The Love & Support! ❤️🙌🏾
Niyaaa AND BJ was ON a DATE but I CALLED...
#reaction #funny #prank
Like this video for another banger 🗣
Go follow my social media’s for a fb:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eli_unique_/
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eli_unique_?lang=en
Road To 600k Subscribers Share This Video With 3 Friends & Make Sure To Like, Comment, and Subscribe‼️
Welcome To My Channel, Join UNIQUE WORLD 🌎 & SUBSCRIBE! Videos Include Public Interviews,
Pranks, Challenges, Tutorial & Many More.
Thanks For All The Love & Support! ❤️🙌🏾
- published: 04 Feb 2025
- views: 52587
We Tried EVERY Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Flavor
To celebrate our 1700th episode of GMM, we're taste testing EVERY ice cream flavor from Ben & Jerry's! GMM #1700
Subscribe to GMM: https://www.youtube.com/goodmythicalmorning?sub_confirmation=1
For a quick look at R&L;'s favorites, head to Sporked to read the ranking!: https://sporked.com/article/rhett-link-gmm-ben-jerrys-flavors/
Pre-order the limited edition Mythical Crew Honorary Member Tee, available for only 17 hours at https://www.mythical.com
Watch today's GMMORE: https://youtu.be/IdOUIEv8FJo
Click the bell icon so you'll know when we add a new episode!
Want more GMM? Check out these playlists:
Season 16 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrvCQhgIj1Ovt3g0PBlO18s2
Will It? - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrucP6...
published: 02 Mar 2020
US vs UK Ben & Jerry's | Food Wars
From calorie count to portion sizes, here are all the differences between Ben and Jerry's in the UK and the US.
0:00 - 0:08 - Intro
0:09 - 3:54 - Portion Sizes
3:55 - 12:17 - Exclusives
12:18 - 14:53 - Nutrition
14:54 - 16:13 - Ingredients
US vs UK Wendy’s | Food Wars
US vs UK Doritos Chips | Food Wars
US vs UK Snickers | Food Wars
#BenAndJerrys #FoodWars #FoodInsider
Insider is great journalism about what passionate people actually want to know. That’s everything from news to food, celebrity to science, politics to sports and all the rest. It’s smart. It’s fearless. It’s fun. W...
published: 29 Aug 2021
I Ate EVERY Ben & Jerrys Ice Cream Flavor!! 😱
#shorts #short #icecream #foodreview
ben and jerrys is too good, I have tried every single flavor and i will continue to do so
All Socials: @liamslunchbox
published: 15 Jul 2022
Ben & Jerry’s Has A Graveyard For Their Retired Flavours #Shorts
published: 06 Apr 2023
Irish People Try Ben & Jerry's Ice-Cream
Irish People Try Ben & Jerry's Ice-Cream! MERCH MADNESS: https://TRY.media/Merch
Subscribe: https://TRY.media/Subscribe | Instagram: https://TRY.media/Instagram
Get exclusive content and more: https://TRY.media/Patreon
More Information:
Ben & Jerry's, ice-cream enjoyed around the world... or is it?! We have a small selection of Ben & Jerry's ice-cream here in Ireland, but after getting our hands on some of the more unique varieties, we simply hat to sit down our resident Irish People to see what they thought!
The Tryers featured in this video:
Éadaoin Fitzmaurice: http://TRY.Media/Eadaoin
Seamus Stackpoole: http://TRY.Media/Seamus
Paddy Murphy: http://TRY.Media/Paddy
Gráinne Blumenthal: http://TRY.Media/Grainne
Bláithín de Burca: http://TRY.Media/Blaithin
Damon Blake: http://TRY.Media/...
published: 12 Apr 2023
Trying Every Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream With Ludwig
QTCinderella and Ludwig try every flavor of Ben & Jerry's ice cream
Ludwig @ludwig
QTCinderella Stream ► https://www.twitch.tv/qtcinderella
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/qtcinderella
Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/qtcinderella
Edited by: https://twitter.com/Wardenboo
#QTCinderella #Ludwig #benandjerrys
published: 15 Apr 2024
Edible Cookie Dough Recipe | Ben & Jerry's
Edible cookie dough for the win! Instead of sneaking bites of your regular cookie dough, make this edible cookie dough recipe for a perfectly safe, snackable dough recipe that's just as euphoric. With no eggs and heat-treated flour, it's a fun snack you can feel good about. Or, skip the mess and look for Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Chunks in a freezer near you, available in a range of flavors! Get the full recipe at benjerry.com/recipes.
published: 13 May 2020
Introducing 'Wich! | Ben & Jerry's EUROPE
We've been thinking outside of the box (well, the tub) lately, wondering whether it would ever be possible to make Cookie Dough even cookier—turns out, it is! The best way to top Cookie Dough is to bottom it too… with cookies! The Cookie Dough ‘Wich sparked what is now known as the ‘Wich family… Cookies & ice cream... Good together, any 'Wich way!
Find your favourite: https://www.benjerry.co.uk/flavours/no-spoon-needed
published: 29 Feb 2016
Salem Witches, Ben & Jerry's Factory, Dartmouth Football & Lighthouses 🍁🎃🏈/ New England Travel Vlog
#newengland #travelvlog #salemmassachusetts #maine #newhampshire
vvv Time Stamps vvv
Time to tick off more states! I'm on a crazy mission to visit all 50 states. During this trip I was able to add 3 new ones to the list and visit 5 in total: Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, & Rhode Island. I has such a blast and I loved loved the nature around Maine and New Hampshire.
34 US States visited; 16 left!
This video was recorded in September (16-09-2024 - 22-09-2024). Stay tuned for more Uni, Grad Scheme, Travel, & DIY content all the following weeks! Please don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe.
Follow me on insta: https://www.instagram.com/steffie228
Previous Travel in the South
Southern States Road Trip with Mom:
published: 20 Oct 2024
We Tried EVERY Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Flavor (Part 2)
Today, we're trying EVERY Ben & Jerry's alternative flavor and determining which is the best! GMM # 2004
Subscribe to GMM: https://www.youtube.com/goodmythicalmorning?sub_confirmation=1
Watch today's GMMORE: https://youtu.be/slui-0nmEFE
Click the bell icon so you'll know when we add a new episode!
What do YOU think of Rhett and Link’s top 4?
* Non-Dairy Peanut Butter Half Baked: https://bit.ly/2U2TQFs
* Non-Dairy Mint Chocolate Cookie: https://bit.ly/3euet4z
* Non-Dairy P.B. & Cookies: https://bit.ly/3ARsClT
* Half Baked Frozen Yogurt: https://bit.ly/36xUtJS
Want more GMM? Check out these playlists:
Season 19 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrvOBbw-tskTJaBf4dR9sVQH
Season 18 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrsVEMJar0COHGek3OD6v9hw
Season 17 - htt...
published: 02 Aug 2021
We Tried EVERY Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Flavor
To celebrate our 1700th episode of GMM, we're taste testing EVERY ice cream flavor from Ben & Jerry's! GMM #1700
Subscribe to GMM: https://www.youtube.com/good...
To celebrate our 1700th episode of GMM, we're taste testing EVERY ice cream flavor from Ben & Jerry's! GMM #1700
Subscribe to GMM: https://www.youtube.com/goodmythicalmorning?sub_confirmation=1
For a quick look at R&L;'s favorites, head to Sporked to read the ranking!: https://sporked.com/article/rhett-link-gmm-ben-jerrys-flavors/
Pre-order the limited edition Mythical Crew Honorary Member Tee, available for only 17 hours at https://www.mythical.com
Watch today's GMMORE: https://youtu.be/IdOUIEv8FJo
Click the bell icon so you'll know when we add a new episode!
Want more GMM? Check out these playlists:
Season 16 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrvCQhgIj1Ovt3g0PBlO18s2
Will It? - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrucP6jJ1gjSqHmhlmvkdZuf
Taste Tests! - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrsUefw67wH_pnEJ5KwJZ7lN
Get a copy of our novel, The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek @ http://www.bleakcreek.com
Pick up official GMM and Mythical merch at https://mythical.com
and https://www.amazon.com/mythical
Don’t miss our weekly podcast, Ear Biscuits: https://applepodcasts.com/earbiscuits
Join the Mythical Society: https://www.mythicalsociety.com
Follow Mythical:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/mythical
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Website: https://mythical.com
Check Out Our Other Mythical Channels:
Mythical Kitchen: https://youtube.com/mythicalkitchen
Rhett & Link: https://youtube.com/rhettandlink
Good Mythical MORE: https://youtube.com/goodmythicalmore
Want to send us something? https://mythical.com/contact
Submit your Wheel of Mythicality intro video here: http://bit.ly/GMMWheelIntroSUBMISSIONS
Intro Animation by Dana Schechter https://www.danaschechter.com/
Intro & Outro Music by Mark Byers http://www.markaholic.com/
Supplemental Music from Extreme Production Music: https://www.extrememusic.com/
Mic: ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones https://www.bluemic.com/mouse/
Get the GMM Set Gear!
* Apple AirPort Extreme: https://amzn.to/2NnIvvk
* Apple iPad Pro (12.9-inch, Wi-Fi, 64GB) - Space Gray (Latest Model) - MTEL2LL/A: https://amzn.to/2NnKXlw
* Guardian Industrial Products DH-CP-4 3 Channel Rubber Cable Ramp (Straight): https://amzn.to/2NdshoR
* Cartoni Focus HD Fluid Head with 3 Tube Ultra-Light Tripod, Mid-Level Spreader and Soft Case - Black: https://amzn.to/2X4i7X8
* ARRI SkyPanel S60-C LED Softlight (Blue/Silver, Edison): https://amzn.to/2YgM3km
* Chef-Master 90050 Professional Heat Lamp, Silver: https://amzn.to/2Xa1Wwr
* Samsung UN40H5003 40-Inch 1080p LED TV (2014 Model): https://amzn.to/2NdMU4e
* Sony LMDA170 17" Production Video LCD Monitor, 16:9 Native Aspect Ratio, 1080p Resolution: https://amzn.to/2YlB9tH
* Behringer Xenyx 1002 Premium 10-Input 2-Bus Mixer with XENYX Mic Preamps and British Eqs: https://amzn.to/2Yeeqzl
* Elgato Game Capture Card HD60 S - Stream and Record in 1080p60, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One & Xbox 360 (Renewed): https://amzn.to/2NdOBP6
* Pyle Universal Speaker Stand Mount Holder - Heavy Duty Tripod w/ Adjustable Height from 40” to 71” and 35mm Compatible Insert - Easy Mobility Safety PIN and Knob Tension Locking for Stability PSTND2: https://amzn.to/2JcCpce
* JBL EON612 Portable 12" 2-Way Multipurpose Self-Powered Sound Reinforcement: https://amzn.to/2Ndluvm
* Bolt 500 XT 3G-SDI/HDMI Wireless TX/RX: https://amzn.to/2J1OeSk
* Voigtlaender 17,5/0,95 Nokton 17.5 mm-17.5 mm Lens: https://amzn.to/2JjUCEP
* Blackmagic Design Micro Converter SDI to HDMI (with Power Supply) BMD-CONVCMIC/SH/WPSU: https://amzn.to/2J6iw6y
* Panasonic H-HSA35100 F2.8 II ASPH 35-100mm Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds Mount POWER Optical I.S. LUMIX G X VARIO Professional Lens: https://amzn.to/2RAhIul
* PANASONIC LUMIX Professional 12-35mm Camera Lens G X VARIO II, F2.8 ASPH, Dual I.S. 2.0 with Power O.I.S., Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds, H-HSA12035 (2017 Model, Black): https://amzn.to/2J9WH5S
* Decimator Design DMON-12S | 12 Channel Multi Viewer with HDMI SDI Outputs: https://amzn.to/2J9Xkwg
* Decimator MD-HX HDMI and SDI Cross Converter with Scaling & Frame Rate Conversion: https://amzn.to/2Ymj52c
* PANASONIC LUMIX GH4 Body 4K Mirrorless Camera, 16 Megapixels, 3 Inch Touch LCD, DMC-GH4KBODY (USA Black): https://amzn.to/2WZjlD6
* Blue Microphones Mouse Microphone Kc: https://amzn.to/2Ybu12I
To celebrate our 1700th episode of GMM, we're taste testing EVERY ice cream flavor from Ben & Jerry's! GMM #1700
Subscribe to GMM: https://www.youtube.com/goodmythicalmorning?sub_confirmation=1
For a quick look at R&L;'s favorites, head to Sporked to read the ranking!: https://sporked.com/article/rhett-link-gmm-ben-jerrys-flavors/
Pre-order the limited edition Mythical Crew Honorary Member Tee, available for only 17 hours at https://www.mythical.com
Watch today's GMMORE: https://youtu.be/IdOUIEv8FJo
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Want more GMM? Check out these playlists:
Season 16 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrvCQhgIj1Ovt3g0PBlO18s2
Will It? - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrucP6jJ1gjSqHmhlmvkdZuf
Taste Tests! - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrsUefw67wH_pnEJ5KwJZ7lN
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Rhett & Link: https://youtube.com/rhettandlink
Good Mythical MORE: https://youtube.com/goodmythicalmore
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Intro Animation by Dana Schechter https://www.danaschechter.com/
Intro & Outro Music by Mark Byers http://www.markaholic.com/
Supplemental Music from Extreme Production Music: https://www.extrememusic.com/
Mic: ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones https://www.bluemic.com/mouse/
Get the GMM Set Gear!
* Apple AirPort Extreme: https://amzn.to/2NnIvvk
* Apple iPad Pro (12.9-inch, Wi-Fi, 64GB) - Space Gray (Latest Model) - MTEL2LL/A: https://amzn.to/2NnKXlw
* Guardian Industrial Products DH-CP-4 3 Channel Rubber Cable Ramp (Straight): https://amzn.to/2NdshoR
* Cartoni Focus HD Fluid Head with 3 Tube Ultra-Light Tripod, Mid-Level Spreader and Soft Case - Black: https://amzn.to/2X4i7X8
* ARRI SkyPanel S60-C LED Softlight (Blue/Silver, Edison): https://amzn.to/2YgM3km
* Chef-Master 90050 Professional Heat Lamp, Silver: https://amzn.to/2Xa1Wwr
* Samsung UN40H5003 40-Inch 1080p LED TV (2014 Model): https://amzn.to/2NdMU4e
* Sony LMDA170 17" Production Video LCD Monitor, 16:9 Native Aspect Ratio, 1080p Resolution: https://amzn.to/2YlB9tH
* Behringer Xenyx 1002 Premium 10-Input 2-Bus Mixer with XENYX Mic Preamps and British Eqs: https://amzn.to/2Yeeqzl
* Elgato Game Capture Card HD60 S - Stream and Record in 1080p60, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One & Xbox 360 (Renewed): https://amzn.to/2NdOBP6
* Pyle Universal Speaker Stand Mount Holder - Heavy Duty Tripod w/ Adjustable Height from 40” to 71” and 35mm Compatible Insert - Easy Mobility Safety PIN and Knob Tension Locking for Stability PSTND2: https://amzn.to/2JcCpce
* JBL EON612 Portable 12" 2-Way Multipurpose Self-Powered Sound Reinforcement: https://amzn.to/2Ndluvm
* Bolt 500 XT 3G-SDI/HDMI Wireless TX/RX: https://amzn.to/2J1OeSk
* Voigtlaender 17,5/0,95 Nokton 17.5 mm-17.5 mm Lens: https://amzn.to/2JjUCEP
* Blackmagic Design Micro Converter SDI to HDMI (with Power Supply) BMD-CONVCMIC/SH/WPSU: https://amzn.to/2J6iw6y
* Panasonic H-HSA35100 F2.8 II ASPH 35-100mm Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds Mount POWER Optical I.S. LUMIX G X VARIO Professional Lens: https://amzn.to/2RAhIul
* PANASONIC LUMIX Professional 12-35mm Camera Lens G X VARIO II, F2.8 ASPH, Dual I.S. 2.0 with Power O.I.S., Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds, H-HSA12035 (2017 Model, Black): https://amzn.to/2J9WH5S
* Decimator Design DMON-12S | 12 Channel Multi Viewer with HDMI SDI Outputs: https://amzn.to/2J9Xkwg
* Decimator MD-HX HDMI and SDI Cross Converter with Scaling & Frame Rate Conversion: https://amzn.to/2Ymj52c
* PANASONIC LUMIX GH4 Body 4K Mirrorless Camera, 16 Megapixels, 3 Inch Touch LCD, DMC-GH4KBODY (USA Black): https://amzn.to/2WZjlD6
* Blue Microphones Mouse Microphone Kc: https://amzn.to/2Ybu12I
- published: 02 Mar 2020
- views: 7807850
US vs UK Ben & Jerry's | Food Wars
From calorie count to portion sizes, here are all the differences between Ben and Jerry's in the UK and the US.
0:00 - 0:08 - Intro
0:09 - 3:54 - Portion Sizes...
From calorie count to portion sizes, here are all the differences between Ben and Jerry's in the UK and the US.
0:00 - 0:08 - Intro
0:09 - 3:54 - Portion Sizes
3:55 - 12:17 - Exclusives
12:18 - 14:53 - Nutrition
14:54 - 16:13 - Ingredients
US vs UK Wendy’s | Food Wars
US vs UK Doritos Chips | Food Wars
US vs UK Snickers | Food Wars
#BenAndJerrys #FoodWars #FoodInsider
Insider is great journalism about what passionate people actually want to know. That’s everything from news to food, celebrity to science, politics to sports and all the rest. It’s smart. It’s fearless. It’s fun. We push the boundaries of digital storytelling. Our mission is to inform and inspire.
Subscribe to our channel and visit us at: https://www.insider.com
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Food Insider on Dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/foodinsider
US vs UK Ben & Jerry's | Food Wars
From calorie count to portion sizes, here are all the differences between Ben and Jerry's in the UK and the US.
0:00 - 0:08 - Intro
0:09 - 3:54 - Portion Sizes
3:55 - 12:17 - Exclusives
12:18 - 14:53 - Nutrition
14:54 - 16:13 - Ingredients
US vs UK Wendy’s | Food Wars
US vs UK Doritos Chips | Food Wars
US vs UK Snickers | Food Wars
#BenAndJerrys #FoodWars #FoodInsider
Insider is great journalism about what passionate people actually want to know. That’s everything from news to food, celebrity to science, politics to sports and all the rest. It’s smart. It’s fearless. It’s fun. We push the boundaries of digital storytelling. Our mission is to inform and inspire.
Subscribe to our channel and visit us at: https://www.insider.com
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Insider on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@insider
Food Insider on Dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/foodinsider
US vs UK Ben & Jerry's | Food Wars
- published: 29 Aug 2021
- views: 1712820
I Ate EVERY Ben & Jerrys Ice Cream Flavor!! 😱
#shorts #short #icecream #foodreview
ben and jerrys is too good, I have tried every single flavor and i will continue to do so
All Socials: @liamslunchbox
#shorts #short #icecream #foodreview
ben and jerrys is too good, I have tried every single flavor and i will continue to do so
All Socials: @liamslunchbox
#shorts #short #icecream #foodreview
ben and jerrys is too good, I have tried every single flavor and i will continue to do so
All Socials: @liamslunchbox
- published: 15 Jul 2022
- views: 94481
Irish People Try Ben & Jerry's Ice-Cream
Irish People Try Ben & Jerry's Ice-Cream! MERCH MADNESS: https://TRY.media/Merch
Subscribe: https://TRY.media/Subscribe | Instagram: https://TRY.media/Instagra...
Irish People Try Ben & Jerry's Ice-Cream! MERCH MADNESS: https://TRY.media/Merch
Subscribe: https://TRY.media/Subscribe | Instagram: https://TRY.media/Instagram
Get exclusive content and more: https://TRY.media/Patreon
More Information:
Ben & Jerry's, ice-cream enjoyed around the world... or is it?! We have a small selection of Ben & Jerry's ice-cream here in Ireland, but after getting our hands on some of the more unique varieties, we simply hat to sit down our resident Irish People to see what they thought!
The Tryers featured in this video:
Éadaoin Fitzmaurice: http://TRY.Media/Eadaoin
Seamus Stackpoole: http://TRY.Media/Seamus
Paddy Murphy: http://TRY.Media/Paddy
Gráinne Blumenthal: http://TRY.Media/Grainne
Bláithín de Burca: http://TRY.Media/Blaithin
Damon Blake: http://TRY.Media/Damon
Follow The TRY Channel:
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Spicy Challenges Playlist: https://TRY.Media/Spicy
Trying American Things: https://TRY.Media/American
Food Taste Tests: https://TRY.Media/Food
If you like to send us a package with items to try, please send to the address closest to you:
(General notes: *Max limit: 10kg. If you're sending food/drink for a video, please send at least 4 variants with enough to share between six people. Food/Drink items ONLY. No alcohol packages and no cooked/baked homemade goods. These addresses are for items to try in videos. Any gift packages for individual TRYers can be sent to their own PO Boxes, which can be found via their own social media.)
US Address:
TRY Channel
APW 4119337
5 South Main Street
NJ 07726
UK Address:
TRY Channel
APW 4119337
The Beacon
Mosquito Way
AL10 9WN
Credits :
Content produced by The TRY Channel.
Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound.
TRY is your new home on YouTube. A place where people try things for the first time. Similar to popular YouTube channels such as BuzzFeed, WatchCut, GMM & TheFineBros' React, our goal is to create content to entertain you and to bring a positive light to the start or end of your day.
Irish People Try Ben & Jerry's Ice-Cream! MERCH MADNESS: https://TRY.media/Merch
Subscribe: https://TRY.media/Subscribe | Instagram: https://TRY.media/Instagram
Get exclusive content and more: https://TRY.media/Patreon
More Information:
Ben & Jerry's, ice-cream enjoyed around the world... or is it?! We have a small selection of Ben & Jerry's ice-cream here in Ireland, but after getting our hands on some of the more unique varieties, we simply hat to sit down our resident Irish People to see what they thought!
The Tryers featured in this video:
Éadaoin Fitzmaurice: http://TRY.Media/Eadaoin
Seamus Stackpoole: http://TRY.Media/Seamus
Paddy Murphy: http://TRY.Media/Paddy
Gráinne Blumenthal: http://TRY.Media/Grainne
Bláithín de Burca: http://TRY.Media/Blaithin
Damon Blake: http://TRY.Media/Damon
Follow The TRY Channel:
Twitter: http://TRY.Media/Twitter
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Subreddit: http://TRY.media/Reddit
Watch more from The TRY Channel:
Latest Uploads: https://TRY.Media/LatestUploads
Popular Uploads Playlist: https://TRY.Media/PopularUploads
Trying Alcohol Videos: https://TRY.Media/Alcohol
Spicy Challenges Playlist: https://TRY.Media/Spicy
Trying American Things: https://TRY.Media/American
Food Taste Tests: https://TRY.Media/Food
If you like to send us a package with items to try, please send to the address closest to you:
(General notes: *Max limit: 10kg. If you're sending food/drink for a video, please send at least 4 variants with enough to share between six people. Food/Drink items ONLY. No alcohol packages and no cooked/baked homemade goods. These addresses are for items to try in videos. Any gift packages for individual TRYers can be sent to their own PO Boxes, which can be found via their own social media.)
US Address:
TRY Channel
APW 4119337
5 South Main Street
NJ 07726
UK Address:
TRY Channel
APW 4119337
The Beacon
Mosquito Way
AL10 9WN
Credits :
Content produced by The TRY Channel.
Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound.
TRY is your new home on YouTube. A place where people try things for the first time. Similar to popular YouTube channels such as BuzzFeed, WatchCut, GMM & TheFineBros' React, our goal is to create content to entertain you and to bring a positive light to the start or end of your day.
- published: 12 Apr 2023
- views: 274829
Trying Every Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream With Ludwig
QTCinderella and Ludwig try every flavor of Ben & Jerry's ice cream
Ludwig @ludwig
QTCinderella Stream ► https://www.twitch.tv/qtcinderella
Twitter ► https:...
QTCinderella and Ludwig try every flavor of Ben & Jerry's ice cream
Ludwig @ludwig
QTCinderella Stream ► https://www.twitch.tv/qtcinderella
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/qtcinderella
Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/qtcinderella
Edited by: https://twitter.com/Wardenboo
#QTCinderella #Ludwig #benandjerrys
QTCinderella and Ludwig try every flavor of Ben & Jerry's ice cream
Ludwig @ludwig
QTCinderella Stream ► https://www.twitch.tv/qtcinderella
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/qtcinderella
Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/qtcinderella
Edited by: https://twitter.com/Wardenboo
#QTCinderella #Ludwig #benandjerrys
- published: 15 Apr 2024
- views: 551331
Edible Cookie Dough Recipe | Ben & Jerry's
Edible cookie dough for the win! Instead of sneaking bites of your regular cookie dough, make this edible cookie dough recipe for a perfectly safe, snackable do...
Edible cookie dough for the win! Instead of sneaking bites of your regular cookie dough, make this edible cookie dough recipe for a perfectly safe, snackable dough recipe that's just as euphoric. With no eggs and heat-treated flour, it's a fun snack you can feel good about. Or, skip the mess and look for Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Chunks in a freezer near you, available in a range of flavors! Get the full recipe at benjerry.com/recipes.
Edible cookie dough for the win! Instead of sneaking bites of your regular cookie dough, make this edible cookie dough recipe for a perfectly safe, snackable dough recipe that's just as euphoric. With no eggs and heat-treated flour, it's a fun snack you can feel good about. Or, skip the mess and look for Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Chunks in a freezer near you, available in a range of flavors! Get the full recipe at benjerry.com/recipes.
- published: 13 May 2020
- views: 1294400
Introducing 'Wich! | Ben & Jerry's EUROPE
We've been thinking outside of the box (well, the tub) lately, wondering whether it would ever be possible to make Cookie Dough even cookier—turns out, it is! T...
We've been thinking outside of the box (well, the tub) lately, wondering whether it would ever be possible to make Cookie Dough even cookier—turns out, it is! The best way to top Cookie Dough is to bottom it too… with cookies! The Cookie Dough ‘Wich sparked what is now known as the ‘Wich family… Cookies & ice cream... Good together, any 'Wich way!
Find your favourite: https://www.benjerry.co.uk/flavours/no-spoon-needed
We've been thinking outside of the box (well, the tub) lately, wondering whether it would ever be possible to make Cookie Dough even cookier—turns out, it is! The best way to top Cookie Dough is to bottom it too… with cookies! The Cookie Dough ‘Wich sparked what is now known as the ‘Wich family… Cookies & ice cream... Good together, any 'Wich way!
Find your favourite: https://www.benjerry.co.uk/flavours/no-spoon-needed
- published: 29 Feb 2016
- views: 225649
Salem Witches, Ben & Jerry's Factory, Dartmouth Football & Lighthouses 🍁🎃🏈/ New England Travel Vlog
#newengland #travelvlog #salemmassachusetts #maine #newhampshire
vvv Time Stamps vvv
Time to tick off more states! I'm on a crazy mission to visit all 50 sta...
#newengland #travelvlog #salemmassachusetts #maine #newhampshire
vvv Time Stamps vvv
Time to tick off more states! I'm on a crazy mission to visit all 50 states. During this trip I was able to add 3 new ones to the list and visit 5 in total: Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, & Rhode Island. I has such a blast and I loved loved the nature around Maine and New Hampshire.
34 US States visited; 16 left!
This video was recorded in September (16-09-2024 - 22-09-2024). Stay tuned for more Uni, Grad Scheme, Travel, & DIY content all the following weeks! Please don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe.
Follow me on insta: https://www.instagram.com/steffie228
Previous Travel in the South
Southern States Road Trip with Mom:
Florida: Destin & a bit of Tallahassee + FSU:
Alabama Game Day:
Life & more
Lost Luggage Story:
New Job:
00:00 intro
00:22 Travel to the USA
00:56 Arrival logistics
01:16 Hotel 1: Framingham MA
02:07 Morning plans
04:07 Russell Orchards, MA - Apple Picking
04:38 Afternoon in Salem, MA
04:54 Pioneer Village, Salem MA
04:58 Witch House, Salem MA
05:02 Shops, Salem MA
05:18 Maritime Historic Site, Salem MA
05:37 Witch Trial Memorial, Salem MA
05:51 Not feeling so well
07:08 New Hampshire Welcome Center, NH
07:30 Maine Welcome Center, ME
07:57 Portland Head Lighthouse, ME
09:00 Trader Joe’s + haul & taste test
10:30 Eartha Globe, ME - World’s Largest Revolving Globe
11:56 L.L. Bean, Freeport ME
12:58 Outlet, Freeport ME
14:01 Mc Donald’s in a house, Freeport ME
14:22 Taste of Maine, Woolwich ME
14:32 Pemaquid Lighthouse, Pemaquid Point ME
16:02 Hotel 3: Pemaquid ME
16:20 Mc Donald’s pick-nick on the beach
16:42 Pemaquid Beach SUNSET!, ME
17:34 Evening Plans
18:23 Morning procrastination
18:44 Goat Head Fountain, Augusta ME
20:34 Maine State House, Augusta ME
22:45 U.S. Highway 2 - Scenic Drive, ME+NH
24:01 Lost River Gorge & Boulder Caves, North Woodstock NH
29:58 En Route to Waterbury Vermont
31:03 Ben & Jerry’s Factory, Waterbury VT
32:11 Hotel 4: Montpelier VT
32:31 Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier VT
32:37 Morning shenanigans + room tour
33:19 Montpelier VT
33:26 Bohemian Bakery, Montpelier VT
33:33 Vermont State House, Montpelier VT
33:54 Norwich Farmers Market, Norwich VT
34:43 Darmouth College, Hanover NH
35:41 Campus Tour Dartmouth, NH
36:23 Dartmouth Football
37:49 New Hampshire State House, Concord NH
38:39 Hotel 5: Country Suites Inn, Manchester NH
40:48 Morning & Breakfast
42:55 Rhode Island State House, Providence RI
43:57 Brown University, Providence RI
45:24 Down Town Providence RI
46:31 L’Artisan Cafe & Bakery, Providence RI
46:37 Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head, Pawtucket RI
48:04 Logan International Airport, Boston MA
Little bit about myself:
I normally film slightly different videos: I'm 27 years old and I'm originally from Amsterdam, I currently live in London & work in Finance. At the University of Oxford, I read for the Mst in Modern Languages. I've graduated from the University of Amsterdam where I studied the BA in French Literature and Culture. Would I recommend the University of Amsterdam - No - Would I recommend the University of Oxford - Yes, 100%.
Music that I do not own:
Intro and outro music:
Palmtrees by The Brothers Records
Music from the YouTube Audio Library:
Windows Rolled Down by The 126ers
Brisket Taco by Cumbia Deli
Apollo by Patrick Patrikios
Positive Fuse by French Fuse
Dusty Rhymes by Freedom Trail
Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz
In the Sweet by and by by Zachariah Hickman
Good Morning! by Reed Mathis
Meet & Fun by Ofshane
Grut by Patrick Patrikios
Corncob - Country by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100565
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Texas Techno by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
#newengland #travelvlog #salemmassachusetts #maine #newhampshire
vvv Time Stamps vvv
Time to tick off more states! I'm on a crazy mission to visit all 50 states. During this trip I was able to add 3 new ones to the list and visit 5 in total: Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, & Rhode Island. I has such a blast and I loved loved the nature around Maine and New Hampshire.
34 US States visited; 16 left!
This video was recorded in September (16-09-2024 - 22-09-2024). Stay tuned for more Uni, Grad Scheme, Travel, & DIY content all the following weeks! Please don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe.
Follow me on insta: https://www.instagram.com/steffie228
Previous Travel in the South
Southern States Road Trip with Mom:
Florida: Destin & a bit of Tallahassee + FSU:
Alabama Game Day:
Life & more
Lost Luggage Story:
New Job:
00:00 intro
00:22 Travel to the USA
00:56 Arrival logistics
01:16 Hotel 1: Framingham MA
02:07 Morning plans
04:07 Russell Orchards, MA - Apple Picking
04:38 Afternoon in Salem, MA
04:54 Pioneer Village, Salem MA
04:58 Witch House, Salem MA
05:02 Shops, Salem MA
05:18 Maritime Historic Site, Salem MA
05:37 Witch Trial Memorial, Salem MA
05:51 Not feeling so well
07:08 New Hampshire Welcome Center, NH
07:30 Maine Welcome Center, ME
07:57 Portland Head Lighthouse, ME
09:00 Trader Joe’s + haul & taste test
10:30 Eartha Globe, ME - World’s Largest Revolving Globe
11:56 L.L. Bean, Freeport ME
12:58 Outlet, Freeport ME
14:01 Mc Donald’s in a house, Freeport ME
14:22 Taste of Maine, Woolwich ME
14:32 Pemaquid Lighthouse, Pemaquid Point ME
16:02 Hotel 3: Pemaquid ME
16:20 Mc Donald’s pick-nick on the beach
16:42 Pemaquid Beach SUNSET!, ME
17:34 Evening Plans
18:23 Morning procrastination
18:44 Goat Head Fountain, Augusta ME
20:34 Maine State House, Augusta ME
22:45 U.S. Highway 2 - Scenic Drive, ME+NH
24:01 Lost River Gorge & Boulder Caves, North Woodstock NH
29:58 En Route to Waterbury Vermont
31:03 Ben & Jerry’s Factory, Waterbury VT
32:11 Hotel 4: Montpelier VT
32:31 Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier VT
32:37 Morning shenanigans + room tour
33:19 Montpelier VT
33:26 Bohemian Bakery, Montpelier VT
33:33 Vermont State House, Montpelier VT
33:54 Norwich Farmers Market, Norwich VT
34:43 Darmouth College, Hanover NH
35:41 Campus Tour Dartmouth, NH
36:23 Dartmouth Football
37:49 New Hampshire State House, Concord NH
38:39 Hotel 5: Country Suites Inn, Manchester NH
40:48 Morning & Breakfast
42:55 Rhode Island State House, Providence RI
43:57 Brown University, Providence RI
45:24 Down Town Providence RI
46:31 L’Artisan Cafe & Bakery, Providence RI
46:37 Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head, Pawtucket RI
48:04 Logan International Airport, Boston MA
Little bit about myself:
I normally film slightly different videos: I'm 27 years old and I'm originally from Amsterdam, I currently live in London & work in Finance. At the University of Oxford, I read for the Mst in Modern Languages. I've graduated from the University of Amsterdam where I studied the BA in French Literature and Culture. Would I recommend the University of Amsterdam - No - Would I recommend the University of Oxford - Yes, 100%.
Music that I do not own:
Intro and outro music:
Palmtrees by The Brothers Records
Music from the YouTube Audio Library:
Windows Rolled Down by The 126ers
Brisket Taco by Cumbia Deli
Apollo by Patrick Patrikios
Positive Fuse by French Fuse
Dusty Rhymes by Freedom Trail
Wishful Thinking by Dan Lebowitz
In the Sweet by and by by Zachariah Hickman
Good Morning! by Reed Mathis
Meet & Fun by Ofshane
Grut by Patrick Patrikios
Corncob - Country by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100565
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Texas Techno by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
- published: 20 Oct 2024
- views: 75
We Tried EVERY Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Flavor (Part 2)
Today, we're trying EVERY Ben & Jerry's alternative flavor and determining which is the best! GMM # 2004
Subscribe to GMM: https://www.youtube.com/goodmythical...
Today, we're trying EVERY Ben & Jerry's alternative flavor and determining which is the best! GMM # 2004
Subscribe to GMM: https://www.youtube.com/goodmythicalmorning?sub_confirmation=1
Watch today's GMMORE: https://youtu.be/slui-0nmEFE
Click the bell icon so you'll know when we add a new episode!
What do YOU think of Rhett and Link’s top 4?
* Non-Dairy Peanut Butter Half Baked: https://bit.ly/2U2TQFs
* Non-Dairy Mint Chocolate Cookie: https://bit.ly/3euet4z
* Non-Dairy P.B. & Cookies: https://bit.ly/3ARsClT
* Half Baked Frozen Yogurt: https://bit.ly/36xUtJS
Want more GMM? Check out these playlists:
Season 19 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrvOBbw-tskTJaBf4dR9sVQH
Season 18 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrsVEMJar0COHGek3OD6v9hw
Season 17 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrvKwXQjGntFUjtYdhLcXaiu
Season 16 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrvCQhgIj1Ovt3g0PBlO18s2
Will It? - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrucP6jJ1gjSqHmhlmvkdZuf
Taste Tests! - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrsUefw67wH_pnEJ5KwJZ7lN
Get a copy of our novel, The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek @ http://www.bleakcreek.com
Pick up official GMM and Mythical merch at https://mythical.com
and https://www.amazon.com/mythical
Don’t miss our weekly podcast, Ear Biscuits: https://applepodcasts.com/earbiscuits
Join the Mythical Society: https://www.mythicalsociety.com
Follow Mythical:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/mythical
Facebook: https://facebook.com/mythical
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mythical
Website: https://mythical.com
Check Out Our Other Mythical Channels:
Mythical Kitchen: https://youtube.com/mythicalkitchen
Rhett & Link: https://youtube.com/rhettandlink
Good Mythical MORE: https://youtube.com/goodmythicalmore
Want to send us something? https://mythical.com/contact
Submit your Wheel of Mythicality video here: http://bit.ly/GMMWheelIntroSUBMISSIONS
Intro Animation by Matthew Dwyer https://dwy.me and Mike Pasley https://DigitalTwigs.com
Intro & Outro Music by Mark Byers http://www.markaholic.com
Get the GMM Set Gear!
* Apple AirPort Extreme: https://amzn.to/2NnIvvk
* Apple iPad Pro (12.9-inch, Wi-Fi, 64GB) - Space Gray (Latest Model) - MTEL2LL/A: https://amzn.to/2NnKXlw
* Guardian Industrial Products DH-CP-4 3 Channel Rubber Cable Ramp (Straight): https://amzn.to/2NdshoR
* Cartoni Focus HD Fluid Head with 3 Tube Ultra-Light Tripod, Mid-Level Spreader and Soft Case - Black: https://amzn.to/2X4i7X8
* ARRI SkyPanel S60-C LED Softlight (Blue/Silver, Edison): https://amzn.to/2YgM3km
* Chef-Master 90050 Professional Heat Lamp, Silver: https://amzn.to/2Xa1Wwr
* Samsung UN40H5003 40-Inch 1080p LED TV (2014 Model): https://amzn.to/2NdMU4e
* Sony LMDA170 17" Production Video LCD Monitor, 16:9 Native Aspect Ratio, 1080p Resolution: https://amzn.to/2YlB9tH
* Behringer Xenyx 1002 Premium 10-Input 2-Bus Mixer with XENYX Mic Preamps and British Eqs: https://amzn.to/2Yeeqzl
* Elgato Game Capture Card HD60 S - Stream and Record in 1080p60, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One & Xbox 360 (Renewed): https://amzn.to/2NdOBP6
* Pyle Universal Speaker Stand Mount Holder - Heavy Duty Tripod w/ Adjustable Height from 40” to 71” and 35mm Compatible Insert - Easy Mobility Safety PIN and Knob Tension Locking for Stability PSTND2: https://amzn.to/2JcCpce
* JBL EON612 Portable 12" 2-Way Multipurpose Self-Powered Sound Reinforcement: https://amzn.to/2Ndluvm
* Bolt 500 XT 3G-SDI/HDMI Wireless TX/RX: https://amzn.to/2J1OeSk
* Voigtlaender 17,5/0,95 Nokton 17.5 mm-17.5 mm Lens: https://amzn.to/2JjUCEP
* Blackmagic Design Micro Converter SDI to HDMI (with Power Supply) BMD-CONVCMIC/SH/WPSU: https://amzn.to/2J6iw6y
* Panasonic H-HSA35100 F2.8 II ASPH 35-100mm Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds Mount POWER Optical I.S. LUMIX G X VARIO Professional Lens: https://amzn.to/2RAhIul
* PANASONIC LUMIX Professional 12-35mm Camera Lens G X VARIO II, F2.8 ASPH, Dual I.S. 2.0 with Power O.I.S., Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds, H-HSA12035 (2017 Model, Black): https://amzn.to/2J9WH5S
* Decimator Design DMON-12S | 12 Channel Multi Viewer with HDMI SDI Outputs: https://amzn.to/2J9Xkwg
* Decimator MD-HX HDMI and SDI Cross Converter with Scaling & Frame Rate Conversion: https://amzn.to/2Ymj52c
* PANASONIC LUMIX GH4 Body 4K Mirrorless Camera, 16 Megapixels, 3 Inch Touch LCD, DMC-GH4KBODY (USA Black): https://amzn.to/2WZjlD6
* Blue Microphones Mouse Microphone Kc: https://amzn.to/2Ybu12I
Today, we're trying EVERY Ben & Jerry's alternative flavor and determining which is the best! GMM # 2004
Subscribe to GMM: https://www.youtube.com/goodmythicalmorning?sub_confirmation=1
Watch today's GMMORE: https://youtu.be/slui-0nmEFE
Click the bell icon so you'll know when we add a new episode!
What do YOU think of Rhett and Link’s top 4?
* Non-Dairy Peanut Butter Half Baked: https://bit.ly/2U2TQFs
* Non-Dairy Mint Chocolate Cookie: https://bit.ly/3euet4z
* Non-Dairy P.B. & Cookies: https://bit.ly/3ARsClT
* Half Baked Frozen Yogurt: https://bit.ly/36xUtJS
Want more GMM? Check out these playlists:
Season 19 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrvOBbw-tskTJaBf4dR9sVQH
Season 18 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrsVEMJar0COHGek3OD6v9hw
Season 17 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrvKwXQjGntFUjtYdhLcXaiu
Season 16 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrvCQhgIj1Ovt3g0PBlO18s2
Will It? - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrucP6jJ1gjSqHmhlmvkdZuf
Taste Tests! - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ49NV73ttrsUefw67wH_pnEJ5KwJZ7lN
Get a copy of our novel, The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek @ http://www.bleakcreek.com
Pick up official GMM and Mythical merch at https://mythical.com
and https://www.amazon.com/mythical
Don’t miss our weekly podcast, Ear Biscuits: https://applepodcasts.com/earbiscuits
Join the Mythical Society: https://www.mythicalsociety.com
Follow Mythical:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/mythical
Facebook: https://facebook.com/mythical
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mythical
Website: https://mythical.com
Check Out Our Other Mythical Channels:
Mythical Kitchen: https://youtube.com/mythicalkitchen
Rhett & Link: https://youtube.com/rhettandlink
Good Mythical MORE: https://youtube.com/goodmythicalmore
Want to send us something? https://mythical.com/contact
Submit your Wheel of Mythicality video here: http://bit.ly/GMMWheelIntroSUBMISSIONS
Intro Animation by Matthew Dwyer https://dwy.me and Mike Pasley https://DigitalTwigs.com
Intro & Outro Music by Mark Byers http://www.markaholic.com
Get the GMM Set Gear!
* Apple AirPort Extreme: https://amzn.to/2NnIvvk
* Apple iPad Pro (12.9-inch, Wi-Fi, 64GB) - Space Gray (Latest Model) - MTEL2LL/A: https://amzn.to/2NnKXlw
* Guardian Industrial Products DH-CP-4 3 Channel Rubber Cable Ramp (Straight): https://amzn.to/2NdshoR
* Cartoni Focus HD Fluid Head with 3 Tube Ultra-Light Tripod, Mid-Level Spreader and Soft Case - Black: https://amzn.to/2X4i7X8
* ARRI SkyPanel S60-C LED Softlight (Blue/Silver, Edison): https://amzn.to/2YgM3km
* Chef-Master 90050 Professional Heat Lamp, Silver: https://amzn.to/2Xa1Wwr
* Samsung UN40H5003 40-Inch 1080p LED TV (2014 Model): https://amzn.to/2NdMU4e
* Sony LMDA170 17" Production Video LCD Monitor, 16:9 Native Aspect Ratio, 1080p Resolution: https://amzn.to/2YlB9tH
* Behringer Xenyx 1002 Premium 10-Input 2-Bus Mixer with XENYX Mic Preamps and British Eqs: https://amzn.to/2Yeeqzl
* Elgato Game Capture Card HD60 S - Stream and Record in 1080p60, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One & Xbox 360 (Renewed): https://amzn.to/2NdOBP6
* Pyle Universal Speaker Stand Mount Holder - Heavy Duty Tripod w/ Adjustable Height from 40” to 71” and 35mm Compatible Insert - Easy Mobility Safety PIN and Knob Tension Locking for Stability PSTND2: https://amzn.to/2JcCpce
* JBL EON612 Portable 12" 2-Way Multipurpose Self-Powered Sound Reinforcement: https://amzn.to/2Ndluvm
* Bolt 500 XT 3G-SDI/HDMI Wireless TX/RX: https://amzn.to/2J1OeSk
* Voigtlaender 17,5/0,95 Nokton 17.5 mm-17.5 mm Lens: https://amzn.to/2JjUCEP
* Blackmagic Design Micro Converter SDI to HDMI (with Power Supply) BMD-CONVCMIC/SH/WPSU: https://amzn.to/2J6iw6y
* Panasonic H-HSA35100 F2.8 II ASPH 35-100mm Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds Mount POWER Optical I.S. LUMIX G X VARIO Professional Lens: https://amzn.to/2RAhIul
* PANASONIC LUMIX Professional 12-35mm Camera Lens G X VARIO II, F2.8 ASPH, Dual I.S. 2.0 with Power O.I.S., Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds, H-HSA12035 (2017 Model, Black): https://amzn.to/2J9WH5S
* Decimator Design DMON-12S | 12 Channel Multi Viewer with HDMI SDI Outputs: https://amzn.to/2J9Xkwg
* Decimator MD-HX HDMI and SDI Cross Converter with Scaling & Frame Rate Conversion: https://amzn.to/2Ymj52c
* PANASONIC LUMIX GH4 Body 4K Mirrorless Camera, 16 Megapixels, 3 Inch Touch LCD, DMC-GH4KBODY (USA Black): https://amzn.to/2WZjlD6
* Blue Microphones Mouse Microphone Kc: https://amzn.to/2Ybu12I
- published: 02 Aug 2021
- views: 1903515
Good Manners & Best Behavior | Good Habits for Kids | Full Episode Compilation | Barney the Dinosaur
In this delightful Barney and Friends compilation of full episodes, children will learn all about good manners and how to be polite and respectful. Join Barney and his friends as they embark on fun adventures that teach important values such as saying "please" and "thank you", sharing, taking turns, and showing kindness to others. With catchy songs, engaging stories, and lovable characters, this video is sure to entertain and educate young viewers about the importance of good manners and how they can make a positive impact in their daily lives. Don't miss this delightful compilation that is perfect for children of all ages!
#Barney #Habits #Kindness
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
Chapter List:
00:00:00 The Magic Words (Season...
published: 10 Mar 2023
Now I Know My ABCs | Learning Letters + Reading for Kids | Barney and Friends
Learn the ABCs, dive into the world of reading, and discover how to spell your name with Barney and his friends in this fun and educational clip compilation video!
#Barney #reading #abcsong
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
(🔔) Check out the new Barney Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs Channel ►► https://www.youtube.com/@BarneyKidsSongs?sub_confirmation=1
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► https://youtu.be/F5dS0WJ4Oiw
Back To School Special ►► https://youtu.be/7LkiIyk7HpM
Best Barney Songs Playlist ►►https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7p22HOpmUgWm34ootR-Z5RxKl7R1dwuQ
💜OFFICIAL #Barney & Friends Channel💜
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, ...
published: 30 Jun 2023
Sing and Dance with Barney! | Learn About Music for Kids | Barney and Friends
Bop with Barney and his pals as they showcase their musical talents in stories from the episodes like "Play Piano with Me," "Little Red Rockin' Hood," and "Come Blow Your Horn." From playing instruments to learning new dance moves, Barney and his friends will have you grooving and tapping your feet in no time. With catchy songs, energetic movements, and lots of musical fun, this video will inspire young viewers to embrace the joy of singing, dancing, and making music.
#Barney #learnmusic #Songs
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► https://youtu.be/F5dS0WJ4Oiw
Back To School Special ►► https://youtu.be/7LkiIyk7HpM
Best Barne...
published: 26 May 2023
Old MacDonald, Bingo + More Animal Songs and Nursery Rhymes For Kids | Barney the Dinosaur
In this musical compilation of clips from Barney and Friends, join your favorite purple dinosaur and his pals as they sing and dance their way through a variety of fun and educational songs about animals and pets. From learning how to care for your furry friends to exploring the fascinating world of animals in the wild, this collection of great music and catchy tunes is sure to have you on your feet and dancing.
#Barney #Animals #Takeover
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► https://youtu.be/F5dS0WJ4Oiw
Back To School Special ►► https://youtu.be/7LkiIyk7HpM
Best Barney Songs Playlist ►►https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7p...
published: 31 Mar 2023
Barney and Friends | Imagination | Selena Gomez
Welcome to Barney and Friends' home on YouTube, where you can find the video clips and full episodes!
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
For more fun with Barney and Friends, visit the Official Barney and Friends YouTube Channel at http://youtube.com/barneyandfriends
published: 30 Jul 2019
Barney and Friends | Full Episodes | Love
Welcome to Barney and Friends' home on YouTube, where you can find the video clips and full episodes!
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
For more fun with Barney and Friends, visit the Official Barney and Friends YouTube Channel at http://youtube.com/barneyandfriends
published: 20 Jul 2019
Rules Are important | Lessons for Kids | Barney and Friends
When we want to play fair with our friends we always need to follow rules! Join Barney and friends as they experience why rules are so important to playing. This episode compilation will teach you why rules are made and why it's best that we follow them.
#barney #rules #manners
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
(🔔) Check out the new Barney Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs Channel ►► https://www.youtube.com/@BarneyKidsSongs?sub_confirmation=1
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► https://youtu.be/F5dS0WJ4Oiw
Back To School Special ►► https://youtu.be/7LkiIyk7HpM
Best Barney Songs Playlist ►►https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7p22HOpmUgWm34ootR-Z5RxKl7R1dwuQ
published: 13 Aug 2023
A Perfectly Purple Day | Learning About Colors | Full Episodes | Barney and Friends
Get ready to explore the wonderful world of colors with Barney and Friends in this exciting compilation of full episodes! From Baby Bop's beloved yellow blanket to Barney's iconic purple hue, your little ones will learn about all of the colors of the rainbow with episodes like "Red, Yellow, and Blue!" and "A Wonderful World of Color and Shapes."
#Barney #colors #art
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
Chapter List:
00:00:00 Colors (Season 10 Episode 4b)
00:12:31 Red, Yellow, and Blue (Season 7 Episode 7)
00:36:28 A Perfectly Purple Day (Season 8 Episode 7)
01:00:56 A Wonderful World of Color & Shapes (Season 9 Episode 14)
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► h...
published: 23 Apr 2023
Feeling Happy or Sad? | Learn Feelings and Emotions for Kids | Barney and Friends
Go on an epic 4-hour-long journey with Barney and Friends as they explore the wide range of emotions and teach children valuable skills in managing their feelings. Whether they're feeling happy, sad, silly, or, kids will learn the importance of emotions, mindfulness and getting along.
#Barney #emotions #feelings
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
(🔔) Check out the new Barney Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs Channel ►► https://www.youtube.com/@BarneyKidsSongs?sub_confirmation=1
Chapter List:
00:00:00 Separation
00:12:18 It's A Happy Day
00:36:21 Pot Full of Sunshine
00:48:20 Look What I Can Do
01:12:39 Get Happy
01:24:43 That Makes Me Mad
01:49:01 Everybody's Got Feelings
02:13:20 Caring
02:25:30 The Sword in the Sandbox
02:50:38 Ca...
published: 11 Jun 2023
Barney and Friends | Full Episodes | Fiesta
Welcome to Barney and Friends' home on YouTube, where you can find the video clips and full episodes!
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
For more fun with Barney and Friends, visit the Official Barney and Friends YouTube Channel at http://youtube.com/barneyandfriends
published: 23 Jul 2019
Good Manners & Best Behavior | Good Habits for Kids | Full Episode Compilation | Barney the Dinosaur
In this delightful Barney and Friends compilation of full episodes, children will learn all about good manners and how to be polite and respectful. Join Barney ...
In this delightful Barney and Friends compilation of full episodes, children will learn all about good manners and how to be polite and respectful. Join Barney and his friends as they embark on fun adventures that teach important values such as saying "please" and "thank you", sharing, taking turns, and showing kindness to others. With catchy songs, engaging stories, and lovable characters, this video is sure to entertain and educate young viewers about the importance of good manners and how they can make a positive impact in their daily lives. Don't miss this delightful compilation that is perfect for children of all ages!
#Barney #Habits #Kindness
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
Chapter List:
00:00:00 The Magic Words (Season 11 Episode 2a)
00:12:21 Tea-Riffic Manners (Season 7 Episode 3)
00:36:27 Sharing is Caring (Season 8 Episode 3)
01:00:47 The Whole Truth (Season 11 Episode 4b)
01:13:02 No, No, No (Season 11 Episode 11b)
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► https://youtu.be/F5dS0WJ4Oiw
Back To School Special ►► https://youtu.be/7LkiIyk7HpM
Best Barney Songs Playlist ►►https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7p22HOpmUgWm34ootR-Z5RxKl7R1dwuQ
💜OFFICIAL #Barney & Friends Channel💜
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
#barneyandfriends #dinosaur
In this delightful Barney and Friends compilation of full episodes, children will learn all about good manners and how to be polite and respectful. Join Barney and his friends as they embark on fun adventures that teach important values such as saying "please" and "thank you", sharing, taking turns, and showing kindness to others. With catchy songs, engaging stories, and lovable characters, this video is sure to entertain and educate young viewers about the importance of good manners and how they can make a positive impact in their daily lives. Don't miss this delightful compilation that is perfect for children of all ages!
#Barney #Habits #Kindness
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
Chapter List:
00:00:00 The Magic Words (Season 11 Episode 2a)
00:12:21 Tea-Riffic Manners (Season 7 Episode 3)
00:36:27 Sharing is Caring (Season 8 Episode 3)
01:00:47 The Whole Truth (Season 11 Episode 4b)
01:13:02 No, No, No (Season 11 Episode 11b)
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► https://youtu.be/F5dS0WJ4Oiw
Back To School Special ►► https://youtu.be/7LkiIyk7HpM
Best Barney Songs Playlist ►►https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7p22HOpmUgWm34ootR-Z5RxKl7R1dwuQ
💜OFFICIAL #Barney & Friends Channel💜
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
#barneyandfriends #dinosaur
- published: 10 Mar 2023
- views: 5947458
Now I Know My ABCs | Learning Letters + Reading for Kids | Barney and Friends
Learn the ABCs, dive into the world of reading, and discover how to spell your name with Barney and his friends in this fun and educational clip compilation vid...
Learn the ABCs, dive into the world of reading, and discover how to spell your name with Barney and his friends in this fun and educational clip compilation video!
#Barney #reading #abcsong
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
(🔔) Check out the new Barney Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs Channel ►► https://www.youtube.com/@BarneyKidsSongs?sub_confirmation=1
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► https://youtu.be/F5dS0WJ4Oiw
Back To School Special ►► https://youtu.be/7LkiIyk7HpM
Best Barney Songs Playlist ►►https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7p22HOpmUgWm34ootR-Z5RxKl7R1dwuQ
💜OFFICIAL #Barney & Friends Channel💜
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
#barneyandfriends #dinosaur
Learn the ABCs, dive into the world of reading, and discover how to spell your name with Barney and his friends in this fun and educational clip compilation video!
#Barney #reading #abcsong
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
(🔔) Check out the new Barney Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs Channel ►► https://www.youtube.com/@BarneyKidsSongs?sub_confirmation=1
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► https://youtu.be/F5dS0WJ4Oiw
Back To School Special ►► https://youtu.be/7LkiIyk7HpM
Best Barney Songs Playlist ►►https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7p22HOpmUgWm34ootR-Z5RxKl7R1dwuQ
💜OFFICIAL #Barney & Friends Channel💜
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
#barneyandfriends #dinosaur
- published: 30 Jun 2023
- views: 2945067
Sing and Dance with Barney! | Learn About Music for Kids | Barney and Friends
Bop with Barney and his pals as they showcase their musical talents in stories from the episodes like "Play Piano with Me," "Little Red Rockin' Hood," and "Come...
Bop with Barney and his pals as they showcase their musical talents in stories from the episodes like "Play Piano with Me," "Little Red Rockin' Hood," and "Come Blow Your Horn." From playing instruments to learning new dance moves, Barney and his friends will have you grooving and tapping your feet in no time. With catchy songs, energetic movements, and lots of musical fun, this video will inspire young viewers to embrace the joy of singing, dancing, and making music.
#Barney #learnmusic #Songs
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► https://youtu.be/F5dS0WJ4Oiw
Back To School Special ►► https://youtu.be/7LkiIyk7HpM
Best Barney Songs Playlist ►►https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7p22HOpmUgWm34ootR-Z5RxKl7R1dwuQ
💜OFFICIAL #Barney & Friends Channel💜
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
#barneyandfriends #dinosaur
Bop with Barney and his pals as they showcase their musical talents in stories from the episodes like "Play Piano with Me," "Little Red Rockin' Hood," and "Come Blow Your Horn." From playing instruments to learning new dance moves, Barney and his friends will have you grooving and tapping your feet in no time. With catchy songs, energetic movements, and lots of musical fun, this video will inspire young viewers to embrace the joy of singing, dancing, and making music.
#Barney #learnmusic #Songs
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► https://youtu.be/F5dS0WJ4Oiw
Back To School Special ►► https://youtu.be/7LkiIyk7HpM
Best Barney Songs Playlist ►►https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7p22HOpmUgWm34ootR-Z5RxKl7R1dwuQ
💜OFFICIAL #Barney & Friends Channel💜
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
#barneyandfriends #dinosaur
- published: 26 May 2023
- views: 334748
Old MacDonald, Bingo + More Animal Songs and Nursery Rhymes For Kids | Barney the Dinosaur
In this musical compilation of clips from Barney and Friends, join your favorite purple dinosaur and his pals as they sing and dance their way through a variety...
In this musical compilation of clips from Barney and Friends, join your favorite purple dinosaur and his pals as they sing and dance their way through a variety of fun and educational songs about animals and pets. From learning how to care for your furry friends to exploring the fascinating world of animals in the wild, this collection of great music and catchy tunes is sure to have you on your feet and dancing.
#Barney #Animals #Takeover
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► https://youtu.be/F5dS0WJ4Oiw
Back To School Special ►► https://youtu.be/7LkiIyk7HpM
Best Barney Songs Playlist ►►https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7p22HOpmUgWm34ootR-Z5RxKl7R1dwuQ
💜OFFICIAL #Barney & Friends Channel💜
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
#barneyandfriends #dinosaur
In this musical compilation of clips from Barney and Friends, join your favorite purple dinosaur and his pals as they sing and dance their way through a variety of fun and educational songs about animals and pets. From learning how to care for your furry friends to exploring the fascinating world of animals in the wild, this collection of great music and catchy tunes is sure to have you on your feet and dancing.
#Barney #Animals #Takeover
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► https://youtu.be/F5dS0WJ4Oiw
Back To School Special ►► https://youtu.be/7LkiIyk7HpM
Best Barney Songs Playlist ►►https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7p22HOpmUgWm34ootR-Z5RxKl7R1dwuQ
💜OFFICIAL #Barney & Friends Channel💜
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
#barneyandfriends #dinosaur
- published: 31 Mar 2023
- views: 2536238
Barney and Friends | Imagination | Selena Gomez
Welcome to Barney and Friends' home on YouTube, where you can find the vi...
Welcome to Barney and Friends' home on YouTube, where you can find the video clips and full episodes!
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
For more fun with Barney and Friends, visit the Official Barney and Friends YouTube Channel at http://youtube.com/barneyandfriends
Welcome to Barney and Friends' home on YouTube, where you can find the video clips and full episodes!
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
For more fun with Barney and Friends, visit the Official Barney and Friends YouTube Channel at http://youtube.com/barneyandfriends
- published: 30 Jul 2019
- views: 30236676
Barney and Friends | Full Episodes | Love
Welcome to Barney and Friends' home on YouTube, where you can find the vi...
Welcome to Barney and Friends' home on YouTube, where you can find the video clips and full episodes!
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
For more fun with Barney and Friends, visit the Official Barney and Friends YouTube Channel at http://youtube.com/barneyandfriends
Welcome to Barney and Friends' home on YouTube, where you can find the video clips and full episodes!
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
For more fun with Barney and Friends, visit the Official Barney and Friends YouTube Channel at http://youtube.com/barneyandfriends
- published: 20 Jul 2019
- views: 5394199
Rules Are important | Lessons for Kids | Barney and Friends
When we want to play fair with our friends we always need to follow rules! Join Barney and friends as they experience why rules are so important to playing. Thi...
When we want to play fair with our friends we always need to follow rules! Join Barney and friends as they experience why rules are so important to playing. This episode compilation will teach you why rules are made and why it's best that we follow them.
#barney #rules #manners
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
(🔔) Check out the new Barney Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs Channel ►► https://www.youtube.com/@BarneyKidsSongs?sub_confirmation=1
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► https://youtu.be/F5dS0WJ4Oiw
Back To School Special ►► https://youtu.be/7LkiIyk7HpM
Best Barney Songs Playlist ►►https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7p22HOpmUgWm34ootR-Z5RxKl7R1dwuQ
💜OFFICIAL #Barney & Friends Channel💜
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
#barneyandfriends #dinosaur
When we want to play fair with our friends we always need to follow rules! Join Barney and friends as they experience why rules are so important to playing. This episode compilation will teach you why rules are made and why it's best that we follow them.
#barney #rules #manners
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
(🔔) Check out the new Barney Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs Channel ►► https://www.youtube.com/@BarneyKidsSongs?sub_confirmation=1
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► https://youtu.be/F5dS0WJ4Oiw
Back To School Special ►► https://youtu.be/7LkiIyk7HpM
Best Barney Songs Playlist ►►https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7p22HOpmUgWm34ootR-Z5RxKl7R1dwuQ
💜OFFICIAL #Barney & Friends Channel💜
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
#barneyandfriends #dinosaur
- published: 13 Aug 2023
- views: 189013
A Perfectly Purple Day | Learning About Colors | Full Episodes | Barney and Friends
Get ready to explore the wonderful world of colors with Barney and Friends in this exciting compilation of full episodes! From Baby Bop's beloved yellow blanket...
Get ready to explore the wonderful world of colors with Barney and Friends in this exciting compilation of full episodes! From Baby Bop's beloved yellow blanket to Barney's iconic purple hue, your little ones will learn about all of the colors of the rainbow with episodes like "Red, Yellow, and Blue!" and "A Wonderful World of Color and Shapes."
#Barney #colors #art
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
Chapter List:
00:00:00 Colors (Season 10 Episode 4b)
00:12:31 Red, Yellow, and Blue (Season 7 Episode 7)
00:36:28 A Perfectly Purple Day (Season 8 Episode 7)
01:00:56 A Wonderful World of Color & Shapes (Season 9 Episode 14)
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► https://youtu.be/F5dS0WJ4Oiw
Back To School Special ►► https://youtu.be/7LkiIyk7HpM
Best Barney Songs Playlist ►►https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7p22HOpmUgWm34ootR-Z5RxKl7R1dwuQ
💜OFFICIAL #Barney & Friends Channel💜
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
#barneyandfriends #dinosaur
Get ready to explore the wonderful world of colors with Barney and Friends in this exciting compilation of full episodes! From Baby Bop's beloved yellow blanket to Barney's iconic purple hue, your little ones will learn about all of the colors of the rainbow with episodes like "Red, Yellow, and Blue!" and "A Wonderful World of Color and Shapes."
#Barney #colors #art
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
Chapter List:
00:00:00 Colors (Season 10 Episode 4b)
00:12:31 Red, Yellow, and Blue (Season 7 Episode 7)
00:36:28 A Perfectly Purple Day (Season 8 Episode 7)
01:00:56 A Wonderful World of Color & Shapes (Season 9 Episode 14)
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► https://youtu.be/F5dS0WJ4Oiw
Back To School Special ►► https://youtu.be/7LkiIyk7HpM
Best Barney Songs Playlist ►►https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7p22HOpmUgWm34ootR-Z5RxKl7R1dwuQ
💜OFFICIAL #Barney & Friends Channel💜
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
#barneyandfriends #dinosaur
- published: 23 Apr 2023
- views: 242705
Feeling Happy or Sad? | Learn Feelings and Emotions for Kids | Barney and Friends
Go on an epic 4-hour-long journey with Barney and Friends as they explore the wide range of emotions and teach children valuable skills in managing their feelin...
Go on an epic 4-hour-long journey with Barney and Friends as they explore the wide range of emotions and teach children valuable skills in managing their feelings. Whether they're feeling happy, sad, silly, or, kids will learn the importance of emotions, mindfulness and getting along.
#Barney #emotions #feelings
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
(🔔) Check out the new Barney Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs Channel ►► https://www.youtube.com/@BarneyKidsSongs?sub_confirmation=1
Chapter List:
00:00:00 Separation
00:12:18 It's A Happy Day
00:36:21 Pot Full of Sunshine
00:48:20 Look What I Can Do
01:12:39 Get Happy
01:24:43 That Makes Me Mad
01:49:01 Everybody's Got Feelings
02:13:20 Caring
02:25:30 The Sword in the Sandbox
02:50:38 Caring Hearts
03:14:48 The Shrinking Blankey
03:26:57 Making a Move!
03:51:14 Big As Barney
04:03:23 Glad To Be Me
04:28:21 Things I Can Do
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► https://youtu.be/F5dS0WJ4Oiw
Back To School Special ►► https://youtu.be/7LkiIyk7HpM
Best Barney Songs Playlist ►►https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7p22HOpmUgWm34ootR-Z5RxKl7R1dwuQ
💜OFFICIAL #Barney & Friends Channel💜
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
#barneyandfriends #dinosaur
Go on an epic 4-hour-long journey with Barney and Friends as they explore the wide range of emotions and teach children valuable skills in managing their feelings. Whether they're feeling happy, sad, silly, or, kids will learn the importance of emotions, mindfulness and getting along.
#Barney #emotions #feelings
(🔔) Subscribe to Barney for New Videos ►► https://www.youtube.com/@barney?sub_confirmation=1
(🔔) Check out the new Barney Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs Channel ►► https://www.youtube.com/@BarneyKidsSongs?sub_confirmation=1
Chapter List:
00:00:00 Separation
00:12:18 It's A Happy Day
00:36:21 Pot Full of Sunshine
00:48:20 Look What I Can Do
01:12:39 Get Happy
01:24:43 That Makes Me Mad
01:49:01 Everybody's Got Feelings
02:13:20 Caring
02:25:30 The Sword in the Sandbox
02:50:38 Caring Hearts
03:14:48 The Shrinking Blankey
03:26:57 Making a Move!
03:51:14 Big As Barney
04:03:23 Glad To Be Me
04:28:21 Things I Can Do
Listen to Other Barney Songs:
I Love You, You Love Me ►► https://youtu.be/LK3C9IytrLI
Wheels On The Bus ►► https://youtu.be/F5dS0WJ4Oiw
Back To School Special ►► https://youtu.be/7LkiIyk7HpM
Best Barney Songs Playlist ►►https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7p22HOpmUgWm34ootR-Z5RxKl7R1dwuQ
💜OFFICIAL #Barney & Friends Channel💜
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
#barneyandfriends #dinosaur
- published: 11 Jun 2023
- views: 576019
Barney and Friends | Full Episodes | Fiesta
Welcome to Barney and Friends' home on YouTube, where you can find the vi...
Welcome to Barney and Friends' home on YouTube, where you can find the video clips and full episodes!
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
For more fun with Barney and Friends, visit the Official Barney and Friends YouTube Channel at http://youtube.com/barneyandfriends
Welcome to Barney and Friends' home on YouTube, where you can find the video clips and full episodes!
In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way!
For more fun with Barney and Friends, visit the Official Barney and Friends YouTube Channel at http://youtube.com/barneyandfriends
- published: 23 Jul 2019
- views: 5665874