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June 4, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Privacy Policy


Welcome to (the "Web Site," "Service" or "we"). At Truthdig, we appreciate your readership and value your personal privacy. We respect the personal nature of the information you provide us on the website and acknowledge the importance of protecting this information. In adopting this Privacy Policy, our intent is to balance our legitimate business interests in collecting and using your personal information with your reasonable expectations of privacy.

Traffic Data

When you visit Truthdig, our systems collect basic information about your computer, including Internet Protocol Address (IP Address), operating system, browser software and Internet Service Provider. We also collect information about what you view on the website. This information reflects our readership as a whole and is used to help us better understand and best serve the Truthdig community.

Use of Cookies

The website uses "cookies" -- a small piece of information which a web server can store temporarily with your web browser. We use cookies to track the type of content and web sites to which our users link, the length of time they spend at any particular web site and the Truthdig services they use. Cookies also help us diagnose problems with our server.

Email News and "Send to a Colleague" Feature

After signing up with Truthdig, users will receive email news and other occasional announcements from Truthdig. In order to distribute our email, we collect subscribers' email addresses. We do not share email addresses with other companies or partners. Users can unsubscribe from receiving emails from Truthdig at any time.

We offer a "Send to a Colleague" feature, which allows our users to inform others about a Dig or other Truthdig content they might be interested in. For this feature to function, we ask for email addresses from the sender and for the recipient. We do not store or save these email addresses and you will not receive any communication from Truthdig or its partners as a result of having used this feature.

Discussion Forums

Truthdig makes discussion forums available to its users. Please remember any information disclosed in these areas becomes publicly available, and therefore you should exercise caution when disclosing personal information. Also, pursuant to Truthdig's User Agreement, by using the website you grant Truthdig permission to use any content you post on the website for any purpose.

If you have any concerns about the discussion forums, send email to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).


From time to time Truthdig will conduct voluntary surveys of website visitors to obtain aggregate demographic information about them. This information may be compiled and shared in the aggregate with third parties, but no personal details will be traceable or associated with specific individuals.

Linking to Other Sites

The website may contain links to web sites operated and maintained by third parties, over which we have no control. Privacy policies on such linked sites may be different from our privacy policy. You access such linked sites at your own risk. You should always read the privacy policy of a linked site before disclosing any personal information on such websites.

Children's Guidelines

Protecting the rights of children is important to us. As a result, we do not collect or maintain any information from individuals we know to be under 13 years old, and no part of the website is intended to attract anyone under 13 years old.

Unsubscribe, Data Removal and Data Modification Policies

Truthdig allows users to opt-out of receiving communications from us and to modify or remove their information from our system. The following options are available to do so:

Send email to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Send mail to:

1158 26th Street, #443
Santa Monica, CA 90403-4698

Other Disclosure of Personal Information

Truthdig will not use or disclose your personal information without your consent, except (i) as described in this Privacy Policy or (ii) as required by law, court order or as requested by other government or law enforcement authority. This Privacy Policy does not protect information you post to any online bulletin board or other public forum within the Web Site.

Contacting Truthdig

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of the website or your dealings with the website, you can contact:

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Policy Changes

Truthdig reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time without notice, and only the current Privacy Policy may be deemed effective. If we decide to change our Privacy Policy in whole or in part, we will inform you by posting a notice on the website. Those changes will go into effect on the date posted in the notice. The new Privacy Policy will apply to all current and past users of the website and will replace any prior policies that are inconsistent.