Nazi architecture, then and now – in pictures

Edit The Guardian 02 Jun 2016
Nazi architecture, then and now – in pictures ... the Buildings the Nazis Left ......

Story of cities #22: how Hitler's plans for Germania would have torn Berlin apart

Edit The Guardian 14 Apr 2016
Hitler’s megalomaniacal project to raze much of Berlin and transform it into his global Nazi capital killed thousands ... It is a chilling symbol of what might have been, had the Nazis managed to realise their plans ... Anyone wanting a hint of the scale aimed at can visit Berlin’s Olympic Stadium, Tempelhof airport or the former Reich Air Transport Ministry (now the finance ministry) for examples of Nazi architecture....

Refugee crisis: Thousands are living in cramped conditions in a former German airport waiting to ...

Edit The Independent 24 Mar 2016
Berlin’s gigantic Tempelhof airport, a Nazi architectural icon, is best known today for being the German capital’s biggest refugee camp. Since late last year up to 2,300 asylum seekers have been camped inside its vast aircraft hangers, sleeping 12 to a cubicle on wooden bunk beds and queuing up to use portable toilets ... Read more ....

Syria peace talks: Swiss setting adds surreal splendour to tense meeting

Edit The Independent 18 Mar 2016
Rather unfortunately for what is supposed to be the fulcrum of world peace, the austere neoclassical facade of the Palais des Nations, constructed in the early 1930s, has strong echoes of Nazi architecture. Read more ....

Race Movie Review

Edit The Times of India 10 Mar 2016
Olympic Committee chief Avery Brundage (Irons) negotiates not only with the Olympics Committee to get the USA to participate in the Olympics despite the Nazis' anti-Jew activities ... The CGI is effectively used to depict Nazi architecture (the brainchild of German architect Albert Speer, in real life) and its characteristic enormity of scale and size....

Germany struggles with remnants of the Reich

Edit Yahoo Daily News 28 Feb 2016
For it is here, at Zeppelin Field, where Adolf Hitler beguiled the masses in Nazi Party rallies held throughout the 1930s in this Bavarian city ... Ultimately, some historians argue, this gives Nazi architect Albert Speer exactly what he wanted ... Others believe that old Nazi architecture merits not a single cent from the public purse ... Old Nazi architecture, of course, exists everywhere in Germany....

‘Saul’ set exists on Auschwitz’s edges

Edit The Oklahoman 17 Feb 2016
There is the dead-eyed stare of the protagonist, Saul (played by Geza Röhrig), a Hungarian man who, as a Sonderkommando, is a prisoner forced to do the Nazis’ dirty work for them ... In this lightly edited conversation, he talks about his design process, what he has learned about Nazi architecture and why every architect should design at least one movie set in their lifetime....

Berlin can't sell Hitler's propaganda minister's sprawling lakeside villa

Edit Business Insider 27 Jan 2016
And the hangars of the former airport Tempelhof, a prime example of the Nazis' architectural gigantism, and the erstwhile headquarters of communist East Germany's feared ......

‘Hitler’s tourist resort’ pits German commercialism against dark Nazi past

Edit The Guardian 18 Dec 2014
The former Nazi property is being transformed for modern buyers ... Built by the Third Reich in the run-up to the second world war, the resort at Prora, on the island of Rügen, Germany, was a Nazi vision of tourism ... But a group of investors in this seaside town is now doing what the Nazis never could ... But it’s not just the cashing in on a major Nazi landmark that troubles opponents ... Nazi architecture....

Hitler's unfinished vacation paradise rises anew in Germany

Edit Sun Sentinel 17 Dec 2014
Built by the Third Reich in the run-up to World War II, the Strength Through Joy resort was a Nazi vision of tourism's future ... But a group of investors in this seaside town is now doing what the Nazis never could ... It's not just the cashing in on a major Nazi landmark that troubles opponents ... This way of dealing with the building trivializes it and affirms the Nazi regime." ... Nazi architecture....

Hitler’s holiday paradise is reinvented as condos, hotels and a spa

Edit The Independent 16 Dec 2014
Built by the Third Reich in the run-up to World War II, the Strength Through Joy resort was a Nazi vision of tourism’s future ... But a group of investors in this seaside town is now doing what the Nazis never could ... It’s not just the cashing in on a major Nazi landmark that troubles opponents ... This way of dealing with the building trivializes it and affirms the Nazi regime.” ... Nazi architecture....

Jonathan Jones’s top 10 art shows of 2014

Edit The Guardian 12 Dec 2014
In a year of eye-opening exhibitions of old and modern masters, it was something else to encounter a living giant ... Paintings of sublime Nazi architecture buried in ash froze the mind in limitless expanses of horror....

London’s architecture lacks Berlin’s sense of culture, says Chipperfield

Edit The Guardian 01 Dec 2014
“The column has a very particular relationship with Germany because Nazi architecture in a way confiscated it by using it as a sign of authority ... It was the most loaded and the most intense part of architecture and we lost it.”. As he spoke, standing amid the spruce-trunk columns, he gestured towards Hans Scharoun’s Philharmonie, opposite – its fluid, organic shapes deliberately eschewing echoes of Nazi architecture....