- published: 31 May 2015
- views: 156
2013 DAB-DX: BBC National DAB received in Switzerland !!
BBC National DAB en España
DAB-DX: 12B - BBC National DAB received in Bochum, Germany
DAB-DX: BBC National DAB received in Borkum, Germany
DAB-DX: BBC National DAB received in Borkum,Germany
DAB DX 11b BBC Cornwall - Eindhoven 2012-03-14 730km!
DAB Empfang aus UK (BBC) in Zeeland, Niederlande
DAB+ DX via Tropo Bilsdale West Moor,GBR, in Germany DAB+ CH 10C, 810km
11-10-2010 DAB-DX: DAB aus Scotland in the Netherlands
Universal DAB Digital Radio from SatnavSystems
DAB-DX: Tropo in September 2013 on mount Pilatus (2132 metres) 12B BBC National DAB (UK) Distance: ≈ 700 Km Receiver: Dual DAB 3 (with telescoping antenna)
DAB DX: 1000 km BBC National DAB en Navarra (España). En la ermita de la Sierra del Perdón a 10 km en línea recta del centro de Pamplona. Las coordenadas son: 42.732502° -1.698541° Por desgracia en España no podemos disfrutar de la radio digital terrestre porque el gobierno prefiere proteger a los empresarios y perjudicar a los usuarios. Para que esto cambie hay una petición en https://www.change.org/p/radio-digital-terrestre-y-gratuita-para-todos
received on 19 April 2015 with the Sangean DPR-69+
several transmitters possible
received on 30th July 2011 with the Sangean DPR-69+.
Received DAB 11b BBC Cornwall - Eindhoven on 2012-03-14 9:30UTC tropo propagation by PE1ITR. Receiver: www.pe1itr.com/fmdx/dabrx.htm
Empfang über DAB auf einer Düne in der niederländischen Provinz Zeeland nördlich von Vlissingen unter Normalbedingungen
Bilsdale West Moor (EN-NYK) from North Yorkshire reseived near Hannover/Germany Receiver: Roberts expression with original antenna I heard also on CH. 12B BBC National DAB and on 10C BBC Wales, this on is over 900km from here
http://www.satnavsystems.com/main/universal-dab-digital-radio/ Our DAB radio tuner connects to your current car radio and is controlled by a small credit card sized remote control. A small antenna afixed to the windscreen provides reception for the DAB radio. The DAB receiver is installed behind the car radio and the only visible element will be the windscreen antenna. If you're looking for better quality sound and more choice from your radio then installing a DAB digital radio is the perfect solution. With more than 80 stations to choose from, depending on the area you live in, many stations that were only available on Medium Wave are now available crackle and hiss free on DAB. From classic to Rock and everything in between, there are stations to cater for all tastes and languages. DAB ...
9B - NivaaDAB - Nivå - 1kW - 335km 9D - DAB+ Noordwest - Jirnsum/Rijksweg - 17kW - 210km 11B - Humberside - Cave Wold - 2.4/2.5kW - 605km 11D - D1 National - several transmitters possible (not in this video) 12B - BBC National DAB - several transmitters possible 12B - SR Riks DAB - Malmö/Jägersrö - 4kW - 335km 12D - Leeds - most likely Emley Moor - 3.5/5kW - 680km 12D - Norge Riks - most likely Greipstad/Eidsavegen - 15kW - 485km 13A - Östafjells - most likely Skien/Vealos - 15kW - 600km (not in this video) 13F - Agder/Rogaland - most likely Greipstad/Eidsavegen - 15kW - 485km
Prežite spolu s National Geographic jeden deň života vo vnútri ľudského tela. Svetoví atléti aj rockové hviezdy nás prevedú zákutiami fungovanie nášho tela v každodennom živote od povrchu kože, cez kosti, mozog a všetko ostatné. Legendárne hlasivky Stevena Tylera nám dajú detailne nahliadnuť do procesu tvorby zvuku. Sila olympijského vzpierača, ladnosť gymnastu a vytrvalosť päťbojára ukazujú, ako sme schopní dosahovať veľké obratnosti a rýchlosti. Modrí anjeli amerického námorníctva dokazujú nevyhnutné spojenie krvi a mozgu. Pacienti, ktorí na čas stratili zrak a schopnosť pohybu poskytujú svedectvo o pozoruhodnej odolnosti a schopnosti regenrácie ľudského tela. Počas 10 000 žmurknutí, 20 000 nádychov, 100 000 úderov srdca uvidíte, aký úchvatný, prekvapivý a neuveriteľný je deň života ľuds...
BBC Presenter-Reporter Amandeep Bhangu | Current Affairs Documentary | Broadcast internationally | The UAE is often thought of in terms of oil wealth and conspicuous consumption. But the new name of the game is economic and cultural diversification. So is it really changing? Amandeep Bhangu examines by interviewing Emiratis and expats who work in the capital, Abu Dhabi.
BBC Documentary 2016 - North Korea and Kim Jong Un - Best Documentary Films. Please subscribe for more updates Subscribe Us: https://goo.gl/jeL2VR Follow on Google +: https://goo.gl/3a7p2E ------------------------------------------------- AZ Documentary TV is a youtube channel to collect all about documentary films such as: bbc documentary, history documentary, documentary national geographic, wild documentary, animal planet, and some amazing documentary .... ----------------------------------------- Thanks for watching ! https://youtu.be/61sjS2_wbbU
Aká je skutočná cena za lacné potraviny? To je ústredná otázka britského dokumentu, v ktorom autori poukazujú na zloženie lacných potravín a zároveň hladajú aternatívy pre výrobcov i pre zákazníkov. Veľké obchodné reťazce predávajú pod svojim vlastným logom superlacné potraviny. Čo v sebe vlastne obsahujú, z čoho sú zložené? Koľko percent mäsa je v šunkách či párkoch, koľko mliečnych látok je v jogurte či syre a koľko vody v mäse? Aké náklady by vznikli obchodným reťazcom, keby aspoň o niečo zlepšili kvalitu týchto "chutných" výrobkov? Verím, že počas sledovania tohto dokumentu prídete aj vy na mnohé nápady, ako skvalitniť svoj jedálny lístok s minimálnym zvýšením nákladov. Milujem svoje zdravie: www.fb.com/MilujemSvojeZdravie
Planeta Země v roce 2100 DOKUMENT CZ dokumenty cz dabing Dokument CZ HD dokumenty o ufo dokumenty cz dokumenty cz dabing dokumenty cz dabing 2014 dokument cz dokument cz sk Dokumentárny film dokument dokumenty national geographic cz dokumenty bbc ufo dokumenty 2014 dokumenty cz 2014 Viac dokumentov na: http://www.online-dokumenty.eu/
Capital XTRA for 21 minuttes. Received in Denmark on DAB channel 11D ensemble D1 National, with a very strong and stabile digital signal. Recorded with a Nokia N8 mobilephone. Receiver IRC IKR 1240. Antenna: Triax 13 element VHF K5-12. We don't have that kind of music/channels in Denmark, so this was a nice catch, an late thursday night.
My medieval sword A like would be awesome! Subscribe its free! the deadliest weapons of martial arts (documentary). thanks for watching history life discovery science technology tech learning education tlc national natur... the history of the united states secret service (documentary). thanks for watching. history life discovery science technology tech learning education nationa... Viking weapons and combat demonstration done by two blokes from the Higgins Armory Museum. Secrets of the Viking Sword - History Documentary The Vikings were among the fiercest warriors of all time. Yet only a select few carried the ultimate weapon... i dunno what to sayu about this one... secrets of the viking sword (documentary). thanks for watching. history life discovery science technology tech l...
When it comes to intelligence, we humans are clearly the most gifted animals around. But what make us so special? Is it our ability to make and use tools? To solve complex problems? Or plan for the future? It might seem that way, but today, researchers are discovering other creatures with impressive brains that have mastered all those skills. Surprisingly, many are bird brains. Crows bend and shape sticks to create custom-made spears for hunting grubs, and they are just one among a growing list of bird species whose impressive problem-solving abilities are shocking scientists and revolutionizing our understanding of animal intelligence. At the head of the class, we meet animals like Muppet, a cockatoo with a talent for picking locks; 007, a wild crow on a mission to solve an eight-step puz...