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By Richard Rayner

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Tag: Campaign

How the Internet Is Empowering the Grass Roots and Transforming Democracy

While super PACs and superdelegates have been the focus of the public’s attention and frustration, an overlooked narrative is how eager people—especially the young—experience and participate in the political process in nontraditional ways.

Posted on Jun 1, 2016 READ MORE


Square, Category Page

Neil Young Now OK With Donald Trump Using His Music

“He actually got a license to use it,” the musician said.

Posted on May 26, 2016 READ MORE

Everybody Wants Bernie Sanders’ ‘Precious’

Democratic strategists covet the Sanders campaign’s “yuge” email list. But he’s not nearly ready to quit, so they’ll be waiting awhile.

Posted on Apr 24, 2016 READ MORE

The Best Reporting on Ted Cruz Through the Years

A look back at Ted Cruz’s career as seen through accountability stories and other in-depth reports.

Posted on Apr 13, 2016 READ MORE

National Prison Strike Campaign Vows to End ‘American Slave System’

Starting Sept. 9, prisoners across the United States will begin a coordinated work stoppage to call attention to what they contend is involuntary servitude.

Posted on Apr 2, 2016 READ MORE

How About an Election Without Polls?

Sen. Bernie Sanders won the Democratic presidential primary in Michigan, defeating Hillary Clinton—and all the pollsters.

Posted on Mar 9, 2016 READ MORE

Live Blog: Sparks Fly Between Sanders and Clinton in Flint Showdown (Updated)

Both the setting of Sunday night’s Democratic debate in Flint, Mich., and the timing were significant. Update: The two Democratic presidential hopefuls’ united front came tumbling down, and news broke that Sanders had won the Maine caucuses.

Posted on Mar 6, 2016 READ MORE

Michael Bloomberg Keeps White House Run at Arm’s Length as He Eyes Donald Trump With Dismay

After Joe Biden’s close call last fall, the latest subject of will-he-or-won’t-he scrutiny in this chaotic election cycle is former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. So ... will he?

Posted on Mar 3, 2016 READ MORE

The Graveyard of the Elites

The establishment structure is sliding toward its death, and the foremost sign of this is the silly and sickening display of “junk politics” that we call an election campaign.

Posted on Feb 28, 2016 READ MORE

Jeb Bush’s Last Stand

“It’s all been decided, apparently,” the GOP candidate said this week. “The pundits have made it all, we don’t have to go vote, I guess. I should stop campaigning maybe, huh?”

Posted on Feb 19, 2016 READ MORE

Highlighting Bernie Sanders’ Broad Appeal, Former NAACP Head Readies Key Endorsement

A growing list of black supporters could be key to running a campaign that will take Sanders to July’s Democratic National Convention.

Posted on Feb 4, 2016 READ MORE

At Town Hall and in Campaign Filings, Clinton’s Cozy Wall Street Ties Are on Display

Hillary Clinton defends her whopping speaking fees from Goldman Sachs by saying, “That’s what they offered.”

Posted on Feb 4, 2016 READ MORE

The Self-Proclaimed Winners of Iowa

Overall, it was a long evening that offered too many declarations of triumph—I counted four—and too little clarity about what either party ultimately wants in a presidential nominee.

Posted on Feb 2, 2016 READ MORE

Neoliberalism’s Zero Hour in the Heartland

Will Monday’s caucus in Iowa open the door wider to the political insurgents and leave the traditionalists gulping Xanax? Or will it expose Big Change as just a brief burst of lightning?

Posted on Jan 31, 2016 READ MORE

Clinton’s Lead Over Sanders Shrinking Nationwide, Poll Shows

A new survey shows Hillary Clinton losing front-runner status as Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders gains among crucial voting blocs.

Posted on Jan 13, 2016 READ MORE

Media’s Near Blackout on Bernie Sanders Keeps Many Voters in the Dark

The presidential candidate is having difficulty getting his face, and his policy positions, on television. And this week his campaign was roiled by a flap over unauthorized accessing of Democratic National Committee voter data.

Posted on Dec 18, 2015 READ MORE

To Trump and His Supporters, Blacks and Muslims Are the Enemy

In the Republican presidential candidate’s world, African-Americans and Muslim Americans are perpetrators of violence and terrorism. In the reality-based world, they are the victims.

Posted on Nov 25, 2015 READ MORE

VIDEO: How a Tattoo-Themed Prank on Jeb Bush’s Campaign Became Absurdist Performance Art

This is the story of a prank about a neck “tattoo” that simultaneously became the Jeb Bush campaign’s social media nightmare and really great comedy for the joker behind it.

Posted on Nov 12, 2015 WATCH & LISTEN

Even War Has Rules

Neither of the two recent Doctors Without Borders hospital attacks has been mentioned in any of the U.S. presidential debates or forums. Doesn’t anyone remember the Geneva Conventions?

Posted on Nov 11, 2015 READ MORE

VIDEO: Bernie Sanders Debuts First Campaign Ad

Called “Real Change,” the ad casts Sanders as a principled and down-to-earth populist leader with the backing of millions of individual donors and a determination to take on Wall Street.

Posted on Nov 1, 2015 WATCH & LISTEN

Joe Biden Announces He Won’t Run for President

After weeks of will-he-or-won’t-he speculation, the vice president gave pundits and Democratic candidates something concrete to work with: He won’t be joining the lineup of Democratic presidential hopefuls for the 2016 election.

Posted on Oct 21, 2015 READ MORE

Donald Trump as GOP Nominee? Not a Chance, Says Head of Jeb Bush’s Super PAC

Jeb Bush, the man who wants to be our nation’s third President Bush, has already taken some hits his team didn’t see coming this campaign season—but one very important member of his camp claims Jeb’s only getting revved up.

Posted on Oct 20, 2015 READ MORE

Clinton’s Biggest Obstacle Is Herself

The headlines screaming “Clinton’s Support Erodes” are true, but only in a relative sense. In the contest for the Democratic nomination, according to the polls she has slid all the way from “prohibitive favorite” to something like “strong favorite”—not bad, given the way she has hobbled herself with the email scandal. 

Posted on Sep 14, 2015 READ MORE

Could Donald Trump Take Jeb Bush Down?

While he’s busy trying to make America great again, at least in his own mind, GOP juggernaut Donald Trump could also be sinking Jeb Bush’s battleship.

Posted on Sep 13, 2015 READ MORE

We May Not Have Seen the Last of Hillary Clinton’s Deleted Emails

This is truly the age of the zombie—from the more obvious manifestations in the entertainment world to the political dynasties, scandals, illicit transactions and online artifacts that either refuse to be destroyed or rise again with renewed, sinister vigor.

Posted on Sep 13, 2015 READ MORE

Michael Stipe Blasts Donald Trump and His Ilk for Using R.E.M.’s Music: ‘Go F**k Yourselves’

Corporatist GOP candidate Donald Trump and vintage alterna-band R.E.M. both rose to prominence in the 1980s. The similarities between the two begin and end there.

Posted on Sep 10, 2015 READ MORE

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Huddles With Black Lives Matter Activists

Here’s one measure of how the Black Lives Matter movement has made its mark on national politics in a few short months: Some presidential candidates are recognizing the need to get with the proverbial program (or at least seem as if they are).

Posted on Aug 18, 2015 READ MORE

Trump Wingnut

Posted on Jul 23, 2015 ENLARGE


Posted on Jul 21, 2015 ENLARGE

Trump Surge

Posted on Jul 21, 2015 ENLARGE

The Huffington Post Has ‘Fired’ Donald Trump From Its Political Coverage

“We have decided we won’t report on Trump’s campaign as part of The Huffington Post’s political coverage,” the site announced Friday. “Instead, we will cover his campaign as part of our Entertainment section.”

Posted on Jul 17, 2015 READ MORE

Hillary Email Point

Posted on Jul 3, 2015 ENLARGE

Trump for President? Giving the GOP Nightmares

If Donald Trump survives the first three months of mass media drubbing and his notorious affliction of “leaving no impulsive opinion behind,” he’s going to be trouble for the other 15 or so Republican presidential candidates.

Posted on Jun 21, 2015 READ MORE

Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Speech: A Study in Whiplash-Inducing Contrasts

She took a page from Franklin Delano Roosevelt in her first major campaign speech, but Hillary Clinton is still Wall Street’s woman—a point not lost on some who took in her surreal show at Roosevelt Island’s Four Freedoms Park on Saturday.

Posted on Jun 14, 2015 READ MORE

Bush Spawn Returns

Posted on Jun 11, 2015 ENLARGE

VIDEO: Mike Huckabee Kicks Off 2016 Campaign: ‘We Were Promised Hope, but It Was Just Talk’

And then there were six: Former Arkansas governor and Fox News talking head Mike Huckabee brought the official tally of Republican candidates for the 2016 presidential contest to a half-dozen Tuesday, and he blasted his ex-rival, President Obama, while he was at it.

Posted on May 5, 2015 WATCH & LISTEN

Hillary Bill Crime

Posted on May 2, 2015 ENLARGE

Bernie Sanders Means Business With 2016 Presidential Run

This is no political stunt, folks: In his newest article, Rolling Stone’s biggest marquee reporter, Matt Taibbi, sizes up Sen. Bernie Sanders’ bid for the presidency in the 2016 election and concludes that Sanders is the real deal.

Posted on Apr 29, 2015 READ MORE

Hillary Clinton Spells It Out in Debut Ad: ‘I’m Running for President’

No doubt aiming to show voters that she’s in touch with the struggles and hopes of everyday Americans, Hillary Clinton unleashed a folksy first campaign spot Sunday to coincide with her announcement that she’s officially running for president in 2016.

Posted on Apr 12, 2015 WATCH & LISTEN

Hillary Clinton 2016: 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... (Updated)

By all indications, today will be the day when Hillary Clinton officially announces that she will, in fact, be running for president in the 2016 election.

Posted on Apr 12, 2015 READ MORE

Ted Cruz Set to Launch Presidential Campaign Monday

This should come as no surprise: The Republican U.S. senator from Texas will throw his hat in the ring as a contender for the White House in the 2016 election. Two of his advisers say he will make the announcement Monday.

Posted on Mar 22, 2015 READ MORE

Bibi’s Winning Strategy

Posted on Mar 19, 2015 ENLARGE

Hillary Clinton 2016: The Campaign Machine Grinds Into Gear (Updated)

Let’s be clear: All this recent commotion on Capitol Hill over Hillary Clinton’s emails isn’t about upholding some vaunted ideal of transparency in the innermost chambers of the U.S. government.

Posted on Mar 10, 2015 READ MORE

Is Hillary Hiding Something?

The Hillary Clinton email controversy is a reminder of one inescapable fact: She comes with baggage.

Posted on Mar 10, 2015 READ MORE


Netanyahu Tars Europe and U.S. for Anti-Semitism of Terrorists

A fundamental theme of Israeli propaganda—and virtually its sole theme under the governments of Benjamin Netanyahu—has been that anti-Semitism is responsible for the growing criticism of or hostility toward Israel and its policies.

Posted on Feb 24, 2015 READ MORE

Albert H. Teich/Shutterstock

Obama Derangement Syndrome

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s comments about the president have opened up a fire hose of nonsense from the Republican Party.

Posted on Feb 24, 2015 READ MORE

Why Jeb Bush Can’t Escape Dubya’s Dubious Legacy

Being singled out as “the smart brother” in an American political and financial dynasty like the Bush family must be a heavy load.

Posted on Feb 20, 2015 READ MORE

(Modified from Shutterstock.)

Don’t Believe in Evolution, Climate Change or Vaccines? You’re Not Fit to Be President

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who may run for the presidency, refused Wednesday to answer the direct questions “Are you comfortable with the idea of evolution? Do you believe in it?”

Posted on Feb 11, 2015 READ MORE

Maria Dryfhout /

What Romney Knows Can Hurt the Republicans

Mitt Romney announced Friday he would not seek the presidency a third consecutive time. However, reporting by Mark Halperin reveals that the former GOP nominee sees Jeb Bush as weak and has dirt on Chris Christie yet to be exposed.

Posted on Jan 30, 2015 READ MORE

Koch Brothers and Allies Plan to Unleash $889 Million in Funding for 2016 Campaign

It seems that in the coming presidential election season—occurring during an age of Citizens United and super PACs—super-wealthy political instigators such as the Koch brothers will have more sway over American politics than ever before.

Posted on Jan 27, 2015 READ MORE

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