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Tjenare kungen (2005) : Annoying characters

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Fri Mar 10 2006 18:48

Annoying characters

*Tiny spoilers perhaps* (but who cares)

God damn. Are you supposed to have empathy for the loser characters in this movie or something? From the first moment to the last of this movie I hated the trendy, insecure, compulsive liar who was the lead character. I've seen in reviews of this movie that people actually like this character, and that she is "strong" and so on. Strong? She does nothing other than lie to fit in and she is afraid to have an opinion of her own through the whole movie.

And everyone else in the movie? Sucking somebody's dick for a gig in a little club in a small city like Gothenburg? The people who made this movie know nothing about any music scene at all, and it really shows.

The premise of this movie is that punks in the 80's were all trendy *beep*. Gee, these girls are all really PUNK and Anarchy and FU CK but as soon as there's a guy in sight they act like sissies and all they want is a boyfriend and to be loved, and they start to fight about it (i.e. the basic setup for every Swedish teen movie).

The person who wrote this movie sucks ass...
Sun Mar 19 2006 06:09

Re: Annoying characters

What if the lead character was all perfect, and what if there was no boyfriends to ruin the movie, would everything be perfect then? And what's up with Gothenburg being a small town? I lived there for a couple of years and no, it's not small. In fact, it's the biggest city after Stockholm.

-- Edit, did it ever hit you that Abra was treated very bad where she came from and didn't want it to happend again, so she told some white lies?

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Wed Apr 26 2006 11:09

Re: Annoying characters

Ehhh, I live in Gothenburg and I still say it's a small town in the sense that getting a gig at a local club will do you next to nothing carreer-wise. Get it?

And oh, I grew up in a small dump similiar to the one she did and I still don't think I need to lie to get friends and behaving like an insecure brat jumping on every trend available. White lies, well, that's your opinion. The way I saw it she lied about everything all the time to everyone in the movie. Where do non-white lies start in your opinion?

Basically I think they had an opportunity to show that women are not necessarily mindless idiots like they so often turn out in Swedish cinema, but they chose the easy road and made her a flakey and insecure kid although she is supposed to be ~20 years old.

To be perfectly honest though, I wouldn't care about complaining about it if it weren't for all the raving reviews that say it's a fantastic movie which shows how it's really like, and blaaaah blaah blahh... Obviously written by equally big conformists who are the basic inversions of what punk is really supposed to be, and hence, identifying with the moronic lead character of this movie.

It made me realize that there's very little hope for Swedish cinema.
Sat May 13 2006 08:08

Re: Annoying characters

Jasså, så du anser att du är perfekt då?
Alla kan inte vara perfekta och när man är tonåring är man oftast osäker på sig själv och det kan hända då att man ljuger.
men du vet ju inget om sånt eftersom du är så perfekt tydligen

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Sat Sep 16 2006 06:10

Re: Annoying characters

Hm..i thought that they where too stuck in the image of Punk....They did it something silly....I have a friend whi is just like that, and it is not so fun to speak with her about music, she cant take anything but Punk....
Girls like that should relax.
Thu Nov 2 2006 10:10

Re: Annoying characters

Men jag har väl för fan inte sagt att jag är perfekt, din idiot!

Det finns bara två lägen för dig alltså? Perfekt eller totalt mytomanisk idiot som följer andra slaviskt utan att tänka en egen tanke själv? Ja, då vet jag vilken kategori du hamnar i, i alla fall.

Mon Nov 6 2006 08:29

Re: Annoying characters

Bwahahaha flame war!

Re: Annoying characters

Shocking that somebody can find this sensitive and heartwarming movie so bad but still taste is a personal thing.
However at one point Yaaaargh had completely misunderstood the movie. It soes not say that punk was something trendy i Sweden in the 80' s something that is also very clearly spelled out by some of the characters the girls in the band meet throughout the movie. Still they struggle on and succeed at last. if this movie instead had been about a band playing some sort of typical 80*s music it had been far more of a cliché.