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Tag: Health Care

Huntington Hospital Values Profits Over People

The deaths of 11 patients and the California Nurses Association’s battle to unionize nurses at the hospital in Pasadena, Calif., is emblematic of a larger problem—the corporatization of health care.

Posted on Jun 19, 2016 READ MORE


Square, Category Page

Single Payer

Posted on May 16, 2016 ENLARGE

Why Isn’t Everyone in Favor of Taxing Financial Speculation?

Why is there so little discussion about one of Bernie Sanders’s most important proposals—to tax financial speculation?

Posted on Apr 19, 2016 READ MORE

Clinton Health Care Hit Backfires as Evidence Shows Sanders Literally Right Behind Her

“Where was he when I was trying to get health care in ’93 and ’94?” ... Yeah, the photograph kind of says it all.

Posted on Mar 13, 2016 READ MORE

Ailing Vietnam Vets Hunt Through Ships’ Logs to Prove They Should Get Benefits

Neither the Navy nor the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has a comprehensive list of which ships went where during the Vietnam War. As a result, veterans themselves often have to prove their ships served in areas where Agent Orange was sprayed.

Posted on Mar 8, 2016 READ MORE

Why the Critics of Bernienomics Are Just Plain Wrong

Not a day goes by, it seems, without the mainstream media bashing Bernie Sanders’ economic plan and quoting certain economists as saying his numbers don’t add up. They’re wrong. You need to know the truth, and spread it.

Posted on Mar 3, 2016 READ MORE

Michael Moore Says His New Movie Will Change America

“Free universal health care, free university, free day care, taxing and policing hedge fund millionaires—have already happened in nearly every other industrialized country in the world! And I have the evidence—and the film—to prove it!”

Posted on Feb 11, 2016 READ MORE

No, I Won’t Vote for Hillary Clinton. And Yes, I Am a Feminist Millennial

Equating women’s support for Bernie Sanders with their not being true feminists is simply bunk. And many progressive millennials aren’t buying it.

Posted on Feb 11, 2016 READ MORE

Why The Washington Post’s Attack on Bernie Sanders’ Health Plan Is Wrongheaded at Best

The editorial board of The Washington Post has charged that Bernie Sanders’ plan rests on “unbelievable assumptions” about how much it would slash costs without affecting the care ordinary Americans receive.

Posted on Jan 31, 2016 READ MORE

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Care About the Details of Proposed Policies and Programs

Not a day passes that I don’t get a call from the media asking me to compare Bernie Sanders’ and Hillary Clinton’s tax plans, or bank plans, or health care plans. But detailed policy proposals are as relevant to the election of 2016 as is that gaseous planet beyond Pluto.

Posted on Jan 26, 2016 READ MORE

Rallying for Bernie Sanders, Seminar-Style

Pundits say voter anger is what characterizes this year’s presidential race, but it was a different story at a recent Sanders campaign gathering in Beverly Hills, where the candidate’s supporters quietly sought serious answers to issues including health insurance, fracking and campaign finance.

Posted on Jan 25, 2016 READ MORE

Paul Krugman Is Wrong. Here’s Why Bernie Sanders’ Movement Will Provide Real Change

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman last week warned Bernie’s supporters that change doesn’t happen with “transformative rhetoric” but with “political pragmatism”—“accepting half loaves as being better than none.” Krugman just doesn’t get it.

Posted on Jan 24, 2016 READ MORE

Finding a Cure for Bernie Sanders’ and Hillary Clinton’s Health Care Plans

Physicians and Green Party activist/politicians Jill Stein and Margaret Flowers say the two leading Democratic presidential candidates have something in common: covering up the failures of the Affordable Care Act.

Posted on Jan 22, 2016 READ MORE

VIDEO: Obama Offers a First Draft of His Legacy in Last State of the Union Speech

The president claimed he had the long view in sight when he addressed both houses of Congress, as well as the American people, in Tuesday’s State of the Union speech. But much of the work of his final appeal had to do with securing his legacy and boosting his party in the near future. 

Posted on Jan 13, 2016 READ MORE

Hillary Clinton Sheds Progressive Façade With Bold Rightward Lurch

From her call for a major air and ground war against Islamic State to her attack on single-payer health care, Clinton appears to be sprinting full speed to the right.

Posted on Nov 19, 2015 READ MORE

Trouble in Coal Country: Health Care at Risk for 12,000 Retired Miners and Their Families

Peabody Energy, the nation’s largest coal company, is seeking release from a pledge to pay into a health insurance fund.

Posted on Oct 28, 2015 READ MORE

Planned Parenthood

Posted on Oct 21, 2015 ENLARGE

VIDEO: Elizabeth Warren’s Furious Response to Republicans Who Are Trying to Roll Back Women’s Rights

“Did you fall down, hit your head and think you woke up in the 1950s?” began the Massachusetts senator’s angry address to her Republican colleagues on the Senate floor Monday.

Posted on Aug 5, 2015 WATCH & LISTEN

The Fight Over Obamacare Was a Giant Political Charade

Now that the Supreme Court has preserved the Affordable Care Act and private insurers have won, the real battle for single-payer health care must begin.

Posted on Jul 2, 2015 READ MORE

America’s Slave Empire

The only way brutality and economic exploitation in prisons can be halted is by attacking the system of neoslavery that defines our prison system. Alabama prisoners are leading a call for work stoppages in an effort to break the U.S. system of mass incarceration.

Posted on Jun 21, 2015 READ MORE

Who Created ISIS?

Posted on Jun 4, 2015 ENLARGE

US Left Behind

Posted on May 28, 2015 ENLARGE

A New Model in the Fight for Abortion Rights

The dramatic reversals this month of anti-gay laws in Indiana and Arkansas may offer a path for the pro-abortion-rights movement. The lesson from the LGBT community is clear: Find new allies and make noise. Lots more noise.

Posted on Apr 30, 2015 READ MORE

Two Big Roadblocks to Republican Victory in 2016

Two pillars of conservative Republicanism are crumbling just as the party is preparing for the presidential election. The right wing’s only hope may be the Supreme Court.

Posted on Apr 30, 2015 READ MORE


Posted on Mar 28, 2015 ENLARGE

The GOP Is Promoting War With Iran as a Campaign Strategy

With other arguments against the Democrats vanishing, only by turning the debate toward Iran can the Republicans survive. Netanyahu’s speech to Congress was just a political stunt to try to achieve that end.

Posted on Mar 20, 2015 READ MORE

spDuchamp (CC BY 2.0)

We Need a New Economic Model Because the Current Model Is Falling Apart

The economy toward which we’re hurtling—in which more and more is generated by fewer and fewer people who reap almost all the rewards, leaving the rest of us without enough purchasing power—can’t function.

Posted on Mar 19, 2015 READ MORE

Luke Bowerman

That’s All, Folks

Lest some colleague accuse me of burying the lede, here it is up front: I’m leaving Truthdig.

Posted on Mar 1, 2015 READ MORE


We Would Miss Obamacare

Will it take the repeal of the Affordable Care Act or its evisceration by the Supreme Court for us to appreciate what it’s actually done?

Posted on Feb 24, 2015 READ MORE

Obamacare Lawsuit? It’s the Money, Stupid

To see the big picture behind the latest legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act, follow the money.

Posted on Feb 22, 2015 READ MORE

Our Attitude Toward the Elderly Is Getting Old

Instead of dehumanizing our senior citizens, we should be prioritizing eldercare so that not just the rich can go out in comfort and dignity.

Posted on Feb 12, 2015 READ MORE


Juvenile Republicans Turn on One Another

If the party’s aim is to show Americans it is ready to govern, we are witnessing an epic fail.

Posted on Feb 7, 2015 READ MORE


Posted on Feb 6, 2015 ENLARGE

GOP Coverage

Posted on Feb 6, 2015 ENLARGE

Imagine Something Different

“Imagine if we did something different.” Those were just six words out of close to 7,000 that President Barack Obama spoke during his State of the Union address.

Posted on Jan 21, 2015 READ MORE

White House/Pete Souza

Obama: Damn the Torpedoes

“This is good news, people.” With those five words, President Obama made clear that he thinks it’s far more important to win a long-term argument with his partisan and ideological opponents than to pretend that they are eager to seize opportunities to work with him.

Posted on Jan 21, 2015 READ MORE

AP/Mandel Ngan

State of the Union: Bright Ideas, Dim Future

Obama fans loyally hailed the speech as a triumph. But in the real world if you don’t have the votes you’re a loser.

Posted on Jan 20, 2015 READ MORE

AP/Carolyn Kaster

The Devil You Know

It’s not often that name recognition is a bad thing. But from a marketing standpoint, Hillary Clinton is stuck in a rut.

Posted on Dec 30, 2014 READ MORE


Fight for Our Progressive Vision

Poll after poll shows that the American people support a progressive agenda that is not shared by the corporate media personalities who dominate the airwaves.

Posted on Dec 30, 2014 READ MORE

AP/Ramon Espinosa

What the U.S. Can Learn From Cuba’s Food Revolution

Long before President Obama’s historic opening, American and Cuban foodies have been exchanging cutting edge ideas in agriculture and health.

Posted on Dec 29, 2014 READ MORE

Is Universal Health Care Too Radical for Americans?

Although the country’s views have progressed in terms of gay rights and race, universal health care isn’t something Americans can get used to; a company in Japan offers people weddings to themselves; meanwhile, a confession by former officer Darren Wilson’s prosecutor may be cause to reopen the Ferguson case. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Posted on Dec 27, 2014 READ MORE

This Public Alabama Hospital Sues the Poorest of the Poor

More than a century ago, Alabama enshrined a basic protection in the state’s constitution shielding its poorest citizens from being forced to pay debts they couldn’t afford. But a public hospital in the mostly rural southeast corner of the state has found a way around the law.

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE

a katz /

What Is Chuck Schumer Up To?

The senior senator from New York says he was surprised that nine paragraphs in a 6,600-word speech got all the attention. He shouldn’t have been.

Posted on Dec 17, 2014 READ MORE

Comprehensive Study Shows Abortions Are ‘Very Safe’ and Far Less Risky Than Giving Birth

Despite the fact that officials all over the U.S. feel the need to regulate abortion as though it were a pernicious procedure, a study by UC San Francisco researchers shows that complications rarely occur after an abortion.

Posted on Dec 10, 2014 READ MORE

Illustration by Donkey Hotey (CC-BY)

An Economic Agenda for America: 12 Steps Forward

The American people must make a fundamental decision. Do we continue the 40-year decline of our middle class and the growing gap between the very rich and everyone else, or do we fight for a progressive economic agenda that creates jobs, raises wages, protects the environment and provides health care for all?

Posted on Dec 2, 2014 READ MORE


Obamacare vs. Scaliacare

It’s one thing for Congress, elected by the people, to undermine the Affordable Care Act. It’s quite another for the hyper-activist conservative justices on our Supreme Court to do it.

Posted on Nov 13, 2014 READ MORE

This ‘Daily Show’ Segment Reveals the Absurd Misconceptions Behind U.S. Anti-Immigration Sentiment

Who knew immigrating to America came with free computers and health care?

Posted on Nov 1, 2014 WATCH & LISTEN

harper kt /

Is the Minimum Wage Really a Living Wage?

Under pressure to raise his state’s minimum wage, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker confidently declared that there was no need to do so.

Posted on Oct 31, 2014 READ MORE

Screenshot From YouTube

Brittany Maynard: Choosing the Way a Life Ends

There is no way to hear Brittany Maynard’s voice without being deeply touched.

Posted on Oct 17, 2014 READ MORE

White House/Pete Souza

Let Obama and the CDC Do Their Jobs

If the prospect of hanging concentrates the mind, then even the possibility of infection with Ebola should do the same—for all of us.

Posted on Oct 17, 2014 READ MORE

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