Sanitary Sewer Lincoln Park MI clip 4 Ferris & Marion 3.9.12 done by Liquiforce
On 3-9-12 Liquiforce cleaned Sanitary Sewer
System for Sts.
Marion, Montie, Cicotte. Upon completion gave city
DPS Dept.
Head written report. Indicate structual fatigue, localized deformation due to load overburden, loss of soil side support or combination of both; in one section and stuctual fatigue,pipe deformation in another section and recommend rehabitaion of 5 areas to be rehabilitated using cured in place pipe prior to future pipe deterioration.In section from 92&94 and from 94,95,96 I see what is termed pipe belly where private lines are fallen in due to city pipesection dropping and misaligned. DPS Dept. Head says no to rehab. and would make comments to the contrary that the city system is not the cause on why my basement has been flooding for 27 yrs. and not acknowleding approx. 15 others homes have flooded many, many times when I canvassed the block in
the summer. DPS Dept. Head alledges my situation is a single incident which is not true as I have proof other homes have flooded.
Sure some of the residnt many not have been as vigilant in documenting as I have and every time I could I had DPS staff at my door telling me they cleared the blockage, which I know because I can see the water receded or ceasing to come up. I have had coulcilperson come out and I show them my basement and they see the water coming up or see when DPS opens the manhole it is full to the top with water.
Rain and snowmelt is the worst as manholes (5) over 70 yrs. old and the interior made of mortar and bricks are falling apart and these manholes are collecting rain/snowmelt causing the debris that is in the manholes float up into the city pipeline causing obstructions and part of the system is collecting dirt due to the complete failure of the section near 95. The pressure I put on the city of
Lincoln Park to conduct this inspection was due to my complaint directly to
City Hall as last flooding I netted 10,
000 gal. my sump pump ran for 5 hrs. before DPS personnel was able to clear the blockage between 95 and 96. By coincidence is same area I have made services calls for 27 yrs. and the place to find the blockage and miraclously they do and the water ceases to come up floor drains or if it was standing water of 18-20 inches it immediately began to drain out. As prior to
2010 I did not have a sump pump, and I had water as high as 20 inces of standing water, sewage and stormwater that would ruin everything, furnace caught on fire once, loss of washing machine, dryer, and hot water tanks
. In the first to second incident you really lose things that mean the most to you, childhood memotos, yearbooks, photos, etc.
City DPS Dept. Head says no to rehab and city of Lincoln Park does not maintain properly this system and is on notice that I have had it with my basement flooding and being used as a catch basin for their failure to keep this system free and clear of blockages. Just the loss of not being able to use my basement has made me sick with stress and the thought of contaimation and the air from the basement blowing through the house especially in the winter when everything is closed up. Even now, my husband will do the laundry and bring it up to me. What I need is for a company to in and sanitize everything professionally, but I cannot afford that to do done. My husband has done the best he can all the times since he came into the picture in
1999 but in
2011 he had a heart attack and triple bypass and for either one of use to hae to endure another back up just the fear of when it is going to happen again I can only shake my head and try to not let it consume me. Between the poor condition of the citypipe line and the manholes causing debris back in the system and collecting rain/snowmelt burdening an already fail system and that my private line pushing forward is due to their section dropping. This has caused my line to still be fully intact and
I am alledging this is due to the city failure to keep it maintained and can see in the other clips the same thing is happening to other resident private line where Liquiforce did not remove the tree roots around their openings.I have no problem with my line other than when the city line has had some blockage or obstruction. It took Liquiforce
4.5 hrs. to clear out the broken pipe, cement, tree roots having to inch by inch break up the cement while clearing tree roots and vegation growth inside the top of pipeline for approx. 90 ft. from 92 to 94 where the first obstrution was as the pipe connecting at 94 was all broken not allowing any of the sewage and caused 94 to fill up on 1.17.12 when I pumped out 10,000 gal. and DPS is still trying to say they had no obstructions and if I fixed my private line I would not have any problems.