- published: 19 Feb 2014
- views: 254064
Ginkgo biloba, known as ginkgo or as the maidenhair tree, is the only living species in the division Ginkgophyta, all others being extinct. It is found in fossils dating back 270 million years. Native to China, the tree is widely cultivated and was introduced early to human history. It has various uses in traditional medicine and as a source of food. The genus name Ginkgo is regarded as a misspelling of the Japanese gin kyo, "silver apricot".
The species was initially described by Carl Linnaeus in 1771, the specific epithet biloba derived from the Latin bis, "two" and loba, "lobed", referring to the shape of the leaves. Two names for the species recognise the botanist Richard Salisbury, a placement by Nelson as Pterophyllus salisburiensis and the earlier Salisburia adiantifolia proposed by James Edward Smith. The epithet of the latter may have been intended to denote a characteristic resembling Adiantum, the genus of maidenhair ferns.
The relationship of ginkgo to other plant groups remains uncertain. It has been placed loosely in the divisions Spermatophyta and Pinophyta, but no consensus has been reached. Since its seeds are not protected by an ovary wall, it can morphologically be considered a gymnosperm. The apricot-like structures produced by female ginkgo trees are technically not fruits, but are seeds that have a shell consisting of a soft and fleshy section (the sarcotesta), and a hard section (the sclerotesta).
Para que sirve el ginkgo biloba - Propiedades y beneficios del ginkgo biloba. Es una de las plantas más antiguas que se han utilizado en la medicina herbal y natural. Sin embargo, esta planta se sabe que crece sólo en partes de Asia, por lo que se utiliza en China en la medicina tradicional y la cocina. Afortunadamente los beneficios del Ginkgo Biloba ahora se están haciendo comunes en todo el mundo y las ventajas que puede aportar el consumo están siendo vistos por el mundo. Sin embargo, un gran número de beneficios del Ginkgo Biloba aún permanecen desconocidos y por descubrir. Éstos son algunos de los beneficios que debes conocer. Para que sirve el ginkgo biloba - Propiedades y beneficios del ginkgo biloba - Tomado por vía oral el Gingko Biloba se sabe que tiene propiedades que pueden...
El gingkgo biloba es una planta de origen chino, utilizada como antioxidante que elimina radicales libres que habitan en las células, ademas estimula la circulación de la sangre, mejora la memoria, disminuye inflamaciones en las piernas, entre otros beneficios que nos da a conocer el Doctor Rubén Dario Quintero, especialista en terapia alternativa.
Las propiedades del Ginkgo Biloba, conoce aquí los beneficos del Gimkgo Biloba. http://lasdietassaludables.com En este vídeo descubrirás los secretos del Ginkgo Biloba. El Ginkgo Biloba es un árbol milenario originario de Asia. Las propiedades del Ginkgo Biloba son realmente increíbles para la salud y por ello, es muy utilizado. ***************************** Otro video relacionado de la serie hierbas medicinales: http://youtu.be/5bMzS3L9yMU Suscribete a nuestro Canal (Subscribe): https://www.youtube.com/user/LaHierbasMedicinales Encuentranos en FacebooK: https://www.facebook.com/ladietasaludable Comparte nuestro video: http://youtu.be/3nyNBO3ifHY ******************** El Ginkgo Biloba es una de las plantas medicinales más conocidas, originario de China, este longevo árbol se ha converti...
The ginkgo biloba tree and its leaves have been studied extensively in the past several decades as one of the top super herbs for improving cognitive functions, especially in those with aged-related neurodegenerative diseases. Referred to as yín xìng in Chinese medicine, the leaves of the ginkgo tree have long been used by herbalists for their effects as a brain tonic helpful for improving memory and the ability to concentrate. As a blood vessel dilator, it works directly with the circulatory system to increase oxygen supply to the brain. Learn more about specific constituents, like flavonoid glycosides and terpene lactones, and also how to harvest your own fresh ginkgo leaves. Herb Pharm Ginkgo Bacopa, 60 count - http://bit.ly/1c8il7O Herb Pharm's Ginkgo/Ginkgo biloba 1 oz - http://bit...
The video shows you Ginkgo Biloba benefits and side effects. It also tells you about herb Ginkgo Biloba, mainly cultivated in China. Ginkgo Biloba is a medicinal plant. After watching this video you will become aware about different properties of ginkgo biloba as well as ginkgo biloba benefits. ginkgo biloba, ginkgo biloba benefits, ginkgo biloba review, gingko biloba, ginkgo biloba side effects, ginko biloba, ginkgo, kinko biloba, ghinko biloba, benefits of ginkgo biloba, ginnkgo biloba, q es el ginkgo biloba, gingko biloba in wisconsin, ginkgo biloba plant, gingko biloba benifits, phylogeny of ginkgo biloba, gingko side effects, linden tree flower benefits or side effects, how to takecare a ginkgo tree, gingo biloba, Ginkgo Biloba production, ginko biloba plantation, benefits of ginkgo,...
You've heard that Ginkgo biloba supplements can improve memory, and may decrease Alzheimer's risk. So can you believe the hype? http://mental.healthguru.com/
http://utahtexans.com/ Click on the above link for a free guide on how not to get cheated when purchasing supplements. This video talks about why ginkgo biliba is such a helpful herb. It also goes over some of the negatives with using ginkgo that might surprise you.
Ginkgo Biloba. Todas su propiedades medicinales, efectos adversos y como debemos tomarlo para tratar problemas vasculares leves. Podéis encontrar más información o comprar Ginkgo Biloba en: http://www.farmacialanucia.es/arkocapsulas-ginkgo-200-capsulas-p-651.html Puedes seguirnos en: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/farmacialanucia Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/farmacialanucia Instagram: https://instagram.com/farmacialanucia ---------------------------------------------- La ESCOP (European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy) y la Comisión Europea aprueba únicamente la utilización del extracto seco hidroacetónico para las indicaciones siguientes: - Síndromes de demencia incluidos demencia degenerativa primaria, demencia vascular y formas intermedias de ambas, que cursan con dé...