Modern Studies is a subject unique to the Scottish secondary school curriculum , that is concerned with the study of local, national and international issues from a social, political and economic perspective. Most pupils will study Modern Studies for all, or at least most, of 1st and 2nd Year of secondary school and thereafter may elect to study the subject during the following years towards Standard Grades or National Qualifications. Some schools do not teach Modern Studies as a discrete subject, choosing instead to integrate History, Geography and Modern Studies into a Social Subjects course, at least in S1.
Modern Studies is concerned with the study of seven key concepts;
Act, speak, or make decisions on behalf of other people, e.g. an MP speaking for his/her constituents in the Parliament.
Freedoms we are entitled to and duties or obligations we have as a result, e.g. the right to vote and the responsibility to use the vote wisely.
Joining in, taking part, becoming involved, e.g. standing as a candidate in an election.