- published: 19 Aug 2012
- views: 15243
The Morgenthau Plan (German: Morgenthau-Plan), first proposed by United States Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr. in a memorandum entitled Suggested Post-Surrender Program for Germany, advocated that the Allied occupation of Germany following World War II include measures to eliminate Germany's ability to wage war by eliminating its armament industry, and the removal or destruction of other key industries basic to military strength. This included the removal or destruction of all industrial plants and equipment in the Ruhr.
In occupied Germany, the thinking behind the Morgenthau plan was at first reflected in the U.S. occupation directive JCS 1067 and in the Allied Industrial plans for Germany aimed at "industrial disarmament". Compared with the Morgenthau Plan, however, JCS 1067 contained a number of deliberate "loopholes", limiting any action to short-term military measures and preventing large-scale destruction of mines and industrial plants, giving wide-ranging discretion to the military governor and Morgenthau's opponents at the War Department. JCS 1067 was later replaced by JCS 1779, which aimed at restoring a "stable and productive Germany" and was soon followed by the Marshall Plan.
Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician who was the leader of the Nazi Party (NSDAP), Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and Führer ("leader") of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945. He was effectively dictator of Nazi Germany, and was a central figure of World War II in Europe and the Holocaust.
Hitler was a decorated veteran of World War I. He joined the precursor of the NSDAP, the German Workers' Party, in 1919 and became leader of the NSDAP in 1921. In 1923, he attempted a coup in Munich to seize power. The failed coup resulted in Hitler's imprisonment, during which time he dictated his autobiography and political manifesto Mein Kampf ("My Struggle"). After his release in 1924, Hitler gained popular support by attacking the Treaty of Versailles and promoting Pan-Germanism, anti-Semitism, and anti-communism with charismatic oratory and Nazi propaganda. Hitler frequently denounced international capitalism and communism as being part of a Jewish conspiracy.
Anselm Kiefer (born 8 March 1945) is a German painter and sculptor. He studied with Joseph Beuys and Peter Dreher during the 1970s. His works incorporate materials such as straw, ash, clay, lead, and shellac. The poems of Paul Celan have played a role in developing Kiefer's themes of German history and the horror of the Holocaust, as have the spiritual concepts of Kabbalah.
In his entire body of work, Kiefer argues with the past and addresses taboo and controversial issues from recent history. Themes from Nazi rule are particularly reflected in his work; for instance, the painting "Margarethe" (oil and straw on canvas) was inspired by Paul Celan's well-known poem "Todesfuge" ("Death Fugue").
His works are characterised by an unflinching willingness to confront his culture's dark past, and unrealised potential, in works that are often done on a large, confrontational scale well suited to the subjects. It is also characteristic of his work to find signatures and/or names of people of historical importance, legendary figures or historical places. All of these are encoded sigils through which Kiefer seeks to process the past; this has resulted in his work being linked with the movements New Symbolism and Neo–Expressionism.
The Morgenthau Plan (AKA The Jewish plan to rid the world of Germans.) I take this somewhat personally since if this Evil JEWISH plan had been implimented I would NOT be typing this! The Morgenthau Plan, proposed by United States Secretary of the Treasury Henry (The Jew) Morgenthau, Jr., advocated that the Allied occupation of Germany following World War II include measures to eliminate Germany's ability to wage war. (AKA Genocide) Roosevelt's support for the plan Secretary of the Treasury Henry J. Morgenthau Jr. convinced Roosevelt to write to Secretary of State Cordell Hull and Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson saying that a US occupation policy which anticipated that "Germany is to be restored just as much as the Netherlands or Belgium" was excessively lenient. A better policy wo...
Morgenthau-Plan http://de.metapedia.org/wiki/Morgenthau-Plan Kaufman-Plan http://de.metapedia.org/wiki/Kaufman-Plan Hooton-Plan http://de.metapedia.org/wiki/Hooton-Plan Deutschland muss vernichtet werden ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JgNTzcXT20 Die geplante Vernichtung: Der Weg zur Weltherrschaft http://www.amazon.de/Die-geplante-Vernichtung-Der-Weltherrschaft/dp/394173007X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid;=1404552577&sr;=8-1&keywords;=die+geplante+vernichtung Sargon87 auf Skype: lichtkrieger999
Mark Weber comments on Revisionism. Pro. Kubek discusses the Morganthau Plan to exterminate the Germans.
This video was recently deleted for "graphic content", while hundreds of gruesome holocaust videos are shown under "education" or "political". There is nothing overly graphic about malnourished young German women and children who experienced crimes against humanity shortly after WW2. Why is one form of history accepted and encouraged in distribution, but another such as this removed under internet laws of "hate speech"? Please download this video if it interests you, and share it. This is forgotten history and is forgotten purely because of the saying "History is written by the victor". The moral here is that there is not dedicated good or evil in full scare world war, and much horrific crimes are hidden for propagandist purposes.
Die von den Siegermächten mit einer Art Gouverneurs-Lizenzen ausgestatteten Polit-Eliten der BRD, schützen seit dem Siegerneuanfang auf deutschem Boden diese abscheuliche Hasspropaganda, sogar mit dem Strafrecht. Sie geben Adolf Hitler die Schuld an dem von Groß Britannien und Frankreich am 3. September 1939 erklärten Krieg gegen Deutschland. Obwohl Adolf Hitler besiegt und tot ist, die wahre Erinnerung in einem Lügensud ertränkt wurde, stellen die Europäer, angeführt von der Lobby-Presse, die BRD sozusagen auf eine Stufe mit Adolf Hitler. Der Feind ist also Deutschland, egal, ob Deutschland von einem Adolf Hitler oder einer Hitlerhasserin wie und Krypto-Jüdischer Abstammung Angela Merkel geführt wird. Kaufman hatte diese Mordpropaganda bereits vorgeben: "Dieser Krieg ist keinesfalls ein K...
Please Visit: http://northwestfront.org http://northwestfront.net http://downwithjugears.blogspot.co.uk http://trutube.tv Please Also Visit: http://911missinglinks.com http://aconversationaboutrace.com http://ae911truth.org/ http://age-of-treason.blogspot.co.uk http://ajkraad.wix.com/genocide-museum http://AlternativeRight.com http://alexkurtagic.info http://american3rdposition.com http://Amren.com http://antiwhitemedia.com http://anu.org http://arthurkemp.com http://aryanlegacy.net http://aryanwear.com http://attackthesystem.com http://awpn.net http://barnesreview.org http://beforeitsnews.com http://blacksuninvictus.org http://bloc-identitaire.com http://blogtalkradio.com/avoiceformen http://brasilantiantifa.blogspot.co.uk http://breitbart.com https://breivikreport.wordpress.com http:/...
Der bekanntesten Plan zu deutschen Endlösung ist der Morgenthau-Plan vom August 1944. Er beinhaltet einen umfassenden Entwurf zur Umwandlung Deutschlands in einen Agrarstaat - nach dem absehbaren Sieg der Alliierten im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Dieser Plan zum Völkermord an den Deutschen ist auch deshalb der bedeutendste, weil er nicht von irgendeinem Professor oder dem Präsidenten einer Kommission initiiert wurde, sondern vom damals amtierenden Finanzminister der USA, Henry Morgenthau. Folgende Punkte sind als Originalzitate dem Buch entnommen: „Alle industriellen Anlagen und Ausrüstungen sollen vollständig abgebaut und entfernt werden. Die gesamte Ausrüstung der Kohlenbergwerke soll entfernt und die Bergwerke selbst vollständig vernichtet werden. Abtretung weiter deutscher Gebiete in Ost und We...
Source: Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation 1944-1950, James Bacque, Copyright 1997 The Morgenthau Plan for destruction of German industry led to the deaths of millions of Germans, years after the war's end. This video is available on web. http://easyadultvids.info/communism/
Clip from the BBC Imagine documentary in which Anself Kiefer discusses his Morgenthau Plan canvases, exhibited at the Royal Academy in London in 2014.
Installation video of: ANSELM KIEFER: Morgenthau Plan May 3--June 8, 2013 Gagosian Gallery West 21st Street, New York Video by Trebuchet Interactive . Installation video of: ANSELM KIEFER: Morgenthau Plan May 3--June 8, 2013 Gagosian Gallery West 21st Street, New York Video by Trebuchet Interactive . Installation video of: ANSELM KIEFER: Next Year in Jerusalem November 6 - December 18, 2010 Gagosian Gallery West 24th Street, New York Video shot by . James Kalm goes on the DL (Down Low) again to bring viewers exclusive unauthorized video footage of Anselm Kiefer's the Morganthau Plan. From the .
Ursula Haverbeck talks about the migrant crisis in Europe, Germany, the world wars, Hooton plan, Nizer plan, Morgenthau plan, and more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSoH6awA53s subtitles by DIDI 18
Click below for a FREE download of a colorfully illustrated 132 page e-book on the Zionist-engineered INTENTIONAL destruction of Western civilization. Click on the "DOWNLOAD (7.55 MB)" green banner link. Booklet updated on June 15th, 2016. (Now with over 100,000 Downloads!) PDF file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/at4h55x7mmbtoc7/WNDebateBooklet_06-15-16.pdf MS Word file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/g3zi0cvqsvvij1c/WNDebateBooklet_06-15-16.docx Notepad Promotional YouTube Comment: http://www.mediafire.com/download/g3zi0cvqsvvij1c/WNDebateBooklet_06-15-16.docx 2 minute promotional BOOKLET video @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RALHR35iY6E Are you interested in helping spread the booklet download link across the world? Then why not simply copy this text (& links) and paste it i...
Gregorianisches Jahr 2016/2017 - Jüdisches Jahr 5777 wo ist die zeit geblieben germanische geschichte - der älteste brunnen europas 7.500 jahre alt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKVg9OlQbQo germanische geschichte - donau schrift vor 7.000 jahren https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ptf9SbgVX5c ausbreitung der religionen 3000j https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvFl6UBZLv4 paneuropa map http://jmguieu.free.fr/Enseignements/AGREG/CK_world.jpg Coudenhove Kalergi Plan - european genocide 2010 bekam antichrist merkel den Europapreis von der Europa-Gesellschaft Coudenhove-Kalergi http://www.bundeskanzlerin.de/ContentArchiv/DE/Archiv17/Artikel/2011/01/2011-01-13-merkel-europapreis.html Merkel würdigte zugleich das beständige Arbeiten der Europa-Gesellschaft für die europ...
Anself Kiefer discusses his Morgenthau Plan canvases, exhibited at the Royal Academy in London in 2014 This is the Morgenthau series, begun in 2012 and named after a leaked, but (obviously) never implemented American plan to de-industrialise Germany at the end of the war. The title of the series refers to the Morgenthau Plan of 1944, proposed by the American Treasury Secretary, Henry Morgenthau Jr. His idea was to turn Germany into a pre-industrial, agricultural nation in order to limit her ability to wage wars in the future. In this clip from the Imagine film, we see Kiefer arranging the Morgenthau room at the Royal Academy and admitting that, having created these rather beautiful paintings of wheat fields and flowers, he thought they might appear ‘too comforting’ so he sought to give...
Link zu meinem Blog Wahrheit Inside https://wahrheitinside.wordpress.com/ NWO = Neue Weltordnung - Versklavung P.S. An alle die dies gern tun würden - Herunterladen und neu hochladen (Zwecks Verbreitung) erwünscht
Rede vom Landtagsabgeordneten Jürgen Gansel aus dem Jahr 2005 Entlarvende (historische) Zitate zur Zeitgeschichte https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7Swr... Freispruch für Deutschland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=re6cn... Das ist die Bunzelrepublik - Nicht Deutschland ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKBgf... Der Morgenthau/Kaufmann/Hooten Plan (Deutschland Ausradieren) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3W2i_... Preußen und die Wurzeln des Erfolgs http://www.amazon.de/Preu%C3%9Fen-Wur... Die falsche Rolle mit Deutschland http://www.amazon.de/Die-falsche-Roll... Der geplante Tod http://www.amazon.de/Der-geplante-Kri... Der Kult mit der Schuld http://www.amazon.de/Der-Kult-Schuld-...
DER KAUFMANN-PLAN, DER HOOTON- PLAN, DER MORGENTHAU-PLAN UND DER KALERGI-PLAN. (HELIODA1) TAG-X – Deutschland Erwache! Völkermord an 66 Mio. Deutschen Gerd Honsik (1941 in Wien) dokumentiert, daß die USA nach der deutschen Kapitulation weitere 13,2 Mio. Deutsche ermordeten vor allem durch VERHUNGERNLASSEN, und nennt als QUELLEN u.a. Kanzler ADENAUER, US-Präsident ROOSEVELT, US-Außenminister HULL. [VERGLEICHE "DAS BUCH VON 1941", WELTERSTE DIGITAL-NEUHERAUSGABE AUF HAUPTSEITE "GESAMTSCHAU-DIGITAL: CARL HUTERs MENSCHENKENNTNIS & KALLISOPHIE www.chza.de RUBRIK "LICHT". End Wolfgang Timm, Carl-Huter-Zentral-Archiv, Husum, Madrid, Shanghai.] Dies wurde bis heute drakonisch wegzensiert, um die FRIEDENSMASKE DER USA aufzubauen, hinter der die CDU unser Land weiter ins Verderben treibt: in die...
Es ist mittlerweile über ein Jahr her, seit dem die Flüchtlingsströme richtig explodiert sind. Damals habe ich das Video "Nachhilfe für Gutmenschen" erstellt, mit diesem Video möchte ich an jenes anknüpfen und euch ein bisschen die Pläne von Nizer, Kaufman, Hooton, Morgenthau und Kalergi erläutern. Quellen: Destabilisierung mittels der Migrationswaffe - Prof. Dr. Michael Vogt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIFX7kfN-hs Dr. Alfons Proebstl: Wissensmanufaktur trifft Satire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArzjApO1QxM Asylsuchende in der EU http://www.noz-cdn.de/media/documents/eu-asylsuchende_1442239085.jpeg Zusammenfassung | Guido Reil bei Markus Lanz | 20.09.2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyGRFWEn8KU Nachhilfe für Gutmenschen - Flüchtlingskrise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTSi...
Research: Jewish Ritual Murder, Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited, Jura Lina The Jewish Hand in Bolshevism, The Other Israel, The Jewish conspiracy, Understanding anti-semitism, The Khazarian Conspiracy, A Devil in disguise, Auschwitz the Missing Cyanide, Judea declares war on Germany, Dumb portrayal of evil Buchenwald, David Cole at Auschwitz, One third of the holocaust, Auschwitz why the gas-chambers are a myth, The last days of the big lie, The persecution of Revisionists, Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel, Ethnic Germans A Forgotten Genocide, The Money Masters, (Videos) On youtube or http://trutube.tv/ Deutsch : "Schwindlers liste" ” Auschwitz die warheit" "Holocaust meine mutter hat uns belogen" “Das problem der gaskammern” “ Ernst Zündel interview mit Thies Christop...
Texe Marrs talks about the war criminal Dwight Eisenhower, who changed the category of millions of German prisoners of war (POW) into disarmed enemy forces (DEF) stripping them of human rights and starving them to death. This is known as the 'Morgenthau plan' or 'Eisenhower holocaust', blaming the nazis and saying the victims were Jews. It is time to wake up and smell the coffee.
Research: Jewish Ritual Murder, Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited, Jura Lina The Jewish Hand in Bolshevism, The Other Israel, The Jewish conspiracy, Understanding anti-semitism, The Khazarian Conspiracy, A Devil in disguise, Auschwitz the Missing Cyanide, Judea declares war on Germany, Dumb portrayal of evil Buchenwald, David Cole at Auschwitz, One third of the holocaust, Auschwitz why the gas-chambers are a myth, The last days of the big lie, The persecution of Revisionists, Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel, Ethnic Germans A Forgotten Genocide, The Money Masters, (Videos) On youtube or http://trutube.tv/ Deutsch : "Schwindlers liste" ” Auschwitz die warheit" "Holocaust meine mutter hat uns belogen" “Das problem der gaskammern” “ Ernst Zündel interview mit Thies Christop...
Research: Jewish Ritual Murder, Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited, Jura Lina The Jewish Hand in Bolshevism, The Other Israel, The Jewish conspiracy, Understanding anti-semitism, The Khazarian Conspiracy, A Devil in disguise, Auschwitz the Missing Cyanide, Judea declares war on Germany, Dumb portrayal of evil Buchenwald, David Cole at Auschwitz, One third of the holocaust, Auschwitz why the gas-chambers are a myth, The last days of the big lie, The persecution of Revisionists, Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel, Ethnic Germans A Forgotten Genocide, The Money Masters, (Videos) On youtube or http://trutube.tv/ Deutsch : "Schwindlers liste" ” Auschwitz die warheit" "Holocaust meine mutter hat uns belogen" “Das problem der gaskammern” “ Ernst Zündel interview mit Thies Christop...
Research: Jewish Ritual Murder, Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited, Jura Lina The Jewish Hand in Bolshevism, The Other Israel, The Jewish conspiracy, Understanding anti-semitism, The Khazarian Conspiracy, A Devil in disguise, Auschwitz the Missing Cyanide, Judea declares war on Germany, Dumb portrayal of evil Buchenwald, David Cole at Auschwitz, One third of the holocaust, Auschwitz why the gas-chambers are a myth, The last days of the big lie, The persecution of Revisionists, Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel, Ethnic Germans A Forgotten Genocide, The Money Masters, (Videos) On youtube or http://trutube.tv/ Deutsch : "Schwindlers liste" " Auschwitz die warheit" "Holocaust meine mutter hat uns belogen" "Das problem der gaskammern" " Ernst Zündel interview mit Thies Christoph...