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Does Barney Frank’s New Book Let Democrats Off the Hook?

In a discussion about former Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank’s new book, “Frank: A Life in Politics from the Great Society to Same-Sex Message,” Truthdig Editor-in-Chief Robert Scheer confronts Frank over President Bill Clinton’s role in creating the Great Recession and other issues dividing progressives from the Democratic Party leadership.

The interview was produced by Joshua Scheer and broadcast April 2 on KPFK.

Posted on Apr 3, 2015 READ MORE


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Why Famous People Lie About Combat

This week on Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: This week on Truthdig Radio, it’s Peter’s last show. Also, a retired federal agent is pro legalization of all drugs, America hates controversial art, the VA secretary is a liar and more.

Posted on Feb 27, 2015 READ MORE


If Ubiquitous Surveillance Doesn’t Stop Terrorism, Why Does the NSA Want to Know Everything?

This week on Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: Robert Scheer responds to new revelations about NSA hacks on hard drives and nearly every cell in the U.S. Also, David Blau on the childcare problem.

Posted on Feb 20, 2015 READ MORE

Take Your Best Guest

This week on Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: We revisit some of our favorite interviews from the past year. Topics include: war powers, banned books, the Koch brothers and the incredible journey of veteran turned pacifist Rory Fanning.

Posted on Feb 13, 2015 READ MORE

How Google Met the CIA, Plus Other Scary Stories From ‘They Know Everything About You’

This week on Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: Robert Scheer connects the dots on surveillance, the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership could break the Internet, a Super Bowl commercial embarrasses minimum-wage workers and the Republican candidates for president embarrass themselves.

Posted on Feb 6, 2015 READ MORE

How Do You Tell Your Girlfriend You’re Moving to Another Planet?

This week on Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: Dianne McGrath isn’t waiting for NASA to take her to Mars, Deon Taylor addresses the difficulties of a black director researching white supremacy, and Martin Luther King and Helen Caldicott join us, courtesy of the Pacific Archives and Brian DeShazer.

Posted on Jan 30, 2015 READ MORE

We’ve Got a Better Shot of Going to Mars Than Fixing Our Democracy

This week on Truthdig Radio: Finally a State of the Union worth talking about, plus Citizens United turns five and Robert Scheer reviews “Selma.”

Posted on Jan 23, 2015 READ MORE

What About the Christian Terrorists?

This week on Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: The Rev. Madison Shockley says it’s wrong to think of terrorists as Islamic or Christian, we reality check free speech in France, Elizabeth Warren pulls her party to the left, and Rory Fanning stands up to military recruiters.

Posted on Jan 16, 2015 READ MORE

Mr. Fish and Juan Cole on the Charlie Hebdo Massacre

This week on Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: We investigate what al-Qaida—or anyone—has to gain by killing cartoonists. Also: NASA finds habitable planets far, far away, and the FCC is doing something behind closed doors that you should probably know about.

Posted on Jan 9, 2015 READ MORE

Dennis Kucinich: There Isn’t Much Difference Between the Clintons and the Bushes

The former congressman explains how three members spirited a Russia sanctions bill through the House, and why the 2016 presidential race could present a false choice.

Posted on Dec 19, 2014 READ MORE

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