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How Not to Study Donald Trump

The “Trump Studies” syllabus was intended to mock his bigotry; instead, it served as a perfect example of white racism in academia.

Greg Grandin


Demanding Votes on Gun-Control Bills, John Lewis Leads a Sit-in of the House

Lewis, Donna Edwards, Elizabeth Esty, and other Democrats are saying #NoBillNoBreak.

John Nichols
Election 2016

What Hillary Clinton Can Learn From Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump

Trump and Sanders both communicated leadership through narratives that animated outpourings of enthusiasm that have so far eluded Clinton.

Marshall Ganz and Hahrie Han
Guns and Gun Control

Why Is a Major Gun Manufacturer Trying to Seal Documents in the Sandy Hook Lawsuit?

Looming depositions might shine bright new line into how assault weapons are sold.

George Zornick
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From the Magazine

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Special Report

Mapping Allegations of an American War Crime

A new interactive platform invites you to explore evidence that an elite American unit murdered Afghan civilians and buried them around their base.
Matthieu Aikins

Three years ago, 10 men were detained in Nerkh, a volatile district in central Afghanistan, and subsequently disappeared. According to dozens of eyewitnesses—mostly civilians and Afghan government officials—they were all arrested between November 2012 and January 2013 by the same US Army Special Forces unit, ODA 3124. On April 6,… Continue Reading >

Election 2016

The Progressive Case for Hillary Clinton’s Incrementalism

On most issues we care about, the differences between Bernie and Hillary are more strategic than substantive.

David Cole

Relax, Donald Trump Can’t Win

Even before you get to his campaign’s incompetence and lackluster fundraising, the numbers just aren’t on his side.

Jon Wiener

The Gutting of the Voting Rights Act Could Decide the 2016 Election

States with new voting restrictions have 70 percent of the electoral votes needed to win the presidency.

Ari Berman
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Books & the Arts

USPS vs. Congress

If ever there was a time to make a case for the Postal Service’s necessity in American civic, political, and cultural life, it may have already passed.

Nathan Smith

What Rebecca Schiff Knows

Her most obvious forebear in minimalist stories is Lydia Davis. But Schiff is certainly charting her own path.

Erin Vanderhoof

Now He’s Amazed

A stalwart critic of Paul McCartney becomes a fan.

David Hajdu

Watch and Listen

Listen: Start Making Sense: Life and Death in Gay Orlando

Nadine Smith on Gay Orlando before, and after, Saturday’s attack; plus Harold Meyerson on what’s next for Hillary and Bernie, and Adam Hochschild on the Spanish Civil War.

June 16, 2016

Watch: Abortion Providers Know Who Suffers Most When Their Clinics Are Forced to Close

Laws across the country are increasingly restricting access to abortion. Now the Supreme Court will decide whether those laws are constitutional.

June 15, 2016

View: These Haunting Photos Show the Deadly Absurdity of the US-Mexico Border Wall

A collaboration between photographer Richard Misrach and experimental composer Guillermo Galindo captures the austere brutality of the borderlands.

May 11, 2016
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Demand That Congress Ban Assault Weapons

America has virtually as many guns as people.

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