Provincia del Verbano-Cusio-Ossola
published: 15 Sep 2023
Madonna del Sasso frazione Artò (Piemonte regione Lago d'Orta) - slideshow
Artò è una frazione del comune di Madonna del Sasso situata a 607 m s.l.m. Prima di essere aggregata a tale comune il paese fu capoluogo di un comune autonomo.Il paese di Artò è situato a mezza costa sulle pendici che dallo spartiacque tra la Valsesia e il bacino del lago d'Orta scendono verso questo specchio d'acqua. Il torrente Pellino lo separa dal vicino centro abitato di Arola. Il toponimo Artò deriverebbe dal latino ar(c)tus “stretto”; una seconda ipotesi è quella che lo collegherebbe al termine celtico arto- “orso”. (cfr → Artogne e Artegna).
Chiesa parrocchiale: intitolata a San Bernardino da Siena; fu iniziata alla fine del XV secolo e portata a termine in periodo barocco.
Lavatoio pubblico: collocato nella piazza centrale del paese; sul muro del piccolo portico che lo contiene un...
published: 21 May 2015
Rossana Maglieria ad Artò
Puntata di Mosaico presso Lingotto Fiere in occasione di Artò 2010
published: 23 Apr 2012
Le campane di Artò, Madonna del Sasso (VB)
Madonna del Sasso (VB), Artò, Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Bernardino da Siena
Concerto di 5 campane in Fa3 (Roberto Mazzola 1901; Do4 Capanni 1996)
Concerto solenne a 5 campane
La chiesa parrocchiale si trova all'inizio della frazione, posta in zona panoramica favorevole per scorgere tutte le bellezze che offre il Lago d'Orta. La fondazione della chiesa di San Bernardino risale al XIV secolo; questa fu completamente rimaneggiata all’inizio del Cinquecento e a partire dalla seconda metà di quel secolo iniziò a essere decorata in tutta la sua superficie. Nel corso del primo Settecento venne realizzato un meraviglioso ciclo di affreschi, la maggior parte dei quali è ancora oggi conservata e visibile una volta entrati in chiesa. Entrando nella chiesa colpisce subito la ricchissima zona dell’a...
published: 16 Sep 2020
Antica legatoria Viali ad Artò 2013
Questa è una panoramica della nostra nuova produzione che abbiamo presentato qui a Torino.
published: 09 Nov 2013
Artò 2010
published: 16 Nov 2010
Artò 2009 - Lingotto Fiere - Torino
Alcune delle più belle immagini della mostra " I colori d'Italia" , svoltasi nel corso di Artò nel maggio 2009.L'appuntamento con Artò 2010 è dal 5 al 8 novembre 2010, sempre con la mostra " I colori d'Italia". Vi aspettiamo numerosi.
Associazione Italian Art in the World - Onlus - Torino.
Nel web siamo su www.spinart.it
published: 23 Mar 2010
Torino: evento ArTò (2017)
L'UNSIC, Unione Nazionale Sindacale Imprenditori e Coltivatori, nasce nel 1996 per iniziativa di alcuni soci fondatori; è un Ente di tipo associativo non commerciale costituito sottoforma di associazione sindacale autonoma, libera ed apolitica.
L'UNSIC si ispira ai principi costituzionali; si impegna a difendere e sostenere le libere istituzioni ed il sistema pluralistico; rifiuta il concetto della politica del sindacalismo di classe; si pone come associazione di base, la cui linea programmatica si definisce nel serio ed aperto confronto delle posizioni e si realizza attraverso la libera elezione delle cariche.
L'UNSIC si configura come associazione apolitica e come garanzia della libertà di coscienza e di attività dei singoli iscritti.
L'autonomia è pertanto fonte stessa della linea org...
published: 26 Apr 2019
- ARTO Brick
Happy Friday yall
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#concrete #clay #machine #manufacturing #handmade #constructionmaterials #youtubeshorts #education #art #diy #beauty #trending #concreteclay #construction
published: 15 Nov 2024
Favorita - Artò VB - Italy
Compare prices: http://www.hotels-near-me.eu/hotel/Favorita/Art%C3%B2+VB
Favorita hotel city: Artò VB - Country: Italy
Address: ; zip code: 28894
Located 48 km from Saas-Fee, Favorita offers pet-friendly accommodation in Madonna del Sasso. The unit is 16 km from Stresa. There is a seating area and a kitchen as well as a private bathroom. A TV is featured.
-- Das Favorita liegt 48 km von Saas-Fee entfernt und bietet eine haustierfreundliche Unterkunft in Madonna del Sasso. Stresa erreichen Sie von der Unterkunft aus nach 16 km.
-- Il Favorita accetta gli animali e si trova a Madonna del Sasso, a 16 km da Stresa e a 48 km da Saas-Fee. Questa casa vacanze è dotata di 1 camera da letto, un bagno con doccia e bidet, una cucina con forno a microonde e frigorifero e una TV.
-- F...
published: 12 Sep 2018
videosfilata artò 2012
artò 9-11 novembre 2012
sfilata delle mie creazioni su abiti
published: 26 Nov 2012
- ARTO Brick
Packing up orders!
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#concrete #clay #machine #manufacturing #handmade #construction
published: 24 Sep 2024
Arto - Emrin Olur
Arto - Emrin Olur
published: 04 Mar 2014
Early mornings at Arto are the best!
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#clay #concrete #manufacturing #handmade #concretefactory #claycrafts #construction #automobile
published: 15 Oct 2024
Provincia del Verbano-Cusio-Ossola
Provincia del Verbano-Cusio-Ossola
Provincia del Verbano-Cusio-Ossola
- published: 15 Sep 2023
- views: 276
Madonna del Sasso frazione Artò (Piemonte regione Lago d'Orta) - slideshow
Artò è una frazione del comune di Madonna del Sasso situata a 607 m s.l.m. Prima di essere aggregata a tale comune il paese fu capoluogo di un comune autonomo.I...
Artò è una frazione del comune di Madonna del Sasso situata a 607 m s.l.m. Prima di essere aggregata a tale comune il paese fu capoluogo di un comune autonomo.Il paese di Artò è situato a mezza costa sulle pendici che dallo spartiacque tra la Valsesia e il bacino del lago d'Orta scendono verso questo specchio d'acqua. Il torrente Pellino lo separa dal vicino centro abitato di Arola. Il toponimo Artò deriverebbe dal latino ar(c)tus “stretto”; una seconda ipotesi è quella che lo collegherebbe al termine celtico arto- “orso”. (cfr → Artogne e Artegna).
Chiesa parrocchiale: intitolata a San Bernardino da Siena; fu iniziata alla fine del XV secolo e portata a termine in periodo barocco.
Lavatoio pubblico: collocato nella piazza centrale del paese; sul muro del piccolo portico che lo contiene una lapide riporta il seguente brano del romanzo Alpinisti ciabattoni (Achille Giovanni Cagna, 1888): Passarono vicino alle fontane; un bell'arco di acqua viva precipitava gorgogliando nel trogolo colmo, riboccando e travasando in cascatelle e stillicidi argentei; in terra un guazzo viscido, che fra gli interstizi dei ciottoli lucenti rispecchiava il cielo. Gaudenzio volle bere una sorsata, ma quel mestolone di ferro arrugginito gli faceva ripunianza, e preferì il metodo più spiccio. Mise la mano sotto la bocchetta dell'acqua, e vi accostò le labbra; ma nell'incurvarsi, la mano si piegò, e giù nella manica un torrente di acqua gelida..
Su una casa del centro del paese è visibile un dipinto del cinquecento della scuole di Gaudenzio Ferrari.
Artò è una frazione del comune di Madonna del Sasso situata a 607 m s.l.m. Prima di essere aggregata a tale comune il paese fu capoluogo di un comune autonomo.Il paese di Artò è situato a mezza costa sulle pendici che dallo spartiacque tra la Valsesia e il bacino del lago d'Orta scendono verso questo specchio d'acqua. Il torrente Pellino lo separa dal vicino centro abitato di Arola. Il toponimo Artò deriverebbe dal latino ar(c)tus “stretto”; una seconda ipotesi è quella che lo collegherebbe al termine celtico arto- “orso”. (cfr → Artogne e Artegna).
Chiesa parrocchiale: intitolata a San Bernardino da Siena; fu iniziata alla fine del XV secolo e portata a termine in periodo barocco.
Lavatoio pubblico: collocato nella piazza centrale del paese; sul muro del piccolo portico che lo contiene una lapide riporta il seguente brano del romanzo Alpinisti ciabattoni (Achille Giovanni Cagna, 1888): Passarono vicino alle fontane; un bell'arco di acqua viva precipitava gorgogliando nel trogolo colmo, riboccando e travasando in cascatelle e stillicidi argentei; in terra un guazzo viscido, che fra gli interstizi dei ciottoli lucenti rispecchiava il cielo. Gaudenzio volle bere una sorsata, ma quel mestolone di ferro arrugginito gli faceva ripunianza, e preferì il metodo più spiccio. Mise la mano sotto la bocchetta dell'acqua, e vi accostò le labbra; ma nell'incurvarsi, la mano si piegò, e giù nella manica un torrente di acqua gelida..
Su una casa del centro del paese è visibile un dipinto del cinquecento della scuole di Gaudenzio Ferrari.
- published: 21 May 2015
- views: 724
Rossana Maglieria ad Artò
Puntata di Mosaico presso Lingotto Fiere in occasione di Artò 2010
Puntata di Mosaico presso Lingotto Fiere in occasione di Artò 2010
Puntata di Mosaico presso Lingotto Fiere in occasione di Artò 2010
- published: 23 Apr 2012
- views: 118
Le campane di Artò, Madonna del Sasso (VB)
Madonna del Sasso (VB), Artò, Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Bernardino da Siena
Concerto di 5 campane in Fa3 (Roberto Mazzola 1901; Do4 Capanni 1996)
Concerto sol...
Madonna del Sasso (VB), Artò, Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Bernardino da Siena
Concerto di 5 campane in Fa3 (Roberto Mazzola 1901; Do4 Capanni 1996)
Concerto solenne a 5 campane
La chiesa parrocchiale si trova all'inizio della frazione, posta in zona panoramica favorevole per scorgere tutte le bellezze che offre il Lago d'Orta. La fondazione della chiesa di San Bernardino risale al XIV secolo; questa fu completamente rimaneggiata all’inizio del Cinquecento e a partire dalla seconda metà di quel secolo iniziò a essere decorata in tutta la sua superficie. Nel corso del primo Settecento venne realizzato un meraviglioso ciclo di affreschi, la maggior parte dei quali è ancora oggi conservata e visibile una volta entrati in chiesa. Entrando nella chiesa colpisce subito la ricchissima zona dell’altare, solennemente decorata con storie della vita del santo patrono Bernardino da Siena, il cui famoso sole con il marchio IHS è spesso presente come motivo decorativo in tutto il tempio sacro. L'elegante campanile svetta sul promontorio e ospita un concerto di cinque campane, fuse nella vicina ditta Mazzola di Valduggia all'inizio del XX secolo. Sul finire del Novecento la fonderia Capanni si prestò per la rifusione della campana minore, offesa nel suono in seguito a una vistosa crepa nel 1996.
Un ringraziamento a don Riccardo e al prevosto don Massimo.
Madonna del Sasso (VB), Artò, Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Bernardino da Siena
Concerto di 5 campane in Fa3 (Roberto Mazzola 1901; Do4 Capanni 1996)
Concerto solenne a 5 campane
La chiesa parrocchiale si trova all'inizio della frazione, posta in zona panoramica favorevole per scorgere tutte le bellezze che offre il Lago d'Orta. La fondazione della chiesa di San Bernardino risale al XIV secolo; questa fu completamente rimaneggiata all’inizio del Cinquecento e a partire dalla seconda metà di quel secolo iniziò a essere decorata in tutta la sua superficie. Nel corso del primo Settecento venne realizzato un meraviglioso ciclo di affreschi, la maggior parte dei quali è ancora oggi conservata e visibile una volta entrati in chiesa. Entrando nella chiesa colpisce subito la ricchissima zona dell’altare, solennemente decorata con storie della vita del santo patrono Bernardino da Siena, il cui famoso sole con il marchio IHS è spesso presente come motivo decorativo in tutto il tempio sacro. L'elegante campanile svetta sul promontorio e ospita un concerto di cinque campane, fuse nella vicina ditta Mazzola di Valduggia all'inizio del XX secolo. Sul finire del Novecento la fonderia Capanni si prestò per la rifusione della campana minore, offesa nel suono in seguito a una vistosa crepa nel 1996.
Un ringraziamento a don Riccardo e al prevosto don Massimo.
- published: 16 Sep 2020
- views: 1260
Antica legatoria Viali ad Artò 2013
Questa è una panoramica della nostra nuova produzione che abbiamo presentato qui a Torino.
Questa è una panoramica della nostra nuova produzione che abbiamo presentato qui a Torino.
Questa è una panoramica della nostra nuova produzione che abbiamo presentato qui a Torino.
- published: 09 Nov 2013
- views: 67
Artò 2009 - Lingotto Fiere - Torino
Alcune delle più belle immagini della mostra " I colori d'Italia" , svoltasi nel corso di Artò nel maggio 2009.L'appuntamento con Artò 2010 è dal 5 al 8 novemb...
Alcune delle più belle immagini della mostra " I colori d'Italia" , svoltasi nel corso di Artò nel maggio 2009.L'appuntamento con Artò 2010 è dal 5 al 8 novembre 2010, sempre con la mostra " I colori d'Italia". Vi aspettiamo numerosi.
Associazione Italian Art in the World - Onlus - Torino.
Nel web siamo su www.spinart.it
Alcune delle più belle immagini della mostra " I colori d'Italia" , svoltasi nel corso di Artò nel maggio 2009.L'appuntamento con Artò 2010 è dal 5 al 8 novembre 2010, sempre con la mostra " I colori d'Italia". Vi aspettiamo numerosi.
Associazione Italian Art in the World - Onlus - Torino.
Nel web siamo su www.spinart.it
- published: 23 Mar 2010
- views: 478
Torino: evento ArTò (2017)
L'UNSIC, Unione Nazionale Sindacale Imprenditori e Coltivatori, nasce nel 1996 per iniziativa di alcuni soci fondatori; è un Ente di tipo associativo non commer...
L'UNSIC, Unione Nazionale Sindacale Imprenditori e Coltivatori, nasce nel 1996 per iniziativa di alcuni soci fondatori; è un Ente di tipo associativo non commerciale costituito sottoforma di associazione sindacale autonoma, libera ed apolitica.
L'UNSIC si ispira ai principi costituzionali; si impegna a difendere e sostenere le libere istituzioni ed il sistema pluralistico; rifiuta il concetto della politica del sindacalismo di classe; si pone come associazione di base, la cui linea programmatica si definisce nel serio ed aperto confronto delle posizioni e si realizza attraverso la libera elezione delle cariche.
L'UNSIC si configura come associazione apolitica e come garanzia della libertà di coscienza e di attività dei singoli iscritti.
L'autonomia è pertanto fonte stessa della linea organizzativa dell'UNSIC e viene da essa affermata come capacità di definire, nei confronti della vita sociale italiana e delle sue espressioni e conformazioni, un proprio giudizio scevro da ogni preconcetto di carattere ideologico o di opportunità politica, per adeguare invece l'azione sindacale alle realistiche valutazioni dei problemi dei lavoratori autonomi ed allo sviluppo economico e civile del paese ricercando, di volta in volta, le soluzioni più razionali, allo scopo di armonizzare interessi della categoria e visione dei problemi della crescita civile della popolazione.
L'UNSIC, Unione Nazionale Sindacale Imprenditori e Coltivatori, nasce nel 1996 per iniziativa di alcuni soci fondatori; è un Ente di tipo associativo non commerciale costituito sottoforma di associazione sindacale autonoma, libera ed apolitica.
L'UNSIC si ispira ai principi costituzionali; si impegna a difendere e sostenere le libere istituzioni ed il sistema pluralistico; rifiuta il concetto della politica del sindacalismo di classe; si pone come associazione di base, la cui linea programmatica si definisce nel serio ed aperto confronto delle posizioni e si realizza attraverso la libera elezione delle cariche.
L'UNSIC si configura come associazione apolitica e come garanzia della libertà di coscienza e di attività dei singoli iscritti.
L'autonomia è pertanto fonte stessa della linea organizzativa dell'UNSIC e viene da essa affermata come capacità di definire, nei confronti della vita sociale italiana e delle sue espressioni e conformazioni, un proprio giudizio scevro da ogni preconcetto di carattere ideologico o di opportunità politica, per adeguare invece l'azione sindacale alle realistiche valutazioni dei problemi dei lavoratori autonomi ed allo sviluppo economico e civile del paese ricercando, di volta in volta, le soluzioni più razionali, allo scopo di armonizzare interessi della categoria e visione dei problemi della crescita civile della popolazione.
- published: 26 Apr 2019
- views: 9
- ARTO Brick
Happy Friday yall
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[Website] http://www.arto.c...
Happy Friday yall
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#concrete #clay #machine #manufacturing #handmade #constructionmaterials #youtubeshorts #education #art #diy #beauty #trending #concreteclay #construction
Happy Friday yall
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#concrete #clay #machine #manufacturing #handmade #constructionmaterials #youtubeshorts #education #art #diy #beauty #trending #concreteclay #construction
- published: 15 Nov 2024
- views: 581
Favorita - Artò VB - Italy
Compare prices: http://www.hotels-near-me.eu/hotel/Favorita/Art%C3%B2+VB
Favorita hotel city: Artò VB - Country: Italy
Address: ; zip code: 28894
Compare prices: http://www.hotels-near-me.eu/hotel/Favorita/Art%C3%B2+VB
Favorita hotel city: Artò VB - Country: Italy
Address: ; zip code: 28894
Located 48 km from Saas-Fee, Favorita offers pet-friendly accommodation in Madonna del Sasso. The unit is 16 km from Stresa. There is a seating area and a kitchen as well as a private bathroom. A TV is featured.
-- Das Favorita liegt 48 km von Saas-Fee entfernt und bietet eine haustierfreundliche Unterkunft in Madonna del Sasso. Stresa erreichen Sie von der Unterkunft aus nach 16 km.
-- Il Favorita accetta gli animali e si trova a Madonna del Sasso, a 16 km da Stresa e a 48 km da Saas-Fee. Questa casa vacanze è dotata di 1 camera da letto, un bagno con doccia e bidet, una cucina con forno a microonde e frigorifero e una TV.
-- Favorita度假屋位于Madonna del Sasso,距离萨斯费(Saas-Fee)有48公里,允许客人携带宠物入住。度假屋距离斯特雷萨(Stresa)有16公里。 度假屋设有休息区、厨房和私人浴室,并提供电视。 Favorita度假屋距离瓦雷泽(Varese)有36公里,距离尚波吕克(Champoluc)有50公里。最近的机场是Milan Malpensa Airport机场,距离Favorita度假屋有33公里。
Compare prices: http://www.hotels-near-me.eu/hotel/Favorita/Art%C3%B2+VB
Favorita hotel city: Artò VB - Country: Italy
Address: ; zip code: 28894
Located 48 km from Saas-Fee, Favorita offers pet-friendly accommodation in Madonna del Sasso. The unit is 16 km from Stresa. There is a seating area and a kitchen as well as a private bathroom. A TV is featured.
-- Das Favorita liegt 48 km von Saas-Fee entfernt und bietet eine haustierfreundliche Unterkunft in Madonna del Sasso. Stresa erreichen Sie von der Unterkunft aus nach 16 km.
-- Il Favorita accetta gli animali e si trova a Madonna del Sasso, a 16 km da Stresa e a 48 km da Saas-Fee. Questa casa vacanze è dotata di 1 camera da letto, un bagno con doccia e bidet, una cucina con forno a microonde e frigorifero e una TV.
-- Favorita度假屋位于Madonna del Sasso,距离萨斯费(Saas-Fee)有48公里,允许客人携带宠物入住。度假屋距离斯特雷萨(Stresa)有16公里。 度假屋设有休息区、厨房和私人浴室,并提供电视。 Favorita度假屋距离瓦雷泽(Varese)有36公里,距离尚波吕克(Champoluc)有50公里。最近的机场是Milan Malpensa Airport机场,距离Favorita度假屋有33公里。
- published: 12 Sep 2018
- views: 4
videosfilata artò 2012
artò 9-11 novembre 2012
sfilata delle mie creazioni su abiti
artò 9-11 novembre 2012
sfilata delle mie creazioni su abiti
artò 9-11 novembre 2012
sfilata delle mie creazioni su abiti
- published: 26 Nov 2012
- views: 40
- ARTO Brick
Packing up orders!
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Packing up orders!
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#concrete #clay #machine #manufacturing #handmade #construction
Packing up orders!
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#concrete #clay #machine #manufacturing #handmade #construction
- published: 24 Sep 2024
- views: 459
Early mornings at Arto are the best!
Please subscribe to the ARTO channel for more videos like this!
If you like the con...
Please subscribe to the ARTO channel for more videos like this!
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#clay #concrete #manufacturing #handmade #concretefactory #claycrafts #construction #automobile
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#clay #concrete #manufacturing #handmade #concretefactory #claycrafts #construction #automobile
- published: 15 Oct 2024
- views: 581
Directed by Arta & Makan Torkian
Edit and color by Abbas SLP
DOP: Darsh Desai
Gaffer: Steven Dillard
BTS: Homayoon Vahidi
Makeup: Sahar Baba
Actors: Kalani Please, Liz Lage, Ehron Sidel
Artwork: m0tiar
Produced by Arta
Producer: Arman Miladi
Co-Producer: Sami Low
Mixer & Mastering Engineer: Sami Low, Danirose
Listen On YT Music: https://bit.ly/3Qy2Haz
Listen On Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3xIyCMH
Get On iTunes/AppleMusic: https://apple.co/3zPZzB2
Listen On Deezer: https://bit.ly/3QvfwT0
Buy From Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xEeonl
►Follow Arta Online:
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3qg12eU
Playlist: https://bit.ly/3zM2OcE
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3HANWQg
#arta #hiphop #rap #music #hit
©2024 All rights reserved.
published: 25 Oct 2024
Arta - ARE (feat. @KooroshOfficial ) | OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO | DIRECTED BY MAKAN & SLP
Arta - Are (feat. Koorosh) | ORIGINAL VIDEO
Produced by: 🎛️ Arta
Beat Producer: 🎶 Kagan , Distortflame , M4han
4th Single Track of HITMAN Album 💽
First AC : homayoun vahidi
Director: 🎬 Makan & Abbas Slp
Edited by: ✂️ Abbas Slp
Cameraman: 🎥 Makan
Management & Production Coordinator: 📝 Bardia Zadeh
ARTWOK BY @m0tiar x @tinahyi
Listen On YT Music: https://bit.ly/3Qy2Haz
Listen On Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3xIyCMH
Get On iTunes/AppleMusic: https://apple.co/3zPZzB2
Listen On Deezer: https://bit.ly/3QvfwT0
Buy From Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xEeonl
►Follow Arta Online:
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3qg12eU
Playlist: https://bit.ly/3zM2OcE
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3HANWQg
published: 01 Jun 2024
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv...
published: 13 Nov 2024
Poobon x Arta - Ki | OFFICIAL TRACK
Poobon x Arta - Ki | OFFICIAL TRACK
Written by: Poobon & Arta
Composed by: Pourya Bonakdari, Arta
Music Production: poobon
Art Direction: EMADBRZ
Visualizer Designed by: Maminm x Emadbrz
Marketing: Sinaeftekhariam x mma30x
Listen On YT Music: https://bit.ly/3Qy2Haz
Listen On Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3xIyCMH
Get On iTunes/AppleMusic: https://apple.co/3zPZzB2
Listen On Deezer: https://bit.ly/3QvfwT0
Buy From Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xEeonl
►Follow Arta Online:
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3qg12eU
Playlist: https://bit.ly/3zM2OcE
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3HANWQg
hatta age bad shi bazam nemigam boro
harooze hafte bayad bebinam toro
hatta age 10 ta theme ham beshinan jolom
mikham beto fekr konamo bepicham golo
budi pisham sobho shab
didam toro man
rafti ki dast toro zad
ki ka...
published: 18 May 2024
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv...
published: 12 Nov 2024
Arta - Jealous (ft. koorosh) | OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO Directed by Slp
#arta #koorosh #jealous
Directed by SLP
Beat by vezbeats & beastinsidebeats
Mixmaster by pouyaxo
Special thanks to Brian etemad
listen on spotify
listen on Rj
published: 01 Jun 2023
EL EX NOVIO DE MI NOVIA ME PEGA…*no creerás lo que pasó!*
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv...
published: 11 Nov 2024
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv...
published: 08 Nov 2024
#arta plzsubscirbe 😔 😥
published: 16 Nov 2024
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv...
published: 10 Nov 2024
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Reserva Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/...
published: 05 Nov 2024
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
¡Lee conmigo! Aqui todos mis Libros:
►Coleccion: https://bit.ly/ArtaLibrosColeccion
►Arta 1: https://bit.ly/LibroArta
►Arta 2: https://bit.ly/LibroAr...
published: 29 Aug 2024
Tyla - ART (Official Lyric Video)
Tyla - ART (Official Lyric Video)
"TYLA" available at: https://tyla.lnk.to/tyla
Follow Tyla:
(C) 2024 FAX Records, under exclusive license to Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
#Tyla #ART
published: 22 Mar 2024
Arta - Zendegi Hamine (Acoustic Version) feat.@KooroshOfficial | OFFICIAL TRACK + LYRICS
Arta - Zendegi Hamine (feat. Koorosh) | ORIGINAL AUDIO آرتا و کورش - زندگی همینه | آکوستیک ورژن
Beat by : Arman Miladi
Artwork by : Emad brz
visual artist : sajjad akbari X @ashknmp
Mix & Master by : Calloutrose
Listen On YT Music: https://bit.ly/3Qy2Haz
Listen On Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3xIyCMH
Get On iTunes/AppleMusic: https://apple.co/3zPZzB2
Listen On Deezer: https://bit.ly/3QvfwT0
Buy From Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xEeonl
►Follow Arta Online:
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3qg12eU
Playlist: https://bit.ly/3zM2OcE
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3HANWQg
published: 02 Oct 2023
Directed by Arta & Makan Torkian
Edit and color by Abbas SLP
DOP: Darsh Desai
Gaffer: Steven D...
Directed by Arta & Makan Torkian
Edit and color by Abbas SLP
DOP: Darsh Desai
Gaffer: Steven Dillard
BTS: Homayoon Vahidi
Makeup: Sahar Baba
Actors: Kalani Please, Liz Lage, Ehron Sidel
Artwork: m0tiar
Produced by Arta
Producer: Arman Miladi
Co-Producer: Sami Low
Mixer & Mastering Engineer: Sami Low, Danirose
Listen On YT Music: https://bit.ly/3Qy2Haz
Listen On Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3xIyCMH
Get On iTunes/AppleMusic: https://apple.co/3zPZzB2
Listen On Deezer: https://bit.ly/3QvfwT0
Buy From Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xEeonl
►Follow Arta Online:
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3qg12eU
Playlist: https://bit.ly/3zM2OcE
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3HANWQg
#arta #hiphop #rap #music #hit
©2024 All rights reserved.
Directed by Arta & Makan Torkian
Edit and color by Abbas SLP
DOP: Darsh Desai
Gaffer: Steven Dillard
BTS: Homayoon Vahidi
Makeup: Sahar Baba
Actors: Kalani Please, Liz Lage, Ehron Sidel
Artwork: m0tiar
Produced by Arta
Producer: Arman Miladi
Co-Producer: Sami Low
Mixer & Mastering Engineer: Sami Low, Danirose
Listen On YT Music: https://bit.ly/3Qy2Haz
Listen On Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3xIyCMH
Get On iTunes/AppleMusic: https://apple.co/3zPZzB2
Listen On Deezer: https://bit.ly/3QvfwT0
Buy From Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xEeonl
►Follow Arta Online:
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3qg12eU
Playlist: https://bit.ly/3zM2OcE
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3HANWQg
#arta #hiphop #rap #music #hit
©2024 All rights reserved.
- published: 25 Oct 2024
- views: 321276
Arta - ARE (feat. @KooroshOfficial ) | OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO | DIRECTED BY MAKAN & SLP
Arta - Are (feat. Koorosh) | ORIGINAL VIDEO
Produced by: 🎛️ Arta
Beat Producer: 🎶 Kagan , Distortflame , M4han
4th Single Track of HITMAN Album 💽
First AC : ho...
Arta - Are (feat. Koorosh) | ORIGINAL VIDEO
Produced by: 🎛️ Arta
Beat Producer: 🎶 Kagan , Distortflame , M4han
4th Single Track of HITMAN Album 💽
First AC : homayoun vahidi
Director: 🎬 Makan & Abbas Slp
Edited by: ✂️ Abbas Slp
Cameraman: 🎥 Makan
Management & Production Coordinator: 📝 Bardia Zadeh
ARTWOK BY @m0tiar x @tinahyi
Listen On YT Music: https://bit.ly/3Qy2Haz
Listen On Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3xIyCMH
Get On iTunes/AppleMusic: https://apple.co/3zPZzB2
Listen On Deezer: https://bit.ly/3QvfwT0
Buy From Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xEeonl
►Follow Arta Online:
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3qg12eU
Playlist: https://bit.ly/3zM2OcE
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3HANWQg
Arta - Are (feat. Koorosh) | ORIGINAL VIDEO
Produced by: 🎛️ Arta
Beat Producer: 🎶 Kagan , Distortflame , M4han
4th Single Track of HITMAN Album 💽
First AC : homayoun vahidi
Director: 🎬 Makan & Abbas Slp
Edited by: ✂️ Abbas Slp
Cameraman: 🎥 Makan
Management & Production Coordinator: 📝 Bardia Zadeh
ARTWOK BY @m0tiar x @tinahyi
Listen On YT Music: https://bit.ly/3Qy2Haz
Listen On Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3xIyCMH
Get On iTunes/AppleMusic: https://apple.co/3zPZzB2
Listen On Deezer: https://bit.ly/3QvfwT0
Buy From Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xEeonl
►Follow Arta Online:
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3qg12eU
Playlist: https://bit.ly/3zM2OcE
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3HANWQg
- published: 01 Jun 2024
- views: 1510628
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8...
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
¡Lee conmigo! Aqui todos mis Libros:
►Coleccion: https://bit.ly/ArtaLibrosColeccion
►Arta 1: https://bit.ly/LibroArta
►Arta 2: https://bit.ly/LibroArta2
►Arta 3: https://bit.ly/LibroArta3
►Arta 4: https://bit.ly/LibroArta4
►Arta 5: https://bit.ly/LibroArta5
►Arta 6: https://bit.ly/LibroArta6
►Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
►Arta 8: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Arta Maximo Squad 1: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad1
►Arta Maximo Squad 2: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad2
►Arta Maximo Squad 3: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad3
►Arta y Max 1: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax1
►Arta y Max 2: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax2
►Arta Agenda 2023-2024: https://bit.ly/ArtaAgenda
►Arta Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Libro de Chistes y Retos: https://bit.ly/LibroChistes1
¡Sigue a la Maximo Squad!
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/@nakaryt
➽ Abril: https://www.youtube.com/@ladyabril
➽Guille: https://www.youtube.com/@guilleSPYT
➽Franela: https://www.youtube.com/@ByFranela
➽Natalia: https://www.instagram.com/natalia.joana
➽Unai: https://www.instagram.com/unai_elguay_17/
➽Valeria: https://www.instagram.com/lavaaleriaa_/
➽Sergi: https://www.instagram.com/soysergi_/
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/0IRwq4CJpzM
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
La estudiante de intercambio ya está en casa, pero no a todo el mundo le gusta que haya llegado, y aun no ha conocido a mi hijastra, ¿Cómo reaccionará?
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
¡Lee conmigo! Aqui todos mis Libros:
►Coleccion: https://bit.ly/ArtaLibrosColeccion
►Arta 1: https://bit.ly/LibroArta
►Arta 2: https://bit.ly/LibroArta2
►Arta 3: https://bit.ly/LibroArta3
►Arta 4: https://bit.ly/LibroArta4
►Arta 5: https://bit.ly/LibroArta5
►Arta 6: https://bit.ly/LibroArta6
►Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
►Arta 8: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Arta Maximo Squad 1: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad1
►Arta Maximo Squad 2: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad2
►Arta Maximo Squad 3: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad3
►Arta y Max 1: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax1
►Arta y Max 2: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax2
►Arta Agenda 2023-2024: https://bit.ly/ArtaAgenda
►Arta Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Libro de Chistes y Retos: https://bit.ly/LibroChistes1
¡Sigue a la Maximo Squad!
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/@nakaryt
➽ Abril: https://www.youtube.com/@ladyabril
➽Guille: https://www.youtube.com/@guilleSPYT
➽Franela: https://www.youtube.com/@ByFranela
➽Natalia: https://www.instagram.com/natalia.joana
➽Unai: https://www.instagram.com/unai_elguay_17/
➽Valeria: https://www.instagram.com/lavaaleriaa_/
➽Sergi: https://www.instagram.com/soysergi_/
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/0IRwq4CJpzM
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
La estudiante de intercambio ya está en casa, pero no a todo el mundo le gusta que haya llegado, y aun no ha conocido a mi hijastra, ¿Cómo reaccionará?
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
- published: 13 Nov 2024
- views: 584448
Poobon x Arta - Ki | OFFICIAL TRACK
Poobon x Arta - Ki | OFFICIAL TRACK
Written by: Poobon & Arta
Composed by: Pourya Bonakdari, Arta
Music Production: poobon
Art Direction: EMADBRZ
Visualizer De...
Poobon x Arta - Ki | OFFICIAL TRACK
Written by: Poobon & Arta
Composed by: Pourya Bonakdari, Arta
Music Production: poobon
Art Direction: EMADBRZ
Visualizer Designed by: Maminm x Emadbrz
Marketing: Sinaeftekhariam x mma30x
Listen On YT Music: https://bit.ly/3Qy2Haz
Listen On Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3xIyCMH
Get On iTunes/AppleMusic: https://apple.co/3zPZzB2
Listen On Deezer: https://bit.ly/3QvfwT0
Buy From Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xEeonl
►Follow Arta Online:
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3qg12eU
Playlist: https://bit.ly/3zM2OcE
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3HANWQg
hatta age bad shi bazam nemigam boro
harooze hafte bayad bebinam toro
hatta age 10 ta theme ham beshinan jolom
mikham beto fekr konamo bepicham golo
budi pisham sobho shab
didam toro man
rafti ki dast toro zad
ki kard toro mast
ki shab toro ... ?
ki shab toro ... ?
beki harfasho jaye man goftesh
ki aks migire az tane lokhtesh
eshghamo too ghalbet koshtesh
ki khali nemikone poshteto ?
ki bood ke joz man toro sedat mizad
ki bood ke jam shaba toro negat mikard
hanoozam tange delet to cheshat didam
akhar in zakhma begat midan
hatta age bad shi bazam nemigam boro
harooze hafte bayad bebinam toro
hatta age 10 ta theme ham beshinan jolom
mikham beto fekr konamo bepicham golo
to 'type' man budi dele toro 'keyboard' ( ki bord )
babe begu yoho chishod
nabashi music playo migam Solo beato ( bi to )
asan maloom ni kojai peurto rico
age mikhay beri boro man nadaram delesho
mikhay divunam koni ta nakhabam eyne coc
yeru budam man vasat mese bot alanam
hatta nemikham man dararam herseto
budi pisham sobho shab
didam toro man
rafti ki dast toro zad
ki kard toro mast
ki shab toro ... ?
ki shab toro ... ?
Poobon x Arta - Ki | OFFICIAL TRACK
Written by: Poobon & Arta
Composed by: Pourya Bonakdari, Arta
Music Production: poobon
Art Direction: EMADBRZ
Visualizer Designed by: Maminm x Emadbrz
Marketing: Sinaeftekhariam x mma30x
Listen On YT Music: https://bit.ly/3Qy2Haz
Listen On Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3xIyCMH
Get On iTunes/AppleMusic: https://apple.co/3zPZzB2
Listen On Deezer: https://bit.ly/3QvfwT0
Buy From Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xEeonl
►Follow Arta Online:
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3qg12eU
Playlist: https://bit.ly/3zM2OcE
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3HANWQg
hatta age bad shi bazam nemigam boro
harooze hafte bayad bebinam toro
hatta age 10 ta theme ham beshinan jolom
mikham beto fekr konamo bepicham golo
budi pisham sobho shab
didam toro man
rafti ki dast toro zad
ki kard toro mast
ki shab toro ... ?
ki shab toro ... ?
beki harfasho jaye man goftesh
ki aks migire az tane lokhtesh
eshghamo too ghalbet koshtesh
ki khali nemikone poshteto ?
ki bood ke joz man toro sedat mizad
ki bood ke jam shaba toro negat mikard
hanoozam tange delet to cheshat didam
akhar in zakhma begat midan
hatta age bad shi bazam nemigam boro
harooze hafte bayad bebinam toro
hatta age 10 ta theme ham beshinan jolom
mikham beto fekr konamo bepicham golo
to 'type' man budi dele toro 'keyboard' ( ki bord )
babe begu yoho chishod
nabashi music playo migam Solo beato ( bi to )
asan maloom ni kojai peurto rico
age mikhay beri boro man nadaram delesho
mikhay divunam koni ta nakhabam eyne coc
yeru budam man vasat mese bot alanam
hatta nemikham man dararam herseto
budi pisham sobho shab
didam toro man
rafti ki dast toro zad
ki kard toro mast
ki shab toro ... ?
ki shab toro ... ?
- published: 18 May 2024
- views: 1268512
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8...
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
¡Lee conmigo! Aqui todos mis Libros:
►Coleccion: https://bit.ly/ArtaLibrosColeccion
►Arta 1: https://bit.ly/LibroArta
►Arta 2: https://bit.ly/LibroArta2
►Arta 3: https://bit.ly/LibroArta3
►Arta 4: https://bit.ly/LibroArta4
►Arta 5: https://bit.ly/LibroArta5
►Arta 6: https://bit.ly/LibroArta6
►Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
►Arta 8: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Arta Maximo Squad 1: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad1
►Arta Maximo Squad 2: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad2
►Arta Maximo Squad 3: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad3
►Arta y Max 1: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax1
►Arta y Max 2: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax2
►Arta Agenda 2023-2024: https://bit.ly/ArtaAgenda
►Arta Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Libro de Chistes y Retos: https://bit.ly/LibroChistes1
¡Sigue a la Maximo Squad!
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/@nakaryt
➽ Abril: https://www.youtube.com/@ladyabril
➽Guille: https://www.youtube.com/@guilleSPYT
➽Franela: https://www.youtube.com/@ByFranela
➽Natalia: https://www.instagram.com/natalia.joana
➽Unai: https://www.instagram.com/unai_elguay_17/
➽Valeria: https://www.instagram.com/lavaaleriaa_/
➽Sergi: https://www.instagram.com/soysergi_/
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/TnOoiGCHvIQ
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
Hoy por fin ha llegado al estudiante de intercambio a la Máximo y ya se ha empezado a liar...
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
¡Lee conmigo! Aqui todos mis Libros:
►Coleccion: https://bit.ly/ArtaLibrosColeccion
►Arta 1: https://bit.ly/LibroArta
►Arta 2: https://bit.ly/LibroArta2
►Arta 3: https://bit.ly/LibroArta3
►Arta 4: https://bit.ly/LibroArta4
►Arta 5: https://bit.ly/LibroArta5
►Arta 6: https://bit.ly/LibroArta6
►Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
►Arta 8: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Arta Maximo Squad 1: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad1
►Arta Maximo Squad 2: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad2
►Arta Maximo Squad 3: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad3
►Arta y Max 1: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax1
►Arta y Max 2: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax2
►Arta Agenda 2023-2024: https://bit.ly/ArtaAgenda
►Arta Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Libro de Chistes y Retos: https://bit.ly/LibroChistes1
¡Sigue a la Maximo Squad!
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/@nakaryt
➽ Abril: https://www.youtube.com/@ladyabril
➽Guille: https://www.youtube.com/@guilleSPYT
➽Franela: https://www.youtube.com/@ByFranela
➽Natalia: https://www.instagram.com/natalia.joana
➽Unai: https://www.instagram.com/unai_elguay_17/
➽Valeria: https://www.instagram.com/lavaaleriaa_/
➽Sergi: https://www.instagram.com/soysergi_/
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/TnOoiGCHvIQ
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
Hoy por fin ha llegado al estudiante de intercambio a la Máximo y ya se ha empezado a liar...
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
- published: 12 Nov 2024
- views: 728712
Arta - Jealous (ft. koorosh) | OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO Directed by Slp
#arta #koorosh #jealous
Directed by SLP
Beat by vezbeats & beastinsidebeats
Mixmaster by pouyaxo
Special thanks to Brian etemad
listen on spotify
#arta #koorosh #jealous
Directed by SLP
Beat by vezbeats & beastinsidebeats
Mixmaster by pouyaxo
Special thanks to Brian etemad
listen on spotify
listen on Rj
#arta #koorosh #jealous
Directed by SLP
Beat by vezbeats & beastinsidebeats
Mixmaster by pouyaxo
Special thanks to Brian etemad
listen on spotify
listen on Rj
- published: 01 Jun 2023
- views: 1787124
EL EX NOVIO DE MI NOVIA ME PEGA…*no creerás lo que pasó!*
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8...
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
¡Lee conmigo! Aqui todos mis Libros:
►Coleccion: https://bit.ly/ArtaLibrosColeccion
►Arta 1: https://bit.ly/LibroArta
►Arta 2: https://bit.ly/LibroArta2
►Arta 3: https://bit.ly/LibroArta3
►Arta 4: https://bit.ly/LibroArta4
►Arta 5: https://bit.ly/LibroArta5
►Arta 6: https://bit.ly/LibroArta6
►Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
►Arta 8: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Arta Maximo Squad 1: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad1
►Arta Maximo Squad 2: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad2
►Arta Maximo Squad 3: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad3
►Arta y Max 1: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax1
►Arta y Max 2: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax2
►Arta Agenda 2023-2024: https://bit.ly/ArtaAgenda
►Arta Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Libro de Chistes y Retos: https://bit.ly/LibroChistes1
¡Sigue a la Maximo Squad!
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/@nakaryt
➽ Abril: https://www.youtube.com/@ladyabril
➽Guille: https://www.youtube.com/@guilleSPYT
➽Franela: https://www.youtube.com/@ByFranela
➽Natalia: https://www.instagram.com/natalia.joana
➽Unai: https://www.instagram.com/unai_elguay_17/
➽Valeria: https://www.instagram.com/lavaaleriaa_/
➽Sergi: https://www.instagram.com/soysergi_/
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/x6WuAjBi7H4
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
¡Lee conmigo! Aqui todos mis Libros:
►Coleccion: https://bit.ly/ArtaLibrosColeccion
►Arta 1: https://bit.ly/LibroArta
►Arta 2: https://bit.ly/LibroArta2
►Arta 3: https://bit.ly/LibroArta3
►Arta 4: https://bit.ly/LibroArta4
►Arta 5: https://bit.ly/LibroArta5
►Arta 6: https://bit.ly/LibroArta6
►Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
►Arta 8: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Arta Maximo Squad 1: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad1
►Arta Maximo Squad 2: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad2
►Arta Maximo Squad 3: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad3
►Arta y Max 1: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax1
►Arta y Max 2: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax2
►Arta Agenda 2023-2024: https://bit.ly/ArtaAgenda
►Arta Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Libro de Chistes y Retos: https://bit.ly/LibroChistes1
¡Sigue a la Maximo Squad!
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/@nakaryt
➽ Abril: https://www.youtube.com/@ladyabril
➽Guille: https://www.youtube.com/@guilleSPYT
➽Franela: https://www.youtube.com/@ByFranela
➽Natalia: https://www.instagram.com/natalia.joana
➽Unai: https://www.instagram.com/unai_elguay_17/
➽Valeria: https://www.instagram.com/lavaaleriaa_/
➽Sergi: https://www.instagram.com/soysergi_/
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/x6WuAjBi7H4
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
- published: 11 Nov 2024
- views: 666389
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8...
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
¡Lee conmigo! Aqui todos mis Libros:
►Coleccion: https://bit.ly/ArtaLibrosColeccion
►Arta 1: https://bit.ly/LibroArta
►Arta 2: https://bit.ly/LibroArta2
►Arta 3: https://bit.ly/LibroArta3
►Arta 4: https://bit.ly/LibroArta4
►Arta 5: https://bit.ly/LibroArta5
►Arta 6: https://bit.ly/LibroArta6
►Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
►Arta 8: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Arta Maximo Squad 1: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad1
►Arta Maximo Squad 2: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad2
►Arta Maximo Squad 3: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad3
►Arta y Max 1: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax1
►Arta y Max 2: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax2
►Arta Agenda 2023-2024: https://bit.ly/ArtaAgenda
►Arta Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Libro de Chistes y Retos: https://bit.ly/LibroChistes1
¡Sigue a la Maximo Squad!
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/@nakaryt
➽ Abril: https://www.youtube.com/@ladyabril
➽Guille: https://www.youtube.com/@guilleSPYT
➽Franela: https://www.youtube.com/@ByFranela
➽Natalia: https://www.instagram.com/natalia.joana
➽Unai: https://www.instagram.com/unai_elguay_17/
➽Valeria: https://www.instagram.com/lavaaleriaa_/
➽Sergi: https://www.instagram.com/soysergi_/
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/7jUFxEmpXpQ
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
Mi hermano se ha escapado del centro y quiere volver a casa para arreglarlo todo con la Máximo Squad, pero no va a ser tan difícil.
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
¡Lee conmigo! Aqui todos mis Libros:
►Coleccion: https://bit.ly/ArtaLibrosColeccion
►Arta 1: https://bit.ly/LibroArta
►Arta 2: https://bit.ly/LibroArta2
►Arta 3: https://bit.ly/LibroArta3
►Arta 4: https://bit.ly/LibroArta4
►Arta 5: https://bit.ly/LibroArta5
►Arta 6: https://bit.ly/LibroArta6
►Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
►Arta 8: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Arta Maximo Squad 1: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad1
►Arta Maximo Squad 2: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad2
►Arta Maximo Squad 3: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad3
►Arta y Max 1: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax1
►Arta y Max 2: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax2
►Arta Agenda 2023-2024: https://bit.ly/ArtaAgenda
►Arta Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Libro de Chistes y Retos: https://bit.ly/LibroChistes1
¡Sigue a la Maximo Squad!
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/@nakaryt
➽ Abril: https://www.youtube.com/@ladyabril
➽Guille: https://www.youtube.com/@guilleSPYT
➽Franela: https://www.youtube.com/@ByFranela
➽Natalia: https://www.instagram.com/natalia.joana
➽Unai: https://www.instagram.com/unai_elguay_17/
➽Valeria: https://www.instagram.com/lavaaleriaa_/
➽Sergi: https://www.instagram.com/soysergi_/
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/7jUFxEmpXpQ
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
Mi hermano se ha escapado del centro y quiere volver a casa para arreglarlo todo con la Máximo Squad, pero no va a ser tan difícil.
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
- published: 08 Nov 2024
- views: 777847
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8...
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
¡Lee conmigo! Aqui todos mis Libros:
►Coleccion: https://bit.ly/ArtaLibrosColeccion
►Arta 1: https://bit.ly/LibroArta
►Arta 2: https://bit.ly/LibroArta2
►Arta 3: https://bit.ly/LibroArta3
►Arta 4: https://bit.ly/LibroArta4
►Arta 5: https://bit.ly/LibroArta5
►Arta 6: https://bit.ly/LibroArta6
►Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
►Arta 8: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Arta Maximo Squad 1: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad1
►Arta Maximo Squad 2: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad2
►Arta Maximo Squad 3: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad3
►Arta y Max 1: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax1
►Arta y Max 2: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax2
►Arta Agenda 2023-2024: https://bit.ly/ArtaAgenda
►Arta Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Libro de Chistes y Retos: https://bit.ly/LibroChistes1
¡Sigue a la Maximo Squad!
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/@nakaryt
➽ Abril: https://www.youtube.com/@ladyabril
➽Guille: https://www.youtube.com/@guilleSPYT
➽Franela: https://www.youtube.com/@ByFranela
➽Natalia: https://www.instagram.com/natalia.joana
➽Unai: https://www.instagram.com/unai_elguay_17/
➽Valeria: https://www.instagram.com/lavaaleriaa_/
➽Sergi: https://www.instagram.com/soysergi_/
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/Z_oPISNuzjk
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
Mi hermano y su amigo quieren pedirle salir a las chicas de la casa pero no saben como hacerlo así que han hecho un plan genial para que no les puedan decir que no.
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
¡Lee conmigo! Aqui todos mis Libros:
►Coleccion: https://bit.ly/ArtaLibrosColeccion
►Arta 1: https://bit.ly/LibroArta
►Arta 2: https://bit.ly/LibroArta2
►Arta 3: https://bit.ly/LibroArta3
►Arta 4: https://bit.ly/LibroArta4
►Arta 5: https://bit.ly/LibroArta5
►Arta 6: https://bit.ly/LibroArta6
►Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
►Arta 8: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Arta Maximo Squad 1: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad1
►Arta Maximo Squad 2: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad2
►Arta Maximo Squad 3: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad3
►Arta y Max 1: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax1
►Arta y Max 2: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax2
►Arta Agenda 2023-2024: https://bit.ly/ArtaAgenda
►Arta Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Libro de Chistes y Retos: https://bit.ly/LibroChistes1
¡Sigue a la Maximo Squad!
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/@nakaryt
➽ Abril: https://www.youtube.com/@ladyabril
➽Guille: https://www.youtube.com/@guilleSPYT
➽Franela: https://www.youtube.com/@ByFranela
➽Natalia: https://www.instagram.com/natalia.joana
➽Unai: https://www.instagram.com/unai_elguay_17/
➽Valeria: https://www.instagram.com/lavaaleriaa_/
➽Sergi: https://www.instagram.com/soysergi_/
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/Z_oPISNuzjk
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
Mi hermano y su amigo quieren pedirle salir a las chicas de la casa pero no saben como hacerlo así que han hecho un plan genial para que no les puedan decir que no.
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
- published: 10 Nov 2024
- views: 590530
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Reserva Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Reserva Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
¡Lee conmigo! Aqui todos mis Libros:
►Coleccion: https://bit.ly/ArtaLibrosColeccion
►Arta 1: https://bit.ly/LibroArta
►Arta 2: https://bit.ly/LibroArta2
►Arta 3: https://bit.ly/LibroArta3
►Arta 4: https://bit.ly/LibroArta4
►Arta 5: https://bit.ly/LibroArta5
►Arta 6: https://bit.ly/LibroArta6
►Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
►Arta 8: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Arta Maximo Squad 1: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad1
►Arta Maximo Squad 2: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad2
►Arta Maximo Squad 3: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad3
►Arta y Max 1: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax1
►Arta y Max 2: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax2
►Arta Agenda 2023-2024: https://bit.ly/ArtaAgenda
►Arta Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Libro de Chistes y Retos: https://bit.ly/LibroChistes1
¡Sigue a la Maximo Squad!
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/@nakaryt
➽ Abril: https://www.youtube.com/@ladyabril
➽Guille: https://www.youtube.com/@guilleSPYT
➽Franela: https://www.youtube.com/@ByFranela
➽Natalia: https://www.instagram.com/natalia.joana
➽Unai: https://www.instagram.com/unai_elguay_17/
➽Valeria: https://www.instagram.com/lavaaleriaa_/
➽Sergi: https://www.instagram.com/soysergi_/
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/F91lv9PPt8A
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
Hoy al final hemos tenido que llamar a la policía para poder sacar de una vez a la pandilla de mi hermano de la Máximo House.
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
►Consigue tu peluche: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Reserva Arta Diversión Máxima: https://bit.ly/DiversionMaxima
►Consigue Arta 8 Aqui: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
¡Lee conmigo! Aqui todos mis Libros:
►Coleccion: https://bit.ly/ArtaLibrosColeccion
►Arta 1: https://bit.ly/LibroArta
►Arta 2: https://bit.ly/LibroArta2
►Arta 3: https://bit.ly/LibroArta3
►Arta 4: https://bit.ly/LibroArta4
►Arta 5: https://bit.ly/LibroArta5
►Arta 6: https://bit.ly/LibroArta6
►Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
►Arta 8: https://bit.ly/LibroArta8
►Arta Maximo Squad 1: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad1
►Arta Maximo Squad 2: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad2
►Arta Maximo Squad 3: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad3
►Arta y Max 1: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax1
►Arta y Max 2: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax2
►Arta Agenda 2023-2024: https://bit.ly/ArtaAgenda
►Arta Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Libro de Chistes y Retos: https://bit.ly/LibroChistes1
¡Sigue a la Maximo Squad!
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/@nakaryt
➽ Abril: https://www.youtube.com/@ladyabril
➽Guille: https://www.youtube.com/@guilleSPYT
➽Franela: https://www.youtube.com/@ByFranela
➽Natalia: https://www.instagram.com/natalia.joana
➽Unai: https://www.instagram.com/unai_elguay_17/
➽Valeria: https://www.instagram.com/lavaaleriaa_/
➽Sergi: https://www.instagram.com/soysergi_/
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/F91lv9PPt8A
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
Hoy al final hemos tenido que llamar a la policía para poder sacar de una vez a la pandilla de mi hermano de la Máximo House.
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
- published: 05 Nov 2024
- views: 794792
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
¡Lee conmigo! Aqui todos mis Libros:
►Coleccion: https://bit.ly/ArtaLibrosColeccion
►Arta 1: https://bit.ly/LibroArta
►Arta 2: https://bit.ly/LibroArta2
►Arta 3: https://bit.ly/LibroArta3
►Arta 4: https://bit.ly/LibroArta4
►Arta 5: https://bit.ly/LibroArta5
►Arta 6: https://bit.ly/LibroArta6
►Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
►Arta Maximo Squad 1: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad1
►Arta Maximo Squad 2: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad2
►Arta Maximo Squad 3: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad3
►Arta y Max 1: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax1
►Arta y Max 2: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax2
►Arta Agenda 2023-2024: https://bit.ly/ArtaAgenda
►Arta Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Libro de Chistes y Retos: https://bit.ly/LibroChistes1
►Libro de Nakar: https://bit.ly/LibroNakar
¡Sigue a la Maximo Squad!
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/@nakaryt
➽ Abril: https://www.youtube.com/@ladyabril
➽Guille: https://www.youtube.com/@guilleSPYT
➽Franela: https://www.youtube.com/@ByFranela
➽Natalia: https://www.instagram.com/natalia.joana
➽Unai: https://www.instagram.com/unai_elguay_17/
➽Valeria: https://www.instagram.com/lavaaleriaa_/
➽Sergi: https://www.instagram.com/soysergi_/
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/ksCI9ShPbDc
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
(Descripcion de la serie con palabras clave cortas)
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
►Consigue Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Consigue Coleccion Vuelta al Cole: https://www.artamoda.com/
►Consigue Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
¡Sigueme en las Redes!
➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios
➽ Instagram Artamoda: https://www.instagram.com/artamodaoficial
➽ TikTok Artamoda: https://www.tiktok.com/@artamoda_oficial
➽ Instagram Max y Rayo: https://www.instagram.com/maxrayo_husky
➽ TikTok Max y Rayo: https://www.tiktok.com/@maxrayo_husky
➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario: https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
¡Lee conmigo! Aqui todos mis Libros:
►Coleccion: https://bit.ly/ArtaLibrosColeccion
►Arta 1: https://bit.ly/LibroArta
►Arta 2: https://bit.ly/LibroArta2
►Arta 3: https://bit.ly/LibroArta3
►Arta 4: https://bit.ly/LibroArta4
►Arta 5: https://bit.ly/LibroArta5
►Arta 6: https://bit.ly/LibroArta6
►Arta 7: https://bit.ly/LibroArta7
►Arta Maximo Squad 1: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad1
►Arta Maximo Squad 2: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad2
►Arta Maximo Squad 3: https://bit.ly/MaximoSquad3
►Arta y Max 1: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax1
►Arta y Max 2: https://bit.ly/ArtaMax2
►Arta Agenda 2023-2024: https://bit.ly/ArtaAgenda
►Arta Agenda 2024-2025: https://bit.ly/AgendaArta
►Libro de Chistes y Retos: https://bit.ly/LibroChistes1
►Libro de Nakar: https://bit.ly/LibroNakar
¡Sigue a la Maximo Squad!
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/@nakaryt
➽ Abril: https://www.youtube.com/@ladyabril
➽Guille: https://www.youtube.com/@guilleSPYT
➽Franela: https://www.youtube.com/@ByFranela
➽Natalia: https://www.instagram.com/natalia.joana
➽Unai: https://www.instagram.com/unai_elguay_17/
➽Valeria: https://www.instagram.com/lavaaleriaa_/
➽Sergi: https://www.instagram.com/soysergi_/
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/ksCI9ShPbDc
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
(Descripcion de la serie con palabras clave cortas)
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
- published: 29 Aug 2024
- views: 732056
Tyla - ART (Official Lyric Video)
Tyla - ART (Official Lyric Video)
"TYLA" available at: https://tyla.lnk.to/tyla
Follow Tyla:
Tyla - ART (Official Lyric Video)
"TYLA" available at: https://tyla.lnk.to/tyla
Follow Tyla:
(C) 2024 FAX Records, under exclusive license to Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
#Tyla #ART
Tyla - ART (Official Lyric Video)
"TYLA" available at: https://tyla.lnk.to/tyla
Follow Tyla:
(C) 2024 FAX Records, under exclusive license to Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
#Tyla #ART
- published: 22 Mar 2024
- views: 4416385
Arta - Zendegi Hamine (Acoustic Version) feat.@KooroshOfficial | OFFICIAL TRACK + LYRICS
Arta - Zendegi Hamine (feat. Koorosh) | ORIGINAL AUDIO آرتا و کورش - زندگی همینه | آکوستیک ورژن
Beat by : Arman Miladi
Artwork by : Emad brz
visual artist : sa...
Arta - Zendegi Hamine (feat. Koorosh) | ORIGINAL AUDIO آرتا و کورش - زندگی همینه | آکوستیک ورژن
Beat by : Arman Miladi
Artwork by : Emad brz
visual artist : sajjad akbari X @ashknmp
Mix & Master by : Calloutrose
Listen On YT Music: https://bit.ly/3Qy2Haz
Listen On Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3xIyCMH
Get On iTunes/AppleMusic: https://apple.co/3zPZzB2
Listen On Deezer: https://bit.ly/3QvfwT0
Buy From Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xEeonl
►Follow Arta Online:
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3qg12eU
Playlist: https://bit.ly/3zM2OcE
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3HANWQg
Arta - Zendegi Hamine (feat. Koorosh) | ORIGINAL AUDIO آرتا و کورش - زندگی همینه | آکوستیک ورژن
Beat by : Arman Miladi
Artwork by : Emad brz
visual artist : sajjad akbari X @ashknmp
Mix & Master by : Calloutrose
Listen On YT Music: https://bit.ly/3Qy2Haz
Listen On Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3xIyCMH
Get On iTunes/AppleMusic: https://apple.co/3zPZzB2
Listen On Deezer: https://bit.ly/3QvfwT0
Buy From Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xEeonl
►Follow Arta Online:
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3qg12eU
Playlist: https://bit.ly/3zM2OcE
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3HANWQg
- published: 02 Oct 2023
- views: 576512
Image File Formats - JPEG, GIF, PNG
What's the difference between a JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc...?
TunnelBear message: TunnelBear is the easy-to-use VPN app for mobile and desktop. Visit http://tunnelbear.com/linus to try it free and save 10% when you sign up for unlimited TunnelBear data.
Techquickie Merch Store: https://www.designbyhumans.com/shop/LinusTechTips/
Techquickie Movie Poster: https://shop.crowdmade.com/collections/linustechtips/products/tech-quickie-24x36-poster
Leave a comment with your requests for future episodes, or tweet them here: http://twitter.com/jmart604
Follow: http://twitter.com/linustech
Join the community: http://linustechtips.com
published: 16 May 2017
I made my own Image File Format
Image File Formats are... images.
GitHub: https://github.com/face-hh/bruh
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FaceDevStuff
Discord server: https://discord.gg/W98yWga6YK
Twitter: https://twitter.com/facedevstuff
Background song - https://youtube.com/watch?v=l7SwiFWOQqM
Outro song - https://youtube.com/watch?v=bIr6E1oTzuM
Thumbnail art by @JersonEXE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/JersonBrawlStar
Thanks for watching!
published: 29 Jul 2023
How to Choose an Image File Format
JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, EPS - how do you know what to use? Find out here!
Like my interrobang necklace? You can get one at http://dftba.com/karen
You can watch all of my graphic design videos here:
Previous videos:
Typography Inspiration in San Francisco: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixd0cB7u4Sg
Blinged Out Flowerpots Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oySjeAdael0
Learn more about different file types:
End music by Hank Green:
Check out my website: http://karenkavett.com
Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/karenkavett
Subscribe to my second channel: http://youtube.com/karenkavett
Follow me on T...
published: 18 Jun 2013
What is the Best Image Format? | Basics for Beginners
There's plenty of different image formats out there, but which one is the best? There's only one way to find out...FIGHT!
Thanks for watching!
TipTut: https://www.youtube.com/c/TipTut
LinkTCOne: http://www.youtube.com/c/LinkTCOne
Social Media:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tiptutzone
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tiptutzone
TipTut Theme Assets:
Colour Palette: http://www.flatuicolors.com
Fonts: Lovelo, Caviar Dreams
published: 03 Oct 2016
What is the best file format for printing
No matter what your circumstance is pertaining to a design, it's crucial for you to understand the overall best file format for printing. Having a general knowledge of this subject will make you more understanding of how printing actually operates when it comes to design. Even if you're not a designer, it's still just as relevant information for you to learn for the situations when you've hired or are working with a designer.
To fully understand the best file format printing, we're going to go over a variety of information surrounding printing. We're going to highlight aspects such as bitmap and vector, resolution, RGB and CMYK, file formats, and much more.
Be sure to utilize this information to help you get a better understanding of file formats and printing. Don’t worry, we’re going to ...
published: 01 May 2020
How Bitmap File Format Works (.bmp)
published: 25 Oct 2023
How to Convert Raster Image to Vector (New Method) - Photoshop Tutorial
The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1-month free trial of Skillshare: https://skl.sh/pixivu02221
In this image-to-vector Photoshop tutorial, you'll learn how to convert any raster image to a vector using only Photoshop. You'll start by making a black-and-white drawing from your photo, then vectorize your output image using a free action in Photoshop. You will also learn how to export the final vector result to Illustrator as an EPS file. No need to trace your photos manually, just vectorize them with this simple technique.
Please Like the video and SUBSCRIBE For more "how to vectorize images" Photoshop tutorials!
-Oil Paint Filter Fix: https://www.patreon.com/posts/oil-paint-filter-24686486
Used Action & Image: https://www.psfreebies.com/convert-r...
published: 01 Mar 2022
How are Images Compressed? [46MB ↘↘ 4.07MB] JPEG In Depth
Go to http://brilliant.org/BranchEducation/ to sign up for free, and expand your knowledge. The first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium membership.
You've probably saved 1000s of JPEG images, but do you know what exactly JPEG does? Our smartphones and cameras save images in JPEG format, furthermore, the majority of images you see on the internet are saved using JPEG compression. This format is everywhere, but do you know exactly how it works? Well in this video we're going to explore the JPEG compression format. This is a rather complicated video, so it may take watching it a few times through to understand it all.
Do you want to support in-depth engineering and technology education? Support us on: https://www.patreon.com/brancheducation
Website: https://www.branch....
published: 23 Dec 2021
Make a living from 2D animation (social media, art process) with @art4anj
Download Callipeg on your iPad App Store :
Download Callipeg mini on your iPhone App Store (one tiny price, just once) : https://apps.apple.com/app/callipeg-mini/id6502952180
Discover the work of Anj on https://www.instagram.com/art4anj/ and @art4anj
Learn the basics of 2D animation (complete class): https://www.21-draw.com/?rfsn=8140739.bd9155
Support the development of Callipeg: https://callipeg.com/donate/
Contact us via contact@enoben.com for any questions.
Join us on Discord to share your animations, requests and bug reports: https://discord.gg/VzkddrB
Thank you for using Callipeg. Share your animations on Instagram with @callipeg.app or #callipeg, we often publish your animations on our social media.
00:00 Introduction
01:04 Firs...
published: 14 Nov 2024
SVG Explained in 100 Seconds
What are Scalable Vector Graphics 🤏? How are vector images different than raster images? Learn the fundamentals of SVG in 100 seconds!
Learn more about web design, SVG, and CSS in this tutorial: https://fireship.io/lessons/css-cards-animated/
Star Wars Animation https://codepen.io/nerdmanship/pen/ZLoyPG
Path Docs https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths
#webdev #html #100SecondsOfCode
Install the quiz app 🤓
iOS https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fireship/id1462592372?mt=8
Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.fireship.quizapp
Upgrade to Fireship PRO at https://fireship.io/pro
Use code lORhwXd2 for 25% off your first payment.
My VS Code Theme
- Atom One Dark
- vscode-icons
- Fira Code Font
published: 24 Mar 2021
What Resolution Do You Need to Print Large Format? (Using Photoshop or Raster)
Learn illustration from Tom Froese, get access to 1000's of creative classes on Skillshare. Try free for 30 days. http://www.www.tomfroese.com/teaching
This video is about using Photoshop for Large Format Illustrations and Murals. When illustrating for large formats in raster based apps like Photoshop or Procreate, how high of resolution do you need to use? Do you need to work in 300 dpi? How big are the files for large format illustrations? Are they giant?
Join my community of passionate illustrators on Patreon
0:00 Intro
0:40 How do you use Photoshop when working on large format illustrations and murals?
1:37 Do you need to work at 300 DPI at large format sizes?
3:05 How do you set up a Photoshop file for a large format illustration?
7:54 Ho...
published: 25 Mar 2022
How to Format Your Art For Printing
In this episode of Turn Digital Designs into Beautiful Physical Art with Adobe Fresco & Illustrator, we’ll teach you how to format and export your designs like a pro. Whether it’s posters, stickers, or your next mind-blowing character merch, we’ve got you covered! 🖼️
We’re talking Asset Export like it's the ultimate cheat code, how to keep your artwork more organized, and finally, how to send it off to your client with the confidence of a designer who knows their CMYK from their RGB! 🚀
Your art is about to jump off the screen and into the real world – and no, we’re not kidding. 💥
🔧 Topics Covered:
- Asset Export
- Proper file formats and specs
- Organizing your artwork
- Delivering to your client with style (and accuracy!)
Don't miss it, because the only thing worse than missing out ...
published: 02 Sep 2024
How to turn any image into an SVG for free.
This tutorial will show you how to take a PNG or JPG image and turn it into a layered SVG for free. There are no special tools needed.
Try Creative Fabria for FREE! Sign up for a free all access membership trial and get your first 10 downloads totally free then your membership will renew at $9/month.
Baby Animal clip art I used in the tutorial:
Want to learn the basics of Cricut Design Space? Join my email list and you’ll get access to my Cricut CRASH COURSE TOTALLY FREE. Click the link below to sign up
Already have the basics...
published: 29 Sep 2020
Images, Pixels and RGB
Hear Instagram co-founder explain how images are represented in binary, and how image filters work on the inside. This video is part of the Code.org video lecture series for the upcoming Computer Science Principles high school course. For more about the curriculum see http://code.org/educate/csp. For other educational videos from Code.org see http://code.org/educate/videos.
Special thanks to Kevin Systrom and Instagram and Piper Hanson photography http://piperhanson.com
Help us translate into your language: http://code.org/translate/videos
Help us caption & translate this video!
published: 11 Mar 2015
Image File Formats - JPEG, GIF, PNG
What's the difference between a JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc...?
TunnelBear message: TunnelBear is the easy-to-use VPN app for mobile and desktop. Visit http://tunnelbe...
What's the difference between a JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc...?
TunnelBear message: TunnelBear is the easy-to-use VPN app for mobile and desktop. Visit http://tunnelbear.com/linus to try it free and save 10% when you sign up for unlimited TunnelBear data.
Techquickie Merch Store: https://www.designbyhumans.com/shop/LinusTechTips/
Techquickie Movie Poster: https://shop.crowdmade.com/collections/linustechtips/products/tech-quickie-24x36-poster
Leave a comment with your requests for future episodes, or tweet them here: http://twitter.com/jmart604
Follow: http://twitter.com/linustech
Join the community: http://linustechtips.com
What's the difference between a JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc...?
TunnelBear message: TunnelBear is the easy-to-use VPN app for mobile and desktop. Visit http://tunnelbear.com/linus to try it free and save 10% when you sign up for unlimited TunnelBear data.
Techquickie Merch Store: https://www.designbyhumans.com/shop/LinusTechTips/
Techquickie Movie Poster: https://shop.crowdmade.com/collections/linustechtips/products/tech-quickie-24x36-poster
Leave a comment with your requests for future episodes, or tweet them here: http://twitter.com/jmart604
Follow: http://twitter.com/linustech
Join the community: http://linustechtips.com
- published: 16 May 2017
- views: 1994547
I made my own Image File Format
Image File Formats are... images.
GitHub: https://github.com/face-hh/bruh
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FaceDevStuff
Discord server: https://discord.gg/W98...
Image File Formats are... images.
GitHub: https://github.com/face-hh/bruh
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FaceDevStuff
Discord server: https://discord.gg/W98yWga6YK
Twitter: https://twitter.com/facedevstuff
Background song - https://youtube.com/watch?v=l7SwiFWOQqM
Outro song - https://youtube.com/watch?v=bIr6E1oTzuM
Thumbnail art by @JersonEXE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/JersonBrawlStar
Thanks for watching!
Image File Formats are... images.
GitHub: https://github.com/face-hh/bruh
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FaceDevStuff
Discord server: https://discord.gg/W98yWga6YK
Twitter: https://twitter.com/facedevstuff
Background song - https://youtube.com/watch?v=l7SwiFWOQqM
Outro song - https://youtube.com/watch?v=bIr6E1oTzuM
Thumbnail art by @JersonEXE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/JersonBrawlStar
Thanks for watching!
- published: 29 Jul 2023
- views: 421961
How to Choose an Image File Format
JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, EPS - how do you know what to use? Find out here!
Like my interrobang necklace? You can get one at http://dftba.com/karen
You can watch al...
JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, EPS - how do you know what to use? Find out here!
Like my interrobang necklace? You can get one at http://dftba.com/karen
You can watch all of my graphic design videos here:
Previous videos:
Typography Inspiration in San Francisco: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixd0cB7u4Sg
Blinged Out Flowerpots Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oySjeAdael0
Learn more about different file types:
End music by Hank Green:
Check out my website: http://karenkavett.com
Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/karenkavett
Subscribe to my second channel: http://youtube.com/karenkavett
Follow me on Tumblr: http://karenkavett.tumblr.com
Follow me on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/karenkavett/
Thanks for watching, and DFTBA!
JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, EPS - how do you know what to use? Find out here!
Like my interrobang necklace? You can get one at http://dftba.com/karen
You can watch all of my graphic design videos here:
Previous videos:
Typography Inspiration in San Francisco: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixd0cB7u4Sg
Blinged Out Flowerpots Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oySjeAdael0
Learn more about different file types:
End music by Hank Green:
Check out my website: http://karenkavett.com
Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/karenkavett
Subscribe to my second channel: http://youtube.com/karenkavett
Follow me on Tumblr: http://karenkavett.tumblr.com
Follow me on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/karenkavett/
Thanks for watching, and DFTBA!
- published: 18 Jun 2013
- views: 69273
What is the Best Image Format? | Basics for Beginners
There's plenty of different image formats out there, but which one is the best? There's only one way to find out...FIGHT!
Thanks for watching!
There's plenty of different image formats out there, but which one is the best? There's only one way to find out...FIGHT!
Thanks for watching!
TipTut: https://www.youtube.com/c/TipTut
LinkTCOne: http://www.youtube.com/c/LinkTCOne
Social Media:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tiptutzone
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tiptutzone
TipTut Theme Assets:
Colour Palette: http://www.flatuicolors.com
Fonts: Lovelo, Caviar Dreams
There's plenty of different image formats out there, but which one is the best? There's only one way to find out...FIGHT!
Thanks for watching!
TipTut: https://www.youtube.com/c/TipTut
LinkTCOne: http://www.youtube.com/c/LinkTCOne
Social Media:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tiptutzone
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tiptutzone
TipTut Theme Assets:
Colour Palette: http://www.flatuicolors.com
Fonts: Lovelo, Caviar Dreams
- published: 03 Oct 2016
- views: 19962
What is the best file format for printing
No matter what your circumstance is pertaining to a design, it's crucial for you to understand the overall best file format for printing. Having a general know...
No matter what your circumstance is pertaining to a design, it's crucial for you to understand the overall best file format for printing. Having a general knowledge of this subject will make you more understanding of how printing actually operates when it comes to design. Even if you're not a designer, it's still just as relevant information for you to learn for the situations when you've hired or are working with a designer.
To fully understand the best file format printing, we're going to go over a variety of information surrounding printing. We're going to highlight aspects such as bitmap and vector, resolution, RGB and CMYK, file formats, and much more.
Be sure to utilize this information to help you get a better understanding of file formats and printing. Don’t worry, we’re going to discuss everything you’ll need to know! You no longer have to worry about certain acronyms, resolution requirements, and specific file formats. It might seem like an overwhelming amount of information, but figuring out the best file format for printing is a lot easier than you might expect. Once you understand how it actually operates, you’ll realize where to go from there. However, keep in mind, it’s a bit more complicated than just learning about colors.
Nonetheless, let’s get started!
- Bitmap images are made by pixels, which are small dots on your display. They're ideal for very detailed graphics such as photos or digital paintings.
- Vector images are made by geometrical objects (lines, curves, circles, rectangles, etc...). The most common examples of vector graphics are logos, simple illustrations, or icons.
- Bitmap images tend to lose quality after enlargement because of pixelation.
- Vector images can be enlarged without loss of quality. This feature is ideal for printing purposes thanks to the great need for scalability.
- RGB is a color model for digital devices which uses red, green, and blue color. If your artwork is displayed on digital screens, then always use the RGB color model.
- CMYK is a color model for printing machines which uses cyan, magenta, yellow and black color. CMYK gives you accurate results if you want to print your artwork.
- Most known bitmap file formats are JPGs, PNGs, GIFs, TIFFs or PSDs. These formats are ideal for storing sophisticated graphics with the preservation of small file sizes.
- The most used vector file formats are AI, EPS, PDF, SVG. These formats are often used by various machines for printing, engraving, cutting, sublimating, or architectural work.
- PDF is the best option for printing
- It has a high compression level
- PDF can contain both bitmap and vector graphics
- PDF is the compatible format for most graphic and printing programs
- Its widely supported by most operating systems and internet
- This format can be encrypted and support filling forms
Online image processing service
Forest by Vlad Gluschenko https://soundcloud.com/vgl9
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/forest-vlad-gluschenko
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/OMjF_LLOiC0
No matter what your circumstance is pertaining to a design, it's crucial for you to understand the overall best file format for printing. Having a general knowledge of this subject will make you more understanding of how printing actually operates when it comes to design. Even if you're not a designer, it's still just as relevant information for you to learn for the situations when you've hired or are working with a designer.
To fully understand the best file format printing, we're going to go over a variety of information surrounding printing. We're going to highlight aspects such as bitmap and vector, resolution, RGB and CMYK, file formats, and much more.
Be sure to utilize this information to help you get a better understanding of file formats and printing. Don’t worry, we’re going to discuss everything you’ll need to know! You no longer have to worry about certain acronyms, resolution requirements, and specific file formats. It might seem like an overwhelming amount of information, but figuring out the best file format for printing is a lot easier than you might expect. Once you understand how it actually operates, you’ll realize where to go from there. However, keep in mind, it’s a bit more complicated than just learning about colors.
Nonetheless, let’s get started!
- Bitmap images are made by pixels, which are small dots on your display. They're ideal for very detailed graphics such as photos or digital paintings.
- Vector images are made by geometrical objects (lines, curves, circles, rectangles, etc...). The most common examples of vector graphics are logos, simple illustrations, or icons.
- Bitmap images tend to lose quality after enlargement because of pixelation.
- Vector images can be enlarged without loss of quality. This feature is ideal for printing purposes thanks to the great need for scalability.
- RGB is a color model for digital devices which uses red, green, and blue color. If your artwork is displayed on digital screens, then always use the RGB color model.
- CMYK is a color model for printing machines which uses cyan, magenta, yellow and black color. CMYK gives you accurate results if you want to print your artwork.
- Most known bitmap file formats are JPGs, PNGs, GIFs, TIFFs or PSDs. These formats are ideal for storing sophisticated graphics with the preservation of small file sizes.
- The most used vector file formats are AI, EPS, PDF, SVG. These formats are often used by various machines for printing, engraving, cutting, sublimating, or architectural work.
- PDF is the best option for printing
- It has a high compression level
- PDF can contain both bitmap and vector graphics
- PDF is the compatible format for most graphic and printing programs
- Its widely supported by most operating systems and internet
- This format can be encrypted and support filling forms
Online image processing service
Forest by Vlad Gluschenko https://soundcloud.com/vgl9
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/forest-vlad-gluschenko
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/OMjF_LLOiC0
- published: 01 May 2020
- views: 3815
How to Convert Raster Image to Vector (New Method) - Photoshop Tutorial
The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1-month free trial of Skillshare: https://skl.sh/pixivu02221
In this image-to-vector Photoshop tutorial, you...
The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1-month free trial of Skillshare: https://skl.sh/pixivu02221
In this image-to-vector Photoshop tutorial, you'll learn how to convert any raster image to a vector using only Photoshop. You'll start by making a black-and-white drawing from your photo, then vectorize your output image using a free action in Photoshop. You will also learn how to export the final vector result to Illustrator as an EPS file. No need to trace your photos manually, just vectorize them with this simple technique.
Please Like the video and SUBSCRIBE For more "how to vectorize images" Photoshop tutorials!
-Oil Paint Filter Fix: https://www.patreon.com/posts/oil-paint-filter-24686486
Used Action & Image: https://www.psfreebies.com/convert-raster-to-vector-photoshop/
For Patreon Members: https://www.patreon.com/posts/63202865
0:00 Intro
0:15 Create a Black & White drawing
5:05 How to Vectorize a Raster Image
6:39 Convert Raster To Vector with a FREE Action
8:00 Outro
#PhotoshopTutorial #Photoshop #Pixivu
The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1-month free trial of Skillshare: https://skl.sh/pixivu02221
In this image-to-vector Photoshop tutorial, you'll learn how to convert any raster image to a vector using only Photoshop. You'll start by making a black-and-white drawing from your photo, then vectorize your output image using a free action in Photoshop. You will also learn how to export the final vector result to Illustrator as an EPS file. No need to trace your photos manually, just vectorize them with this simple technique.
Please Like the video and SUBSCRIBE For more "how to vectorize images" Photoshop tutorials!
-Oil Paint Filter Fix: https://www.patreon.com/posts/oil-paint-filter-24686486
Used Action & Image: https://www.psfreebies.com/convert-raster-to-vector-photoshop/
For Patreon Members: https://www.patreon.com/posts/63202865
0:00 Intro
0:15 Create a Black & White drawing
5:05 How to Vectorize a Raster Image
6:39 Convert Raster To Vector with a FREE Action
8:00 Outro
#PhotoshopTutorial #Photoshop #Pixivu
- published: 01 Mar 2022
- views: 1398867
How are Images Compressed? [46MB ↘↘ 4.07MB] JPEG In Depth
Go to http://brilliant.org/BranchEducation/ to sign up for free, and expand your knowledge. The first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium membersh...
Go to http://brilliant.org/BranchEducation/ to sign up for free, and expand your knowledge. The first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium membership.
You've probably saved 1000s of JPEG images, but do you know what exactly JPEG does? Our smartphones and cameras save images in JPEG format, furthermore, the majority of images you see on the internet are saved using JPEG compression. This format is everywhere, but do you know exactly how it works? Well in this video we're going to explore the JPEG compression format. This is a rather complicated video, so it may take watching it a few times through to understand it all.
Do you want to support in-depth engineering and technology education? Support us on: https://www.patreon.com/brancheducation
Website: https://www.branch.education
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BranchEducation/
On Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeddyTablante
On Insta: https://www.instagram.com/brancheducation/
Or Join us on YouTube Memberships: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdp4_l1vPmpN-gDbUwhaRUQ/join
Script, Modeling, Animation: Teddy Tablante
Twitter: @teddytablante
Voice Over- Phil Lee
Nature Photography- Tobias Karlsson
Table of Contents:
00:00 - Intro into JPEG
01:24 - What does JPEG do?
02:35 - What are the Steps of JPEG?
04:06 - Color Space Conversion
06:06 - Discrete Cosine Transform
09:32 - Quantization
11:02- Run Length and Huffman Encoding
12:04 - H.264 Video Compression
13:25 - Rebuilding an Image
15:01 - Notes and Caveats on JPEG
17:06 - Sponsored by Brilliant
18:20 - Outro
Key Branches from this video are: How does a Camera Work? How do SSDs Work?
Tulips are not the same as Lillies.
Animation built using Blender 3.0.0 https://www.blender.org/
Post with Adobe Premiere Pro
A Trip Through the Graphics Pipeline 2011: Index
DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform)
H.264 is Magic
How JPEG Works
Jack, Keith. Video Demystified. Fifth Edition. Elsevier 2007.
JPEG 101 - How does JPEG Work?
JPEG: Image Compression Algorithm
What is H.264?
Wikipedia contributors. "Chroma Subsampling", "Chrominance", "Chroma Subsampling", "Discrete Cosine Transform", , "JPEG" , "
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Visited December, 2021
Music Credits
#JPEG #Camera #Picture
Go to http://brilliant.org/BranchEducation/ to sign up for free, and expand your knowledge. The first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium membership.
You've probably saved 1000s of JPEG images, but do you know what exactly JPEG does? Our smartphones and cameras save images in JPEG format, furthermore, the majority of images you see on the internet are saved using JPEG compression. This format is everywhere, but do you know exactly how it works? Well in this video we're going to explore the JPEG compression format. This is a rather complicated video, so it may take watching it a few times through to understand it all.
Do you want to support in-depth engineering and technology education? Support us on: https://www.patreon.com/brancheducation
Website: https://www.branch.education
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BranchEducation/
On Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeddyTablante
On Insta: https://www.instagram.com/brancheducation/
Or Join us on YouTube Memberships: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdp4_l1vPmpN-gDbUwhaRUQ/join
Script, Modeling, Animation: Teddy Tablante
Twitter: @teddytablante
Voice Over- Phil Lee
Nature Photography- Tobias Karlsson
Table of Contents:
00:00 - Intro into JPEG
01:24 - What does JPEG do?
02:35 - What are the Steps of JPEG?
04:06 - Color Space Conversion
06:06 - Discrete Cosine Transform
09:32 - Quantization
11:02- Run Length and Huffman Encoding
12:04 - H.264 Video Compression
13:25 - Rebuilding an Image
15:01 - Notes and Caveats on JPEG
17:06 - Sponsored by Brilliant
18:20 - Outro
Key Branches from this video are: How does a Camera Work? How do SSDs Work?
Tulips are not the same as Lillies.
Animation built using Blender 3.0.0 https://www.blender.org/
Post with Adobe Premiere Pro
A Trip Through the Graphics Pipeline 2011: Index
DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform)
H.264 is Magic
How JPEG Works
Jack, Keith. Video Demystified. Fifth Edition. Elsevier 2007.
JPEG 101 - How does JPEG Work?
JPEG: Image Compression Algorithm
What is H.264?
Wikipedia contributors. "Chroma Subsampling", "Chrominance", "Chroma Subsampling", "Discrete Cosine Transform", , "JPEG" , "
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Visited December, 2021
Music Credits
#JPEG #Camera #Picture
- published: 23 Dec 2021
- views: 3723119
Make a living from 2D animation (social media, art process) with @art4anj
Download Callipeg on your iPad App Store :
Download Callipeg mini on your iPhone App Store (one tiny price, jus...
Download Callipeg on your iPad App Store :
Download Callipeg mini on your iPhone App Store (one tiny price, just once) : https://apps.apple.com/app/callipeg-mini/id6502952180
Discover the work of Anj on https://www.instagram.com/art4anj/ and @art4anj
Learn the basics of 2D animation (complete class): https://www.21-draw.com/?rfsn=8140739.bd9155
Support the development of Callipeg: https://callipeg.com/donate/
Contact us via contact@enoben.com for any questions.
Join us on Discord to share your animations, requests and bug reports: https://discord.gg/VzkddrB
Thank you for using Callipeg. Share your animations on Instagram with @callipeg.app or #callipeg, we often publish your animations on our social media.
00:00 Introduction
01:04 First steps in animation
15:23 Making animation for VTubers and streamers
23:15 Process for animation
30:44 Social media and finding clients as a freelance
50:08 Working using Callipeg (for keyframe animation)
1:36:31 For aspiring animators...
#animation #callipeg #podcast
Download Callipeg on your iPad App Store :
Download Callipeg mini on your iPhone App Store (one tiny price, just once) : https://apps.apple.com/app/callipeg-mini/id6502952180
Discover the work of Anj on https://www.instagram.com/art4anj/ and @art4anj
Learn the basics of 2D animation (complete class): https://www.21-draw.com/?rfsn=8140739.bd9155
Support the development of Callipeg: https://callipeg.com/donate/
Contact us via contact@enoben.com for any questions.
Join us on Discord to share your animations, requests and bug reports: https://discord.gg/VzkddrB
Thank you for using Callipeg. Share your animations on Instagram with @callipeg.app or #callipeg, we often publish your animations on our social media.
00:00 Introduction
01:04 First steps in animation
15:23 Making animation for VTubers and streamers
23:15 Process for animation
30:44 Social media and finding clients as a freelance
50:08 Working using Callipeg (for keyframe animation)
1:36:31 For aspiring animators...
#animation #callipeg #podcast
- published: 14 Nov 2024
- views: 544
SVG Explained in 100 Seconds
What are Scalable Vector Graphics 🤏? How are vector images different than raster images? Learn the fundamentals of SVG in 100 seconds!
Learn more about web des...
What are Scalable Vector Graphics 🤏? How are vector images different than raster images? Learn the fundamentals of SVG in 100 seconds!
Learn more about web design, SVG, and CSS in this tutorial: https://fireship.io/lessons/css-cards-animated/
Star Wars Animation https://codepen.io/nerdmanship/pen/ZLoyPG
Path Docs https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths
#webdev #html #100SecondsOfCode
Install the quiz app 🤓
iOS https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fireship/id1462592372?mt=8
Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.fireship.quizapp
Upgrade to Fireship PRO at https://fireship.io/pro
Use code lORhwXd2 for 25% off your first payment.
My VS Code Theme
- Atom One Dark
- vscode-icons
- Fira Code Font
What are Scalable Vector Graphics 🤏? How are vector images different than raster images? Learn the fundamentals of SVG in 100 seconds!
Learn more about web design, SVG, and CSS in this tutorial: https://fireship.io/lessons/css-cards-animated/
Star Wars Animation https://codepen.io/nerdmanship/pen/ZLoyPG
Path Docs https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths
#webdev #html #100SecondsOfCode
Install the quiz app 🤓
iOS https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fireship/id1462592372?mt=8
Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.fireship.quizapp
Upgrade to Fireship PRO at https://fireship.io/pro
Use code lORhwXd2 for 25% off your first payment.
My VS Code Theme
- Atom One Dark
- vscode-icons
- Fira Code Font
- published: 24 Mar 2021
- views: 895812
What Resolution Do You Need to Print Large Format? (Using Photoshop or Raster)
Learn illustration from Tom Froese, get access to 1000's of creative classes on Skillshare. Try free for 30 days. http://www.www.tomfroese.com/teaching
This vi...
Learn illustration from Tom Froese, get access to 1000's of creative classes on Skillshare. Try free for 30 days. http://www.www.tomfroese.com/teaching
This video is about using Photoshop for Large Format Illustrations and Murals. When illustrating for large formats in raster based apps like Photoshop or Procreate, how high of resolution do you need to use? Do you need to work in 300 dpi? How big are the files for large format illustrations? Are they giant?
Join my community of passionate illustrators on Patreon
0:00 Intro
0:40 How do you use Photoshop when working on large format illustrations and murals?
1:37 Do you need to work at 300 DPI at large format sizes?
3:05 How do you set up a Photoshop file for a large format illustration?
7:54 How big are the files? Are they HUGE?
9:57 A Concentrated Orange Juice Metaphor
11:13 Outro
Teaching: http://www.skillshare.com/tomfroese
Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/tomfroese
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mrtomfroese
Web: http://www.tomfroese.com
Learn illustration from Tom Froese, get access to 1000's of creative classes on Skillshare. Try free for 30 days. http://www.www.tomfroese.com/teaching
This video is about using Photoshop for Large Format Illustrations and Murals. When illustrating for large formats in raster based apps like Photoshop or Procreate, how high of resolution do you need to use? Do you need to work in 300 dpi? How big are the files for large format illustrations? Are they giant?
Join my community of passionate illustrators on Patreon
0:00 Intro
0:40 How do you use Photoshop when working on large format illustrations and murals?
1:37 Do you need to work at 300 DPI at large format sizes?
3:05 How do you set up a Photoshop file for a large format illustration?
7:54 How big are the files? Are they HUGE?
9:57 A Concentrated Orange Juice Metaphor
11:13 Outro
Teaching: http://www.skillshare.com/tomfroese
Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/tomfroese
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mrtomfroese
Web: http://www.tomfroese.com
- published: 25 Mar 2022
- views: 21961
How to Format Your Art For Printing
In this episode of Turn Digital Designs into Beautiful Physical Art with Adobe Fresco & Illustrator, we’ll teach you how to format and export your designs like ...
In this episode of Turn Digital Designs into Beautiful Physical Art with Adobe Fresco & Illustrator, we’ll teach you how to format and export your designs like a pro. Whether it’s posters, stickers, or your next mind-blowing character merch, we’ve got you covered! 🖼️
We’re talking Asset Export like it's the ultimate cheat code, how to keep your artwork more organized, and finally, how to send it off to your client with the confidence of a designer who knows their CMYK from their RGB! 🚀
Your art is about to jump off the screen and into the real world – and no, we’re not kidding. 💥
🔧 Topics Covered:
- Asset Export
- Proper file formats and specs
- Organizing your artwork
- Delivering to your client with style (and accuracy!)
Don't miss it, because the only thing worse than missing out is a pixelated print. 😜
In this episode of Turn Digital Designs into Beautiful Physical Art with Adobe Fresco & Illustrator, we’ll teach you how to format and export your designs like a pro. Whether it’s posters, stickers, or your next mind-blowing character merch, we’ve got you covered! 🖼️
We’re talking Asset Export like it's the ultimate cheat code, how to keep your artwork more organized, and finally, how to send it off to your client with the confidence of a designer who knows their CMYK from their RGB! 🚀
Your art is about to jump off the screen and into the real world – and no, we’re not kidding. 💥
🔧 Topics Covered:
- Asset Export
- Proper file formats and specs
- Organizing your artwork
- Delivering to your client with style (and accuracy!)
Don't miss it, because the only thing worse than missing out is a pixelated print. 😜
- published: 02 Sep 2024
- views: 1460
How to turn any image into an SVG for free.
This tutorial will show you how to take a PNG or JPG image and turn it into a layered SVG for free. There are no special tools needed.
Try Creative Fabria for...
This tutorial will show you how to take a PNG or JPG image and turn it into a layered SVG for free. There are no special tools needed.
Try Creative Fabria for FREE! Sign up for a free all access membership trial and get your first 10 downloads totally free then your membership will renew at $9/month.
Baby Animal clip art I used in the tutorial:
Want to learn the basics of Cricut Design Space? Join my email list and you’ll get access to my Cricut CRASH COURSE TOTALLY FREE. Click the link below to sign up
Already have the basics and need help with the next steps? You’d really enjoy my Cricut Next Steps Course. Click the link below and check it out.
Want to help support my channel? Consider signing up for a Crystal's Crafties Membership:
For more tutorials make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel @CrystalsCrafties
You’ll also find more tutorials on my blog at www.crystalscrafties.com
This tutorial will show you how to take a PNG or JPG image and turn it into a layered SVG for free. There are no special tools needed.
Try Creative Fabria for FREE! Sign up for a free all access membership trial and get your first 10 downloads totally free then your membership will renew at $9/month.
Baby Animal clip art I used in the tutorial:
Want to learn the basics of Cricut Design Space? Join my email list and you’ll get access to my Cricut CRASH COURSE TOTALLY FREE. Click the link below to sign up
Already have the basics and need help with the next steps? You’d really enjoy my Cricut Next Steps Course. Click the link below and check it out.
Want to help support my channel? Consider signing up for a Crystal's Crafties Membership:
For more tutorials make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel @CrystalsCrafties
You’ll also find more tutorials on my blog at www.crystalscrafties.com
- published: 29 Sep 2020
- views: 548863
Images, Pixels and RGB
Hear Instagram co-founder explain how images are represented in binary, and how image filters work on the inside. This video is part of the Code.org video lectu...
Hear Instagram co-founder explain how images are represented in binary, and how image filters work on the inside. This video is part of the Code.org video lecture series for the upcoming Computer Science Principles high school course. For more about the curriculum see http://code.org/educate/csp. For other educational videos from Code.org see http://code.org/educate/videos.
Special thanks to Kevin Systrom and Instagram and Piper Hanson photography http://piperhanson.com
Help us translate into your language: http://code.org/translate/videos
Help us caption & translate this video!
Hear Instagram co-founder explain how images are represented in binary, and how image filters work on the inside. This video is part of the Code.org video lecture series for the upcoming Computer Science Principles high school course. For more about the curriculum see http://code.org/educate/csp. For other educational videos from Code.org see http://code.org/educate/videos.
Special thanks to Kevin Systrom and Instagram and Piper Hanson photography http://piperhanson.com
Help us translate into your language: http://code.org/translate/videos
Help us caption & translate this video!
- published: 11 Mar 2015
- views: 656841