And the Winner Is … (University of California - Santa Barbara)

Edit Public Technologies 19 Sep 2016
(Source. University of California - Santa Barbara) ... Many of the accolades are related to medical or health explorations, ranging from molecular level inquiries to practical application ... Working in Anthony DeTomaso's lab in UCSB's Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Susannah Kassmer is unraveling the mechanistic basis for the process of whole body regeneration in the golden star tunicate (Botryllus schlosseri)....

Primed cytotoxic cells eliminate chimeric partners [Immunology and Inflammation]>

Edit PNAS 07 Jun 2016
In a primitive chordate model of natural chimerism, one chimeric partner is often eliminated in a process of allogeneic resorption. Here, we identify the cellular framework underlying loss of tolerance to one partner within a natural Botryllus schlosseri chimera. We show that the principal cell type mediating chimeric partner elimination... ....

A Meeting of the Minds (University of California - Santa Barbara)

Edit Public Technologies 08 Mar 2016
(Source. University of California - Santa Barbara). UC Santa Barbara biologist Michael Mahan's groundbreaking work on antibiotic resistance may one day change the way these ubiquitous drugs are prescribed ... More than 20 scientists each gave a timed five-minute presentation, hoping to connect with a like-minded researcher ... MCDB professor Tony De Tomaso studies Botryllus schlosseri, commonly known as the star acidian ... Original Document....

No stone left unturned

Edit The Guardian 24 Jul 2015
St Ouen’s Bay, Jersey The mount overlooks weedy pools. Further out, the pools are shallower and packed with boulders, asking to be peered under. @MattEAShardlow ... Beauty is present in the form of the sea-squirt Botryllus schlosseri, flat patches of purple jelly with a repeating pattern of rings of white dots; snake’s-lock anemones, each long pink tentacle tipped with turquoise; and endearing little cushion stars ... ....

Stem cells are units of natural selection for tissue formation, for germline development, and in cancer development

Edit PNAS 16 Jul 2015
Abstract. It is obvious that natural selection operates at the level of individuals and collections of individuals ... Therefore, natural selection also operates at the level of germline stem cell clones. In the colonial tunicate Botryllus schlosseri the formation of natural parabionts is prevented by a single-locus highly polymorphic histocompatibility gene called Botryllus histocompatibility factor ... ....

At the Junction of Science and Engineering (University of California - Santa Barbara)

Edit Public Technologies 24 Jun 2015
In the lab of Anthony DeTomaso in UCSB's Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Boyer, winner of the TCBB fellowship, studies the vasculature of a model animal called Botryllus schlosseri ... Botryllus grows in colonies composed of many multicellular animals and has a massive, transparent vascular network located outside its collective body....

Antibiotic hunting project wins communications award (The University of Aberdeen)

Edit noodls 09 Dec 2014
(Source. The University of Aberdeen) Ascidiaceae - a Botryllus specie . Kirsti Helland - University of Tromsø, Norway. A project tasked with generating new antibiotics from microbes found in the coldest and deepest parts of the oceans has won a European communications award ... The project has been the subject of features by the BBC, Al Jazeera television and New Scientist, to name but a few, and has gained coverage across the globe ... Tel....

UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme names laureates of Young Scientists and Michel Batisse awards (UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)

Edit noodls 13 Jun 2014
(Source. UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme names laureates of Young Scientists and Michel Batisse awards ... The MAB Programme has been granting awards of up to $5,000 each since 1989 to encourage young researchers to undertake work on ecosystems, natural resources and biodiversity ... The invasive tunicates Ciona intestinalis and Botryllus Schlosseri....