- published: 10 Jan 2013
- views: 30230
In mathematics, a real number is a value that represents a quantity along a continuous line. The adjective real in this context was introduced in the 17th century by Descartes, who distinguished between real and imaginary roots of polynomials.
The real numbers include all the rational numbers, such as the integer −5 and the fraction 4/3, and all the irrational numbers, such as √2 (1.41421356…, the square root of 2, an irrational algebraic number). Included within the irrationals are the transcendental numbers, such as π (3.14159265…, a transcendental number). Real numbers can be thought of as points on an infinitely long line called the number line or real line, where the points corresponding to integers are equally spaced. Any real number can be determined by a possibly infinite decimal representation, such as that of 8.632, where each consecutive digit is measured in units one tenth the size of the previous one. The real line can be thought of as a part of the complex plane, and complex numbers include real numbers.
Real Number System
Classifying Real Numbers
Mathematics - Real Numbers - Lesson 1
Real Numbers ncert class 10 chapter 1 part 1 OF 5 (in Hindi+English)
Sets of Numbers - Natural, Whole, Integers, Rational, Irrational, Real
The Real Number System
"Jacobs real number"!!!!
Maths Real Numbers part 1 (Real number System) CBSE class 10 Mathematics X
Solving Equations in the Real Number System (Factoring)
Algebra2go Beginning Algebra Video Series. The real number line.
We are going to discuss about Real Number System in this Mathematics First Lesson
Get New videos by clicking the link below http://goo.gl/forms/PAMxzDgEC2 Real Numbers ncert class 10 chapter 1 part 1 OF 5 (in Hindi+English) Ncert videos, ncert lectures, ncert videos in hindi, ncert physics class 11, ncert chemistry class 12, ncert lectures in hindi,ncert class 10 science, ncert class 9 maths, ncert class 9 science, cbse , cbse channel, cbse class 12 physics practicals, cbse class x maths, cbse class x science, cbse class ix maths, cbse class 12 physics, cbse india, cbse class 11 physics practicals, Maths, maths tricks for fast calculation, maths shortcuts for competitive exams, maths tricks, maths puzzles, maths games, maths puzzles, maths magic, maths tricks for fast calculation in hindi, maths tricks for competitive exams, Vedic maths, vedic maths tricks, vedic m...
Learn more about the real number system. Understand more about rational, irrational, whole, and natural numbers. Make sure you are ready for your exam. Visit: http://www.mometrix.com/academy/the-real-number-system/ Subscribe to more free test preparation videos: http://bit.ly/1dJH1yb Follow Mometrix Academy on Pinterest: http://bit.ly/1hZE2Jj Review our free test prep directory: http://bit.ly/1hZE2Jj Learn more About Us: http://bit.ly/1ewIADC #MometrixAcademy #theRealNumberSystem
Maths Real Numbers part 1 (Real number System) CBSE class 10 Mathematics X
In this video, we talk about: *Solving Equations in the real number system by factoring. Remember to first find the GCF (if possible) and then use any method to factor: AM, AC, Grouping, DOTS. NOTE: On problem #3, I switched my numbers :( but it worked when I fixed it on the spot :) ... Hope you can still find this video helpful. Stay tuned for more!!
Hope you guys liked this video. It was more of a comedic video so don't take it seriously. Instagram: @Cameron_is_me_ Twitter: @cameronGilbert_
For more math help, visit www.tnlearn.org Email your problem to mathline@tnlearn.org TNLearn:Mathline is an educational call-in show with host Ernie Roberts and other qualified guest teachers providing callers with answers to their math problems. The show is broadcast live accepting calls Monday through Thursday, 6 - 6:30 pm EST and 5 - 5:30 pm CST. Friday shows are specialized segments which focus on themed math topics, explored in depth and broadcast in the same time frame. During the live shows, Roberts answers relevant questions with a common core influence, helping facilitate a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.
The number Is +4915222372011 unbeliveable wow !!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally found the number with phone guy
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
How to represent square root of a number on the real number line
Today we will discover the power of clickbate
Real Analysis by Prof. S.H. Kulkarni, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
I define and discuss Real Numbers their subsets of Rational Numbers, Integers, Whole Numbers, Natural Numbers, and finally Irrational Numbers. I finish with Inequalities and the Number line at 23:53
IIT JEE Main and Advanced Mathematics Video Lectures and Study Material developed by highly experienced and dedicated faculty team of Rao IIT Academy. Visit http://www.raoiit.com or email studentcare@raoiit.com for any query or doubt related to your IIT JEE Preparation. Want to be the Topper ??? Learn Basic Mathematics (Introduction to Number System & Properties of Real Numbers) from Rao IIT Academy. Prepare for your Boards and New IIT-JEE Pattern - JEE Main and JEE Advanced / MH-CET / BITSAT / VIT / SRM / Manipal and other Competitive Exams with Rao IIT Academy. ...................................... Subscribe to Rao IIT Academy YouTube channel - http://www.youtube.com/RaoIITAcademy Like us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Raoiit Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/rao_iit...
Lecture series on Mathematics-1 by Prof S.K.Ray, Department of Mathematics and Statistics IIT Kanpur For more details on NPTEl, visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
Get New videos by clicking the link below http://goo.gl/forms/PAMxzDgEC2 Real Numbers ncert class 10 chapter 1 part 2 OF 5 (in Hindi+English) Ncert videos, ncert lectures, ncert videos in hindi, ncert physics class 11, ncert chemistry class 12, ncert lectures in hindi,ncert class 10 science, ncert class 9 maths, ncert class 9 science, cbse , cbse channel, cbse class 12 physics practicals, cbse class x maths, cbse class x science, cbse class ix maths, cbse class 12 physics, cbse india, cbse class 11 physics practicals, Maths, maths tricks for fast calculation, maths shortcuts for competitive exams, maths tricks, maths puzzles, maths games, maths puzzles, maths magic, maths tricks for fast calculation in hindi, maths tricks for competitive exams, Vedic maths, vedic maths tricks, vedic m...
Get New videos by clicking the link below http://goo.gl/forms/PAMxzDgEC2 REAL NUMBERS ncert class 10 chapter 1 part 3 OF 5 (in Hindi+English) Ncert videos, ncert lectures, ncert videos in hindi, ncert physics class 11, ncert chemistry class 12, ncert lectures in hindi,ncert class 10 science, ncert class 9 maths, ncert class 9 science, cbse , cbse channel, cbse class 12 physics practicals, cbse class x maths, cbse class x science, cbse class ix maths, cbse class 12 physics, cbse india, cbse class 11 physics practicals, Maths, maths tricks for fast calculation, maths shortcuts for competitive exams, maths tricks, maths puzzles, maths games, maths puzzles, maths magic, maths tricks for fast calculation in hindi, maths tricks for competitive exams, Vedic maths, vedic maths tricks, vedic m...
This lecture introduces some painful realities which cast a long shadow over the foundations of modern analysis. We study the problem of trying to define real numbers via infinite decimals from an algorithmic/constructive/computational point of view. There are many advantages of trying to do this: historically this was the point of view towards decimals like sqrt(2) or pi or e, and this provides us with tools to define and evaluate infinite series, functions and integrals. However in reality the idea bumps against seemingly unsurmountable technical obstacles: the difficulties in defining algorithms and implementing arithmetical operations at this level, non-uniqueness of algorithms and corresponding ambiguity in recognizing equality of real numbers, and a vagueness or tautological asp...
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