The Problem With Inequality, According to Adam Smith

Edit The Atlantic 09 Jun 2016
Adam Smith, the purported founding father of laissez-faire capitalism, who is widely thought to have advocated unbridled greed and selfishness in the name of allowing the invisible hand of the market to work its magic ... These are the problems that Obama identified in his speech, and the ones that have been highlighted by academics ranging from Thomas Piketty to Joseph Stiglitz to Robert Putnam ... It undermines both morality and happiness....

America’s Plutocrats Have Much to Gain from Sanders’ Platform

Edit Alternet 06 Jun 2016
The super-rich need socialism much more than they think. Since the Great Recession began almost a decade ago, the growing divide between the richest Americans and everyone else has become increasingly apparent in the United States and around the world ... The reality is strikingly different. The top 20 percent of U.S ... As renowned economist Joseph Stiglitz writes in his 2012 essay, “The 1 Percent’s Problem. ...  Related Stories....

Globalization’s True Believers Are Having Second Thoughts

Edit Time Magazine 03 Jun 2016
The IMF, after all, has been the primary vehicle for spreading Western, neoliberal economics to emerging markets over the last 40 years ... Not surprisingly, the paper raised eyebrows ... The paper’s ideas aren’t new–people like former World Bank chief economist Joseph E. Stiglitz have been arguing for years that emerging markets shouldn’t be copying neoliberal policies wholesale ... ....

How Europe Can Alleviate Its Migrant Crisis — and Save Itself

Edit New York Magazine 02 Jun 2016
Consider two pieces of bad news that have come out of Europe of late. The first is that the continent is growing more slowly than economists thought, and they expect its growth to slow down yet further this year. “It’s almost a lost decade,” Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel prize–winning economist, ... More » ... ....

As voters welcome Japan’s tax-hike delay, experts warn on costs

Edit Japan Times 01 Jun 2016
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s expected decision to shelve the planned second stage of the consumption tax hike may be a crowd-pleaser ahead of an Upper House election next month. Few people like paying more tax. However, experts are divided. Economists such as Nobel laureates Joseph Stiglitz and Paul Krugman urged Abe to delay the hike appeared first on The Japan Times. > ... ....

Doherty welcomes Irish application to join Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (Sinn Féin)

Edit Public Technologies 31 May 2016
(Source. Sinn Féin). 31 May, 2016 - by Pearse Doherty TD. Sinn Féin Finance Spokesperson Pearse Doherty TD has said he has welcomed the confirmation from Minister Michael Noonan that Ireland has applied to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) ... Deputy Doherty said. ... Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz has praised the AIIB and called on States to join it despite what was perceived as American objections ... Note ... QUESTION NO. 233....

It's all about the economy and it's not good news

Edit The National 30 May 2016
A different story. In response to Republican candidate Donald Trump's "Make America great again" rhetoric, Mrs Clinton declares. "America never stopped being great." ... As economics Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz recently explained. "In the first three years of the recovery, 91 per cent of all gains went to the top 1 per cent ... Because most Americans had little stake in the stock market, Mr Stiglitz called it another "gift to the 1 per cent"....

Is Switzerland about to introduce a universal basic income?

Edit New Statesman 29 May 2016
A referendum on 5 June, triggered by a 100,000-strong petition, will determine whether the country transforms its welfare state with a monthly no-obligations cash handout available to all. " data-adaptive-image-768-img="" data-adaptive-image-1024-img="" data-adaptive-image-max-img=""> ... Not exactly Kafka-esque, it moves slowly but rationally ... *** ... Photo ... Both Yanis Varoufakis and Joseph Stiglitz have voiced approval ... *** ... Who benefits?. ***....

Are we witnessing the beginning of the end of globalization? By Murray Dobbin

Edit Information Clearing House 28 May 2016
The ads were expensive, but easily afforded by Canada's 160 largest public corporations, who paid for them as the Business Council on National Issues ... and the U.S ... It takes an accumulation of unlikely suspects breaking with the consensus before that happens and we have already seen some high-profile defectors from the TPP -- including Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz, economist Jeffrey Sachs and in Canada RIM co-founder Jim Balsillie....

Are We Witnessing the Beginning of the End of Globalization?

Edit CounterPunch 27 May 2016
Opponents won the hearts and minds battle but lost the 1988 election on the issue thus making Canada and the US “free trade” guinea pigs ... Canada lost some 270,000 jobs as a direct result ... It takes an accumulation of unlikely suspects breaking with the consensus before that happens and we have already seen some from the TPP – including Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz, economist Jeffrey Sachs and in Canada RIM co-founder Jim Balsillie ... ....

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Holds 80th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Edit Public Technologies 26 May 2016
Joseph J.Y SUNG, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK presided at the Congregation and conferred honorary degrees on Prof ... Joseph E. STIGLITZ, internationally-acclaimed economist and 2001 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, in recognition of their outstanding contributions to research and society ... Joseph E....

war games with Russia and the cosmopolitan cool of Monte Carlo

Edit The National 26 May 2016
newslide. Making Monte Carlo by Mark Braude. Everyone is familiar with Monte Carlo as the playground of the rich. But how did it get to be this way? This book charts the history of how the city developed from the first casino resort in the 19th century to the epitome of cosmopolitan cool. (Simon and Schuster, April 12). newslide. 2017 War With Russia by Richard Shirreff ... (Coronet, May 19). newslide ... newslide ... The Euro by Joseph Stiglitz....

Group of 7 seeks way forward for aging, faltering economies

Edit San Francisco Chronicle 25 May 2016
At a pre-summit meeting in northern Japan's Sendai, finance ministers and central bank governors of the G-7 failed to concur on a coordinated approach to fighting what Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz calls the "Great Malaise." ... After more than three years, Abenomics is viewed mainly as a "marketing slogan," said Kenneth S. Courtis, chairman of Starfort Holdings and a former Asia vice chairman at Goldman Sachs Group Inc ... ....