1. Wide of exterior of
City Museum
Smiling boy playing drum
US President George W. Bush walking down stairs of museum with
First Lady Laura Bush
4. Boy on drum, pan to Bushes watching dance
5. Bushes clapping
6. Wide of dragons dancing
7. Bushes having photos taken with dragons
Bush being led over to group of young girls
9. Bush having photo taken with young girls
10. US President George W. Bush striking gong to open trading
Stock display board, pan to Bush on floor with workers
Sign on wall reading: "
Welcome President George W. Bush" pan to Bush with worker
13. Workers applauding Bush
English) George W. Bush, US President:
"My first meeting in
Ho Chi Minh City is at the stock exchange and I'm meeting with entrepreneurs, people who have taken a look at the markets in
Vietnam and have decided that this is a good place to invest."
Medium of
US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice
16. Wide of Bush and officials at news conference
17. Pan from
sign reading: "The
Pasteur Institute in Ho Chi Minh City welcomes
President and Mrs Bush" to Bush and Laura Bush entering room with doctor
18. SOUNDBITE (English) George W. Bush, US President:
Laura and I have come by to thank the doctor and her staff for their compassionate work."
Cutaway, media
20. SOUNDBITE (English) George W. Bush, US President:
... and to assure the
Vietnamese people that we will still help them fight
21. Bush with his wife and
Rice at table, pan to guests
22. Pan from media to Bush and wife at table
Chart illustrating Outbreaks of
Avian Influenza in Vietnam
24. Bush with his wife and Rice at table
25. Wide of building
Policemen in street
Various of traffic in street
Vox Pop:
"We were so happy about that. The first time the Bush he come here, really really happy for Vietnam. And maybe I think something coming up from Vietnam from him."
Woman with fruit in street as traffic passes in foreground
30. Motorbikes travelling down street
At the end of their trip to Vietnam on Monday, US President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush made their last stop a tour of the Ho Chi Minh City history museum where they were treated to a drum and dance performance by young people.
Dressed in bright red and gold costumes, the performers pounded kettle drums and waved bright flags as they stepped, turned and ran about a stage outside the building.
Bush nodded his head and tapped his foot in time with the music.
It is
Bush's first trip to the communist country, which hosted leaders from the 21-member
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum over the weekend in
Hanoi, in the north.
Earlier on Monday
President Bush paid tribute to new symbols of capitalism and offered encouragement for the country's battle against bird flu and other public health challenges.
In Ho Chi Minh City Bush visited the Vietnam stock exchange, where trading began in
2000 and expanded to Hanoi last year.
The exchange initially listed two companies and two bonds.
Now, there is trading in 56 stocks and funds on the combined exchanges with total capitalisation of
3.5 (b) billion
US dollars.
The president, wielding a red-handled mallet, struck a gong to open the day's trading.
Bush hit the gong three times, shook hands with traders on the floor and met with a group of
American and
Vietnamese business leaders.
The US President also toured a bird flu lab in southern Ho Chi Minh City on Monday to encourage Vietnam in its successful battle against the disease and urge
Southeast Asia to be prepared to handle further outbreaks if they occur.
While touring the lab, Bush also learned about Vietnam's fight against
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- published: 23 Jul 2015
- views: 58