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June 21, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Meet El Peso Hero, a Latino Superhero Fighting Injustice on the U.S.-Mexico Border

“El Peso Hero” is not your typical comic book series. The eponymous main character defends immigrants, stands up for the disenfranchised and speaks only Spanish.


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Mary Altaffer / Julio Cortez / AP

Con vs. Con

The remainder of the presidential campaign will be characterized by an attempt among liberals to discredit third-party and popular movements. Yet our only hope for change will come by breaking free from the tyranny of the two corporate parties.
Garry Kinight / Flickr

Truthdigger of the Week: Jo Cox, British Parliament Member Who Was Slain

Cox, a progressive, fought hard for any cause that inspired her, such as the plight of Syrian refugees and keeping Britain in the European Union—two that may have inflamed her killer.
A/V Booth

In a speech webcast Thursday night, the candidate, who won more than 10 million votes in the 2016 Democratic primary, urged supporters to begin the work of organizing politically “at the local and state level in an unprecedented way.”

On Friday, June 17, at noon PST, Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer and his team sat down with contributor Larry Gross, an expert in LGBT studies.

Dustin Lance Black on Orlando Massacre: ‘It Is Time to Disarm Hate’

The “Milk” screenwriter offered his reasons to pause and consider the ongoing stories behind the Pulse Orlando tragedy.

Elizabeth Warren, Tim Kaine, Julián Castro on Hillary Clinton’s VP Short List: Reports

Although the Democratic presidential candidate does not have her party’s nomination officially in the bag, she is said to be busy sizing up prospects for her running mate.

Berta Cáceres Topped Honduras Military’s Kill List, Whistleblower Says

U.S.-trained special forces in Honduras are ordered to systematically “eliminate” environment and land defenders, according to a former first sergeant with the unit that operates on the Caribbean coast.

Samantha Bee Wistfully Recalls a Time When the GOP Was Not in the NRA’s Pocket (Video)

Despite massacre after massacre, too many Republicans refuse to even consider passing common-sense gun laws to help protect innocent Americans. But it wasn’t always like this, the “Full Frontal” host reminds us.



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How the Latest Attempt at Police Transparency in California Failed Miserably

As police scandals swirl in Northern California, a legislative effort to make the disciplinary records of officers available to the public comes up short.

Donald Trump Bashes Brown Immigrants, Yet It’s a British White Guy Who Tries to Kill Him

Trump’s blatantly racist attacks have always carried the implication that something is wrong with those brown-skinned people and they should be stopped from immigrating. Yet in an ironic twist, the first known assassination plot against him came from a white Briton.

A Rundown of the Mind-Boggling Police Scandals in Oakland, California

So many scandals have emerged from the Oakland Police Department that it may be tough to make sense of it all. Thankfully, writer Aura Bogado offers a handy outline to untangle the web of lies, sex trafficking, murders, suicides, cover-ups and just general corruption allegedly going on.

The End of the Beginning: The Fall of Islamic State in Fallujah

Iraqi Prime Minister Haydar al-Abadi announced on Friday that Iraqi troops had captured the governmental complex in the center of Fallujah.

Senate Fails to Pass Four New Gun Safety Bills, Even After the Mass Killing in Orlando

It was business as usual on gun legislation in Washington on Monday. But some lawmakers remain hopeful that a compromise can be reached to provide common-sense gun laws in America.



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Guantanamo Bay Should Be Closed Forever

The prison is the symbol of everything that is wrong with the United States’ so-called war on terror.

After a Very Bad Month, Donald Trump Fires Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski

Lewandowski, said to have had poor relationships with other staff, is dismissed as the Republican presidential hopeful sinks in the polls.

Is the Gun Lobby Finally Cornered?

Even the most fervently held dogma is not immune to reality and logic. The collapse of the opposition to reasonable steps toward making us a safer country may not happen all at once. But it is in sight.

Chris Hedges and Kshama Sawant Talk Third-Party Politics (Video)

Truthdig contributor Hedges analyzes establishment politics with the socialist on Seattle’s City Council.

Obama’s New Education Secretary Moves to Protect Standardized Testing

Far from dispensing with the controversial, high-stakes practice, John King intends to defend it “by blackmail if necessary,” writes Marilena Marchetti at Socialist Worker.

Queerness and the Next System: Opening Up the Discussion

For centuries, the erasure of LGBTQ people from public policy has been the norm, but discussions about the economic future cannot sideline conversations around gender, sex and sexuality.

Wildlife Needs New Corridors to Escape Rising Heat

Rising temperatures will force wild creatures to seek cooler refuges—but safe routes for them to migrate may be scarce, scientists say.

John Oliver on ‘Brexit’: Brits Would Be ‘Bat-Shit Crazy’ to Leave the European Union (Video)

On the upcoming British referendum on whether the U.K. should exit the E.U., the “Last Week Tonight” host expresses his ideas in a “violently British” way—some of which involves a hateful song.

I Have a Big Idea for Hillary

Hillary Clinton needs a big idea that gives her presidential candidacy a purpose and rationale—and, if she’s elected, a mandate to get something hugely important done.

The Palmer Raids: When Trump’s Grandfather and Wives Could Have Been Profiled (Video)

Marx said that every great event in history happens twice, the first time as tragedy and the second time as farce.

Comments of the Week: Reading Between the Lines

We detected a pattern in this week’s roundup of noteworthy comments on Truthdig.