gregor lewis


yd& ----- coming soon ... but we aint there yet

melbourne; nagoya; sevilla; dortmund; tianjin
Beigetreten Dezember 2014


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    vor 33 Minuten

    Finally caught up with miracle over . For fans of my vintage Liverpool is special. I became an fan to spite them. But I can’t begrudge this team, led by that man Klopp, this. And I 👂MartinTyler Call it. Then read⤵️

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  2. hat retweetet
    6. Mai

    🚨RESCUE DOG ALERT🚨 This is Ghost. He’s a 7-year-old direwolf whose longtime owner abandoned him after moving in with his aunt, claiming the big guy was “too much work” and “didn’t get along with her pet lizards.” 🤦‍♂️ Ghost is clearly heartbroken and confused... (1/2)

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  3. vor 6 Stunden

    When you won’t look outside your self-imposed echo chamber, the things you detect tend to be, only what you want to hear. Shorten has baggage. Shorten has ruthless ambition without the charisma to mask it. It’s why voters don’t ‘warm’ to him. But his campaign is admirable

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  4. hat retweetet
    vor 8 Stunden

    “I know something about wealth’s great power: It makes even the most useless man useful.” οἶδα καὶ πλούτου μεγάλαν δύνασιν, ἃ καὶ τ[ὸ]ν ἀχρεῖον τί[θησ]ι χρηστόν

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  5. hat retweetet
    vor 7 Stunden

    Mount Fuji, Japan 🇯🇵

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  6. vor 13 Stunden

    This man = moron Franking credits that allow those who receive them to proceed beyond a net tax position of Zero, are in fact a gift... what’s worse, a gift purchased with borrowed money. Labor’s NEGATIVE GEARING policy is a disaster, but their proposed abolition of FC✔️

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  7. hat retweetet
    vor 18 Stunden

    Game of Thrones The starbucks cup wasn't the first time they messed up

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  8. vor 18 Stunden
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  9. hat retweetet
    vor 18 Stunden

    It’s not a public hearing. You stopped a journalist entering with a lame “pre-registration” spiel then have the cheek to tweet this. There were spare government-funded seats

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  10. vor 19 Stunden
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  11. hat retweetet

    Brilliant news that jailed journalists Wa Lone & Kyaw Soe Oo have been released in Myanmar today BUT... do not forget they should never have been jailed in the first place & that Suu Kyi's gov't could have stopped their prosecution at any time. They chose not to

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  12. vor 19 Stunden

    I wonder what the area of intersection is between those glorying in the implications of egging a PM they hate and those who disrupt safe operations at meat processors for cruelty to animals?

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  13. hat retweetet
    vor 19 Stunden

    It's literary prize season and the Aurealis Award winners were announced over the weekend. Congratulations to all the hardworking genre authors, illustrators and publishers!

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  14. vor 19 Stunden

    A Song of Ice & Fire 🔥 Given it’s apparently a Sunday... let’s call it a Fookhin Hymn.

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  15. hat retweetet

    Pompeo went on to suggest that the sun going supernova would create a huge growth market for suntan lotion manufacturers.

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  16. hat retweetet
    6. Mai
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  17. hat retweetet
    vor 20 Stunden

    Thank you everyone who participated in Here's a small thank you from the team at . We hope you can join us as we continue to celebrate our 30th Anniversary! Check out more of our events below:

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  18. vor 20 Stunden

    How quick too many - even the most seemingly judicious - are to forget the phenomenon. A closed mind isn’t always & only on the receiving end of such attacks.

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  19. vor 20 Stunden

    Because egging is otherwise considered the height of acute intelligence...

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  20. vor 20 Stunden

    Is there a clause in his contract or not? If not then Rugby Australia & their legal team need to get launched into oblivion for re-signing him. If there is a clause that knowingly signed in his contract... all this is just .

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