- published: 05 Sep 2016
- views: 3823
Medium wave (MW) is the part of the medium frequency (MF) radio band used mainly for AM radio broadcasting. For Europe the MW band ranges from 526.5 kHz to 1606.5 kHz, using channels spaced every 9 kHz, and in North America an extended MW broadcast band goes from 535 kHz to 1705 kHz, using 10 kHz spaced channels.
Wavelengths in this band are long enough that radio waves are not blocked by buildings and hills and can propagate beyond the horizon following the curvature of the Earth; this is called the groundwave. Practical groundwave reception typically extends to 200–300 miles, with longer distances over terrain with higher ground conductivity, and greatest distances over salt water. Most broadcast stations use groundwave to cover their listening area.
Medium waves can also reflect off charged particle layers in the ionosphere and return to Earth at much greater distances; this is called the skywave. At night, especially in winter months and at times of low solar activity, the ionospheric D layer virtually disappears. When this happens, MF radio waves can easily be received many hundreds or even thousands of miles away as the signal will be reflected by the higher F layer. This can allow very long-distance broadcasting, but can also interfere with distant local stations. Due to the limited number of available channels in the MW broadcast band, the same frequencies are re-allocated to different broadcasting stations several hundred miles apart. On nights of good skywave propagation, the skywave signals of distant station may interfere with the signals of local stations on the same frequency. In North America, the North American Radio Broadcasting Agreement (NARBA) sets aside certain channels for nighttime use over extended service areas via skywave by a few specially licensed AM broadcasting stations. These channels are called clear channels, and they are required to broadcast at higher powers of 10 to 50 kW.
Medium may refer to:
Medium wave pirate radio...
Pirates on medium wave - in disguise
Medium Wave - She Turned Us Down (Like A Stereo)
An AM transmitter for medium wave - The Spitfire
My Medium Wave DXing Strategy and Some Thanks
Medium wave interference - part three
Azores MediumWave DX
Medium wave pirating from a hole..
Long & medium wave loop antenna
How to improve Medium Wave radio reception on daytime
Pirate radio in the park, in disguise. Catch us if you can... find us!
She Turned Us Down (Like A Stereo) from The Medium Wave EP Release Date: 6th July 2015 Buy now: https://mediumwave.bandcamp.com http://www.themediumwaveway.com https://www.facebook.com/themediumwaveway Thanks to Sami Salo for his camera work and Heidi Heelz for the capes..
My Medium Wave DXing Strategy and Some Thanks! Thanks to Clint, Oxford Shortwave Log! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtXnzopFIr6wTIA6QwIeLw The am-dx.com Western Hemisphere List: http://www.am-dx.com/fcclist.htm MEDIUMWAVE.DE Medium and Long Wave Frequencies in Central Europe :
This is the third and, hopefully, final video about my dreadful medium and short wave interference. The end result of this saga is interesting, to say the least!
Medium Wave DX'ing from Ferrarai on the western tip of São Miguel, the Azores, one early September morning 2016. The aerial is just 100 metres of wire on the ground and the receiver is a Tecsun PL-380. Plenty of transatlantic stations heard. Nothing from Europe (except AFRTS on 1503).
How increase the poor gain of an inside rod antenna by using a loop antenna. It is composed by a 93cm hula hoop, 11 turns of 0,4mm wire and a 700 pF variable capacitor with insulated knob. The coil and the capacitor are connected in parallel. The loop antenna will work in the range 280-700 kHz but if you want go down with the frequency you can add a selectable (by a switch) 680 pF capacitor in parallel to the variable capacitor. In this case the frequency comes down another 80 kHz.
Using a proper tunable Medium Wave Loop antenna can improve a lot the Medium Wave reception even during the day (which only rely on ground wave propagation), allowing to do some proper DXing. Unboxing of the Tecsun AN-200 Tunable Medium Wave Loop Antenna (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxJcltPpmr0) Transmitter info (TX) Distance: 488 km (303 miles) Station: RNE (Radio Nacional de España) Center frequency: 684 kHz Power: 600 kW Transmitter location: Sevilla - Andalucía (Spain - Europe) Language: Spanish Band: MW (Medium Wave) Modulation: AM (Amplitude Modulation) Information from: www.fmscan.org Receiver info (RX) Receiver: Tecsun PL-680 and Tecsun PL-310ET Antenna: Tecsun AN-200 by inductive coupling Local reception: Porto (Portugal - Europe) QTH: IN51QB Time reception: 2015-06-23 (sun...
On 7-11-16, Chris KU4A presented a program about longwave and medium wave DXing to the Bluegrass Amateur Radio Society.
Killing Floor 2 v1012 KF_Evacuation Point Hell on Earth Medium Wave. Showing the potential of late game double demolition with zerker assistance when used at maxed level and how OP the nuke skill really is when used correctly.
Scanning The AM Radio Medium Wave , MW Band In Clacton On Sea Essex In Jan 2016 Sky Wave Update Scan After Europe Switch Off. Still seems Quite a bit on there to tune into though after dark. My Blog http://eastangliauk.blogspot.co.uk/ https://youtu.be/7ZJDQFfb26g
The Raspberry Pi 2 with a Perseus SDR. Recording the entire MW spectrum for hours. The video shows how to get the Raspberry Pi going and how to set up Linrad on it to record the medium wave AM band at a sampling rate of 1.6 MHz
Interference to long, medium and short wave radio can be a nightmare. Where does it come from? What can be done about it?
Doctor Benway of Undercover Radio discusses his recent operations on 1710 and 1720 kHz medium wave, (while broadcasting on 1720 nonetheless!), and encourages other shortwave pirates to consider these frequencies. For me, this is reminiscent of when pirates could be heard from NYC operating at the top of the AM dial. UR on 1720 as received in West Michigan on the Perseus SDR + phased BOG antennas.
Investigating interference with electric and magnetic sensors on medium Waves. The significance of conducted interference. This is a continuation of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItLkn8r4s3E You will find part 3 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgMbaJDFu9M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgMbaJDFu9M
When the sun was not set down, the signal was weak. But later, quite robust. This is the 1 hour English program for VOA music mix.
The debate between the people that say wood matters for the tone of your guitar vs. the tone has nothing to do with the wood of the guitar may have an end. I go over the BASICS of some wave physics in hopes to stop the debate from continuing. I go over transverse waves, standing waves, mediums, and wavelength. All evidence points to one answer and one answer only. I also do a test in this video at the end using different guitar materials.