Squeezing Water from a Stone: Water-Reuse Services (Thornton Tomasetti Inc)

Edit Public Technologies 01 Jun 2016
(Source. Thornton Tomasetti Inc). Squeezing Water from a Stone ... A recent mandate by the City and County of San Francisco requires all new buildings larger than 250,000 square feet to incorporate greywater systems, increasing the demand for these services. We can help determine the most appropriate approach and the space allocation required for incorporating blackwater, greywater, rainwater and/or stormwater into building projects ... (noodl....

Water use essential to care for animals (Tamworth Regional Council)

Edit Public Technologies 31 May 2016
(Source. Tamworth Regional Council). Monday 30 May, 2016. Local animal lovers have proven they are also waterwise, with many asking Tamworth Regional Council how to make water available for their furry or feathered friends under Level 4 Water Restrictions which bans the outdoor residential use of town water ... Recycled, greywater and rainwater from tanks which are not connected to the town water supply can be used ... (noodl. 33866884) ....

Once a warehouse, now an entertainment oriented smart home

Edit San Francisco Chronicle 30 May 2016
Destiny and design conspired to integrate a 4,000-watt amplifier and thumping subwoofers into the renovation of 735 Clementina St. After all, the revitalized two bedroom set on a bustling alley in the SoMa neighborhood of San Francisco once housed an audio-visual supply store ... The two-bedroom, two-bathroom smart home enjoys energy efficient inclusions like solar panels, radiant heating and a 550-gallon greywater storage system ... ....

The Weekly Roundup (City of Lafayette, CA)

Edit Public Technologies 28 May 2016
(Source. City of Lafayette, CA). May 27, 2016 . What's Doing in Lafayette?. Retail Rumblings. Our old friend Aristotle is supposed to have said, 'While everything changes, everything remains the same as well.' Not sure exactly what that means, but imagine a river ... Simply fill out the form and select from menu of over 40 potential actions, from installing a greywater system to replacing a lawn to going completely reusable for 30 days....

Greywater to Green Garden Presentation (Filebank) (City of Palo Alto, CA)

Edit Public Technologies 25 May 2016
(Source. City of Palo Alto, CA) Landscaping with California Native Plants GREYWATER. TO GREEN GARDEN. Deva Luna EarthCare Landscaping 408-871-2792 ... 13 gallons ... American use in one shower?....

UAA team works to end the need for honey buckets (University of Alaska Anchorage)

Edit Public Technologies 25 May 2016
(Source. University of Alaska Anchorage). An automated valve system is part of a prototype water and sewer system Dr. Aaron Dotson and UAA students Cara Lucas and Greg Michaelson are putting together for the Alaska Water and Sewer Challenge ... The goals ... One keg will contain toilet solids, another will hold a gallon and a half a day of 'concentrate'-'really, really strong greywater and urea, parts of urine you don't want in your water.'....

Alter Aqua Programme celebrated four years of achievements on World Water Day

Edit The Malta Independent 23 May 2016
Alter Aqua has made a significant impact throughout 2011-2015 in the Maltese Islands, in promoting the use of non-conventional water resources (NCWR), such as rainwater harvesting, stormwater management, greywater recycling and treated wastewater reuse, as a sustainable way to increase water availability and adapt to climate change at local level....

No more outdoor watering for Tamworth city (Tamworth Regional Council)

Edit Public Technologies 20 May 2016
(Source. Tamworth Regional Council). Friday 18 May, 2016. Pack up your garden hoses if you live in Tamworth, Moonbi or Kootingal - for the first time since 2007 the Tamworth Water Supply area will move to Level 4 Water Restrictions tomorrow (May 21) ... Recycled, greywater and rainwater from tanks which are not connected to the town water supply can be used ... 'There was no option but to go to Level 4 Water Restrictions ... (noodl. 33651969) ....

Concurrent Technologies Corporation to Sponsor and Exhibit at Showcase for Commerce 2016 (CTC - Concurrent Technologies Corporation)

Edit Public Technologies 19 May 2016
(Source. CTC - Concurrent Technologies Corporation) 1edc4b03-9ea9-4be3-a826-b16847b36508.pdf FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. Media Contact. Mary Bevan ... The ... Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr ... System for Laundry and Shower Recycle/Reuse (SYLAS-R2 ) - CTC's SYLAS-R2 is designed to make a significant impact on water usage by efficiently processing and recycling 90 percent of greywater generated by large commercial, governmental, or institutional users....

Bay-Friendly Garden Tour is Sunday, May 22nd (City of Napa, CA)

Edit Public Technologies 17 May 2016
(Source. City of Napa, CA) ... Participants will also benefit from four mini-workshops to be held throughout tour day, with topics including sheet mulching, pollinator-friendly gardens, container gardening, and greywater. A recently installed laundry-to-landscape greywater system can be viewed, along with rainwater collection ... Participants must purchase a Tour Guide Brochure which acts as the entrance ticket for all twelve gardens ... 116....

Free Garden Design Workshop in Windsor on May 25th from 6-8pm (Town of Windsor, CA)

Edit Public Technologies 17 May 2016
(Source. Town of Windsor, CA). Over the last few years, many people have turned off their sprinklers in response to record drought ... Information on rebate programs, sheet mulching, creating permeable surfaces, and siting greywater/rainwater catchment systems will also be available, and can be incorporated into designs where possible ... Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 17 May 2016 17.22.15 UTC ... (noodl. 33600885) ....

Perkins+Will Achieves First Living Building Challenge Certification (Perkins+Will Inc)

Edit Public Technologies 16 May 2016
(Source. Perkins+Will Inc) ... The project's many innovations include. the procurement of healthy building materials; the integration of on-site renewable resources, along with passive design strategies, to significantly reduce energy consumption; the use of filtered rainwater for the building's greywater requirements; and the treatment of 100% of blackwater by an on-site bioreactor-the first of its kind in Vancouver ... Client ... Architect ... R.F....

Want for nothing in Larkspur

Edit San Francisco Chronicle 13 May 2016
The backyard’s level lawn and surrounding landscape drinks from the home’s greywater system that makes use of water sent down sinks and appliances ... A blue-ribbon panel of Bay Area builders, designers, and architects, conceptualized the 215 Alexander Ave ... > ....