- published: 24 Feb 2014
- views: 3689125
Silicon Valley refers to the southern part of the San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California in the United States. The region is home to many of the world's largest technology corporations. The term originally referred to the region's large number of silicon chip innovators and manufacturers, but eventually came to refer to all the high-tech businesses in the area; it is now generally used as a metonym for the American high-tech sector. Despite the development of other high-tech economic centers throughout the United States and the world, Silicon Valley continues to be the leading hub for high-tech innovation and development, accounting for one-third (1/3) of all of the venture capital investment in the United States. Geographically, the Silicon Valley encompasses all of the Santa Clara Valley including the city of San Jose (and adjacent communities), the southern Peninsula Valley, and the southern East Bay.
The term Silicon Valley was coined by Ralph Vaerst, a successful Central California entrepreneur. Its first published use is credited to Don Hoefler, a friend of Vaerst's, who used the phrase as the title of a series of articles in the weekly trade newspaper Electronic News. The series, entitled "Silicon Valley in the USA," began in the paper's issue dated January 11, 1971. Valley refers to the Santa Clara Valley, located at the southern end of San Francisco Bay, while Silicon refers to the high concentration of companies involved in the semiconductor (silicon is used to create most semiconductors commercially) and computer industries that were concentrated in the area. These firms slowly replaced the orchards which gave the area its initial nickname, the Valley of Heart's Delight.
Silicon Valley Season 1: Trailer (HBO)
Silicon Valley Season 3: Episode #9 Preview (HBO)
Silicon Valley Season 3: Episode #8 Preview (HBO)
Welcome to Silicon Valley
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Silicon Valley Takes on Silicon Valley: Inside HBO’s Hit Show - FULL CONVERSATION
At home, Friday night, and I'm checkin' out the Playboy Channel
But it might be too much for me to handle
€˜Cause I start to drool as she's gettin' undressed
I see a beautiful woman with a speed bump on her chest
Yo, what the Hell, who's idea was that
Those things look defective, she should take €˜em back
I'm sick of it, this ain't what I paid for at all
If I wanted fake breasts I would have bought a Barbie doll
Why would a woman do something that drastic
Lookin' like a mannequin, rigid and plastic
Don't deny it, that's a design
Of the ACME Inflatable Bustline
To the untrained eye, yo, they may look fine
But to a pervert like me, yo, they're easy to find
I can pick out the point where the breast begins
Like she's hiding two basketballs under her skin
Big or small it doesn't matter at all
As long as they're not made from a silicon ball
Fake breasts don't bounce, don't move, don't try
So you'd better be careful, you might lose an eye
Eighty-four, twenty-four, thirty-four, please no more
They're so big they don't fit out the door
Artificially implanted sex appeal
I'm givin' new meaning to the phrase €œget real€?
(€œDo you like boobs a lot?€?) More than you know
But I don't like pizza made of play-dough
Are those things real? My oh my
Or did an animal crawl up your shirt and die
How much did you pay for what we see
Did it come with a thirty year warrantee
Did you have the choice of size, shape and design
You made your points, I just made mine