- published: 17 Apr 2011
- views: 4835436
Coordinates: 50°52′34″N 4°25′19″E / 50.87611°N 4.42194°E / 50.87611; 4.42194
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO /ˈneɪtoʊ/; French: Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique Nord; OTAN), also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949. The organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party. NATO's headquarters are located in Haren, Brussels, Belgium, where the Supreme Allied Commander also resides. Belgium is one of the 28 member states across North America and Europe, the newest of which, Albania and Croatia, joined in April 2009. An additional 22 countries participate in NATO's Partnership for Peace program, with 15 other countries involved in institutionalized dialogue programmes. The combined military spending of all NATO members constitutes over 70 percent of the global total. Members' defense spending is supposed to amount to 2 percent of GDP.
The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest of the world's oceanic divisions, following the Pacific Ocean. With a total area of about 106,400,000 square kilometres (41,100,000 sq mi), it covers approximately 20 percent of the Earth's surface and about 29 percent of its water surface area. The first part of its name refers to Atlas of Greek mythology, making the Atlantic the "Sea of Atlas".
The oldest known mention of "Atlantic" is in The Histories of Herodotus around 450 BC (Hdt. 1.202.4): Atlantis thalassa (Greek: Ἀτλαντὶς θάλασσα; English: Sea of Atlas). The term Ethiopic Ocean, derived from Ethiopia, was applied to the southern Atlantic as late as the mid-19th century. Before Europeans discovered other oceans, their term "ocean" was synonymous with the waters beyond the Strait of Gibraltar that are now known as the Atlantic. The early Greeks believed this ocean to be a gigantic river encircling the world.
The Atlantic Ocean occupies an elongated, S-shaped basin extending longitudinally between Eurasia and Africa to the east, and the Americas to the west. As one component of the interconnected global ocean, it is connected in the north to the Arctic Ocean, to the Pacific Ocean in the southwest, the Indian Ocean in the southeast, and the Southern Ocean in the south (other definitions describe the Atlantic as extending southward to Antarctica). The equator subdivides it into the North Atlantic Ocean and South Atlantic Ocean.
The Late Show may refer to:
The North Atlantic Treaty, signed in Washington, D.C. on 4 April 1949, is the treaty establishing the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
The treaty was signed in Washington on 4 April 1949 by a committee which was chaired by US diplomat Theodore Achilles. Earlier secret talks had been held at the Pentagon between 22 March and 1 April 1948, of which Achilles said:
According to Achilles, another important author of the treaty was John D. Hickerson:
The treaty was created with an armed attack by the Soviet Union against Western Europe in mind, but the mutual self-defense clause was never invoked during the Cold War. Rather, it was invoked for the first time in 2001 in response to the 11 September 2001 attacks against the World Trade Center and The Pentagon in Operation Eagle Assist.
The following twelve nations signed the treaty and thus became the founding members of NATO. The following leaders signed the agreement as plenipotentiaries of their countries in Washington D.C.:
Article Five may refer to:
NATO - Chor Javon Şarkının Sözleri : Dört yoldaş bir silah aldılar ve büyük ümitlerle yola çıktılar Baba oğullarını uyardı geleceğin tehlikede olduğuna dair bir işaret var tanrıdan Yoldaşlar babalarını dinlemediler ve ava gittiler Yıldırım ve şimşek vurdu Aniden geçitten bir çığ düştü Ve yoldaşları yuttu Kutsal adam hüzünlü bir cenaze duası okudu ve anne oğulları için yas tutarak başını taşlara vurdu Nato - Chorjavon şarkı sözü n.A.T.o. , (veya doğum adı ile: Natalya Shevlyakova) (d:1979,Tiflis - ö.-) Rus ve Gürcü kökenli Rusya vatandaşı şarkıcı. Genelde kliplerinde göründüğü üzere bir Müslüman gibi peçelidir. Tacikçe, Farsça ve Özbekçe dillerini çok iyi derecede bilmektedir ve o dillerde çeşitli şarkıları vardır. Yakını Ivan Shapovalov tarafından keşfedilmiştir. Şarkılar...
Aranžman: Adrian Boeckeler Epistra beats Podgorica 2017 TEKST: Sklopimo pakt, nek se zastave vijore, Za buduci napredak drzave Crne Gore Otvorimo poglavlja uz Nato integracije, Za veci prosperitet svake generacije.. Zivot je borba ja ga drzim pod konac, Vjeciti borac stari dobri Crnogorac, Standard vuce na bolje, pozivnica stize, Strane investicije sada su svima blize.. Sigurnost na dlanu biti nato clanica, Od vremena kad postali smo nezavisna, U svakoj recenici danas vidim zarez, Dosta je podjela, uclanimo se u savez.. Za bolje zivote svih nasih gradjana, U srcu Evropa nasih drzavljana, Budi dovoljno zreo jedno da shvatis, Pozivnicu pratis, uclanjenje da pamtis... Zasto Nato, Zato Nato Nato Nato x4 Zabranjeno je kopiranje, javno emitovanje i uplodovanje videa, na druge kanale, bez pr...
Şarkılarının teması genellikle savaş, barış, terörizm konulu olup dünyaya sosyal mesaj vermektir.
An investigative journalist has been interrogated by government national security forces and fired from her job for documenting and exposing covert CIA-NATO operations directly arming ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists- A covert operation involving NATO, CIA, U.S.-based Mega Arms Trafficker(s), A Shady U.S. Organization Ran by Well-Known Deep State Players, and much more. Watch this Newsbud exclusive breaking story and investigative report, including our exclusive interview with investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, a candid commentary by Sibel Edmonds, leaked documented evidence, and glaring direct connections to some of the biggest names and entities connected to the Deep State, and CIA-NATO Operation Gladio B. This is a preview of a Newsbud Community Members Exclusive. See Full Vi...
HMS Ocean left Devonport today to spend the rest of the year as flagship to a major NATO maritime group in the Mediterranean. http://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/news-and-latest-activity/news/2017/august/29/170829-ocean-deploys-as-nato-flagship
Consensus and consultation are part of NATO’s DNA. All member countries are represented in the North Atlantic Council, where decisions are take by consensus – meaning unanimously – expressing the collective will of all the nations. Watch the full length version of this video here: https://youtu.be/3vN4r2hg0Os ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ We are NATO. http://www.nato.int/wearenato ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SUBSCRIBE to this channel http://bit.ly/NATOsubscribe SUBSCRIBE to NATO News http://bit.ly/NATONewsSubscribe SUBSCRIBE to NATO History http://bit.ly/NATOHistorySubscribe Connect with NATO online: Visit the Official NATO Homepage: http://bit.ly/NATOhomepage Find NATO on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/NATOfacebook Follow @NATO on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/NATOtwitter Find NATO on Google+: http://bit.ly/NATOg...
Jmenuji se Marek Chlíbek. Věnuji se výuce metod přežití po kolapsu civilizace a technik dlouhodobě udržitelného skrytého života v drsné přírodě. Provozuji Army a Survival shop: http://www.Vlkodlak.cz , zaměřený speciálně na široký sortiment prověřené výstroje pro přežití. Tam nabízím i své knihy Záškodník a Vlkodlak, zaměřené na metody záškodnického boje a přežití v týlu nepřítele ruských jednotek Specnaz. Obsáhlejší materiály s touto tématikou píši pro svůj web: http://www.specnaz.cz Osobní facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chlibek Komunitní facebook: https://www.facebook.com/specnaz.cz/ Moje stránky o magii a mystice: http://www.chlibek.cz STINGER, dárek za nákup v mém armyshopu k dispozici zde: http://www.vlkodlak.cz/sebeobrana-security/obusky-tonfy/stinger-boxer-pro-poulicni-sebeobr...
Compilation of NATO's forces in action during heavy combat training and powerful military drills in European countries. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949. The organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defence in response to an attack by any external party. NATO's headquarters are located in Haren, Brussels, Belgium, where the Supreme Allied Commander also resides. Belgium is one of the 28 member states across North America and Europe, the newest of which, Albania and Croatia, joined in April 2009. An additional 22 countries participate in NATO's Partnership for Peace program, wit...
Handshakes that never end and shoving the Prime Minister of Montenegro had some world leaders chuckling amongst themselves. Subscribe To "The Late Show" Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/ColbertYouTube For more content from "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert", click HERE: http://bit.ly/1AKISnR Watch full episodes of "The Late Show" HERE: http://bit.ly/1Puei40 Like "The Late Show" on Facebook HERE: http://on.fb.me/1df139Y Follow "The Late Show" on Twitter HERE: http://bit.ly/1dMzZzG Follow "The Late Show" on Google+ HERE: http://bit.ly/1JlGgzw Follow "The Late Show" on Instagram HERE: http://bit.ly/29wfREj Follow "The Late Show" on Tumblr HERE: http://bit.ly/29DVvtR Watch The Late Show with Stephen Colbert weeknights at 11:35 PM ET/10:35 PM CT. Only on CBS. Get the CBS app for iPhone & iPad! ...
How Effective Is The United Nations? http://testu.be/1IPzO2N Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml Since its creation in 1949, NATO has had a major influence on international defense and geopolitics. So, with its 28 member countries, how powerful is NATO? Learn More: After Crimea, Sweden Flirts With Joining NATO http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/03/after-crimea-sweden-flirts-with-joining-nato/284362/ “It's a good time to have friends in Eastern Europe.” To understand Crimea, take a look back at its complicated history https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2014/02/27/to-understand-crimea-take-a-look-back-at-its-complicated-history/ “When President Viktor Yanukovych fled Kiev this week, it was tempting to assume that Ukraine's crisis was ov...
Brought to you by Desert Diamond: http://ddcaz.com BRUSSELS (AP) - President Donald Trump made no explicit mention of NATO's mutual defense pact on Thursday even as he spoke at a ceremony unveiling a memorial dedicated to it. Trump has so far refused to personally commit to abiding by Article 5. U.S., which commits allies to defend any of the 28 members that come under attack. But Press Secretary Sean Spicer says, "It goes without saying" that Trump's presence at the event underscores the White House's "commitments and treaty obligations." Trump spoke at the unveiling of a steel beam from the 107th floor of one of the World Trade Center towers at the new NATO headquarters in Brussels. It's intended as a reminder of NATO's commitment to its collective defense clause. Article 5 has only b...
http://RoteFahne.tv - Die NATO und ihre Geheimarmeen, Vorlesung von Historiker und Friedensforscher Dr. Daniele Ganser an der Universität Basel, 14.09.2009 Ein durch die NATO und die militärischen Geheimdienste koordiniertes Netzwerk von Geheimarmeen war bis zum Auseinanderfall der Sowjetunion in mehreren westeuropäischen Ländern in schwere Verbrechen verwickelt, darunter Mord, Folter, Staatsstreich und Terror. Dr. Daniele Ganser ist in seiner mehrjährigen Forschungsarbeit auf brisante Dokumente gestoßen: Sie belegen, dass die von den USA angeführte Militärallianz nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg in allen Ländern Westeuropas geheime Armeen aufgebaut hat, welche von den Geheimdiensten CIA und MI6 trainiert wurden. Artikel: http://RoteFahne.eu/2012/09/die-nato-dr-daniele-ganser/ Rote Fahne TV (...
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VSB defense: ➞ Website http://www.vsbdefense.com/ ➞ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/VSB-defense/1009042582444973?ref=hl -------------------------- The Life and Death of a Certain K. Zabriskie, Patriarch by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/vendaface/ Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
Operation Saber Strike is an annual international exercise held since 2010 by the United States Army Europe (USAREUR) focused on the Baltic States. The exercise spans multiple locations in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia and involves approximately 2,000 troops from 14 countries.
• Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed it! And if you did, subscribe! • Music: Thomas Bergersen - Empire of Angels (Sun) • Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/mpproductions10/ • Info about NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) - OTAN (l'Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord) The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO/OTAN), also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949. The organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party. NATO's headquarters are located in Haren, Brussels, Belgium, where the Supreme Allied Commander also resides. Belgium is one of the 28 member s...
In Vilnius, you can wander through the 13th-century Old Town, sample rustic Lithuanian fare and explore galleries and sleek boutiques. Produced by: Fritzie Andrade, Max Cantor, Chris Carmichael, Erika Lastovskyte, Will Lloyd and Sarah Brady Voll Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/1HkhFI0 Subscribe to the Times Video newsletter for free and get a handpicked selection of the best videos from The New York Times every week: http://bit.ly/timesvideonewsletter Subscribe on YouTube: http://bit.ly/U8Ys7n Watch more videos at: http://nytimes.com/video --------------------------------------------------------------- Want more from The New York Times? Twitter: https://twitter.com/nytvideo Instagram: http://instagram.com/nytvideo Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nytimes Google+: https://p...
Lapland is one of Europe's most pristine corners. Make sure you do it right by watching our Top Ten guide on Finland's greatest natural treasure. SUBSCRIBE for New travel videos every Tuesday! http://bit.ly/Vagabrothers VAGABROTHERS: We're Marko and Alex Ayling, brothers, backpackers, and bloggers on a mission to explore the world through its people. Winners of My Destination's global travel-video competition "The Biggest, Baddest, Bucket List" which paid us to travel the world for six months, checking off our travel bucket list and documenting the adventure on YouTube. See the full BBBTV web-series here: http://bit.ly/1kDkPtB WEB: http://www.vagabrothers.com INSTAGRAM: https://www.facebook.com/Vagabrothers SNAPCHAT & STORIE: @Vagabrothers TWITTER: https://twitter.com/vagabrothers F...
These little films are designed to whet the appetite of the undecided traveler and of all who long to escape their daily routine for a weekend in an exciting city. These “appetizers” take viewers to the main sightseeing destinations as well as to little-known attractions. Among the cities visited are Amsterdam, Antwerp, Dublin, Milan, Turin and Vienna, and there’s even an excursion to the popular island of Majorca. “Weekend” is the ideal pocket guide for everyone who itches to travel!
As Montenegro steps closer to joining NATO, we film with the country’s armed forces, showing the navy partnering with the United States on an exercise.
Milija Cabarkapa, 2nd Lieutenant in the Honour Guard of Montenegro, was one of the flag-raisers during the accession ceremony at NATO Headquarters on 7 June. He explains what the ceremony means to him and what becoming part of the NATO family means for his country. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ We are NATO. http://www.nato.int/wearenato ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SUBSCRIBE to this channel http://bit.ly/NATOsubscribe SUBSCRIBE to NATO News http://bit.ly/NATONewsSubscribe SUBSCRIBE to NATO History http://bit.ly/NATOHistorySubscribe Connect with NATO online: Visit the Official NATO Homepage: http://bit.ly/NATOhomepage Find NATO on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/NATOfacebook Follow @NATO on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/NATOtwitter Find NATO on Google+: http://bit.ly/NATOgoogleplus Find NATO on LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/NA...
Vilnius was so cool! Very different from anywhere I've been yet! ►SUBSCRIBE for new videos! http://goo.gl/OSFckF ►Be sure to like the video if you liked it! THANKS FOR WATCHING! This video took me nearly 2 months to get up, and for that I apologise. As you noticed, the video is 16 minutes long! It took ages to get each part done to a point where I just had no time! But I got it done and I hope you liked it! I really loved traveling alone! I usually travel with friends, but I enjoyed this vlog so much because of how I just got to explore by myself and experience it alone. It's nice sometimes. :) Dodie: http://www.youtube.com/doddleoddle Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/EvanEdinger Merch: http://www.fireflightmerch.com/collections/evan-edinger Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EvanEdi...
A star of the "Americans" TV series appeals to fellow Americans and US Senators on behalf of CNE.
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More films about Serbia: https://rtd.rt.com/search/?q=serbia Two journalists - one American, one Serbian - travel across the former Yugoslavia to explore the human cost of NATO's 1999 military campaign against Belgrade and the media onslaught against the Milosevic regime. Anissa Naouai and Jelena Milincic discover the very different ways the war was portrayed in the US and Serbia; and meet the people still traumatized by the 3-month bombing, even today. SUBSCRIBE TO RTD Channel to get documentaries firsthand! http://bit.ly/1MgFbVy FOLLOW US RTD WEBSITE: https://RTD.rt.com/ RTD ON TWITTER: http://twitter.com/RT_DOC RTD ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/RTDocumentary RTD ON DAILYMOTION http://www.dailymotion.com/rt_doc RTD ON INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/rt_documentary/ RTD LIVE https...
Montenegro is in the process of joining NATO. The country was invited to join the NATO Membership Action Plan in December 2009. At a meeting of the NATO foreign ministers on 2 December 2015, the Allies invited the country to start accession talks to join the Alliance. Montenegro actively supported the NATO-led operation in Afghanistan from 2010 to the end of 2014 and is now supporting the follow-on mission to train, advise and assist the Afghan security forces.
NATO is preparing Estonia for potential war with Russia by beefing up the country's cyber security and conducting rigorous military drills. But as Foreign Correspondent reporter Eric Campbell discovers, NATO is more a provocateur in the eyes of many ethnic Russians, who make up a quarter of Estonia’s population. Subscribe to Journeyman here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=journeymanpictures For similar stories, see: American NATO Troops Deployed to Eastern Europe after Russian Aggression https://youtu.be/EkcDPA9w12w Tallinn Tours - Estonia https://youtu.be/Y7V-gYlJNFY Moving the Memorial - Estonia https://youtu.be/EIwprBoUqJM Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/journeymanpictures Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JourneymanNews https://twitter.com...
Wandeling op zaterdag 22 oktober 2016
Join us as we visit Cape Town, South Africa in this travel guide on a mission to find the best things to do in Cape Town city. The Mother City is a melting pot of cultures, cuisines, landscapes to tickle your every fancy. From imposing Table Mountain to colorful Bo-Kaap to pristine Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens you'll find Cape Town appeals to the culture vulture, foodie and outdoor enthusiast in ways few other cities can. Cape Town is one of our favorite cities in the world and we're thrilled to show you why in this travel guide covering 30 things to do in Kaapstad / iKapa. 30 Things to do in Cape Town City Tour | South Africa Travel Guide Intro - 00:01 1) Table Mountain Aerial Cableway - cable car ride to Table Mountain - 00:38 2) Table Mountain National Park for views of Cape Tow...
http://www.expedia.com/Buenos-Aires.d178242.Destination-Travel-Guides Named for good sailing winds, Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina, and home to nearly a quarter of the country’s two million residents. Come for the stunning European architecture, and stay for delicious cuts of meat, the city’s zest for soccer, and, of course, the tango. “The Paris of South America” boasts outstanding shopping and a friendly populace. A tour of Buenos Aires should cut through La Boca Harbor, where you’ll find numerous street vendors, restaurants, and street dancers willing to give you a spin. Wander down the streets to take in colorful artwork, and make a game out of asking the locals what neighborhood you should tour next. Here’s a hint: with so much to see, everyone will give you a different a...
Much to the Kremlin's dismay, Montenegro became the 29th member of North Atlantic Treat Organization on June 5. But what influence will this agreement have on the fragile security situation in the Balkans? And why did Russian attempts to stir up tensions in Montenegro fail? Joining UATV to answer these questions and more was Alexander Khara from the Kyiv-based think tank 'Maidan of Foreign Affairs' https://www.mfaua.org/en _ Follow UATV English: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UATVEN Twitter: https://twitter.com/UATV_en Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uatv.en Medium: https://medium.com/@UATV_English
Orange County, California, is sandwiched between the vibrant metropolis of Los Angeles and the relaxed waves of San Diego. “OC,” as it’s called by locals, is a group of cities located along the Pacific coastline and inland. Begin your Orange County sightseeing with a history lesson. Mission San Juan Capistrano, located on the county’s southernmost tip, features the oldest Californian buildings in use today, and you can tour these almost any day of the week. Just a few years later and a few miles to the north, the sleepy town of Laguna Beach attracted new types of worshippers, namely sun and nature lovers. In the late 19th century, it became a playground for the vacationing wealthy. These days, Laguna Beach is full of hills, winding streets, and creative personalities, and is the perfect p...
Music City is amped for a comeback, driven by local creativity, entrepreneurship and a D.I.Y. attitude. Produced by: Fritzie Andrade, Max Cantor, Chris Carmichael and Will Lloyd Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/1w6K7GO Subscribe to the Times Video newsletter for free and get a handpicked selection of the best videos from The New York Times every week: http://bit.ly/timesvideonewsletter Subscribe on YouTube: http://bit.ly/U8Ys7n Watch more videos at: http://nytimes.com/video --------------------------------------------------------------- Want more from The New York Times? Twitter: https://twitter.com/nytvideo Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nytimes Google+: https://plus.google.com/+nytimes/ Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or cover...
NATO - Chor Javon Şarkının Sözleri : Dört yoldaş bir silah aldılar ve büyük ümitlerle yola çıktılar Baba oğullarını uyardı geleceğin tehlikede olduğuna dair bir işaret var tanrıdan Yoldaşlar babalarını dinlemediler ve ava gittiler Yıldırım ve şimşek vurdu Aniden geçitten bir çığ düştü Ve yoldaşları yuttu Kutsal adam hüzünlü bir cenaze duası okudu ve anne oğulları için yas tutarak başını taşlara vurdu Nato - Chorjavon şarkı sözü n.A.T.o. , (veya doğum adı ile: Natalya Shevlyakova) (d:1979,Tiflis - ö.-) Rus ve Gürcü kökenli Rusya vatandaşı şarkıcı. Genelde kliplerinde göründüğü üzere bir Müslüman gibi peçelidir. Tacikçe, Farsça ve Özbekçe dillerini çok iyi derecede bilmektedir ve o dillerde çeşitli şarkıları vardır. Yakını Ivan Shapovalov tarafından keşfedilmiştir. Şarkılar...
Aranžman: Adrian Boeckeler Epistra beats Podgorica 2017 TEKST: Sklopimo pakt, nek se zastave vijore, Za buduci napredak drzave Crne Gore Otvorimo poglavlja uz Nato integracije, Za veci prosperitet svake generacije.. Zivot je borba ja ga drzim pod konac, Vjeciti borac stari dobri Crnogorac, Standard vuce na bolje, pozivnica stize, Strane investicije sada su svima blize.. Sigurnost na dlanu biti nato clanica, Od vremena kad postali smo nezavisna, U svakoj recenici danas vidim zarez, Dosta je podjela, uclanimo se u savez.. Za bolje zivote svih nasih gradjana, U srcu Evropa nasih drzavljana, Budi dovoljno zreo jedno da shvatis, Pozivnicu pratis, uclanjenje da pamtis... Zasto Nato, Zato Nato Nato Nato x4 Zabranjeno je kopiranje, javno emitovanje i uplodovanje videa, na druge kanale, bez pr...
Şarkılarının teması genellikle savaş, barış, terörizm konulu olup dünyaya sosyal mesaj vermektir.
An investigative journalist has been interrogated by government national security forces and fired from her job for documenting and exposing covert CIA-NATO operations directly arming ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists- A covert operation involving NATO, CIA, U.S.-based Mega Arms Trafficker(s), A Shady U.S. Organization Ran by Well-Known Deep State Players, and much more. Watch this Newsbud exclusive breaking story and investigative report, including our exclusive interview with investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, a candid commentary by Sibel Edmonds, leaked documented evidence, and glaring direct connections to some of the biggest names and entities connected to the Deep State, and CIA-NATO Operation Gladio B. This is a preview of a Newsbud Community Members Exclusive. See Full Vi...
HMS Ocean left Devonport today to spend the rest of the year as flagship to a major NATO maritime group in the Mediterranean. http://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/news-and-latest-activity/news/2017/august/29/170829-ocean-deploys-as-nato-flagship
Consensus and consultation are part of NATO’s DNA. All member countries are represented in the North Atlantic Council, where decisions are take by consensus – meaning unanimously – expressing the collective will of all the nations. Watch the full length version of this video here: https://youtu.be/3vN4r2hg0Os ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ We are NATO. http://www.nato.int/wearenato ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SUBSCRIBE to this channel http://bit.ly/NATOsubscribe SUBSCRIBE to NATO News http://bit.ly/NATONewsSubscribe SUBSCRIBE to NATO History http://bit.ly/NATOHistorySubscribe Connect with NATO online: Visit the Official NATO Homepage: http://bit.ly/NATOhomepage Find NATO on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/NATOfacebook Follow @NATO on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/NATOtwitter Find NATO on Google+: http://bit.ly/NATOg...
Jmenuji se Marek Chlíbek. Věnuji se výuce metod přežití po kolapsu civilizace a technik dlouhodobě udržitelného skrytého života v drsné přírodě. Provozuji Army a Survival shop: http://www.Vlkodlak.cz , zaměřený speciálně na široký sortiment prověřené výstroje pro přežití. Tam nabízím i své knihy Záškodník a Vlkodlak, zaměřené na metody záškodnického boje a přežití v týlu nepřítele ruských jednotek Specnaz. Obsáhlejší materiály s touto tématikou píši pro svůj web: http://www.specnaz.cz Osobní facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chlibek Komunitní facebook: https://www.facebook.com/specnaz.cz/ Moje stránky o magii a mystice: http://www.chlibek.cz STINGER, dárek za nákup v mém armyshopu k dispozici zde: http://www.vlkodlak.cz/sebeobrana-security/obusky-tonfy/stinger-boxer-pro-poulicni-sebeobr...
Compilation of NATO's forces in action during heavy combat training and powerful military drills in European countries. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949. The organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defence in response to an attack by any external party. NATO's headquarters are located in Haren, Brussels, Belgium, where the Supreme Allied Commander also resides. Belgium is one of the 28 member states across North America and Europe, the newest of which, Albania and Croatia, joined in April 2009. An additional 22 countries participate in NATO's Partnership for Peace program, wit...
Handshakes that never end and shoving the Prime Minister of Montenegro had some world leaders chuckling amongst themselves. Subscribe To "The Late Show" Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/ColbertYouTube For more content from "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert", click HERE: http://bit.ly/1AKISnR Watch full episodes of "The Late Show" HERE: http://bit.ly/1Puei40 Like "The Late Show" on Facebook HERE: http://on.fb.me/1df139Y Follow "The Late Show" on Twitter HERE: http://bit.ly/1dMzZzG Follow "The Late Show" on Google+ HERE: http://bit.ly/1JlGgzw Follow "The Late Show" on Instagram HERE: http://bit.ly/29wfREj Follow "The Late Show" on Tumblr HERE: http://bit.ly/29DVvtR Watch The Late Show with Stephen Colbert weeknights at 11:35 PM ET/10:35 PM CT. Only on CBS. Get the CBS app for iPhone & iPad! ...
How Effective Is The United Nations? http://testu.be/1IPzO2N Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml Since its creation in 1949, NATO has had a major influence on international defense and geopolitics. So, with its 28 member countries, how powerful is NATO? Learn More: After Crimea, Sweden Flirts With Joining NATO http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/03/after-crimea-sweden-flirts-with-joining-nato/284362/ “It's a good time to have friends in Eastern Europe.” To understand Crimea, take a look back at its complicated history https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2014/02/27/to-understand-crimea-take-a-look-back-at-its-complicated-history/ “When President Viktor Yanukovych fled Kiev this week, it was tempting to assume that Ukraine's crisis was ov...
Brought to you by Desert Diamond: http://ddcaz.com BRUSSELS (AP) - President Donald Trump made no explicit mention of NATO's mutual defense pact on Thursday even as he spoke at a ceremony unveiling a memorial dedicated to it. Trump has so far refused to personally commit to abiding by Article 5. U.S., which commits allies to defend any of the 28 members that come under attack. But Press Secretary Sean Spicer says, "It goes without saying" that Trump's presence at the event underscores the White House's "commitments and treaty obligations." Trump spoke at the unveiling of a steel beam from the 107th floor of one of the World Trade Center towers at the new NATO headquarters in Brussels. It's intended as a reminder of NATO's commitment to its collective defense clause. Article 5 has only b...
http://RoteFahne.tv - Die NATO und ihre Geheimarmeen, Vorlesung von Historiker und Friedensforscher Dr. Daniele Ganser an der Universität Basel, 14.09.2009 Ein durch die NATO und die militärischen Geheimdienste koordiniertes Netzwerk von Geheimarmeen war bis zum Auseinanderfall der Sowjetunion in mehreren westeuropäischen Ländern in schwere Verbrechen verwickelt, darunter Mord, Folter, Staatsstreich und Terror. Dr. Daniele Ganser ist in seiner mehrjährigen Forschungsarbeit auf brisante Dokumente gestoßen: Sie belegen, dass die von den USA angeführte Militärallianz nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg in allen Ländern Westeuropas geheime Armeen aufgebaut hat, welche von den Geheimdiensten CIA und MI6 trainiert wurden. Artikel: http://RoteFahne.eu/2012/09/die-nato-dr-daniele-ganser/ Rote Fahne TV (...
Beat the competition with Study-IQ PEN DRIVE & TABLET courses, To Buy call 95-8004-8004 or 7291059476 or visit - www.studyiq.com Join TELEGRAM group of Study IQ - https://t.me/Studyiqeducation Follow Dr Gaurav Garg on Facebook - https://goo.gl/xqLaQm UPSC/IAS past papers questions - https://goo.gl/eqSWHC UPSC/IAS Burning Issues analysis- https://goo.gl/TLm98i Environment and Ecology for UPSC - goo.gl/NVLdMi SSC CGL + IBPS Quantitative tricks - https://goo.gl/4BBEXs English Vocabulary - https://goo.gl/G9e04H Reasoning tricks for Bank PO + SSC CGL- https://goo.gl/a68WRN Error spotting / Sentence correction https://goo.gl/6RbdjC Static GK complete- https://goo.gl/kB0uAo Complete GK + Current Affairs for all exams- https://goo.gl/MKEoLy World History - UPSC / IAS - https://goo.gl/kwU9jC ...
★★SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/hse9GJ ★★Google+: https://goo.gl/Bv7Tif ★★Facebook: https://goo.gl/ZwBaee ★★SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/hse9GJ ★★ Lưu ý: Kênh chúng tôi không hoàn toàn sở hữu tất cả tư liệu được sử dụng trong Video. Mọi thắc mắc về bản quyền vui lòng liên hệ bằng cách để lại lời nhắn và email bên dưới.
VSB defense: ➞ Website http://www.vsbdefense.com/ ➞ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/VSB-defense/1009042582444973?ref=hl -------------------------- The Life and Death of a Certain K. Zabriskie, Patriarch by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/vendaface/ Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
Operation Saber Strike is an annual international exercise held since 2010 by the United States Army Europe (USAREUR) focused on the Baltic States. The exercise spans multiple locations in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia and involves approximately 2,000 troops from 14 countries.
• Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed it! And if you did, subscribe! • Music: Thomas Bergersen - Empire of Angels (Sun) • Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/mpproductions10/ • Info about NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) - OTAN (l'Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord) The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO/OTAN), also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949. The organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party. NATO's headquarters are located in Haren, Brussels, Belgium, where the Supreme Allied Commander also resides. Belgium is one of the 28 member s...
http://RoteFahne.tv - Die NATO und ihre Geheimarmeen, Vorlesung von Historiker und Friedensforscher Dr. Daniele Ganser an der Universität Basel, 14.09.2009 Ein durch die NATO und die militärischen Geheimdienste koordiniertes Netzwerk von Geheimarmeen war bis zum Auseinanderfall der Sowjetunion in mehreren westeuropäischen Ländern in schwere Verbrechen verwickelt, darunter Mord, Folter, Staatsstreich und Terror. Dr. Daniele Ganser ist in seiner mehrjährigen Forschungsarbeit auf brisante Dokumente gestoßen: Sie belegen, dass die von den USA angeführte Militärallianz nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg in allen Ländern Westeuropas geheime Armeen aufgebaut hat, welche von den Geheimdiensten CIA und MI6 trainiert wurden. Artikel: http://RoteFahne.eu/2012/09/die-nato-dr-daniele-ganser/ Rote Fahne TV (...
Jmenuji se Marek Chlíbek. Věnuji se výuce metod přežití po kolapsu civilizace a technik dlouhodobě udržitelného skrytého života v drsné přírodě. Provozuji Army a Survival shop: http://www.Vlkodlak.cz , zaměřený speciálně na široký sortiment prověřené výstroje pro přežití. Tam nabízím i své knihy Záškodník a Vlkodlak, zaměřené na metody záškodnického boje a přežití v týlu nepřítele ruských jednotek Specnaz. Obsáhlejší materiály s touto tématikou píši pro svůj web: http://www.specnaz.cz Osobní facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chlibek Komunitní facebook: https://www.facebook.com/specnaz.cz/ Moje stránky o magii a mystice: http://www.chlibek.cz STINGER, dárek za nákup v mém armyshopu k dispozici zde: http://www.vlkodlak.cz/sebeobrana-security/obusky-tonfy/stinger-boxer-pro-poulicni-sebeobr...
Quelle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YuE6U15wr8 http://RoteFahne.tv Die NATO und ihre Geheimarmeen, Vorlesung von Historiker und Friedensforscher Dr. Daniele Ganser an der Universität Basel, 14.09.2009 Ein durch die NATO und die militärischen Geheimdienste koordiniertes Netzwerk von Geheimarmeen war bis zum Auseinanderfall der Sowjetunion in mehreren westeuropäischen Ländern in schwere Verbrechen verwickelt, darunter Mord, Folter, Staatsstreich und Terror. Dr. Daniele Ganser ist in seiner mehrjährigen Forschungsarbeit auf brisante Dokumente gestoßen: Sie belegen, dass die von den USA angeführte Militärallianz nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg in allen Ländern Westeuropas geheime Armeen aufgebaut hat, welche von den Geheimdiensten CIA und MI6 trainiert wurden. Schaut euch meine anderen Vid...
President Trump speech at Unveiling of the 9/11 and Article 5, and Berlin Wall Memorials. NATO meeting. May 25, 2017. Remarks President Trump at NATO meeting. President Trump at NATO meeting. President Trump NATO summit. Président Trump en Belgique. Bruxelles. #PresidentTrumpinBelgium #President Trump in Brussels #Brussels #Belgium Präsident Trump in Belgien. Präsident Trump Besuch in Belgien. Präsident Trump kommt in Belgien. El presidente de Trump en Bélgica. El presidente de Trump visitar en Bélgica. El presidente de Trump llega en Bélgica. הנשיא טראמפ בבלגיה. הנשיא טראמפ לבקר בבלגיה. הנשיא טראמפ מגיע בבלגיה. Presidente Briscola in Belgio. Presidente Trump visita in Belgio. Presidente Trump sbarca in Belgio. 장 트럼프는 벨기에에 있습니다. 장 트럼프를 방문하는 벨기에에 있습니다. 장 트럼프는 벨기에에 도착합니다. राष्ट्रपति ट...
Während die Massen aktuell auf ein sich bewegendes rundes Stück Leder starren, dem Public Viewing frönen und sich mit Brot & Spielen weiter entpolitisieren lassen, bereitet sich die NATO auf einen militärischen Konflikt mit Russland vor. Gigantische Truppenverbände werden zur Zeit an die russische Flanke der NATO verlegt. Was als Übung daherkommt, wird von Kriegsministerin Ursula von der Leyen als „Vorne-Präsenz“ verkauft. Die Masse pennt oder aber wird auf allen Kanälen und in allen Bereichen auf das Feindbild Russland eingeschworen. Entweder über den Hebel russische Hooligans, gedopte russische Sportler oder den russischen Präsidenten, der ein Demagoge sein muss, wenn er jetzt darauf hingewiesen hat, dass Russland sich weitere Provokationen nicht gefallen lassen wird. Die Deutsche Pol...
NATO is preparing Estonia for potential war with Russia by beefing up the country's cyber security and conducting rigorous military drills. But as Foreign Correspondent reporter Eric Campbell discovers, NATO is more a provocateur in the eyes of many ethnic Russians, who make up a quarter of Estonia’s population. Subscribe to Journeyman here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=journeymanpictures For similar stories, see: American NATO Troops Deployed to Eastern Europe after Russian Aggression https://youtu.be/EkcDPA9w12w Tallinn Tours - Estonia https://youtu.be/Y7V-gYlJNFY Moving the Memorial - Estonia https://youtu.be/EIwprBoUqJM Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/journeymanpictures Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JourneymanNews https://twitter.com...
Odo Puiu Events invites you to watch …. A Huge US Mistake ? Putin's Response To NATO Invasion In Eastern Europe. The Kremlin will have to respond to NATO's muscle flexing in Eastern Europe and the Baltics because Moscow sees it as a threat, Dr. Martin McCauley, Senior Lecturer at the University of London, told Radio Sputnik, commenting on the Pentagon's latest deployment to the region. On January 6, 87 Abrams M1A1 tanks, 20 Paladin artillery vehicles and 136 Bradley fighting vehicles arrived in the German port of Bremerhaven. The United States also plans to deploy 50 Black Hawk, 10 CH-47 Chinook and 24 Apache helicopters, as well as 2,200 personnel. The newly-arrived military equipment will be distributed across Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania for trai...
Remarks by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Charles Michel, Prime Minister of Belgium at the new NATO headquarters handover ceremony, 25 May 2017. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SUBSCRIBE to this channel http://bit.ly/NATONewsSubscribe SUBSCRIBE to NATO YouTube http://bit.ly/NATOsubscribe SUBSCRIBE to NATO History http://bit.ly/NATOHistorySubscribe ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Connect with NATO online: Visit the Official NATO Homepage: http://bit.ly/NATOhomepage Find NATO on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/NATOfacebook Follow @NATO on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/NATOtwitter Find NATO on Google+: http://bit.ly/NATOgoogleplus Find NATO on LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/NATOlinkedin Find NATO on Flickr: http://bit.ly/NATOflickr
In 1990, alarming evidence of NATO-sponsored terrorist attacks came to light. This is the shocking story of Operation Gladio; a tale of espionage, conspiracy and political violence. http://www.thedossier.info/ https://twitter.com/theDossier_info
Mr Richard D Hall of richplanet.net UFOs and NATO http://www.richplanet.net/starship_main.php?ref=175∂=1 Please visit Richard D Hall's website RICHPLANET.NET http://www.richplanet.net/starship.php to see all his past shows, and so much more, covering all types of alternate issues that the mainstream refuses to acknowledge. Richplanet TV: http://www.richplanet.net/index.php Fantastic work by Richard D Hall. A must watch! The phenomenon of animal mutilation is difficult to explain in conventional terms, and has been linked for decades with UFO's, because strange lights are sometimes witnessed in proximity to sites where animal carcases are found. But have human beings suffered similar attacks? This film attempts to answer this very controversial question. Rumours about human mutilation...
This is a fictional dramatization only and is not happening in fact. It is the work of a team of talented professionals and is not created or broadcast by the BBC. Our thanks to the many people who have contributed, and who have allowed their material to be used in this production. The purpose of this video is to highlight the terrible reality of nuclear conflict, and to illustrate how quickly it can happen and how utterly unprepared we all are for such a scenario. Our future lies in the decisions of unelected powerbrokers who have our lives, and those of our families, in their hands. We hope that global conflict can be resolved without the insanity of nuclear war ever happening.
This is a fictional dramatization only and is not happening in fact. It is the work of a team of talented professionals and is not created or broadcast by the BBC. Our thanks to the many people who have contributed, and who have allowed their material to be used in this production. The purpose of this video is to highlight the terrible reality of nuclear conflict, and to illustrate how quickly it can happen and how utterly unprepared we all are for such a scenario. Our future lies in the decisions of unelected powerbrokers who have our lives, and those of our families, in their hands. We hope that global conflict can be resolved without the insanity of nuclear war ever happening.
VSB defense: ➞ Website http://www.vsbdefense.com/ ➞ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/VSB-defense/1009042582444973?ref=hl -------------------------- Musics: Future Gladiator by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1200051 Artist: http://incompetech.com/ Big Rock - Take the Lead by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100305 Artist: http://incompetech.com/ Cephelopod - Cephelopod by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/li...
Nato: https://soundcloud.com/na-t0 https://nato-music.bandcamp.com/ Sahalé: https://soundcloud.com/sahaleprods https://sahale.bandcamp.com/ Enjoy. If any producer, artist, label, photographer ... has an issue with any music uploads or pictures please contact us and we will remove the material immediately. Contact us at: prefectlord@gmail.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/malagurski Podržite novi film Borisa Malagurskog: http://www.WeightOfChains.ca/3/ SEZONA 2 | EPIZODA 6 Gosti: Ivan Pernar, Vlade Radulović, Marko Milačić, Darko Trifunović Tema: Atlantske integracije Balkana i odnos prema NATO-u nakon izbora Donalda Trampa za predsednika SAD. Emisija „Globalno sa Borisom Malagurskim“ bavi se svetskim temama iz domaće perspektive i domaćim temama iz svetske perspektive, kroz diskusiju sa relevantnim stručnjacima iz našeg regiona, kao i intervjue sa stranim ekspertima širom sveta.
In this episode of Head to Head, Mehdi Hasan challenges Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the former Danish prime minister and former NATO chief, on the West's military alliance's role in Eastern Europe and the so-called War on Terror. We examine his record since assuming office in 2001, his role in the European support for the Iraq War and ask whether his NATO policies since 2009 have backfired. Is it the West, or Putin who calls the shots in Ukraine? Has NATO reignited the Cold War? Did it create a bigger problem in Libya? And did it botch its mission in Afghanistan? More from Head to Head on: YouTube - http://aje.io/4a46 Facebook - http://facebook.com/AJHeadToHead Twitter - http://twitter.com/AJHeadToHead Website - http://aljazeera.com/headtohead
Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show Follow Alex on TWITTER - https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones Like Alex on FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderEmerickJones Infowars on G+ - https://plus.google.com/+infowars/ :Web: http://www.infowars.com/ http://www.prisonplanet.com/ http://www.infowars.net/ :Subscribe and share your login with 20 friends: http://www.prisonplanet.tv http://www.InfowarsNews.com Visit http://www.InfowarsLife.com to get the products Alex Jones and his family trust, while supporting the growth of our expanding media operation. [http://bit.ly/2dhnhbS] Biome Defense™ [http://bit.ly/2bnEj91] Bio-True Sel...
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/malagurski Podržite novi film Borisa Malagurskog: http://www.WeightOfChains.ca/3/ SEZONA 2 | EPIZODA 29 Gosti: Marko Milačić, Aleksandar Radić, Vladislav Dajković. Tema: Ulazak Crne Gore u NATO. Emisija „Globalno sa Borisom Malagurskim“ bavi se svetskim temama iz domaće perspektive i domaćim temama iz svetske perspektive, kroz diskusiju sa relevantnim stručnjacima iz našeg regiona, kao i intervjue sa stranim ekspertima širom sveta.
smiling in thier faces
while filling up the hole
so many dirty little places
in your filthy little worn out
broken down see through soul
baby's got a problem
tries so hard to hide
got to keep it on the surface
because everything else is dead on the other side
teeth in the necks of everyone you know
you can keep on sucking until the blood won't flow
when it starts to hurt it only helps it grow
taking all you need
(but not this time)
no, you don't
and just for the record
just so you know
I did not believe
that you could sink so low
you think that you can beat them
I know that you won't
you think you have everything
but no, you don't
no, you don't
no, you don't
no, you don't