- published: 14 Mar 2014
- views: 53021
The Ossetians or Ossetes (Ossetian: ир, ирæттæ, ir, irættæ; дигорæ, дигорæнттæ, digoræ, digorænttæ) are an Iranian ethnic group of the Caucasus Mountains, indigenous to the region known as Ossetia. They speak Ossetic, an Iranian language of the Eastern branch of the Indo-European languages family, with most also fluent in Russian as a second language. The Ossetians are mostly Eastern Orthodox Christian, with a Muslim minority.
The Ossetians mostly populate Ossetia, which is politically divided between North Ossetia–Alania in Russia, and South Ossetia, which since the 2008 South Ossetia war has been de facto independent from Georgia.
The Ossetians and Ossetia received their name from the Russians, who adopted the Georgian designations Osi (sing., pl.: Osebi) and Oseti ("the land of Osi"), used since the Middle Ages for the Iranian-speaking population of the Central Caucasus and probably based on the old Alan self-designation "As". As the Ossetians lacked any single inclusive name for themselves in their native language, these terms were accepted by the Ossetians themselves already before their integration into the Russian Empire.
Real Sarmatians: Very few individuals are even aware of the existence of these forgotten northern Iranians. In the west, the Sarmatians are incorrectly assumed to be another group of "Eastern Germans" (Ostrogoths). Some western authors have recently attempted to avoid referring to the Saramatians Iranian origins. Nevertheless History cannot be changed and the descendents of the Saramatians now live in a region called Ossetia (between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Georgia). The Ossetians speak an Iranian language related to the Farsi of Iran. The Ossetians descend from Iranian tribes of Eurasia, namely Alans, Sarmatians and Scythians. They became Christians during the early Middle Ages under Georgian and Byzantine influence. In the 8th century a consolidated Alan kingdom, re...
Multiethnic Georgia - History Ossetians in Georgia Многонациональная Грузия - История осетин в Грузии
Genetic shock for pan-Iranists and pan-Indo-Europeanist (essentially the same): Russian biochemist, founder and president of the international Academy of DNA Genealogy, Anatoly Klyosov enlightens us with the harsh truth of DNA. The fake Scytho-Iranian theory, fabricated by Abaev and other Indo-European fundamentalists in the 1940's, is officially debunked by genetics. Генетик: Осетины не аланы!!
CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: PICTURES INCLUDED IN THIS EDIT WERE SHOT BY AN AP CAMERAMAN ON A RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTRY FACILITY SHOTLIST AP TELEVISION Near Kelchua, South Ossetia 1. Mid of vehicles travelling near the border, destroyed buildings formally belonging to Georgian civilians 2. Various of destroyed buildings 3. Wide of villages which are on the border between Georgia and South Ossetia 4. Various of Russian soldiers manning check-point on road near border 5. Soldiers searching car Kelchua, South Ossetia 6. Wide of house in South Ossetian village of Kelchua 7. Mid of old woman Etery Kisiyeva seated crying 8. SOUNDBITE: (Ossetian) Etery Kisiyeva, resident of Kelchua: "We lived here, and last year the terrible war came in our houses. My son died, my grandson was wounded, o...
Іриштон (Осетія) - древні скіфо-сармати з України. Пісня про Іриштон (досл. Аріястан, земля аріїв, той ж самий корінь в назві Іран - Аріян). Осетинська (Яська) мова це та ж скіфська / сарматська, що колись лунала в українських степах і долинах. Сармати (роксолани, яси / ясоги, сіраки, алани) зіграли рольу формуванні українців, що підтверджується наявністю скіфсько-сарматського звуку г (h) в українській мові - одна з багатьох проте важливих мовних рис, що робить українців українцями - адже етнічні росіяни (ані поляки, серби чи болгари) не можуть вимовити цього українсько-скіфського "г". Слід згадати чисельне українське племя карпатських горватів, де навіть сама назва горват - сарматська. Їх войовнича культура знаходить паралель в укр. козацтві. Сармати мали вплив на словян теж в релігійні...
It’s been seven years since Russian and Georgian forces went to war. The reason? A breakaway region in the Georgian heartland known as South Ossetia. But in the years since, what has happened in the region and what bearing does this have on Georgia’s potential integration into NATO and the EU?
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Осетин Осетины Осетия Алания Иристон Ирон Владикавказ Беслан Цхинвал Русский Россия Абхаз Абхазия Грузин Грузия Армянин Армения Чеченец Чечня Азербайджанец Азербайджан Ингуш Ингушетия Кабардинец Кабардино Балкария Черкес Черкесия Дагестанец Дагестан Москва Питер Кавказ Russia Osetin Osetini Ossetia Alania Iron Vladikavkaz Beslan Cxinval Kavkaz Moskva Piter
BBC Newsnight broadcast of november 2008, dedicated to figuring out a theory what happened, and who started what in the Georgian-Russian war over South-Ossetia, which sparked controversy at the time, putting a lot of blame at the Georgian side. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/newsnight/7722806.stm Interestingly, some of the "factfinding" contradicts "facts" that Andrei Nekrasov uncovers in his appraised documentary "Russian Lessons". http://www.filmfestivalrotterdam.com/en/iffr-2010/news-2010/andre/ Especially the claims that the Russians were not prepared. Which they were, with a whole tank batallion waiting at the Roki tunnel, ready to go through into Georgian territory (South-Ossetia) (well documented fact, the BBC just dismisses the timing of the border crossing as claimed by ...